Limbaugh Says "Keep your chins up, conservatives"


Jul 17, 2013
And I Agree. As a conservative we can not just go home with our tails between our legs and head sank low. We need to hold our head high to look forward. While the liberals are celebrating we need to notice that America is not enjoying the Affordable Care Act.

There as has been a lot going on with the GOP recently. I was reading this article where it states:
The shutdown was not the disaster he promised any more than sequestration has been; he was hyper-partisan and gratuitously punitive during the ordeal; and his egregious misrepresentations about Obamacare were manifesting themselves throughout.

Now, having laid this important foundation, the GOP must quit the infighting and come together with mutual respect among the factions and turn its rhetorical weapons on Obama in unison, highlighting the ongoing disaster that is Obamacare and singling out Obama for his fiscal recklessness, pointing out that though these temporary government shutdowns are no picnic, we are headed inexorably toward a full-blown fiscal catastrophe if the Obama big-government juggernaut is not derailed.
Source: | LIMBAUGH: Keep your chins up, conservatives

This is just the foundation we will build on this to come out the other side stronger and better then ever!

Lock step it out you heard Limp balls. You didn't get beat, you were trying to break dems hands with your eyes ya!
Gee, I was really sure that he was going to give the .... "It's OK to pull your head out of your ass now" speech.

And I Agree. As a conservative we can not just go home with our tails between our legs and head sank low. We need to hold our head high to look forward. While the liberals are celebrating we need to notice that America is not enjoying the Affordable Care Act.

There as has been a lot going on with the GOP recently. I was reading this article where it states:
The shutdown was not the disaster he promised any more than sequestration has been; he was hyper-partisan and gratuitously punitive during the ordeal; and his egregious misrepresentations about Obamacare were manifesting themselves throughout.

Now, having laid this important foundation, the GOP must quit the infighting and come together with mutual respect among the factions and turn its rhetorical weapons on Obama in unison, highlighting the ongoing disaster that is Obamacare and singling out Obama for his fiscal recklessness, pointing out that though these temporary government shutdowns are no picnic, we are headed inexorably toward a full-blown fiscal catastrophe if the Obama big-government juggernaut is not derailed.
Source: | LIMBAUGH: Keep your chins up, conservatives

This is just the foundation we will build on this to come out the other side stronger and better then ever!


We will begin to realize a stronger image, when and if the party leadership learns that they have to start talking to the voters, in a language they understand, and bring home to them how these socialistic policies are hurting them directly and indirectly.

Drive home the facts about how Obamacare is affecting their jobs and their incomes. Drive home the facts about how the greatest health insurance in the world is useless without an adequate supply of doctors and other health professionals. Drive home the fact that putting your personal financial and medical data on line, without adequate security safeguards is just asking for your identity to be stolen.

Drive home the fact that a policy allowing illegal immigrants to remain in America, while devising methods to keep them from working and making a living, is patently stupid. Drive home the fact that socialistic policies and elitest attitudes, have lowered the work ethic of many young Americans, and make them less desirable as employees than hard working and dependable illegals.

Drive home the fact that over 360 million Americans live in America, and that they all need food, homes, clothes, etc., and this cannot be accomplished without using our natural resouces, and without some pollution in our air and water. Humans continually foul the air and water, just by being alive. They foul it more through farming, mining, construction, and transportation. The alternative is getting rid of people.
Lock step it out you heard Limp balls. You didn't get beat, you were trying to break dems hands with your eyes ya!

This is hilarious combined with your equally stupid signature. If Republicans were about party over country, they would be in lock-step across the board, like you idiot democrats. The fact that the GOP is in crisis is proof that a lot of them don't give a shit about party politics anymore, but are acting on principle, a concept unknown to the scumbags you support.
Not the time to give up. Time to get rid of the RINO leadership and become a genuine Conservative alternative. If they won't go, then leave them and move on with a new party. No, it can't happen overnight. Even in Germany it took several years. Then nobody (well, except a few) liked the result but that's exactly what's coming. And that'll be unfortunate. But, as America has grown comfortable with Socialism it will all too willingly get used to something else.
Limbaugh Says "Keep your chins up, conservatives" and your wallet open so I can keep getting rich off your reactionary stupidity.

I may have not been around here long, but long enough to recognize the limp stylings of the House Dipshit. Thanks for being predictable.:clap2:
Lock step it out you heard Limp balls. You didn't get beat, you were trying to break dems hands with your eyes ya!

This is hilarious combined with your equally stupid signature. If Republicans were about party over country, they would be in lock-step across the board, like you idiot democrats. The fact that the GOP is in crisis is proof that a lot of them don't give a shit about party politics anymore, but are acting on principle, a concept unknown to the scumbags you support.

They are lock step you heard Limbaugh
Not the time to give up. Time to get rid of the RINO leadership and become a genuine Conservative alternative. If they won't go, then leave them and move on with a new party. No, it can't happen overnight. Even in Germany it took several years. Then nobody (well, except a few) liked the result but that's exactly what's coming. And that'll be unfortunate. But, as America has grown comfortable with Socialism it will all too willingly get used to something else.

so you're planning on burning the riechstag and blaming the jews?
Limbaugh Says "Keep your chins up, conservatives" and your wallet open so I can keep getting rich off your reactionary stupidity.

I may have not been around here long, but long enough to recognize the limp stylings of the House Dipshit. Thanks for being predictable.:clap2:

Talking to yourself in the mirror again, pennywise. It's called projection.
And I Agree. As a conservative we can not just go home with our tails between our legs and head sank low. We need to hold our head high to look forward. While the liberals are celebrating we need to notice that America is not enjoying the Affordable Care Act.

There as has been a lot going on with the GOP recently. I was reading this article where it states:
The shutdown was not the disaster he promised any more than sequestration has been; he was hyper-partisan and gratuitously punitive during the ordeal; and his egregious misrepresentations about Obamacare were manifesting themselves throughout.

Now, having laid this important foundation, the GOP must quit the infighting and come together with mutual respect among the factions and turn its rhetorical weapons on Obama in unison, highlighting the ongoing disaster that is Obamacare and singling out Obama for his fiscal recklessness, pointing out that though these temporary government shutdowns are no picnic, we are headed inexorably toward a full-blown fiscal catastrophe if the Obama big-government juggernaut is not derailed.
Source: | LIMBAUGH: Keep your chins up, conservatives

This is just the foundation we will build on this to come out the other side stronger and better then ever!


Didja notice that piece you quoted doesn't say, "Gee, guys, we really need to come up with some superior ideas to offer as alternatives to the Democrats' ideas!"


That's the GOP's gigantic blind spot. They are completely bankrupt of ideas, and so all they know how to do is attack the other guy's ideas.

In the immortal words of Mitch McConnell, "I can tell you what we are NOT going to do!" Then he proceeded to go on to tell how the GOP was not going to do whatever the Democrats propose. He never said what the GOP would do!

Read the words I highlighted in that quote. Their whole strategy is to focus on whining and pessimism. That's the modern GOP.
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Biggest issue GOP has, outside of Tea Party, is that they have a$$clowns like Lush, ooops Freudian slip, RUSH as their spokesman!! The best thing they could do, is to distance themselves from him...
Remember when Obama was complaining (rightfully) that no one in the gop had the stones to call Rush and Beck on the insantity they were peddling? And whenever any goper tried, they were shouted down. Well, Well, Well.
"[H]ighlighting the ongoing disaster that is Obamacare and singling out Obama for his fiscal recklessness, pointing out that though these temporary government shutdowns are no picnic, we are headed inexorably toward a full-blown fiscal catastrophe".

That's not keeping your chin up. That's sulking and whining like a five year old.
Limbaugh Says "Keep your chins up, conservatives" and your wallet open so I can keep getting rich off your reactionary stupidity.

Yeah, Rush's real message is this:

"Whatever you do now, please don't tune out my show. No, don't become so discouraged at this point that you decide to do something more productive with your time. You see, I've exploited the dirty rotten game that is politics for so long in order to enrich myself by getting everyone all worked up about x, y, and z, that it's been damn good for me and a bunch of other radio hosts as well as issues oriented groups who advertise on our shows, and authors and their books, and we've been diggin' the money, and the fame, and all the adoration coming our way.

So, please stay tuned. I promise I'll give you more of the anger and the adrenaline you're so used to from listening to my show."
And we will all be back here in about six weeks gnashing our teeth all over again.

Will we ever have a budget during Obama's reign.
If we had a budget like every administration before this one then maybe we don't go through this all the friggin time.

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