17 Trillion Reasons to be Afraid


Political Atheist
Mar 30, 2013
The Land of Sanctuary
For the first time in US history, the national debt has topped $17 trillion, jumping almost $350 billion in a 24 hour time period. So what are the folks in Washington DC doing about it? Nothing. They raised the debt ceiling with no promise of addressing this issue in the near future. The proposed formation of a Budgetary Committee is no more than a knockoff of the "Super Committee" that was formed in 2011, which was a drastic failure as Obama summarily rejected their findings. There are many reasons to be afraid that our President, Senators and Representatives in Washington do not care one bit about addressing our massive spending problem.

There are 17 trillion reasons why you should be afraid that we are heading down the road to fiscal and economic ruin, and that there's nobody willing to stop it.
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For the first time in US history, the national debt has topped $17 trillion, jumping almost $350 billion in a 24 hour time period. So what are the folks in Washington DC doing about it? Nothing. They raised the debt ceiling with no promise of addressing this issue in the near future. The proposed formation of a Budgetary Committee is no more than a knockoff of the "Super Committee" that was formed in 2011, which was a drastic failure. As Obama summarily rejected their findings. There are many reasons to be afraid that our President, Senators and Representatives in Washington do not care one bit about addressing our massive spending problem.

There are 17 trillion reasons why you should be afraid that we are heading down the road to fiscal and economic ruin, and that there's nobody willing to stop it.

I pretty much hang it on the heads of Congress. They are getting paid by special interests to do exactly what they are doing. The Supreme Court has gone the way of special interests, too, as was demonstrated with the passing of Citizens United. It is scary indeed to entertain the thought that they are getting money out of this, but that's what it looks like.
For the first time in US history, the national debt has topped $17 trillion, jumping almost $350 billion in a 24 hour time period. So what are the folks in Washington DC doing about it? Nothing. They raised the debt ceiling with no promise of addressing this issue in the near future. The proposed formation of a Budgetary Committee is no more than a knockoff of the "Super Committee" that was formed in 2011, which was a drastic failure. As Obama summarily rejected their findings. There are many reasons to be afraid that our President, Senators and Representatives in Washington do not care one bit about addressing our massive spending problem.

There are 17 trillion reasons why you should be afraid that we are heading down the road to fiscal and economic ruin, and that there's nobody willing to stop it.

I pretty much hang it on the heads of Congress. They are getting paid by special interests to do exactly what they are doing. The Supreme Court has gone the way of special interests, too, as was demonstrated with the passing of Citizens United. It is scary indeed to entertain the thought that they are getting money out of this, but that's what it looks like.

What on Earth are you talking about? You are misapplying the term "congress" and aiming that statement directly at Republicans. THEY ARE ALL AT FAULT! Republican, Democrat; it doesn't matter. But then again, the only way Obama moves is if a special interest group lobbies him to. Funny for a guy who said he wouldn't let a special interest group take root in his White House.

Obama doesn't know how to govern, so he spends.

What does he care. It isn't his money.

He cares, just not with his money. Good example is that train wreck of Obamacare.

Oh please.....Let's deal with facts. And one of the facts is that Obama got stuck with the bill for two wars on the 2009 books: $4,000,000,000,000* to be exact.

Here's the rundown of the debt since Reagan:

Size of gross debt -------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan $1 trillion $250 billion

Ronald Reagan $2.9 trillion $677 billion

George H.W. Bush $4 trillion $1 trillion

Bill Clinton $5.6 trillion $2.2 trillion

George W. Bush $10.6 trillion $4.3 trillion

Barack Obama $16.4 trillion* $4.9 trillion

While raw numbers are interesting, the more telling statistic is when debt is expressed as a percentage of the overall economy (gross domestic product). We’ve rounded the numbers to keep it simple.

Size of gross debt ----------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan 33 percent 7 percent

Ronald Reagan 53 percent 12.5 percent

George H.W. Bush 64 percent 16 percent

Bill Clinton 56.5 percent 24 percent

George W. Bush 77 percent 30 percent

Barack Obama 105 percent* 31 percent

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post
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For the first time in US history, the national debt has topped $17 trillion, jumping almost $350 billion in a 24 hour time period. So what are the folks in Washington DC doing about it? Nothing. They raised the debt ceiling with no promise of addressing this issue in the near future. The proposed formation of a Budgetary Committee is no more than a knockoff of the "Super Committee" that was formed in 2011, which was a drastic failure. As Obama summarily rejected their findings. There are many reasons to be afraid that our President, Senators and Representatives in Washington do not care one bit about addressing our massive spending problem.

There are 17 trillion reasons why you should be afraid that we are heading down the road to fiscal and economic ruin, and that there's nobody willing to stop it.

I pretty much hang it on the heads of Congress. They are getting paid by special interests to do exactly what they are doing. The Supreme Court has gone the way of special interests, too, as was demonstrated with the passing of Citizens United. It is scary indeed to entertain the thought that they are getting money out of this, but that's what it looks like.

You sound like a tea party member.
For the first time in US history, the national debt has topped $17 trillion, jumping almost $350 billion in a 24 hour time period. So what are the folks in Washington DC doing about it? Nothing. They raised the debt ceiling with no promise of addressing this issue in the near future. The proposed formation of a Budgetary Committee is no more than a knockoff of the "Super Committee" that was formed in 2011, which was a drastic failure. As Obama summarily rejected their findings. There are many reasons to be afraid that our President, Senators and Representatives in Washington do not care one bit about addressing our massive spending problem.

There are 17 trillion reasons why you should be afraid that we are heading down the road to fiscal and economic ruin, and that there's nobody willing to stop it.

I pretty much hang it on the heads of Congress. They are getting paid by special interests to do exactly what they are doing. The Supreme Court has gone the way of special interests, too, as was demonstrated with the passing of Citizens United. It is scary indeed to entertain the thought that they are getting money out of this, but that's what it looks like.

What on Earth are you talking about? You are misapplying the term "congress" and aiming that statement directly at Republicans. THEY ARE ALL AT FAULT! Republican, Democrat; it doesn't matter. But then again, the only way Obama moves is if a special interest group lobbies him to. Funny for a guy who said he wouldn't let a special interest group take root in his White House.


What? If I blamed it all on the Republicans in Congress I would have written "Republicans in Congress". I am, if nothing else, specific. But the Koch brothers ARE contributing most of the money. And now Mitch McConnell's head is going to roll. The PACs are Kochs are funding his Tea Party opponent since Mitchie boy handled himself badly during the shutdown.
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What does he care. It isn't his money.

He cares, just not with his money. Good example is that train wreck of Obamacare.

Oh please.....Let's deal with facts. And one of the facts is that Obama got stuck with the bill for two wars on the 2009 books: $4,000,000,000,000* to be exact.

Here's the rundown of the debt since Reagan:

Size of gross debt -------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan $1 trillion $250 billion

Ronald Reagan $2.9 trillion $677 billion

George H.W. Bush $4 trillion $1 trillion

Bill Clinton $5.6 trillion $2.2 trillion

George W. Bush $10.6 trillion $4.3 trillion

Barack Obama $16.4 trillion* $4.9 trillion

While raw numbers are interesting, the more telling statistic is when debt is expressed as a percentage of the overall economy (gross domestic product). We’ve rounded the numbers to keep it simple.

Size of gross debt ----------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan 33 percent 7 percent

Ronald Reagan 53 percent 12.5 percent

George H.W. Bush 64 percent 16 percent

Bill Clinton 56.5 percent 24 percent

George W. Bush 77 percent 30 percent

Barack Obama 105 percent* 31 percent

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post

O is now the torchbearer with the most debt racked up ever.
For the first time in US history, the national debt has topped $17 trillion, jumping almost $350 billion in a 24 hour time period. So what are the folks in Washington DC doing about it? Nothing. They raised the debt ceiling with no promise of addressing this issue in the near future. The proposed formation of a Budgetary Committee is no more than a knockoff of the "Super Committee" that was formed in 2011, which was a drastic failure. As Obama summarily rejected their findings. There are many reasons to be afraid that our President, Senators and Representatives in Washington do not care one bit about addressing our massive spending problem.

There are 17 trillion reasons why you should be afraid that we are heading down the road to fiscal and economic ruin, and that there's nobody willing to stop it.

I pretty much hang it on the heads of Congress. They are getting paid by special interests to do exactly what they are doing. The Supreme Court has gone the way of special interests, too, as was demonstrated with the passing of Citizens United. It is scary indeed to entertain the thought that they are getting money out of this, but that's what it looks like.

You sound like a tea party member.

Then I guess Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Alan Grayson are Tea Baggers, too.
For the first time in US history, the national debt has topped $17 trillion, jumping almost $350 billion in a 24 hour time period. So what are the folks in Washington DC doing about it? Nothing. They raised the debt ceiling with no promise of addressing this issue in the near future. The proposed formation of a Budgetary Committee is no more than a knockoff of the "Super Committee" that was formed in 2011, which was a drastic failure. As Obama summarily rejected their findings. There are many reasons to be afraid that our President, Senators and Representatives in Washington do not care one bit about addressing our massive spending problem.

There are 17 trillion reasons why you should be afraid that we are heading down the road to fiscal and economic ruin, and that there's nobody willing to stop it.

The dollar amount isn't as important as is the percentage of the debt that number represents. That's true in much the same way that bragging about making four times as much as your father once did at your age isn't all that big of a deal if you're making $24,000 per year when the average income was $6,000 per year back in the early 1960s when that amount of money might actually have been worth more in terms of purchasing power.

To put matters in perspective, look at housing prices. Back in the 60's a member of my family bought a six bedroom house with a living room, a family room, a separate dining room, and 3 1/2 bathrooms plus alcoves and a separate laundry room for $35,000 which also included a two car garage, a large flagstone patio, a huge yard, and the whole side of the street which was a wooded area at the time. Now, admittedly it was a small town in an area that wasn't even near a large city, but $35,000 wouldn't even come close to buying a tiny home on a small lot in that town today.
He cares, just not with his money. Good example is that train wreck of Obamacare.

Oh please.....Let's deal with facts. And one of the facts is that Obama got stuck with the bill for two wars on the 2009 books: $4,000,000,000,000* to be exact.

Here's the rundown of the debt since Reagan:

Size of gross debt -------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan $1 trillion $250 billion

Ronald Reagan $2.9 trillion $677 billion

George H.W. Bush $4 trillion $1 trillion

Bill Clinton $5.6 trillion $2.2 trillion

George W. Bush $10.6 trillion $4.3 trillion

Barack Obama $16.4 trillion* $4.9 trillion

While raw numbers are interesting, the more telling statistic is when debt is expressed as a percentage of the overall economy (gross domestic product). We’ve rounded the numbers to keep it simple.

Size of gross debt ----------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan 33 percent 7 percent

Ronald Reagan 53 percent 12.5 percent

George H.W. Bush 64 percent 16 percent

Bill Clinton 56.5 percent 24 percent

George W. Bush 77 percent 30 percent

Barack Obama 105 percent* 31 percent

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post

O is now the torchbearer with the most debt racked up ever.

Another reading-comprehension problem poster.
Oh please.....Let's deal with facts. And one of the facts is that Obama got stuck with the bill for two wars on the 2009 books: $4,000,000,000,000* to be exact.

Here's the rundown of the debt since Reagan:

Size of gross debt -------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan $1 trillion $250 billion

Ronald Reagan $2.9 trillion $677 billion

George H.W. Bush $4 trillion $1 trillion

Bill Clinton $5.6 trillion $2.2 trillion

George W. Bush $10.6 trillion $4.3 trillion

Barack Obama $16.4 trillion* $4.9 trillion

While raw numbers are interesting, the more telling statistic is when debt is expressed as a percentage of the overall economy (gross domestic product). We’ve rounded the numbers to keep it simple.

Size of gross debt ----------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan 33 percent 7 percent

Ronald Reagan 53 percent 12.5 percent

George H.W. Bush 64 percent 16 percent

Bill Clinton 56.5 percent 24 percent

George W. Bush 77 percent 30 percent

Barack Obama 105 percent* 31 percent

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post

O is now the torchbearer with the most debt racked up ever.

Another reading-comprehension problem poster.

He gets the notoriety but its the policies of these last two presidents who have brought us to the precipice. Sorry that you didn't understand that.
For the first time in US history, the national debt has topped $17 trillion, jumping almost $350 billion in a 24 hour time period. So what are the folks in Washington DC doing about it? Nothing. t.

It is not their job to do anything about the national debt.

We just elect them to office for 4 to 8 years.

We the members of the Parasitic faction give them power and they will feed us , provide health insurance and make us happy. We have no time to worry about the national debt.

Only Taxpayers and the Tea Partyers worry about that crap.

What does he care. It isn't his money.

He cares, just not with his money. Good example is that train wreck of Obamacare.

Oh please.....Let's deal with facts. And one of the facts is that Obama got stuck with the bill for two wars on the 2009 books: $4,000,000,000,000* to be exact.

Here's the rundown of the debt since Reagan:

Size of gross debt -------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan $1 trillion $250 billion

Ronald Reagan $2.9 trillion $677 billion

George H.W. Bush $4 trillion $1 trillion

Bill Clinton $5.6 trillion $2.2 trillion

George W. Bush $10.6 trillion $4.3 trillion

Barack Obama $16.4 trillion* $4.9 trillion

While raw numbers are interesting, the more telling statistic is when debt is expressed as a percentage of the overall economy (gross domestic product). We’ve rounded the numbers to keep it simple.

Size of gross debt ----------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan 33 percent 7 percent

Ronald Reagan 53 percent 12.5 percent

George H.W. Bush 64 percent 16 percent

Bill Clinton 56.5 percent 24 percent

George W. Bush 77 percent 30 percent

Barack Obama 105 percent* 31 percent

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post

$16.4 trillion as of today is $17 Trillion. In only 4 years 9 months. It took Bush 8 years.

And, Obama didn't get stuck with one cent of the erroneous cost of the two wars that you posted. The were paid with emergency appropriations, all of which were voted for by Republicans and Democrats in the Congress.
What does he care. It isn't his money.

He cares, just not with his money. Good example is that train wreck of Obamacare.

Oh please.....Let's deal with facts. And one of the facts is that Obama got stuck with the bill for two wars on the 2009 books: $4,000,000,000,000* to be exact.

Here's the rundown of the debt since Reagan:

Size of gross debt -------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan $1 trillion $250 billion

Ronald Reagan $2.9 trillion $677 billion

George H.W. Bush $4 trillion $1 trillion

Bill Clinton $5.6 trillion $2.2 trillion

George W. Bush $10.6 trillion $4.3 trillion

Barack Obama $16.4 trillion* $4.9 trillion

While raw numbers are interesting, the more telling statistic is when debt is expressed as a percentage of the overall economy (gross domestic product). We’ve rounded the numbers to keep it simple.

Size of gross debt ----------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan 33 percent 7 percent

Ronald Reagan 53 percent 12.5 percent

George H.W. Bush 64 percent 16 percent

Bill Clinton 56.5 percent 24 percent

George W. Bush 77 percent 30 percent

Barack Obama 105 percent* 31 percent

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post

I think a lot of people didn't understand exactly what Bush and Cheney were up to back a few years ago when Bush kept on submitting those "supplemental" spending bills to Congress to fund the war. The fact that they were supplemental spending bills meant that they were "off budget" and allowed them to spend the money without showing up as directly exploding the deficit and the debt.

With that said, President Obama stopped that process, and funding for the war was now an on-budget expenditure which automatically made the deficit and the debt appear larger than it previously was.
He cares, just not with his money. Good example is that train wreck of Obamacare.

Oh please.....Let's deal with facts. And one of the facts is that Obama got stuck with the bill for two wars on the 2009 books: $4,000,000,000,000* to be exact.

Here's the rundown of the debt since Reagan:

Size of gross debt -------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan $1 trillion $250 billion

Ronald Reagan $2.9 trillion $677 billion

George H.W. Bush $4 trillion $1 trillion

Bill Clinton $5.6 trillion $2.2 trillion

George W. Bush $10.6 trillion $4.3 trillion

Barack Obama $16.4 trillion* $4.9 trillion

While raw numbers are interesting, the more telling statistic is when debt is expressed as a percentage of the overall economy (gross domestic product). We’ve rounded the numbers to keep it simple.

Size of gross debt ----------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan 33 percent 7 percent

Ronald Reagan 53 percent 12.5 percent

George H.W. Bush 64 percent 16 percent

Bill Clinton 56.5 percent 24 percent

George W. Bush 77 percent 30 percent

Barack Obama 105 percent* 31 percent

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post

I think a lot of people didn't understand exactly what Bush and Cheney were up to back a few years ago when Bush kept on submitting those "supplemental" spending bills to Congress to fund the war. The fact that they were supplemental spending bills meant that they were "off budget" and allowed them to spend the money without showing up as directly exploding the deficit and the debt.

With that said, President Obama stopped that process, and funding for the war was now an on-budget expenditure which automatically made the deficit and the debt appear larger than it previously was.

The national debt was $10.6 Trillion when Bush left office. Is it your contention that Bush spent another $4 Trillion and it didn't show up in the debt? That is not mathematically possible.
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Oh please.....Let's deal with facts. And one of the facts is that Obama got stuck with the bill for two wars on the 2009 books: $4,000,000,000,000* to be exact.

Here's the rundown of the debt since Reagan:

Size of gross debt -------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan $1 trillion $250 billion

Ronald Reagan $2.9 trillion $677 billion

George H.W. Bush $4 trillion $1 trillion

Bill Clinton $5.6 trillion $2.2 trillion

George W. Bush $10.6 trillion $4.3 trillion

Barack Obama $16.4 trillion* $4.9 trillion

While raw numbers are interesting, the more telling statistic is when debt is expressed as a percentage of the overall economy (gross domestic product). We’ve rounded the numbers to keep it simple.

Size of gross debt ----------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan 33 percent 7 percent

Ronald Reagan 53 percent 12.5 percent

George H.W. Bush 64 percent 16 percent

Bill Clinton 56.5 percent 24 percent

George W. Bush 77 percent 30 percent

Barack Obama 105 percent* 31 percent

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post

O is now the torchbearer with the most debt racked up ever.

Another reading-comprehension problem poster.

Speak for yourself.
He cares, just not with his money. Good example is that train wreck of Obamacare.

Oh please.....Let's deal with facts. And one of the facts is that Obama got stuck with the bill for two wars on the 2009 books: $4,000,000,000,000* to be exact.

Here's the rundown of the debt since Reagan:

Size of gross debt -------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan $1 trillion $250 billion

Ronald Reagan $2.9 trillion $677 billion

George H.W. Bush $4 trillion $1 trillion

Bill Clinton $5.6 trillion $2.2 trillion

George W. Bush $10.6 trillion $4.3 trillion

Barack Obama $16.4 trillion* $4.9 trillion

While raw numbers are interesting, the more telling statistic is when debt is expressed as a percentage of the overall economy (gross domestic product). We’ve rounded the numbers to keep it simple.

Size of gross debt ----------- Federal account debt

Before Reagan 33 percent 7 percent

Ronald Reagan 53 percent 12.5 percent

George H.W. Bush 64 percent 16 percent

Bill Clinton 56.5 percent 24 percent

George W. Bush 77 percent 30 percent

Barack Obama 105 percent* 31 percent

Why is the national debt $16 trillion? - The Washington Post

I think a lot of people didn't understand exactly what Bush and Cheney were up to back a few years ago when Bush kept on submitting those "supplemental" spending bills to Congress to fund the war. The fact that they were supplemental spending bills meant that they were "off budget" and allowed them to spend the money without showing up as directly exploding the deficit and the debt.

With that said, President Obama stopped that process, and funding for the war was now an on-budget expenditure which automatically made the deficit and the debt appear larger than it previously was.

Oh brother. Just ignore the fact that Obama has outspent Bush by almost $700 billion. In 5 years.

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