Liberals sure do love to disguise their immorality under the veil of "tolerance"

I wasn't exposed to anything sexual "straight or queer" during my entire time in school because it wasn't part of the curriculum nor should have it have been because that isn't the reason for education.You simply don't "get it" that it's not the job of "da gubermint" to teach children morality...that is the job of the parents. I have no problem with you being a fan of the faglet...knock yourself out about it. I will reserve my 1st amendment right to say that I disagree and will speak out against having it taught in schools.

Of course you resort to calling fag, or are you just extremely old and not realize the weight behind that term under this context?

Sexual education should be part of a curriculum, it's a very important subject for kids approaching their teens to understand, and it wouldn't hurt to mention homosexual relationships in such a course. This doesn't have anything to do with what they should think about them, too, it's a mention and an explanation on how they come to be so kids can get the facts draw their own conclusions. Or is an entirely non biased approach still not enough for you, if you can even handle sex ed at all?

And again, I don't see how letting kids be ignorant and teaching them to find homosexuality is wrong is teaching them good morals. Teaching to hate another for merely existing can't be good in any context.

Teaching morality, teaching sex education is not the function of the public school system n.....end of story. There is nothing further to discuss..

Okay- you are wrong.

There is nothing further to discuss.

No, schools are not for teaching faggotry and nor should groups like GLSEN and the LGBTQ be allowed in schools to give "presentations" and anyone that is fine with that is just as disgustingly perverted as the queers..

You said there was nothing more to discuss yet you keep opening your pie hole.

As always- you are wrong- and that is really all that is needed to be discussed.
"Da gubermint" has no business teaching children about sexuality PERIOD and especially when it comes to grade school aged children and only a perverted POS like you would be on board with it. I would never stand by and allow it and thank God there are parents that are standing up and being heard. You want to teach YOUR children that queerness is normal? Knock yourself out but you and your kind do not have the right to push your ideals off on MY children....get it?

Ah, so you're religious? That's what I assume by your god comment. That explains why you're so afraid of sexuality yet constantly constantly constantly talk about it like it's your favourite thing.

POS? ....point of sale? Do you still see homosexuality as a doctrine of sex? Do you think it threatens your religion and that your kids will magically turn gay? Do you think it is exclusively about physical sexual acts? It's not about fucking advertising and turning people gay it's about creating an intelligent and cooperative society. Teaching your kids that certain groups of people, no matter how harmless are weird, gross, wrong, perverted, taboo and giving incorrect information about them does literally the exact opposite. You are a bigot, get it?

So.....I have to ask this question....are you a queer? Be "loud and proud" if you are......don't hide it. (snicker)

Let's take a poll and see how many of your fellow forum members believe that you are a self-hating, closeted homosexual man. (Hershey's bar ) I a closeted leftard as well that secretly wishes to vote for Hitlery Clinton?

I wasn't exposed to anything sexual "straight or queer" during my entire time in school because it wasn't part of the curriculum nor should have it have been because that isn't the reason for education.You simply don't "get it" that it's not the job of "da gubermint" to teach children morality...that is the job of the parents. I have no problem with you being a fan of the faglet...knock yourself out about it. I will reserve my 1st amendment right to say that I disagree and will speak out against having it taught in schools.

Of course you resort to calling fag, or are you just extremely old and not realize the weight behind that term under this context?

Sexual education should be part of a curriculum, it's a very important subject for kids approaching their teens to understand, and it wouldn't hurt to mention homosexual relationships in such a course. This doesn't have anything to do with what they should think about them, too, it's a mention and an explanation on how they come to be so kids can get the facts draw their own conclusions. Or is an entirely non biased approach still not enough for you, if you can even handle sex ed at all?

And again, I don't see how letting kids be ignorant and teaching them to find homosexuality is wrong is teaching them good morals. Teaching to hate another for merely existing can't be good in any context.

Teaching morality, teaching sex education is not the function of the public school system n.....end of story. There is nothing further to discuss..

Okay- you are wrong.

There is nothing further to discuss.

No, schools are not for teaching faggotry and nor should groups like GLSEN and the LGBTQ be allowed in schools to give "presentations" and anyone that is fine with that is just as disgustingly perverted as the queers..

You said there was nothing more to discuss yet you keep opening your pie hole.

As always- you are wrong- and that is really all that is needed to be discussed.

You are the one that replied to me, asswipe.......STFU if you don't want a reply.
That said, Dale, I do not believe your queerness should be held against you. I support free speech and would have a sad if you nuts were treated like second class citizens for expressing yourselves.

Not queer...... but there isn't a fucking scenario I can think of where I would ever want the approval of a leftard or a liberal NOR are they in ANY position to "hold" anything against me or over me. Leftards, liberals, queers, pedophiles....all cut from the same disgusting cloth.
You are queer. Perhaps you are using queer to mean gay. I wasn't.

Your opinion of me means absolutely nothing......
Regardless. You are a big government troll as your attempt to force people to conform to your ideas demonstrates. Enjoy the irony.
That said, Dale, I do not believe your queerness should be held against you. I support free speech and would have a sad if you nuts were treated like second class citizens for expressing yourselves.

Not queer...... but there isn't a fucking scenario I can think of where I would ever want the approval of a leftard or a liberal NOR are they in ANY position to "hold" anything against me or over me. Leftards, liberals, queers, pedophiles....all cut from the same disgusting cloth.
You are queer. Perhaps you are using queer to mean gay. I wasn't.

Your opinion of me means absolutely nothing......
Regardless. You are a big government troll as your attempt to force people to conform to your ideas demonstrates. Enjoy the irony.

No, it's not "da gubermint's" job to teach our children about homosexuality anymore than they should be teaching religion...get it now, dumb ass?
No, it's not "da gubermint's" job to teach our children about homosexuality anymore than they should be teaching religion...get it now, dumb ass?

I like how you used to be calmer but now you're resorting to insults.
No, it's not "da gubermint's" job to teach our children about homosexuality anymore than they should be teaching religion...get it now, dumb ass?

I like how you used to be calmer but now you're resorting to insults.
You've been a member all of 4 or 5 days lol

Stupid noob

what bearing does that have on resorting to insults

you seem very desperate to have SOMETHING to give your detractors shit for huh
No, it's not "da gubermint's" job to teach our children about homosexuality anymore than they should be teaching religion...get it now, dumb ass?

I like how you used to be calmer but now you're resorting to insults.
You've been a member all of 4 or 5 days lol

Stupid noob

what bearing does that have on resorting to insults

you seem very desperate to have SOMETHING to give your detractors shit for huh
This forum is 50% insults 20% legit threads 20% complete idiots 10% lost in the woods.

Put your waders on, perhaps some tinfoil, stfu & enjoy the show.
No, it's not "da gubermint's" job to teach our children about homosexuality anymore than they should be teaching religion...get it now, dumb ass?

I like how you used to be calmer but now you're resorting to insults.
You've been a member all of 4 or 5 days lol

Stupid noob

what bearing does that have on resorting to insults

you seem very desperate to have SOMETHING to give your detractors shit for huh

I am just tired of watching this country swirl the drain and since I woke up as to how things REALLY are instead of what I thought they were, it only intensifies my feelings that we are FUBAR.
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

Homosexuality is natural.

The point of this thread is so you can stew in your anger over your losing battle against gays.

Homosexuality IS NOT natural.

Regardless of where someone stands on the pleasure-relational aspects of sexuality, man and woman's sexuality is inextricably associated with reproduction, and two men or two women cannot reproduce. Therefore, homosexuality is a condition that, in a fundamental way, is contrary to nature.
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Homosexuality IS NOT natural.

Regardless of where someone stands on the pleasure-relational aspects of sexuality, man and woman's sexuality is inextricably associated with reproduction, and two men or two women cannot reproduce. Therefore, homosexuality is a condition that, in a fundamental way, is contrary to nature.

Well yeah, but just because it's contradictory to the biolgoical function of sexuality doesn't make it unnatural. Lots of things in nature are contradictory to eachother, like conditions that are harmful to living creatures. That doesn't make things like the common cold unnatural, does it? Homosexual behavior has also been observed in animals too.
Homosexuality IS NOT natural.

Regardless of where someone stands on the pleasure-relational aspects of sexuality, man and woman's sexuality is inextricably associated with reproduction, and two men or two women cannot reproduce. Therefore, homosexuality is a condition that, in a fundamental way, is contrary to nature.

Well yeah, but just because it's contradictory to the biolgoical function of sexuality doesn't make it unnatural. Lots of things in nature are contradictory to eachother, like conditions that are harmful to living creatures. That doesn't make things like the common cold unnatural, does it? Homosexual behavior has also been observed in animals too.

just because it's contradictory to the biolgoical function of sexuality doesn't make it unnatural.
Yeah it does.
Homosexual behavior has also been observed in animals too.

There are lots of behaviors that animals engage in that we do not think are permissible for human beings. For example, many animals eat their young as soon as they are born. Though this may be “natural” for the creatures in question, it is clearly not permissible for humans to eat their young.

So, just because some animals have engaged in homosexual behavior, this lends no support to the thesis that human homosexuality is either natural in any relevant sense.
There are lots of behaviors that animals engage in that we do not think are permissible for human beings. For example, many animals eat their young as soon as they are born. Though this may be “natural” for the creatures in question, it is clearly not permissible for humans to eat their young.

So, just because some animals have engaged in homosexual behavior, this lends no support to the thesis that human homosexuality is either natural in any relevant sense.

How is human homosexuality different from animal homosexuality in this case? Animal homosexuality gives no benefit to sexual reproduction of a species as well.
If something occurs in nature then it can be classified as natural.
There are lots of behaviors that animals engage in that we do not think are permissible for human beings. For example, many animals eat their young as soon as they are born. Though this may be “natural” for the creatures in question, it is clearly not permissible for humans to eat their young.

So, just because some animals have engaged in homosexual behavior, this lends no support to the thesis that human homosexuality is either natural in any relevant sense.

How is human homosexuality different from animal homosexuality in this case? Animal homosexuality gives no benefit to sexual reproduction of a species as well.
If something occurs in nature then it can be classified as natural.

How is human homosexuality different from animal homosexuality in this case?

Although homosexual behavior is very common in the animal world, it seems to be very uncommon that individual animals have a long-lasting predisposition to engage in such behavior to the exclusion of heterosexual activities. Thus, a homosexual orientation, in animals, seems to be a rarity (emphasis added).

Homosexuality does not exist among animals…. For reasons of survival, the reproductive instinct among animals is always directed towards an individual of the opposite sex. Therefore, an animal can never be homosexual as such. Nevertheless, the interaction of other instincts (particularly dominance) can result in behavior that appears to be homosexual. Such behavior cannot be equated with an animal homosexuality. All it means is that animal sexual behavior encompasses aspects beyond that of reproduction.

If something occurs in nature then it can be classified as natural.
But when it comes to homosexuality there is nothing natural about it. Period.
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Although homosexual behavior is very common in the animal world, it seems to be very uncommon that individual animals have a long-lasting predisposition to engage in such behavior to the exclusion of heterosexual activities. Thus, a homosexual orientation, if one can speak of such thing in animals, seems to be a rarity (emphasis added).

Homosexuality does not exist among animals…. For reasons of survival, the reproductive instinct among animals is always directed towards an individual of the opposite sex. Therefore, an animal can never be homosexual as such. Nevertheless, the interaction of other instincts (particularly dominance) can result in behavior that appears to be homosexual. Such behavior cannot be equated with an animal homosexuality. All it means is that animal sexual behavior encompasses aspects beyond that of reproduction.

Homosexuals do not embody the majority of the human population either.

Some animals have been demonstrated to seek homosexual sex simply for pleasure, as many gay and straight couples do in humans, sometimes it doesn't have anything to do with the need for dominance or reproduction.

But when it comes to homosexuality there is nothing natural about it. Period.

One of the defining characteristics of a natural thing is that it occurs in nature, but when it comes to homosexuality it is not natural. How?
Although homosexual behavior is very common in the animal world, it seems to be very uncommon that individual animals have a long-lasting predisposition to engage in such behavior to the exclusion of heterosexual activities. Thus, a homosexual orientation, if one can speak of such thing in animals, seems to be a rarity (emphasis added).

Homosexuality does not exist among animals…. For reasons of survival, the reproductive instinct among animals is always directed towards an individual of the opposite sex. Therefore, an animal can never be homosexual as such. Nevertheless, the interaction of other instincts (particularly dominance) can result in behavior that appears to be homosexual. Such behavior cannot be equated with an animal homosexuality. All it means is that animal sexual behavior encompasses aspects beyond that of reproduction.

Homosexuals do not embody the majority of the human population either.

Some animals have been demonstrated to seek homosexual sex simply for pleasure, as many gay and straight couples do in humans, sometimes it doesn't have anything to do with the need for dominance or reproduction.

But when it comes to homosexuality there is nothing natural about it. Period.

One of the defining characteristics of a natural thing is that it occurs in nature, but when it comes to homosexuality it is not natural. How?

but when it comes to homosexuality it is not natural. How?

Apparently you aren't paying attention. I already addressed this in my first response but I'll put it like this to you,

, duh.
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