Liberals sure do love to disguise their immorality under the veil of "tolerance"

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

You do have an active imagination. Why you think discrimination is not okay because someone has a 'gene' but okay when someone doesn't have a gene baffles me

But meanwhile lets go onto that 'gene' for left handedness

.Left-handedness stumps science | Fox News

Genes or environment?
While several researchers have found a few genes implicated in handedness, many genes are probably at play.

And the environment clearly plays a big role: Identical twins often have different dominant hands, Llaurens said.

About half of left-handedness may be a byproduct of damage during fetal development or birth, Coren told LiveScience. Studies have found southpaws have higher rates dyslexia, schizophrenia and immune problems, such as allergies and lupus.

To explain this, scientists have proposed that all people are wired to be right-handed, but damage to the brain has the unintended side effect of forcing the brain to rewire to be left-hand dominant, he said.

What are you talking about? I don't ever think discrimination is okay, but I think it should NEVER be illegal (except for the government of course which is required by law to provide equal services to anyone.)

Should business's be able to discriminate against Christians?
Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

You do have an active imagination. Why you think discrimination is not okay because someone has a 'gene' but okay when someone doesn't have a gene baffles me

But meanwhile lets go onto that 'gene' for left handedness

.Left-handedness stumps science | Fox News

Genes or environment?
While several researchers have found a few genes implicated in handedness, many genes are probably at play.

And the environment clearly plays a big role: Identical twins often have different dominant hands, Llaurens said.

About half of left-handedness may be a byproduct of damage during fetal development or birth, Coren told LiveScience. Studies have found southpaws have higher rates dyslexia, schizophrenia and immune problems, such as allergies and lupus.

To explain this, scientists have proposed that all people are wired to be right-handed, but damage to the brain has the unintended side effect of forcing the brain to rewire to be left-hand dominant, he said.

What are you talking about? I don't ever think discrimination is okay, but I think it should NEVER be illegal (except for the government of course which is required by law to provide equal services to anyone.)

Should business's be able to discriminate against Christians?
They should be able to refuse service to anyone.
Cancer and mental disabilities are wrong because we perceive them as wrong because they harm us as humans. That doesn't affect whether or not they naturally occur, because they do. Mental disabilities are mutations and cancer comes from a variety of factors.

Do you just assume homosexuality is only about anal sex and gross stuff? Your view is so shallow and uneducated, you are laughable.
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
There is a difference between ignoring what consenting adults do and being upset about what is being taught to very young children by adults with questionable adults.

You haven't established that anything inappropriate has been taught to anyone. You haven't established that any adults related to this issue are questionable.

You have called homosexuality a biological defect. That is incorrect. If that is taught to children of any age, you will them witness something inappropriate.

Homosexuality is either a biological defect OR a choice. .

There is no evidence that homosexuality is either.

Despite you really wanting it to be that way.
Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

Except that left handed can be traced to a specific gene.

[citation needed]

Gay can't.

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

You do have an active imagination. Why you think discrimination is not okay because someone has a 'gene' but okay when someone doesn't have a gene baffles me

But meanwhile lets go onto that 'gene' for left handedness

.Left-handedness stumps science | Fox News

Genes or environment?
While several researchers have found a few genes implicated in handedness, many genes are probably at play.

And the environment clearly plays a big role: Identical twins often have different dominant hands, Llaurens said.

About half of left-handedness may be a byproduct of damage during fetal development or birth, Coren told LiveScience. Studies have found southpaws have higher rates dyslexia, schizophrenia and immune problems, such as allergies and lupus.

To explain this, scientists have proposed that all people are wired to be right-handed, but damage to the brain has the unintended side effect of forcing the brain to rewire to be left-hand dominant, he said.

What are you talking about? I don't ever think discrimination is okay, but I think it should NEVER be illegal (except for the government of course which is required by law to provide equal services to anyone.)

Should business's be able to discriminate against Christians?

Why do you ask me that question every fucking time the topic comes up? Are you just not bright enough to remember my answer? My answer is and always will be "any business owner should be able to refuse service to any customer for any reason or no reason at all regardless of who that business owner is or who the customer is" PERIOD.

I don't make exceptions for ANYONE because that just wouldn't be right and fair.
[citation needed]

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

[citation needed]

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

You do have an active imagination. Why you think discrimination is not okay because someone has a 'gene' but okay when someone doesn't have a gene baffles me

But meanwhile lets go onto that 'gene' for left handedness

.Left-handedness stumps science | Fox News

Genes or environment?
While several researchers have found a few genes implicated in handedness, many genes are probably at play.

And the environment clearly plays a big role: Identical twins often have different dominant hands, Llaurens said.

About half of left-handedness may be a byproduct of damage during fetal development or birth, Coren told LiveScience. Studies have found southpaws have higher rates dyslexia, schizophrenia and immune problems, such as allergies and lupus.

To explain this, scientists have proposed that all people are wired to be right-handed, but damage to the brain has the unintended side effect of forcing the brain to rewire to be left-hand dominant, he said.

What are you talking about? I don't ever think discrimination is okay, but I think it should NEVER be illegal (except for the government of course which is required by law to provide equal services to anyone.)

Should business's be able to discriminate against Christians?
They should be able to refuse service to anyone.

Yet Christians have had their rights as customers protected for over 50 years now.....when did you suddenly find out?
[citation needed]

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

[citation needed]

Yes it can, actually, we've got lots of studies.

The latest 'gay gene' study gives no comfort to homophobes

This was also mentioned in the cartoon, and funily enough it was brought up in comparison to left-handedness.

Then again this information is futile to tell you since you're willfully ignorant.

Cool insult bro.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

You do have an active imagination. Why you think discrimination is not okay because someone has a 'gene' but okay when someone doesn't have a gene baffles me

But meanwhile lets go onto that 'gene' for left handedness

.Left-handedness stumps science | Fox News

Genes or environment?
While several researchers have found a few genes implicated in handedness, many genes are probably at play.

And the environment clearly plays a big role: Identical twins often have different dominant hands, Llaurens said.

About half of left-handedness may be a byproduct of damage during fetal development or birth, Coren told LiveScience. Studies have found southpaws have higher rates dyslexia, schizophrenia and immune problems, such as allergies and lupus.

To explain this, scientists have proposed that all people are wired to be right-handed, but damage to the brain has the unintended side effect of forcing the brain to rewire to be left-hand dominant, he said.

What are you talking about? I don't ever think discrimination is okay, but I think it should NEVER be illegal (except for the government of course which is required by law to provide equal services to anyone.)

Should business's be able to discriminate against Christians?

Why do you ask me that question every fucking time the topic comes up? Are you just not bright enough to remember my answer? My answer is and always will be "any business owner should be able to refuse service to any customer for any reason or no reason at all regardless of who that business owner is or who the customer is" PERIOD.

I don't make exceptions for ANYONE because that just wouldn't be right and fair.

I am curious- is it possible for you write a post without using the word 'fuck'?

Do you have some weird posting equivalent to Tourette's Syndrome?
The only thing I assume is that homosexuality & all the other bullshit you all are pedaling to our children is a biological defect just like retardation or cancer and should be treated as such not promoted.

I thought you wanted your party to stop making homosexuality an issue because you don't care? What happened to THAT Gramps? Was he sober?
There is a difference between ignoring what consenting adults do and being upset about what is being taught to very young children by adults with questionable adults.

You haven't established that anything inappropriate has been taught to anyone. You haven't established that any adults related to this issue are questionable.

You have called homosexuality a biological defect. That is incorrect. If that is taught to children of any age, you will them witness something inappropriate.

Homosexuality is either a biological defect OR a choice. .

There is no evidence that homosexuality is either.

Despite you really wanting it to be that way.

It HAS to be one or the other fool.

Let's take poor eyesight. OBVIOUSLY no one chooses to have poor eyesight. So that is genetic. So let's decide is there a gene which determines eyesight, or instead poor eyesight due to a defect?

See, you, and people like you , get hung up on the word defect because you are adamant that everyone is equal and the same. We aren't all equal and we aren't all the same and in fact we all have some degree of defects (my defect is an abnormally large penis) and homosexuality could be one such defect (though I argue it is a choice)

What we absolutely know for sure is there is zero scientific evidence that some people are just born gay.
LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

You do have an active imagination. Why you think discrimination is not okay because someone has a 'gene' but okay when someone doesn't have a gene baffles me

But meanwhile lets go onto that 'gene' for left handedness

.Left-handedness stumps science | Fox News

Genes or environment?
While several researchers have found a few genes implicated in handedness, many genes are probably at play.

And the environment clearly plays a big role: Identical twins often have different dominant hands, Llaurens said.

About half of left-handedness may be a byproduct of damage during fetal development or birth, Coren told LiveScience. Studies have found southpaws have higher rates dyslexia, schizophrenia and immune problems, such as allergies and lupus.

To explain this, scientists have proposed that all people are wired to be right-handed, but damage to the brain has the unintended side effect of forcing the brain to rewire to be left-hand dominant, he said.

What are you talking about? I don't ever think discrimination is okay, but I think it should NEVER be illegal (except for the government of course which is required by law to provide equal services to anyone.)

Should business's be able to discriminate against Christians?

Why do you ask me that question every fucking time the topic comes up? Are you just not bright enough to remember my answer? My answer is and always will be "any business owner should be able to refuse service to any customer for any reason or no reason at all regardless of who that business owner is or who the customer is" PERIOD.

I don't make exceptions for ANYONE because that just wouldn't be right and fair.

I am curious- is it possible for you write a post without using the word 'fuck'?

Do you have some weird posting equivalent to Tourette's Syndrome?

Is it possible? Of course it fucking is. Is it likely? Probably fucking not.
LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

LOL your study says that homosexuality may be due to environmental factors. whereas left handedness is caused by an actual fucking piece of DNA.

LOL My God.

Some babies are born addicted to crack cocaine because of the environment they were in. Are you suggesting that that is also as natural as being left handed?

LULZ I love slapping you moronic ideologues around.

You do have an active imagination. Why you think discrimination is not okay because someone has a 'gene' but okay when someone doesn't have a gene baffles me

But meanwhile lets go onto that 'gene' for left handedness

.Left-handedness stumps science | Fox News

Genes or environment?
While several researchers have found a few genes implicated in handedness, many genes are probably at play.

And the environment clearly plays a big role: Identical twins often have different dominant hands, Llaurens said.

About half of left-handedness may be a byproduct of damage during fetal development or birth, Coren told LiveScience. Studies have found southpaws have higher rates dyslexia, schizophrenia and immune problems, such as allergies and lupus.

To explain this, scientists have proposed that all people are wired to be right-handed, but damage to the brain has the unintended side effect of forcing the brain to rewire to be left-hand dominant, he said.

What are you talking about? I don't ever think discrimination is okay, but I think it should NEVER be illegal (except for the government of course which is required by law to provide equal services to anyone.)

Should business's be able to discriminate against Christians?
They should be able to refuse service to anyone.

Yet Christians have had their rights as customers protected for over 50 years now.....when did you suddenly find out?
I have had the same opinion for decades. We reserve the right to refuse service should be applicable to all businesses.

Freedom & all that jazz. I, by the way, have remodeled homes for gay men, black families & even liberals! I have also refused to contract with people for different reasons. A few times I didn't & I should have.
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

My 'proclivity for unnatural behavior?


I am not you. I have no proclivity for unnatural behavior.

And unlike you, I don't spend my days sexually fantasizing about what other posters are doing.

But thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are.
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

My 'proclivity for unnatural behavior?


I am not you. I have no proclivity for unnatural behavior.

And unlike you, I don't spend my days sexually fantasizing about what other posters are doing.

But thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are.
Like I said, clueless
You do have an active imagination. Why you think discrimination is not okay because someone has a 'gene' but okay when someone doesn't have a gene baffles me

But meanwhile lets go onto that 'gene' for left handedness

.Left-handedness stumps science | Fox News

Genes or environment?
While several researchers have found a few genes implicated in handedness, many genes are probably at play.

And the environment clearly plays a big role: Identical twins often have different dominant hands, Llaurens said.

About half of left-handedness may be a byproduct of damage during fetal development or birth, Coren told LiveScience. Studies have found southpaws have higher rates dyslexia, schizophrenia and immune problems, such as allergies and lupus.

To explain this, scientists have proposed that all people are wired to be right-handed, but damage to the brain has the unintended side effect of forcing the brain to rewire to be left-hand dominant, he said.

What are you talking about? I don't ever think discrimination is okay, but I think it should NEVER be illegal (except for the government of course which is required by law to provide equal services to anyone.)

Should business's be able to discriminate against Christians?
They should be able to refuse service to anyone.

Yet Christians have had their rights as customers protected for over 50 years now.....when did you suddenly find out?
I have had the same opinion for decades. We reserve the right to refuse service should be applicable to all businesses.

Freedom & all that jazz. I, by the way, have remodeled homes for gay men, black families & even liberals! I have also refused to contract with people for different reasons. A few times I didn't & I should have.

Mighty white of you.
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

My 'proclivity for unnatural behavior?


I am not you. I have no proclivity for unnatural behavior.

And unlike you, I don't spend my days sexually fantasizing about what other posters are doing.

But thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are.
Like I said, clueless

Like I said

thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are

And please stop fantasizing about my sex life.
Calling others bigots does not nullify your deviant immoral behavior.

Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

My 'proclivity for unnatural behavior?


I am not you. I have no proclivity for unnatural behavior.

And unlike you, I don't spend my days sexually fantasizing about what other posters are doing.

But thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are.
Like I said, clueless

Like I said

thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are

And please stop fantasizing about my sex life.

How is posting that you are clueless fantasizing about your sex life? I actually think you WANT people to fantasize about your homosexual lifestyle.

Look, we get it you're here, you're queer, we're used to it. Just don't get mad when we laugh at you poo pusher
Calling liberals deviants doesn't nullify your bigotry.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

My 'proclivity for unnatural behavior?


I am not you. I have no proclivity for unnatural behavior.

And unlike you, I don't spend my days sexually fantasizing about what other posters are doing.

But thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are.
Like I said, clueless

Like I said

thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are

And please stop fantasizing about my sex life.

How is posting that you are clueless fantasizing about your sex life? I actually think you WANT people to fantasize about your homosexual lifestyle.

Look, we get it you're here, you're queer, we're used to it. Just don't get mad when we laugh at you poo pusher

Again what is it with you folks- why do perverts like you and Grampy fantasize about my sex life?
That is really creepy.

Look, we get it that you are bigoted assholes, who are pissed off that homosexuals are being treated equally by the law now, but stop posting your fantasies about my sex life- please.
You clearly don't understand the point of the thread. Your proclivity for unnatural behavior is DISGUSTING. Bigotry is not calling you out for your filthy lifestyle. That's called telling it like it is. The poop schute was made for EXCRETION not induction. It's unnatural & unhealthy. Teaching kids there is no difference between filthy behavior & appropriate behavior is even worse.

My 'proclivity for unnatural behavior?


I am not you. I have no proclivity for unnatural behavior.

And unlike you, I don't spend my days sexually fantasizing about what other posters are doing.

But thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are.
Like I said, clueless

Like I said

thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are

And please stop fantasizing about my sex life.

How is posting that you are clueless fantasizing about your sex life? I actually think you WANT people to fantasize about your homosexual lifestyle.

Look, we get it you're here, you're queer, we're used to it. Just don't get mad when we laugh at you poo pusher

Again what is it with you folks- why do perverts like you and Grampy fantasize about my sex life?
That is really creepy.

Look, we get it that you are bigoted assholes, who are pissed off that homosexuals are being treated equally by the law now, but stop posting your fantasies about my sex life- please.

Stupid and dishonest is noway to go through life dude. I FULLY support gays being afforded the same rights as everyone else, I merely think pretending that some people are born gay is hilarious.
Stupid and dishonest is noway to go through life dude. I FULLY support gays being afforded the same rights as everyone else, I merely think pretending that some people are born gay is hilarious.

You completely ignore the evidence and even admitted to NOT BEING INTERESTED IN LEARNING AT ALL to the contrary and then say people are pretending. You're being really, really silly.
My 'proclivity for unnatural behavior?


I am not you. I have no proclivity for unnatural behavior.

And unlike you, I don't spend my days sexually fantasizing about what other posters are doing.

But thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are.
Like I said, clueless

Like I said

thanks for showing once again what an ignorant bigoted asshole you are

And please stop fantasizing about my sex life.

How is posting that you are clueless fantasizing about your sex life? I actually think you WANT people to fantasize about your homosexual lifestyle.

Look, we get it you're here, you're queer, we're used to it. Just don't get mad when we laugh at you poo pusher

Again what is it with you folks- why do perverts like you and Grampy fantasize about my sex life?
That is really creepy.

Look, we get it that you are bigoted assholes, who are pissed off that homosexuals are being treated equally by the law now, but stop posting your fantasies about my sex life- please.

I FULLY support gays being afforded the same rights as everyone else, I merely think pretending that some people are born gay is hilarious.

Then don't pretend that some people are born gay- I won't pretend that you were born straight.

Everybody is happy.

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