Liberals love free speech

Fucktard liberals who DESTROY freedom, legislating regulatory control, tearing down the 2nd amendment, demanding people drink, eat what they say now in this thread crowing about being Constitutionalists.. ROFLMAO
Liberals do not demand that people eat or drink certain things. We will demand that you don't sell tainted food or drugs.

And a Constitutionalist is usually a person who has no fucking clue what the Constitution actually is.

Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules
Fucktard liberals who DESTROY freedom, legislating regulatory control, tearing down the 2nd amendment, demanding people drink, eat what they say now in this thread crowing about being Constitutionalists.. ROFLMAO
Liberals do not demand that people eat or drink certain things. We will demand that you don't sell tainted food or drugs.

And a Constitutionalist is usually a person who has no fucking clue what the Constitution actually is.

Feds to Fine Schools for Not Following Michelle Obama’s Lunch Rules

Again -- what the fuck does that have to do with Liberalism?

[Natural rights are a lie. Your rights here come from the government . . .
That's progressivism, Retard.
No. The founders of this nation were liberals. The Constitution is Liberal Charter that formed our liberal secular government.

Some countries were founded for Jesus. Our Constitution doesn't even bother to mention God. Liberal and secular.
the Constitution does, after all, mention God. Article VII reads, "done in Convention … the Seventeenth Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America."
Don't even bother trying to spin that old crap. That is nothing more than they way things were dated. God is not in our Constitution and founding an official religion is forbidden by the First Amendment. If you want to live in a nation founded with God in mind, move to Greece.
[Natural rights are a lie. Your rights here come from the government . . .
That's progressivism, Retard.

Sorry, the last Progressive died in 1925. "Fighting Bob" LaFollette.

Fun fact: a Republican.
Lots of lefties were Republicans.

fun fact

Of course. Fun fact.

That's why I keep making the point that "Liberal" and "left" and "name of political party" are three different things.

Fun fact.

Spread it around.
John Kerry Suggests Media Cover Terrorism Less

The're pretty sure we cant handle the truth, its a similar mentality in the Marxist philosophy. Those with superior brains should be leading the masses
Covering terrorism is what the terrorists want. There's not much point in blowing yourself if no one hears about it or cares. Why do you want to give the terrorists what they want, media attention?


after all, why should the masses be informed?
[Natural rights are a lie. Your rights here come from the government . . .
That's progressivism, Retard.
No. The founders of this nation were liberals. The Constitution is Liberal Charter that formed our liberal secular government.

Some countries were founded for Jesus. Our Constitution doesn't even bother to mention God. Liberal and secular.
the Constitution does, after all, mention God. Article VII reads, "done in Convention … the Seventeenth Day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven and of the Independence of the United States of America."
Don't even bother trying to spin that old crap. That is nothing more than they way things were dated. God is not in our Constitution and founding an official religion is forbidden by the First Amendment. If you want to live in a nation founded with God in mind, move to Greece.
Why not STUPID? You said God is never once mentioned in the US Constitution when in fact he is.. So either you're a dumb fucking liberal or just a fucking liar? Which one is it?
"Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face." ~ Thomas Sowell


And I mean not a link to the name but a link to the QUOTE. In its context.
LOL Sure dummy
What defines a progressive liberal

That isn't a link to the content at all. It's a copy of the same thing you just posted, linking to the author's website.
Are you retarded?
It's a quote you dumb mother fucker.. now ANSWER the fucking question DID YOU VOTE FOR OBAMA??
[Natural rights are a lie. Your rights here come from the government . . .
That's progressivism, Retard.

Sorry, the last Progressive died in 1925. "Fighting Bob" LaFollette.

Fun fact: a Republican.
Hillary Clinton: "I'm a Progressive."

Hillary Clinton: 'I'm A Progressive, But I'm A Progressive Who Likes To Get Things Done'

If I go on this message board and declare "I'm an ice cream sandwich" --- are you going to eat me?

Check this out:

Guess how many grapes are in that box. Guess how many nuts.

"But... but ... it says Grape Nuts!!"

Welcome to earth.
It's quite evident from this thread that progressives do not appreciate free speech.
So far I haven't seen a progressive? Are you one?
I'm a constitutionalist. In fact, to the right of the Constitution. Our charter of principles - our founding - absolutely is right-wing.
The Constitution is a document based upon the philosophy of Liberalism. You are a very ignorant person. If you support the Constitution then you are being liberal. That is where it came from, liberals.
The liberalism of Locke, Montesquieu, and Thomas Jefferson.

I'm a liberal. You're a progressive.

Next lesson: colors or shapes. Your choice.
You aren't a liberal.

Defend the right of a woman to wear a burka, anywhere she likes? Defined the right of a woman to get an abortion? Defend the rights of homosexuals to be equal before the law? Defend the rights of NAMBLA to meet and propose legislation decriminalizing sex between men and boys? Defend flag burning? Defend the right of the Nazis to rally in a Jewish neighborhood? Defend the right of me to pass out Satanism books at a public school Exploring Religion day? Defend the rights of Muslims to try and pass laws based on the Koran?
"Liberalism is totalitarianism with a human face." ~ Thomas Sowell


And I mean not a link to the name but a link to the QUOTE. In its context.
LOL Sure dummy
What defines a progressive liberal

That isn't a link to the content at all. It's a copy of the same thing you just posted, linking to the author's website.
Are you retarded?
It's a quote you dumb mother fucker.. now ANSWER the fucking question DID YOU VOTE FOR OBAMA??

:rofl: Ah, the butthurt. This is why we Liberals invented free speech -- we knew it would be fun.

So you CAN'T provide the quote. You're just parroting something you found on a wacko religious blog ---- and they don't have a link either.

This is why I'm up here and you're down in a hole. I actually work up my thoughts before I post -- that way I can actually defend them.


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