Liberals in New Yawk Hate Glen Beck.

Because we can totally trust what Glenn Beck has to say about liberals as absolute unexaggerated truth.
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Hatred and stupidity are the common features that form the democratic party. Contempt for liberty is another common trait for the left. dims demonstrated this fully as they attacked Glenn Beck at a film festival.

{Conservative radio host Glenn Beck stole the show at an outdoor movie screening in Manhattan this week. Moviegoers tweeted pictures of Beck and his family at the event. Though the pictures look like nothing's wrong, on his radio show Beck said it was a "hostile situation" and that he was "harassed." His daughter had persuaded the family to go to the screening of Alfred Hitchcock's "39 Steps." Beck choked up on his show when explaining that his daughter later apologized. He said, "I called my daughter and I said 'honey, it's not your fault.'" When Beck and his family got up to leave, he said, the audience applauded. "I swear to you I think, if I had suggested, and I almost did, 'Wow, does anybody have a rope? Because there's a tree here.}

Glenn Beck Says He Was Nearly

That's the left for you, hearts filled with hate, heads full of shit.

When you make your living spouting your opinion like it was the truth from God himself, you should expect things like this to happen. If he did not want this type of reaction to the things he said than he should not have said them in, here are the key words, "In Public". They had every right, like Mr. Beck, to voice their opinion, again the key words "In Public". They did not go to his home or invade his privacy in any way. They were not violent nor were they threatening. They, like Mr. beck voiced there opinions in public.
Hatred and stupidity are the common features that form the democratic party. Contempt for liberty is another common trait for the left. dims demonstrated this fully as they attacked Glenn Beck at a film festival.

{Conservative radio host Glenn Beck stole the show at an outdoor movie screening in Manhattan this week. Moviegoers tweeted pictures of Beck and his family at the event. Though the pictures look like nothing's wrong, on his radio show Beck said it was a "hostile situation" and that he was "harassed." His daughter had persuaded the family to go to the screening of Alfred Hitchcock's "39 Steps." Beck choked up on his show when explaining that his daughter later apologized. He said, "I called my daughter and I said 'honey, it's not your fault.'" When Beck and his family got up to leave, he said, the audience applauded. "I swear to you I think, if I had suggested, and I almost did, 'Wow, does anybody have a rope? Because there's a tree here.}

Glenn Beck Says He Was Nearly

That's the left for you, hearts filled with hate, heads full of shit.

When you make your living spouting your opinion like it was the truth from God himself, you should expect things like this to happen. If he did not want this type of reaction to the things he said than he should not have said them in, here are the key words, "In Public". They had every right, like Mr. Beck, to voice their opinion, again the key words "In Public". They did not go to his home or invade his privacy in any way. They were not violent nor were they threatening. They, like Mr. beck voiced there opinions in public.

Just another example of the mob mentality that is the left. Each one of them doesn't have the guts to stand alone and say it to his face. Cowards.
When you make your living spouting your opinion like it was the truth from God himself, you should expect things like this to happen.


So we see these things happening to Michael Moore, Jon Stewart, Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow all the time, right?

Oh wait, we NEVER see this kind of shit - it only happens to the right - because leftists are hate-filled thugs who use violence and intimidation to silence those they don't agree with!
Libs hate him because they can't prove him wrong. His last "regular" show will be on tomorrow night. He said "regular" because he's still going to be on Fox for specials, and he has other plans. The left is going to wish he still only had his radio show and and hour each night on tv. Because he has some plans...and the left isn't going to like it! I can't wait!!!! Lol!
He is ALWAYS telling people to do their own homework, don't take his word for anything....he's only giving us his opinion and what he's found. The left won't do that...JUST because he's conservative. They don't want to be proven that they're WRONG!
I don't like bad behavior..and I don't care where it comes from. I've met plenty of people from all spectrums of society. I treat them essentially the same. Whether that be a janitor or a CEO.

Now you're really full of it.

I believe you're the type that sits back and lets bad things happen to others. You might even cheer like some of those people were doing.

I bet you don't have the decency to stand up and defend anyone from attacks. It's not in your nature.

That would be your nature. Don't project. I've done work for Habitat for Humanity, the Red Cross and New York Cares' coat drive. When I was a trucker..I stopped each and every time I saw someone in trouble..including a time in the pouring rain a woman's car fell into a sinkhole. My helper and I pushed the car out while getting soaked. I also stopped a robbery while working at a convenience store.

Being from Tennessee..a welfare're probably use to sitting around waiting for help while eating pork rinds and drinking PBR. Was one of the worst states I ever visited. Lots of shoeless kids running around and pot bellied wild eyed louts hollering after them.


It's an easy enough thing to omit any pics that might show a woman with a white blouse on drenched with champagne. We'd have to have a forensic scientist look at any photo evidence to see if she had been splashed with champagne and the amount.

Why don't we test her blouse for champagne stains. How much is an acceptable level of champagne to satisfy the left that some was spilled on her????

When were the pics taken, before or after the attack? Where is the proof of that??

You don't even have to see a lib get spit on when he claims so, even though video evidence proved he was not spit on, but when a con makes an accusation you need proof.

The constant double-standards from folks on this forum is pretty damned pathetic.

Irony is lost on the ironic. The ironic is your statement.
So none of these palookas can produce a single shred of evidence that this made up story from that phoney Glenn Beck ever occurred huh?
Hatred and stupidity are the common features that form the democratic party. Contempt for liberty is another common trait for the left. dims demonstrated this fully as they attacked Glenn Beck at a film festival.

{Conservative radio host Glenn Beck stole the show at an outdoor movie screening in Manhattan this week. Moviegoers tweeted pictures of Beck and his family at the event. Though the pictures look like nothing's wrong, on his radio show Beck said it was a "hostile situation" and that he was "harassed." His daughter had persuaded the family to go to the screening of Alfred Hitchcock's "39 Steps." Beck choked up on his show when explaining that his daughter later apologized. He said, "I called my daughter and I said 'honey, it's not your fault.'" When Beck and his family got up to leave, he said, the audience applauded. "I swear to you I think, if I had suggested, and I almost did, 'Wow, does anybody have a rope? Because there's a tree here.}

Glenn Beck Says He Was Nearly

That's the left for you, hearts filled with hate, heads full of shit.

When you make your living spouting your opinion like it was the truth from God himself, you should expect things like this to happen. If he did not want this type of reaction to the things he said than he should not have said them in, here are the key words, "In Public". They had every right, like Mr. Beck, to voice their opinion, again the key words "In Public". They did not go to his home or invade his privacy in any way. They were not violent nor were they threatening. They, like Mr. beck voiced there opinions in public.

Just another example of the mob mentality that is the left. Each one of them doesn't have the guts to stand alone and say it to his face. Cowards.

Yeah, fucking criminals...imagine the gall to actually have the nerve to accidentally spill wine and express their displeasure with someone... They ought to be shot. Oh wait....

[ame=]YouTube - ‪Rand Paul Campaign Workers Beat Up Woman‬‏[/ame]
Hatred and stupidity are the common features that form the democratic party. Contempt for liberty is another common trait for the left. dims demonstrated this fully as they attacked Glenn Beck at a film festival.

{Conservative radio host Glenn Beck stole the show at an outdoor movie screening in Manhattan this week. Moviegoers tweeted pictures of Beck and his family at the event. Though the pictures look like nothing's wrong, on his radio show Beck said it was a "hostile situation" and that he was "harassed." His daughter had persuaded the family to go to the screening of Alfred Hitchcock's "39 Steps." Beck choked up on his show when explaining that his daughter later apologized. He said, "I called my daughter and I said 'honey, it's not your fault.'" When Beck and his family got up to leave, he said, the audience applauded. "I swear to you I think, if I had suggested, and I almost did, 'Wow, does anybody have a rope? Because there's a tree here.}

Glenn Beck Says He Was Nearly

That's the left for you, hearts filled with hate, heads full of shit.

That's just funny right there...:lol:
Glenn's a pussy.

Some woman slipped half a glass of wine on his wife. Then offered her napkins.

He couldn't beat the shit out of that woman on his own?


Like most conservatives.

He's a limp wristed idiot.
Libs hate him because they can't prove him wrong. His last "regular" show will be on tomorrow night. He said "regular" because he's still going to be on Fox for specials, and he has other plans. The left is going to wish he still only had his radio show and and hour each night on tv. Because he has some plans...and the left isn't going to like it! I can't wait!!!! Lol!
He is ALWAYS telling people to do their own homework, don't take his word for anything....he's only giving us his opinion and what he's found. The left won't do that...JUST because he's conservative. They don't want to be proven that they're WRONG!

Wiat, wait, wait, this one is even funnier!!!

You go!!


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