Cain on Stewart Impersonation


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Tuesday he doesn't think Jon Stewart's recent impression of him was racist, but accused the comedian of singling him out because he is a "black conservative."

Cain was responding to a bit Stewart did on "The Daily Show" poking fun at the candidate's recent comments that he would only allow "small bills, three pages" if elected.

"If I am president, treaties will have to fit on the back of a cereal box. From now on, the State of the Union address will be delivered in the form of a fortune cookie," Stewart joked, trying to mimic Cain's voice. "I am Herman Cain, and I do not like to read!"

Cain, asked about the segment on Fox News, said he didn't think it was "in great taste," though he said it was still "funny."

"The thing about Jon Stewart, first of all, he's a comedian," Cain said. The businessman-turned-candidate suggested the segment derived from a "problem" with black conservatives more than anything.

"I do not believe it was racist, no," Cain said. "Liberals have a problem with black conservatives. With Jon being the liberal that he is, it's more that I'm a black conservative than it is because I happen to be a black man."

Read more: Cain: Stewart Impression Shows 'Problem' With Black Conservatives, But Not Racist -

Isn't Mr. Cain generous? But, I disagree, mocking someone because they are a Black Republican is racist as hell.
That moron said nothing more than three pages and now he is tyring to divert to get away from what HE said.

How dumb is this guy. I know he is trying to appeal to fellow morons with this three page thing but he is a joke.
Slugging it out in the business world he was certainly no joke, and earned a great deal of experience in doing so that puts him head and shoulders above most professional politicians.
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Tuesday he doesn't think Jon Stewart's recent impression of him was racist, but accused the comedian of singling him out because he is a "black conservative."

Cain was responding to a bit Stewart did on "The Daily Show" poking fun at the candidate's recent comments that he would only allow "small bills, three pages" if elected.

"If I am president, treaties will have to fit on the back of a cereal box. From now on, the State of the Union address will be delivered in the form of a fortune cookie," Stewart joked, trying to mimic Cain's voice. "I am Herman Cain, and I do not like to read!"

Cain, asked about the segment on Fox News, said he didn't think it was "in great taste," though he said it was still "funny."

"The thing about Jon Stewart, first of all, he's a comedian," Cain said. The businessman-turned-candidate suggested the segment derived from a "problem" with black conservatives more than anything.

"I do not believe it was racist, no," Cain said. "Liberals have a problem with black conservatives. With Jon being the liberal that he is, it's more that I'm a black conservative than it is because I happen to be a black man."

Read more: Cain: Stewart Impression Shows 'Problem' With Black Conservatives, But Not Racist -

Isn't Mr. Cain generous? But, I disagree, mocking someone because they are a Black Republican is racist as hell.

Right, because Jon Stewart never makes fun of white politicians! :lol:

That's some chip Cain has on his shoulder.
Stewart destroyed Fox and crybaby racecard Cain on this last night, by playing about twenty of his other impersonations.

I highly recommend you watch it if you can find it.
That moron said nothing more than three pages and now he is tyring to divert to get away from what HE said.

How dumb is this guy. I know he is trying to appeal to fellow morons with this three page thing but he is a joke.

Next time listen to the entire speech instead of one sound byte fed to you by the liberal media you stupid troll!
Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain said Tuesday he doesn't think Jon Stewart's recent impression of him was racist, but accused the comedian of singling him out because he is a "black conservative."

Cain was responding to a bit Stewart did on "The Daily Show" poking fun at the candidate's recent comments that he would only allow "small bills, three pages" if elected.

"If I am president, treaties will have to fit on the back of a cereal box. From now on, the State of the Union address will be delivered in the form of a fortune cookie," Stewart joked, trying to mimic Cain's voice. "I am Herman Cain, and I do not like to read!"

Cain, asked about the segment on Fox News, said he didn't think it was "in great taste," though he said it was still "funny."

"The thing about Jon Stewart, first of all, he's a comedian," Cain said. The businessman-turned-candidate suggested the segment derived from a "problem" with black conservatives more than anything.

"I do not believe it was racist, no," Cain said. "Liberals have a problem with black conservatives. With Jon being the liberal that he is, it's more that I'm a black conservative than it is because I happen to be a black man."

Read more: Cain: Stewart Impression Shows 'Problem' With Black Conservatives, But Not Racist -

Isn't Mr. Cain generous? But, I disagree, mocking someone because they are a Black Republican is racist as hell.

Cain is showing some class here. If a conservative had done a skit like this about Hank Johnson Jesse Jackson would be screaming racism and demanding that he be fired.

Is it racism on Stewart's part? I don't know, but I do know that I think anyone who judges a person by the color of their skin rather than the content of their character is not living up to the ideals of King.
The political satire comedian formerly known a Jonathan Liebowitz would be toast if the media treated his racist rants honestly.
Cain is starting to sound like a professional victim...a la Palin.

If steward only went after blacks, then he would have a point, but steward goes after all dumb ass republicans like Cain.

Again, Cain...."small bills, three pages"....really? How moronic are your constituents to believe this tripe? The funny thing is people in here will back this dumb shit up. The average voters are really idiots. Palin, Bachmann, Cain backers are just .....well uh....special.
Who is John Stewart?

Google his Cable TV ratings and find out.

I could seriously care less. He's a non-entity in my life. You continue worshiping him, whoever the hell he is.
Just after the palooka posted this:


RWers are so effing dumb!


Lefties got it bass-akward as usual. When are we gonna see "Stewart on Cain impersonation"? The liberal media will refuse to address Stewart's racism and cover for him until it all blows over and FOX will be attacked by Soros and Huffing if it covers Stewart's racism. That's the way the left has it rigged.
Why is it that black conservatives always claim to be disliked because they are "black" conservatives, never just conservatives? Why do they always have to bring "black" into it? Does Michelle Bachman always claim the left dislikes her because she's a "female" conservative? When will "conservatives" realize that "black" conservatives are the most race conscious of all blacks?
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Lefties got it bass-akward as usual. When are we gonna see "Stewart on Cain impersonation"? The liberal media will refuse to address Stewart's racism and cover for him until it all blows over and FOX will be attacked by Soros and Huffing if it covers Stewart's racism. That's the way the left has it rigged.

What did John Stewart do that was "racist"? Could you provide a link?
Lefties got it bass-akward as usual. When are we gonna see "Stewart on Cain impersonation"? The liberal media will refuse to address Stewart's racism and cover for him until it all blows over and FOX will be attacked by Soros and Huffing if it covers Stewart's racism. That's the way the left has it rigged.

What did John Stewart do that was "racist"? Could you provide a link?

No...he can't.

Because there was nothing racist about his statements.
Lefties got it bass-akward as usual. When are we gonna see "Stewart on Cain impersonation"? The liberal media will refuse to address Stewart's racism and cover for him until it all blows over and FOX will be attacked by Soros and Huffing if it covers Stewart's racism. That's the way the left has it rigged.

WHITEhall, what racism?

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