Liberals do realize that the troops don't really want to stay here, right?

Pedro de San Patricio

Gold Member
Feb 14, 2015
You can't really fail to notice the particular liberal talking point of how they're just trying to keep us here, safe and with our families while the evil conservatives are trying to force us to go die for their oil. You can't fail to see the logic of it. It does sound nice in theory.

Missing time with your family sucks. I watched fathers cry in basic training over missing their son's first steps or their daughter's first word. It's definitely more comfortable here in the States than the desert. Here the worst that's going to happen is some liberal hippy will get in your face and demand you personally end the war and give him money for his next hit. There the worst that could happen is that the liberal hippy's misunderstood terrorist friends will pull a VBIED up beside your tent and kill everyone in the FOB while you sleep.

However, despite all of that, I've yet to see a single military member actually want to give up the fight and go home. I've only seen one person fail to jump at the chance for a deployment. (My branch deploys individually rather than in units. You can probably guess which it is.) As happens so often, the reality I see every day just doesn't mesh with what they tell me I see. Do they just fail to realize that, if we didn't believe in what we're doing, then we wouldn't be here? Or are they hoping we'll put our petty personal desires over the responsibilities we signed up for? I honestly don't get it.
"Liberals do realize that the troops don't really want to stay here, right?"

Which is why the Framers wisely placed ultimate military authority under civilian control.

Unfortunately GWB abused that authority with two failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We can only hope that wisdom again prevails and such abuse never again occurs.
"Liberals do realize that the troops don't really want to stay here, right?"

Which is why the Framers wisely placed ultimate military authority under civilian control.

Unfortunately GWB abused that authority with two failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We can only hope that wisdom again prevails and such abuse never again occurs.
Bush should have gone into Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left.

Instead, he let Bin Laden go and left Afghanistan a mess and Iraq a terrible debacle.

And Republicans, somehow, believe Bush did the right thing and because of him we "almost" won.

Won what? They don't even know. Such low information people.

And those that say troops are "raring to go" and go fight somewhere for no reason anyone can think of to a vague "some where in the Middle East" demonstrates Republican have gone full out "tard". You can't reason with them because they have no reason. And to elect them to run the country means we get what we deserve. Republicans are dangerous to the country and to the world. So much of what is wrong is because of them. And they still haven't apologized to the country for Iraq.
"Liberals do realize that the troops don't really want to stay here, right?"

Which is why the Framers wisely placed ultimate military authority under civilian control.

Unfortunately GWB abused that authority with two failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We can only hope that wisdom again prevails and such abuse never again occurs.
I agree. I'm not talking about any kind of leadership. Fuck knows what the officers think. My only experience has been with junior enlisted and the sergeants I've met.
For some historic perspective, Harry Truman didn't consult with congress like Bush did in Iraq. He shipped G.I.'s to Korea with an executive order. The old WW1 farts (Truman and MacArthur) managed to screw it up so badly that we lost 50,000 (or 38,000 revised by Clinton) American Troops in combat in three years and ended up right back where we started and we still have Troops posted (and dying) on the unstable border better than half a century later. Yet low information lefties manage to think of timid Harry Truman as a hero and Korea as the "forgotten war".
"Liberals do realize that the troops don't really want to stay here, right?"

Which is why the Framers wisely placed ultimate military authority under civilian control.

Unfortunately GWB abused that authority with two failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We can only hope that wisdom again prevails and such abuse never again occurs.
Bush should have gone into Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left.

Instead, he let Bin Laden go and left Afghanistan a mess and Iraq a terrible debacle.

And Republicans, somehow, believe Bush did the right thing and because of him we "almost" won.

Won what? They don't even know. Such low information people.

And those that say troops are "raring to go" and go fight somewhere for no reason anyone can think of to a vague "some where in the Middle East" demonstrates Republican have gone full out "tard". You can't reason with them because they have no reason. And to elect them to run the country means we get what we deserve. Republicans are dangerous to the country and to the world. So much of what is wrong is because of them. And they still haven't apologized to the country for Iraq.

And Bush would have done just that is the Democrat (Leakie Leahy) hadn't tipped Bin Laden that we were tracking him by his cell phone calls.
"Liberals do realize that the troops don't really want to stay here, right?"

Which is why the Framers wisely placed ultimate military authority under civilian control.

Unfortunately GWB abused that authority with two failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. We can only hope that wisdom again prevails and such abuse never again occurs.
Bush should have gone into Afghanistan, taken out Bin Laden and left.

Instead, he let Bin Laden go and left Afghanistan a mess and Iraq a terrible debacle.

And Republicans, somehow, believe Bush did the right thing and because of him we "almost" won.

Won what? They don't even know. Such low information people.

And those that say troops are "raring to go" and go fight somewhere for no reason anyone can think of to a vague "some where in the Middle East" demonstrates Republican have gone full out "tard". You can't reason with them because they have no reason. And to elect them to run the country means we get what we deserve. Republicans are dangerous to the country and to the world. So much of what is wrong is because of them. And they still haven't apologized to the country for Iraq.

And Bush would have done just that is the Democrat (Leakie Leahy) hadn't tipped Bin Laden that we were tracking him by his cell phone calls.
I am sure Oslama knew he was being listened to....
For some historic perspective, Harry Truman didn't consult with congress like Bush did in Iraq. He shipped G.I.'s to Korea with an executive order. The old WW1 farts (Truman and MacArthur) managed to screw it up so badly that we lost 50,000 (or 38,000 revised by Clinton) American Troops in combat in three years and ended up right back where we started and we still have Troops posted (and dying) on the unstable border better than half a century later. Yet low information lefties manage to think of timid Harry Truman as a hero and Korea as the "forgotten war".
Considering that the US had to fight the Chinese also, we did just fine there...

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