Liberals bully Condi Rice into withdrawing from Rutgers Commencement


It's stunning that American adults are so willing to support such closed-minded behavior of our young people.

I'd think that any reasonable adult would want young people to be exposed to a wide range of ideas and opinions, to challenge themselves and their own beliefs, to think things through in every situation. Wouldn't such a notion go without saying?

Instead, they're being encouraged to be as bigoted, closed-minded and narcissistic as the adult partisan ideologues who are doing this country so much damage.

Sad to see. The decay continues.

For the last 5 years these young people have been "exposed" to what occurred in the bush administration. How many times must you hear something to make a decision regarding a person or event? But even if she chose NOT to speak of her time in office they have a perfect right to reject her based on her previous behavior. They have done so. Now, how about you? Can you accept their decision?

It's not my decision. Nor do I really care whether she speaks there or not.

I just hate to see what partisans like you are doing to our young people.

Not much I can do about it.

This is wrong.

She should be allowed to speak.
I disagree with you on this one Jake. The truth is that rice is allowed to speak all she wishes. She can stand outside of the hall and speak to her hearts content. However, this is an a speech by invitation and the students and faculty should not be forced to listen to her if they do not wish to. It is NOT a public venue. IT IS THEIR GRADUATION AND THEY AS THE GUESTS OF HONOR SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO LISTEN TO WHO THEY WANT TO.

It is a public venue if the student leadership and the administration say it is, not you.

I would permit John Bolton to speak, if the admin and student leadership, wished, and he is, to me, the most despicable senior American official in 15 years, exception Cheney.
This is wrong.

She should be allowed to speak.
I disagree with you on this one Jake. The truth is that rice is allowed to speak all she wishes. She can stand outside of the hall and speak to her hearts content. However, this is an a speech by invitation and the students and faculty should not be forced to listen to her if they do not wish to. It is NOT a public venue. IT IS THEIR GRADUATION AND THEY AS THE GUESTS OF HONOR SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO LISTEN TO WHO THEY WANT TO.

So if students at a university didn't want a LGBT speaker to speak, you'd be fine and respect that?

You'd throw a prancing, limp wristed fit, and cry about bigotry.

Fucking hypocrite.
This is wrong.

She should be allowed to speak.
I disagree with you on this one Jake. The truth is that rice is allowed to speak all she wishes. She can stand outside of the hall and speak to her hearts content. However, this is an a speech by invitation and the students and faculty should not be forced to listen to her if they do not wish to. It is NOT a public venue. IT IS THEIR GRADUATION AND THEY AS THE GUESTS OF HONOR SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO LISTEN TO WHO THEY WANT TO.

So if students at a university didn't want a LGBT speaker to speak, you'd be fine and respect that?

You'd throw a prancing, limp wristed fit, and cry about bigotry.

Fucking hypocrite.

You would be the "prancing, limp wristed" fussy "fit, and cry about bigotry."

You fucking hypocrite.
This is wrong.

She should be allowed to speak.
I disagree with you on this one Jake. The truth is that rice is allowed to speak all she wishes. She can stand outside of the hall and speak to her hearts content. However, this is an a speech by invitation and the students and faculty should not be forced to listen to her if they do not wish to. It is NOT a public venue. IT IS THEIR GRADUATION AND THEY AS THE GUESTS OF HONOR SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO LISTEN TO WHO THEY WANT TO.

A small minority of loud mouthed bullies are responsible, they are the ones depriving the rest of the students form hearing an inspiring speaker. BTW the university said the invitation stands, it was Condi who declined because it would detract form occasion, she is the one who has shown the class person she is, not the bullies.
This is wrong.

She should be allowed to speak.
I disagree with you on this one Jake. The truth is that rice is allowed to speak all she wishes. She can stand outside of the hall and speak to her hearts content. However, this is an a speech by invitation and the students and faculty should not be forced to listen to her if they do not wish to. It is NOT a public venue. IT IS THEIR GRADUATION AND THEY AS THE GUESTS OF HONOR SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO LISTEN TO WHO THEY WANT TO.

A small minority of loud mouthed bullies are responsible, they are the ones depriving the rest of the students form hearing an inspiring speaker. BTW the university said the invitation stands, it was Condi who declined because it would detract form occasion, she is the one who has shown the class person she is, not the bullies.

But the limp wristers got their way. The prancing liberals won. She's not speaking. That's what they wanted. They bullied their way to victory.
This is wrong.

She should be allowed to speak.
I disagree with you on this one Jake. The truth is that rice is allowed to speak all she wishes. She can stand outside of the hall and speak to her hearts content. However, this is an a speech by invitation and the students and faculty should not be forced to listen to her if they do not wish to. It is NOT a public venue. IT IS THEIR GRADUATION AND THEY AS THE GUESTS OF HONOR SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO LISTEN TO WHO THEY WANT TO.

It is a public venue if the student leadership and the administration say it is, not you.

I would permit John Bolton to speak, if the admin and student leadership, wished, and he is, to me, the most despicable senior American official in 15 years, exception Cheney.

Abbie and Jerri are rolling in their graves. I'm not six feet under yet but these asswipes at Rutgers are going to help put me there.:lol:

Let her speak.

This action by the students and endorsed by libs is exactly why I left the so called left.
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Condi deserves to spend the rest of her life in prison, along with the rest of Bush/Cheney, Inc.

"'This is not good for Rutgers,' Rutgers-Newark English and American Studies Professor H. Bruce Franklin told The Star-Ledger on Friday. 'What we're doing is awarding an honorary degree and having a commencement speech from someone who is a war criminal.'

"As reported by Inside Higher Ed, the resolution from the New Brunswick faculty in February stated that Rice 'played a prominent role in [the Bush] administration’s efforts to mislead the American people about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the existence of links between al Qaeda and the Iraqi regime.'

"The lies thus promoted..."

Rutgers Faculty Doesn't Want 'War Criminal' Condoleezza Rice To Give Commencement Speech
This is wrong.

She should be allowed to speak.
I disagree with you on this one Jake. The truth is that rice is allowed to speak all she wishes. She can stand outside of the hall and speak to her hearts content. However, this is an a speech by invitation and the students and faculty should not be forced to listen to her if they do not wish to. It is NOT a public venue. IT IS THEIR GRADUATION AND THEY AS THE GUESTS OF HONOR SHOULD HAVE THE RIGHT TO LISTEN TO WHO THEY WANT TO.

It is a public venue if the student leadership and the administration say it is, not you.

I would permit John Bolton to speak, if the admin and student leadership, wished, and he is, to me, the most despicable senior American official in 15 years, exception Cheney.
First of all, graduations are closed events and parents and other guests are there by invitation. They are not open to the public. Second, are you really saying that on this special day in they life they should be forced to sit through a speech by a person they detest? Don't the students have any rights or input on who will make the commencement speech? This is supposed to be a day of celebration and not a day of being forced to sit and listen to someone they do not respect.
And as to john bolton, I completely agree he is a detestable person but how many times must a person be forced to listen to someone if they do not wish to listen. It is one thing to choose to go to a speech where bolton is speaking but it something quite different to be forced to sit and listen to him. Frankly, I have heard enough out of bolton to know I do not wish to hear anymore. I am sure many of those at Rugters feel the same about rice.
You libs m ight as well start wearing brownshirts. Because that's what you degenerate pieces of shit are. You are fucking fascists.

You are the brown shirt, novasteve, but all you are going to be doing is saluting yourself in the mirror.
Condi deserves to spend the rest of her life in prison, along with the rest of Bush/Cheney, Inc.

"'This is not good for Rutgers,' Rutgers-Newark English and American Studies Professor H. Bruce Franklin told The Star-Ledger on Friday. 'What we're doing is awarding an honorary degree and having a commencement speech from someone who is a war criminal.'

"As reported by Inside Higher Ed, the resolution from the New Brunswick faculty in February stated that Rice 'played a prominent role in [the Bush] administration’s efforts to mislead the American people about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the existence of links between al Qaeda and the Iraqi regime.'

"The lies thus promoted..."

Rutgers Faculty Doesn't Want 'War Criminal' Condoleezza Rice To Give Commencement Speech

Let her speak. Disagree. Protest. But let her speak.

Our young people DESERVE to be encouraged to challenge their own beliefs, to expose themselves to differing viewpoints at every opportunity, and to sincerely consider views that don't immediately comport with theirs.

It's a goddamn shame that ideology blinds people to this.

Yes it is, but it's done on all sides these days.
I think that Ms. Rice handled the whole thing with class. Personally, I think they missed out on something good. I don't agree with many of the policies the previous Administration enacted , but she is a lady of great achievement and could most likely have delivered an inspirational speech. That said; the students who demonstrated or threatened to demonstrate against had the right to air their opposition to having her there.

It's stunning that American adults are so willing to support such closed-minded behavior of our young people.

I'd think that any reasonable adult would want young people to be exposed to a wide range of ideas and opinions, to challenge themselves and their own beliefs, to think things through in every situation. Wouldn't such a notion go without saying?

Instead, they're being encouraged to be as bigoted, closed-minded and narcissistic as the adult partisan ideologues who are doing this country so much damage.

Sad to see. The decay continues.

For the last 5 years these young people have been "exposed" to what occurred in the bush administration. How many times must you hear something to make a decision regarding a person or event? But even if she chose NOT to speak of her time in office they have a perfect right to reject her based on her previous behavior. They have done so. Now, how about you? Can you accept their decision?

It's not my decision. Nor do I really care whether she speaks there or not.

I just hate to see what partisans like you are doing to our young people.

Not much I can do about it.

What the fuck am I doing to "our young people.?" If we have the right to free speech in this country doesn't that also imply we have a right to listen to who we want to listen to. If I see a person standing on a soap box and making a political speech don't I have the right to lister OR to walk on by? We are not taking about a group of dummies here. We are taking about a group of college educated individuals that do not want to listen to a person they do not respect. Just because you approve of a person who has been called a war cirminal doesn't mean that the students should be forced to listen to one. DON'T THEY HAVE A PERFECT RIGHT TO LISTEN TO WHO THEY WANT TO LISTEN TO?

Our young people DESERVE to be encouraged to challenge their own beliefs, to expose themselves to differing viewpoints at every opportunity, and to sincerely consider views that don't immediately comport with theirs.

It's a goddamn shame that ideology blinds people to this.

Yes it is, but it's done on all sides these days.

So that makes it okay not to do so?


I'm going to alert many free speech organizers that I know from other work that I have done. I think Rutgers will rue this day.

As they should.
For the last 5 years these young people have been "exposed" to what occurred in the bush administration. How many times must you hear something to make a decision regarding a person or event? But even if she chose NOT to speak of her time in office they have a perfect right to reject her based on her previous behavior. They have done so. Now, how about you? Can you accept their decision?

It's not my decision. Nor do I really care whether she speaks there or not.

I just hate to see what partisans like you are doing to our young people.

Not much I can do about it.

What the fuck am I doing to "our young people.?" If we have the right to free speech in this country doesn't that also imply we have a right to listen to who we want to listen to. If I see a person standing on a soap box and making a political speech don't I have the right to lister OR to walk on by? We are not taking about a group of dummies here. We are taking about a group of college educated individuals that do not want to listen to a person they do not respect. Just because you approve of a person who has been called a war cirminal doesn't mean that the students should be forced to listen to one. DON'T THEY HAVE A PERFECT RIGHT TO LISTEN TO WHO THEY WANT TO LISTEN TO?

Read post 52. If you don't agree with what I said in that post, then you're an example of my point.

I think that Ms. Rice handled the whole thing with class. Personally, I think they missed out on something good. I don't agree with many of the policies the previous Administration enacted , but she is a lady of great achievement and could most likely have delivered an inspirational speech. That said; the students who demonstrated or threatened to demonstrate against had the right to air their opposition to having her there.

The lady rocks. She embodies "class". I love her to death.

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