Liberals bully Condi Rice into withdrawing from Rutgers Commencement

You can make all the posts you want about where rice is speaking and if people want to listen to her, GREAT. It is their choice. But along with the right to free speech comes the right not to be forced to listen to someone you do not want to listen to. THEY STUDENTS AND FACULTY WHO DID NOT WISH TO LISTEN TO RICE HAD A PERFECT RIGHT TO MAKE THEIR FEELINGS KNOWN AND TO ASK THE UNIVERSITY TO WITHDRAW THE INVITATION.

Idiot. I am not arguing with you. Pay attention, asshole.
I think that Ms. Rice handled the whole thing with class. Personally, I think they missed out on something good. I don't agree with many of the policies the previous Administration enacted , but she is a lady of great achievement and could most likely have delivered an inspirational speech. That said; the students who demonstrated or threatened to demonstrate against had the right to air their opposition to having her there.

The lady rocks. She embodies "class". I love her to death.
.... never mind that she helped push the US into a war based on lies that cost the lives of 4,500 Americans.

You mean the war the hildabeast supported and most other dems voter for, your a piece of shit with very selective amnesia.
The right celebrated when Michelle Obama had to back down from speaking at a high school graduation
The lady rocks. She embodies "class". I love her to death.
.... never mind that she helped push the US into a war based on lies that cost the lives of 4,500 Americans.

You mean the war the hildabeast supported and most other dems voter for, your a piece of shit with very selective amnesia.

Politics forced their vote. The politics were shaped by her lies.

Figure it out, genius.
You can make all the posts you want about where rice is speaking and if people want to listen to her, GREAT. It is their choice. But along with the right to free speech comes the right not to be forced to listen to someone you do not want to listen to. THE STUDENTS AND FACULTY WHO DID NOT WISH TO LISTEN TO RICE HAD A PERFECT RIGHT TO MAKE THEIR FEELINGS KNOWN AND TO ASK THE UNIVERSITY TO WITHDRAW THE INVITATION.

Or they could have simply not attended.

The best way would be to allow pretty much anyone to speak (thought that was one of the tenents of a university) and adjust your attendance accordingly.
No one wants to hear what the first black female secretary of state has to say. Certainly a black woman pianist so accomplished she gave a concert with Yolo Ma has nothing to add to the racial conversation. A black woman who can sit down with Putin and speak to him in fluent Russian is no role model for women today.

Whatever was Rutgers thinking? Get the black congresswoman who said she is a freed slave. That's worth the price of admission.

Is that the same moron who thinks we left an American flag on Mars?

Lol liberals are so smart

Should be interesting to see how much more divided we can get.

Conservatives will only be able to speak to conservatives, liberals to liberals.

At some point it will end up literally being two different languages.

E Pluribus Unum is over.


Let's go back in time. "You're either with or against us." That proved to be a dividing statement, in America. If you opposed the Administration on Iraq, some on the other side of the aisle contended that you were not patriotic.
Obama isn't the first president to be accused as being a "divider." George W Bush was also accused of being a "divider".
The polarization of America has been going on quite awhile, certainly over a decade. It's too bad America has found itself in that position, it make this country weaker.
The polarization of America has been going on quite awhile, certainly over a decade. It's too bad America has found itself in that position, it make this country weaker.

It does.

And yet that doesn't stop either end of the spectrum from from continuing the behaviors and exacerbating the weakness.

Either they are blinded to this by their ideology or they just don't care. Either one is bad for the country.

.... never mind that she helped push the US into a war based on lies that cost the lives of 4,500 Americans.

You mean the war the hildabeast supported and most other dems voter for, your a piece of shit with very selective amnesia.

Politics forced their vote. The politics were shaped by her lies.

Figure it out, genius.

Maybe you should figure it out, when supposed intelligence reports support people you support, you're good to go, but when it supports people you disagree with suddenly they are liars. Admit it you're just a partisan hack with no honor or honesty. But thanks for admitting the commies will put politics above what they believe to be good policy.
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You mean the war the hildabeast supported and most other dems voter for, your a piece of shit with very selective amnesia.

Politics forced their vote. The politics were shaped by her lies.

Figure it out, genius.

Maybe you should figure it out, when supposed intelligence reports support people you support, you're good to go, but when it supports people you disagree with suddenly they are liars. Admit it you're just a partisan hack with no honor or honesty. But thanks for admitting the commies will put politics above what they believe to be good policy.

If Hillary Clinton's foreign policy decisions please you so much, why don't you praise her more often?

Is that because of that partisan hackery thing you guys are always going on about?
As long as a day doesn't go by that Condi doesn't have visions in her head of planes loaded with people crashing into buildings loaded with people, and people jumping off buildings to escape smoke and flames, I have no problem with where she doesn't get to spew her revisionist crap. The most important job in her entire life was that of National Security Advisor to the President of the United States. Anyone who helps keep those visions in her head is OK with me.
Politics forced their vote. The politics were shaped by her lies.

Figure it out, genius.

Maybe you should figure it out, when supposed intelligence reports support people you support, you're good to go, but when it supports people you disagree with suddenly they are liars. Admit it you're just a partisan hack with no honor or honesty. But thanks for admitting the commies will put politics above what they believe to be good policy.

If Hillary Clinton's foreign policy decisions please you so much, why don't you praise her more often?

Is that because of that partisan hackery thing you guys are always going on about?

You're assuming I agreed with the policies of GW, we could have forced the surrender of Iraq without all the destruction of their infrastructure. But that kind of action take patients, something Americans lack. I just simply pointed out that the authorization for use of force was bipartisan, something you lefties seem to have selectively forgotten.
Condi deserves to spend the rest of her life in prison, along with the rest of Bush/Cheney, Inc.

"'This is not good for Rutgers,' Rutgers-Newark English and American Studies Professor H. Bruce Franklin told The Star-Ledger on Friday. 'What we're doing is awarding an honorary degree and having a commencement speech from someone who is a war criminal.'

"As reported by Inside Higher Ed, the resolution from the New Brunswick faculty in February stated that Rice 'played a prominent role in [the Bush] administration’s efforts to mislead the American people about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the existence of links between al Qaeda and the Iraqi regime.'

"The lies thus promoted..."

Rutgers Faculty Doesn't Want 'War Criminal' Condoleezza Rice To Give Commencement Speech

Let her speak. Disagree. Protest. But let her speak.
I feel like I'm back in the 60s defending Angela Davis and her right to free speech.
How serious would the alleged crimes have to be before you would consider banning someone from speaking at a public institution's commencement?
Well the commie bullies win the day again. I seriously doubt any student would have said a word without the prompting of the professors. The professors should be fired for forcing their political views on the student population, it's not their place.

I heard it was the professor's commie children that put the pressure on the commie professor's wives that put the pressure on the commie professors that put the pressure on the commie students that... but who was it in the end that felt the pressure, Condi, or the commie university regents?
Curious if she did actually speak, what are the odds liberals wold have assaulted her and disrupted the speech? YHou know how tolerant they are. They can't allow opinions they don't share to be spoke, so BAMN, by any means necessary. The HIV positive way to silence others views.

I'm so tolerant!
Condi deserves to spend the rest of her life in prison, along with the rest of Bush/Cheney, Inc.

"'This is not good for Rutgers,' Rutgers-Newark English and American Studies Professor H. Bruce Franklin told The Star-Ledger on Friday. 'What we're doing is awarding an honorary degree and having a commencement speech from someone who is a war criminal.'

"As reported by Inside Higher Ed, the resolution from the New Brunswick faculty in February stated that Rice 'played a prominent role in [the Bush] administration’s efforts to mislead the American people about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and the existence of links between al Qaeda and the Iraqi regime.'

"The lies thus promoted..."

Rutgers Faculty Doesn't Want 'War Criminal' Condoleezza Rice To Give Commencement Speech

Let her speak. Disagree. Protest. But let her speak.
I feel like I'm back in the 60s defending Angela Davis and her right to free speech.
How serious would the alleged crimes have to be before you would consider banning someone from speaking at a public institution's commencement?

I don't know, how about some one bent on genocide. Like the guy these same professors had no problem allowing to speak at the same school.

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