Liberals Believe NRA Is A 'Terrorist Organization' But Antifa is Not... 'Nuff Said.


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Only a Liberal extremist / Liberal nut job can claim that an organization that promotes gun safety, education, and responsible ownership and that protects Americans' 2nd Amendment Rights is a 'Terrorist Organization' but argues that the self-proclaimed Anti-American Anarchist Fascist Antifa who admittedly instigates violence and uses violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights of Freedom Of Speech and the Right To Peacefully Assemble is NOT a 'Terrorist Organization'.


Keith Olbermann: NRA Should Be Branded a Terrorist Organization

Rapper Chuck D on Vegas Attack: NRA Is a 'Terrorist Organization'
Again, as I have said in the past.

The sociopaths bed wetters promote are the sorts of nanny statist tyrants who wiped out millions of people. They do not want to disarm us for "our safety".
more FAKE NEWS :eusa_liar:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi condemned the “violent actions of people calling themselves antifa” after violence led to arrests at Bay Area protests...

“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts,” Pelosi said in a statement released late Tuesday. “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

Pelosi condemns ‘violent actions’ of antifa protesters

Donald Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights supporters
Republican presidential nominee says ‘second amendment people’ could stop Democrat choosing undesirable supreme court justices if she is elected

Donald Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights supporters

Trump team 'want to remove white supremacists from the terror watch programme'
More extreme propaganda seeking to divide the country.

The NRA promotes gun sales for the manufacturers in any way possible.
More extreme propaganda seeking to divide the country.The NRA promotes gun sales for the manufacturers in any way possible.
You left out the word 'LEGAL', as in 'LEGAL gun sales'...oh, and that was your own OPINION. You left that out, too. :p
more FAKE NEWS :eusa_liar:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi condemned the “violent actions of people calling themselves antifa” after violence led to arrests at Bay Area protests...

“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts,” Pelosi said in a statement released late Tuesday. “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

Pelosi condemns ‘violent actions’ of antifa protesters

Yup, of course she did. That gives her a certain amount of plausible deniability should her actual support of them be mentioned.
more FAKE NEWS :eusa_liar:

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi condemned the “violent actions of people calling themselves antifa” after violence led to arrests at Bay Area protests...

“Our democracy has no room for inciting violence or endangering the public, no matter the ideology of those who commit such acts,” Pelosi said in a statement released late Tuesday. “The violent actions of people calling themselves antifa in Berkeley this weekend deserve unequivocal condemnation, and the perpetrators should be arrested and prosecuted.”

Pelosi condemns ‘violent actions’ of antifa protesters

Donald Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights supporters

Republican presidential nominee says ‘second amendment people’ could stop Democrat choosing undesirable supreme court justices if she is elected

Donald Trump hints at assassination of Hillary Clinton by gun rights supporters

Trump team 'want to remove white supremacists from the terror watch programme'
Pelosi is a brain dead liar.
The NRA represents our Civil Rights. The NRA fights for us against the tyrannical gun grabbers. They fight so we won't have too

Only a Liberal extremist / Liberal nut job can claim that an organization that promotes gun safety, education, and responsible ownership and that protects Americans' 2nd Amendment Rights is a 'Terrorist Organization' but argues that the self-proclaimed Anti-American Anarchist Fascist Antifa who admittedly instigates violence and uses violence to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights of Freedom Of Speech and the Right To Peacefully Assemble is NOT a 'Terrorist Organization'.

View attachment 152684

Keith Olbermann: NRA Should Be Branded a Terrorist Organization

Rapper Chuck D on Vegas Attack: NRA Is a 'Terrorist Organization'

Why make the idiotic leap to accusing all liberals of believing something that one guy said?
If that's all the NRA did, they'd have stood with the 90% of Americans who wanted the background check loopholes closed.

I love how you bed wetters keep regurgitating rebuked statistics.

The scheme of having paperwork on every weapon sold, exchanged from friends/family was rejected because congress had their phone lines melt down in voiced opposition to another moonbat policy idea.

The Myth of the "90 Percent" Support for Failed Background Check Bill

When libturds use "polls" to insist people support their asinine ideas, one only needs to look at the questions and how they're manipulated in order to obtain "proof" of something that is actually bullshit.
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More extreme propaganda seeking to divide the country.The NRA promotes gun sales for the manufacturers in any way possible.
You left out the word 'LEGAL', as in 'LEGAL gun sales'...oh, and that was your own OPINION. You left that out, too. :p

Right IMO you are an agitator seeking to divide the nation with your hyperbole nonsense. They oppose any changes to the lax AZ gun laws that allows the Cartel's access to high grade weapons. Those purchases are 100% legal. Silencers for the public anyone? Guess who supports that initiative?
Only a Liberal extremist / Liberal nut job can claim...
Why make the idiotic leap to accusing all liberals of believing something that one guy said?
Thank you for demonstrating for the 2nd day in a row that you are either a LIAR or have the reading comprehension level of a 2 year old. Either way, you have proven you have ZERO credibility by once again falsely accusing me of accusing ALL liberals of something.

What part of 'A LIBERAL EXTREMIST / Liberal Not Job' has you so confused that you feel the need to falsely accuse me of accusing ALL LIBERALS?

You're such a liberal TROLL and a joke... :p
Right IMO you are an agitator seeking to divide the nation with your hyperbole nonsense. They oppose any changes to the lax AZ gun laws that allows the Cartel's access to high grade weapons. Those purchases are 100% legal. Silencers for the public anyone? Guess who supports that initiative?

You're asinine opinion is duly noted.

And rejected.

Go fuck yourself bed wetter.
Their views on Islam and Muslims vs how they feel about Christians and Christianity, pretty much tells you all you need to know.
The left in this country, are anti-American. They hate the foundations of America, and it's history. Anything that is viewed as an opposition to America, and it's mainstream culture, they are in favor of.
Right IMO you are an agitator seeking to divide the nation...
Of course it is your liberal opinion that anyone other than the Libs - who are seeking to 'not let a good crisis go to waste' by riding the tsunami of emotion in the wake of this crisis to demonize legal organizations, push their liberal agenda that would NOT prevent such violence, and would strip Americans of their Constitutional Rights - are the ones seeking to divide the nation. .
Only a Liberal extremist / Liberal nut job can claim...
Why make the idiotic leap to accusing all liberals of believing something that one guy said?
Thank you for demonstrating for the 2nd day in a row that you are either a LIAR or have the reading comprehension level of a 2 year old. Either way, you have proven you have ZERO credibility by once again falsely accusing me of accusing ALL liberals of something.

What part of 'A LIBERAL EXTREMIST / Liberal Not Job' has you so confused that you feel the need to falsely accuse me of accusing ALL LIBERALS?

You're such a liberal TROLL and a joke... :p

The thread title says 'Liberals Believe..." That's a comprehensive generalization that is unsupported by the facts.

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