Liberals Are Killing Americans


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Did you think it was just jihadists that were killing Americans ? You'd be wrong. It is jihadists, with the help of liberals.

In the case of the New York, Uzbek bike path killer, he was helped to kill 8 Americans (more hospitalized in critical condition), by Chuck Schumer, who opened up the diversity lottery for him back in the 1990s.

The Fort Hood shooter, Major Nidal Hasan was helped to kill 13 US Army soldiers in Fort Hood, TX, by liberal then-President Barrack Obama. Despite dozens of requests from Fort Hood Army officers to dishonorably discharge Hasan, for seditious, jihadist speech, Obama allowed Hasan to continue. Obama et al liberals, also helped Hasan by having Fort Hood be a gun-free zone, thereby disarming the troops, and making them defenseless to Hasan's jihadist bloodbath.

This same gun-free zone defenselessness applied to the slaughters in San Bernardino, the Pulse club, recruiting center in Chattanooga, TN, and other places. In New York City, mayor Bill DeBlasio, and other liberals in other cities, have routinely prevented their police from monitoring Muslim mosques to prevent attacks before they happen.

Now, President Trump has wisely called for a Muslim immigration & travel ban to help keep Americans safe. Liberal nutjob judges in Seattle, Hawaii, and Baltimre have incredibly acted to stop this protective action.

Liberals, time and time again, have defended the mindless process of allowing people with nothing to offer America, and who have very questionable backgrounds, to enter the USA. The Boston Marathon terrorists, the Tsarnaev brothers, are case point. The Russian govt (who Democrats paint as our great enemy) warned the FBI and CIA that these creeps were followers of radical Islam. Obama officials admitted them anyway.

Speaking of Uzbekistan, in 2009, Obama and his immigration-happy gang let in Fazliddin Kurbanov from there also. Shortly after, he began communicating with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (an ISIS forerunner), and plotting terrorism. Investigators found ammonium nitrate, acetone, aluminum powder, and tannerite in his apartment, all components of bomb-making. He had plotted to bomb either a Boise, ID park during 4th of July celebrations, or a military base. Idaho jurors convicted him of a whole string of terrorism offenses.

The co-conspirator of Tamerlan Tsarnaev (in the the throat-slitting of 3 Jews), Ibragim Todashev, was supposedly carefully vetted, and then granted asylum. Asylum for what ? His own father said he had nothing to fear, and faced no oppression.

In June 2016, liberals in Obama's FBI, ICE, and TSA, fully investigated a Somali working in Washington DC's Dulles Airport, to a full federally mandated vetting process,only to find the guy was a war criminal. His job there ? He was a security guard.

Horror stories of terrorists let into the US by liberal idiots, and others already here, investigated but not arrested, abound. Like Omar Mateen, the Pulse Club shooter, investigated twice by the FBI, reported by co-workers for claiming he was a member of terroist organzations, and was looking to commit a martyrdom act.

The liberal loon New York Times, trying to save face, said it was >> "impossible to conduct an exhaustive investigation for each of the tens of millions of people who are cleared each year to come to this country to work, visit, or live."


Getting into the US should be like getting into Harvard. Tough, not easy. How about >> no criminal record, no low-skilled workers, no expensive medical conditions, and no fundamentalist Muslims.

Why are we (liberals that is) going out of our way to bring in people with endless problems ? America is under no obligation to solve the world's poverty problem, and the church ladies, the New York Times, and liberal do-gooders don't get to dictate what "we are", as Americans. If people want to run do-goody social service organizations, they should spend their own money.

All these things are just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens, if not hundreds of more examples could be added to this list, and USMB may know of some real beauts they could add.

Some text in this are from the Ann Coulter book, In Trump we Trust. Highly recommended reading.
The trouble is that not 1 act of terrorism would have been stopped had the ban been in place. The ban is a failure. It is too easy to evade.

The problem with the NY City killer was not the diversity lottery. He came to the US when ISIS did not exist nor had 9/11 happened. The first thing he did was try starting a business. That does not indicate someone with problems. What you want to ignore is the fact that he was radicalized by ISIS propaganda. He is not the only one. How many whites have left to join ISIS? That is the problem yet you offer no solutions to that problem.

The fact is that most immigrants have come to this country and become fine citizens. You want to punish everyone for the sins of a few. Your solutions don't even address the problem.

Ann Coulter is a hateful person. If it wasn't for hateful people like you, she would not have a audience.
The trouble is that not 1 act of terrorism would have been stopped had the ban been in place. The ban is a failure. It is too easy to evade.

The problem with the NY City killer was not the diversity lottery. He came to the US when ISIS did not exist nor had 9/11 happened. The first thing he did was try starting a business. That does not indicate someone with problems. What you want to ignore is the fact that he was radicalized by ISIS propaganda. He is not the only one. How many whites have left to join ISIS? That is the problem yet you offer no solutions to that problem.

The fact is that most immigrants have come to this country and become fine citizens. You want to punish everyone for the sins of a few. Your solutions don't even address the problem.

Ann Coulter is a hateful person. If it wasn't for hateful people like you, she would not have a audience.
That's a LIE! Many acts of terrorism would not have occured here, in the USA, if there had been a Muslim ban. The 9-11 highjackers would not have been here. Omar Mateen (Pulse Club killer) would not have been here. The San Bernardino killers would not have been here. Major Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood shooter) would not have been here.
The Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon killers) would not have been here.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez (killer of 4 Marines at Chattanooga military recruitment center and a U.S. Naval Reserve Center) would not have been here. Abdul Razak Ali Artan (Ohio State truck and stabber) would not have been here. Dahir A. Adan wouldn't have been here. etc, etc, etc,

Here's a perfect example of airhead liberal listening to liberal, fake news. believing it, and then displaying his ignorance and stupidity here in our forum. Better get busy, busybee, learning the facts. Take a couple of months to do that before posting any more.

As for Ann Coulter, she reports FACTS, all substantiated by thousands of footnote sources in her books. In contrast, you are a simple-minded, babbling rookie, who thinks he can say anything in here, and get away with it.
Lesson should be learned, by this time. :rolleyes:
The trouble is that not 1 act of terrorism would have been stopped had the ban been in place. The ban is a failure. It is too easy to evade.

The problem with the NY City killer was not the diversity lottery. He came to the US when ISIS did not exist nor had 9/11 happened. The first thing he did was try starting a business. That does not indicate someone with problems. What you want to ignore is the fact that he was radicalized by ISIS propaganda. He is not the only one. How many whites have left to join ISIS? That is the problem yet you offer no solutions to that problem.

The fact is that most immigrants have come to this country and become fine citizens. You want to punish everyone for the sins of a few. Your solutions don't even address the problem.

Ann Coulter is a hateful person. If it wasn't for hateful people like you, she would not have a audience.
That's a LIE! Many acts of terrorism would not have occured here, in the USA, if there had been a Muslim ban. The 9-11 highjackers would not have been here. Omar Mateen (Pulse Club killer) would not have been here. The San Bernardino killers would not have been here. Major Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood shooter) would not have been here.
The Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon killers) would not have been here.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez (killer of 4 Marines at Chattanooga military recruitment center and a U.S. Naval Reserve Center) would not have been here. Abdul Razak Ali Artan (Ohio State truck and stabber) would not have been here. Dahir A. Adan wouldn't have been here. etc, etc, etc,

Here's a perfect example of airhead liberal listening to liberal, fake news. believing it, and then displaying his ignorance and stupidity here in our forum. Better get busy, busybee, learning the facts. Take a couple of months to do that before posting any more.

As for Ann Coulter, she reports FACTS, all substantiated by thousands of footnote sources in her books. In contrast, you are a simple-minded, babbling rookie, who thinks he can say anything in here, and get away with it.
Lesson should be learned, by this time. :rolleyes:
What country did the guy who killed 58 in Las Vegas come from? And the 168 in Oklahoma City?
The trouble is that not 1 act of terrorism would have been stopped had the ban been in place. The ban is a failure. It is too easy to evade.

The problem with the NY City killer was not the diversity lottery. He came to the US when ISIS did not exist nor had 9/11 happened. The first thing he did was try starting a business. That does not indicate someone with problems. What you want to ignore is the fact that he was radicalized by ISIS propaganda. He is not the only one. How many whites have left to join ISIS? That is the problem yet you offer no solutions to that problem.

The fact is that most immigrants have come to this country and become fine citizens. You want to punish everyone for the sins of a few. Your solutions don't even address the problem.

Ann Coulter is a hateful person. If it wasn't for hateful people like you, she would not have a audience.
That's a LIE! Many acts of terrorism would not have occured here, in the USA, if there had been a Muslim ban. The 9-11 highjackers would not have been here. Omar Mateen (Pulse Club killer) would not have been here. The San Bernardino killers would not have been here. Major Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood shooter) would not have been here.
The Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon killers) would not have been here.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez (killer of 4 Marines at Chattanooga military recruitment center and a U.S. Naval Reserve Center) would not have been here. Abdul Razak Ali Artan (Ohio State truck and stabber) would not have been here. Dahir A. Adan wouldn't have been here. etc, etc, etc,

Here's a perfect example of airhead liberal listening to liberal, fake news. believing it, and then displaying his ignorance and stupidity here in our forum. Better get busy, busybee, learning the facts. Take a couple of months to do that before posting any more.

As for Ann Coulter, she reports FACTS, all substantiated by thousands of footnote sources in her books. In contrast, you are a simple-minded, babbling rookie, who thinks he can say anything in here, and get away with it.
Lesson should be learned, by this time. :rolleyes:
What country did the guy who killed 58 in Las Vegas come from? And the 168 in Oklahoma City?
He was a WHITE GUY and so therefore a CHRISTIAN.

Liberals are such losers
Did you think it was just jihadists that were killing Americans ? You'd be wrong. It is jihadists, with the help of liberals.

In the case of the New York, Uzbek bike path killer, he was helped to kill 8 Americans (more hospitalized in critical condition), by Chuck Schumer, who opened up the diversity lottery for him back in the 1990s.

The Fort Hood shooter, Major Nidal Hasan was helped to kill 13 US Army soldiers in Fort Hood, TX, by liberal then-President Barrack Obama. Despite dozens of requests from Fort Hood Army officers to dishonorably discharge Hasan, for seditious, jihadist speech, Obama allowed Hasan to continue. Obama et al liberals, also helped Hasan by having Fort Hood be a gun-free zone, thereby disarming the troops, and making them defenseless to Hasan's jihadist bloodbath.

This same gun-free zone defenselessness applied to the slaughters in San Bernardino, the Pulse club, recruiting center in Chattanooga, TN, and other places. In New York City, mayor Bill DeBlasio, and other liberals in other cities, have routinely prevented their police from monitoring Muslim mosques to prevent attacks before they happen.

Now, President Trump has wisely called for a Muslim immigration & travel ban to help keep Americans safe. Liberal nutjob judges in Seattle, Hawaii, and Baltimre have incredibly acted to stop this protective action.

Liberals, time and time again, have defended the mindless process of allowing people with nothing to offer America, and who have very questionable backgrounds, to enter the USA. The Boston Marathon terrorists, the Tsarnaev brothers, are case point. The Russian govt (who Democrats paint as our great enemy) warned the FBI and CIA that these creeps were followers of radical Islam. Obama officials admitted them anyway.

Speaking of Uzbekistan, in 2009, Obama and his immigration-happy gang let in Fazliddin Kurbanov from there also. Shortly after, he began communicating with the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (an ISIS forerunner), and plotting terrorism. Investigators found ammonium nitrate, acetone, aluminum powder, and tannerite in his apartment, all components of bomb-making. He had plotted to bomb either a Boise, ID park during 4th of July celebrations, or a military base. Idaho jurors convicted him of a whole string of terrorism offenses.

The co-conspirator of Tamerlan Tsarnaev (in the the throat-slitting of 3 Jews), Ibragim Todashev, was supposedly carefully vetted, and then granted asylum. Asylum for what ? His own father said he had nothing to fear, and faced no oppression.

In June 2016, liberals in Obama's FBI, ICE, and TSA, fully investigated a Somali working in Washington DC's Dulles Airport, to a full federally mandated vetting process,only to find the guy was a war criminal. His job there ? He was a security guard.

Horror stories of terrorists let into the US by liberal idiots, and others already here, investigated but not arrested, abound. Like Omar Mateen, the Pulse Club shooter, investigated twice by the FBI, reported by co-workers for claiming he was a member of terroist organzations, and was looking to commit a martyrdom act.

The liberal loon New York Times, trying to save face, said it was >> "impossible to conduct an exhaustive investigation for each of the tens of millions of people who are cleared each year to come to this country to work, visit, or live."


Getting into the US should be like getting into Harvard. Tough, not easy. How about >> no criminal record, no low-skilled workers, no expensive medical conditions, and no fundamentalist Muslims.

Why are we (liberals that is) going out of our way to bring in people with endless problems ? America is under no obligation to solve the world's poverty problem, and the church ladies, the New York Times, and liberal do-gooders don't get to dictate what "we are", as Americans. If people want to run do-goody social service organizations, they should spend their own money.

All these things are just the tip of the iceberg. Dozens, if not hundreds of more examples could be added to this list, and USMB may know of some real beauts they could add.

Some text in this are from the Ann Coulter book, In Trump we Trust. Highly recommended reading.

Liberals are hopeless should see what they are doing with returning jihadis in them housing and other stuff so they can 'reintegrate' them into society.....

The European country offering returning Isis fighters free housing and benefits
What country did the guy who killed 58 in Las Vegas come from? And the 168 in Oklahoma City?
The OK City bomber Timothy McVeigh acted in conjunction with Muslims from Iraq. Didn't you know ?


As for The Las Vegas shooter, the investigations are only in their infancy. Could be a Muslim jihadist connection as well. Lots of possibilities of things that went on, we haven't seen haven;'t been revealed.. Could be mind control, hypnosis, shock treatments. We DO the shooter himself, had no visible motive. None. Lot's of investigation needing to be done here.
Liberals are hopeless should see what they are doing with returning jihadis in them housing and other stuff so they can 'reintegrate' them into society.....

The European country offering returning Isis fighters free housing and benefits
Europe's long-standing great cultures are in great danger of being obliterated, by Islamic uncivilized, barbaric savages moving into European cities. Don't know who's worse. The savages or the European morons who let them come in and impose Islam on them.
The trouble is that not 1 act of terrorism would have been stopped had the ban been in place. The ban is a failure. It is too easy to evade.

The problem with the NY City killer was not the diversity lottery. He came to the US when ISIS did not exist nor had 9/11 happened. The first thing he did was try starting a business. That does not indicate someone with problems. What you want to ignore is the fact that he was radicalized by ISIS propaganda. He is not the only one. How many whites have left to join ISIS? That is the problem yet you offer no solutions to that problem.

The fact is that most immigrants have come to this country and become fine citizens. You want to punish everyone for the sins of a few. Your solutions don't even address the problem.

Ann Coulter is a hateful person. If it wasn't for hateful people like you, she would not have a audience.
That's a LIE! Many acts of terrorism would not have occured here, in the USA, if there had been a Muslim ban. The 9-11 highjackers would not have been here. Omar Mateen (Pulse Club killer) would not have been here. The San Bernardino killers would not have been here. Major Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood shooter) would not have been here.
The Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon killers) would not have been here.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez (killer of 4 Marines at Chattanooga military recruitment center and a U.S. Naval Reserve Center) would not have been here. Abdul Razak Ali Artan (Ohio State truck and stabber) would not have been here. Dahir A. Adan wouldn't have been here. etc, etc, etc,

Here's a perfect example of airhead liberal listening to liberal, fake news. believing it, and then displaying his ignorance and stupidity here in our forum. Better get busy, busybee, learning the facts. Take a couple of months to do that before posting any more.

As for Ann Coulter, she reports FACTS, all substantiated by thousands of footnote sources in her books. In contrast, you are a simple-minded, babbling rookie, who thinks he can say anything in here, and get away with it.
Lesson should be learned, by this time. :rolleyes:
What country did the guy who killed 58 in Las Vegas come from? And the 168 in Oklahoma City?
what about the 3000 in NY?
The trouble is that not 1 act of terrorism would have been stopped had the ban been in place. The ban is a failure. It is too easy to evade.

The problem with the NY City killer was not the diversity lottery. He came to the US when ISIS did not exist nor had 9/11 happened. The first thing he did was try starting a business. That does not indicate someone with problems. What you want to ignore is the fact that he was radicalized by ISIS propaganda. He is not the only one. How many whites have left to join ISIS? That is the problem yet you offer no solutions to that problem.

The fact is that most immigrants have come to this country and become fine citizens. You want to punish everyone for the sins of a few. Your solutions don't even address the problem.

Ann Coulter is a hateful person. If it wasn't for hateful people like you, she would not have a audience.
That's a LIE! Many acts of terrorism would not have occured here, in the USA, if there had been a Muslim ban. The 9-11 highjackers would not have been here. Omar Mateen (Pulse Club killer) would not have been here. The San Bernardino killers would not have been here. Major Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood shooter) would not have been here.
The Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon killers) would not have been here.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez (killer of 4 Marines at Chattanooga military recruitment center and a U.S. Naval Reserve Center) would not have been here. Abdul Razak Ali Artan (Ohio State truck and stabber) would not have been here. Dahir A. Adan wouldn't have been here. etc, etc, etc,

Here's a perfect example of airhead liberal listening to liberal, fake news. believing it, and then displaying his ignorance and stupidity here in our forum. Better get busy, busybee, learning the facts. Take a couple of months to do that before posting any more.

As for Ann Coulter, she reports FACTS, all substantiated by thousands of footnote sources in her books. In contrast, you are a simple-minded, babbling rookie, who thinks he can say anything in here, and get away with it.
Lesson should be learned, by this time. :rolleyes:
What country did the guy who killed 58 in Las Vegas come from? And the 168 in Oklahoma City?

Deflection is a form of defense.

You are defending those terrorists, and future terrorists.
Liberals are hopeless should see what they are doing with returning jihadis in them housing and other stuff so they can 'reintegrate' them into society.....

The European country offering returning Isis fighters free housing and benefits
Europe's long-standing great cultures are in great danger of being obliterated, by Islamic uncivilized, barbaric savages moving into European cities. Don't know who's worse. The savages or the European morons who let them come in and impose Islam on them.
The stupid idiots deserve everything they get.....but there are many Europeans who are not at all happy with this situation and I think there will be war in the future. Here too if we keep importing the enemy.
The trouble is that not 1 act of terrorism would have been stopped had the ban been in place. The ban is a failure. It is too easy to evade.

The problem with the NY City killer was not the diversity lottery. He came to the US when ISIS did not exist nor had 9/11 happened. The first thing he did was try starting a business. That does not indicate someone with problems. What you want to ignore is the fact that he was radicalized by ISIS propaganda. He is not the only one. How many whites have left to join ISIS? That is the problem yet you offer no solutions to that problem.

The fact is that most immigrants have come to this country and become fine citizens. You want to punish everyone for the sins of a few. Your solutions don't even address the problem.

Ann Coulter is a hateful person. If it wasn't for hateful people like you, she would not have a audience.
That's a LIE! Many acts of terrorism would not have occured here, in the USA, if there had been a Muslim ban. The 9-11 highjackers would not have been here. Omar Mateen (Pulse Club killer) would not have been here. The San Bernardino killers would not have been here. Major Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood shooter) would not have been here.
The Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon killers) would not have been here.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez (killer of 4 Marines at Chattanooga military recruitment center and a U.S. Naval Reserve Center) would not have been here. Abdul Razak Ali Artan (Ohio State truck and stabber) would not have been here. Dahir A. Adan wouldn't have been here. etc, etc, etc,

Here's a perfect example of airhead liberal listening to liberal, fake news. believing it, and then displaying his ignorance and stupidity here in our forum. Better get busy, busybee, learning the facts. Take a couple of months to do that before posting any more.

As for Ann Coulter, she reports FACTS, all substantiated by thousands of footnote sources in her books. In contrast, you are a simple-minded, babbling rookie, who thinks he can say anything in here, and get away with it.
Lesson should be learned, by this time. :rolleyes:
What country did the guy who killed 58 in Las Vegas come from? And the 168 in Oklahoma City?
what about the 3000 in NY?
What about them? Do I need to list all the mass deaths caused by the white guy before you realize that even if you did ban all Muslims, even kicked them out, you'd still have 58 dead in Las Vegas. Terrorism is a problem and so are large numbers of people killed right here by normal white men. Would you like to deport them as well?
What country did the guy who killed 58 in Las Vegas come from? And the 168 in Oklahoma City?

Deflection is a form of defense.

You are defending those terrorists, and future terrorists.[/QUOTE]
That's exactly how liberals kill Americans. I don't know who's worse. The terrorists, or the liberals who support them.
Liberals are hopeless should see what they are doing with returning jihadis in them housing and other stuff so they can 'reintegrate' them into society.....

The European country offering returning Isis fighters free housing and benefits
Europe's long-standing great cultures are in great danger of being obliterated, by Islamic uncivilized, barbaric savages moving into European cities. Don't know who's worse. The savages or the European morons who let them come in and impose Islam on them.
The stupid idiots deserve everything they get.....but there are many Europeans who are not at all happy with this situation and I think there will be war in the future. Here too if we keep importing the enemy.
We don't import then enemy, You Tube does. He's already here.
What country did the guy who killed 58 in Las Vegas come from? And the 168 in Oklahoma City?
The OK City bomber Timothy McVeigh acted in conjunction with Muslims from Iraq. Didn't you know ?


As for The Las Vegas shooter, the investigations are only in their infancy. Could be a Muslim jihadist connection as well. Lots of possibilities of things that went on, we haven't seen haven;'t been revealed.. Could be mind control, hypnosis, shock treatments. We DO the shooter himself, had no visible motive. None. Lot's of investigation needing to be done here.
You really do live in a world of your own making. That may be the most idiotic thing I've heard in months.
The trouble is that not 1 act of terrorism would have been stopped had the ban been in place. The ban is a failure. It is too easy to evade.

The problem with the NY City killer was not the diversity lottery. He came to the US when ISIS did not exist nor had 9/11 happened. The first thing he did was try starting a business. That does not indicate someone with problems. What you want to ignore is the fact that he was radicalized by ISIS propaganda. He is not the only one. How many whites have left to join ISIS? That is the problem yet you offer no solutions to that problem.

The fact is that most immigrants have come to this country and become fine citizens. You want to punish everyone for the sins of a few. Your solutions don't even address the problem.

Ann Coulter is a hateful person. If it wasn't for hateful people like you, she would not have a audience.
That's a LIE! Many acts of terrorism would not have occured here, in the USA, if there had been a Muslim ban. The 9-11 highjackers would not have been here. Omar Mateen (Pulse Club killer) would not have been here. The San Bernardino killers would not have been here. Major Nidal Hasan (Fort Hood shooter) would not have been here.
The Tsarnaev brothers (Boston Marathon killers) would not have been here.
Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez (killer of 4 Marines at Chattanooga military recruitment center and a U.S. Naval Reserve Center) would not have been here. Abdul Razak Ali Artan (Ohio State truck and stabber) would not have been here. Dahir A. Adan wouldn't have been here. etc, etc, etc,

Here's a perfect example of airhead liberal listening to liberal, fake news. believing it, and then displaying his ignorance and stupidity here in our forum. Better get busy, busybee, learning the facts. Take a couple of months to do that before posting any more.

As for Ann Coulter, she reports FACTS, all substantiated by thousands of footnote sources in her books. In contrast, you are a simple-minded, babbling rookie, who thinks he can say anything in here, and get away with it.
Lesson should be learned, by this time. :rolleyes:
What country did the guy who killed 58 in Las Vegas come from? And the 168 in Oklahoma City?
He was a WHITE GUY and so therefore a CHRISTIAN.

Liberals are such losers
Most here are Christians. If doesn't seem to stop them from killing us.
What about them? Do I need to list all the mass deaths caused by the white guy before you realize that even if you did ban all Muslims, even kicked them out, you'd still have 58 dead in Las Vegas. Terrorism is a problem and so are large numbers of people killed right here by normal white men. Would you like to deport them as well?
I already refuted your dopey post # 4, in my Post # 7. Try reading it, before blabbering any more about "white guys"

And all Muslims ought to be banned from travel & immigration to the US. That goes for white Muslims (like the Tsarnaev brothers), or any other Muslims.
Liberals are hopeless should see what they are doing with returning jihadis in them housing and other stuff so they can 'reintegrate' them into society.....

The European country offering returning Isis fighters free housing and benefits
Europe's long-standing great cultures are in great danger of being obliterated, by Islamic uncivilized, barbaric savages moving into European cities. Don't know who's worse. The savages or the European morons who let them come in and impose Islam on them.
The stupid idiots deserve everything they get.....but there are many Europeans who are not at all happy with this situation and I think there will be war in the future. Here too if we keep importing the enemy.
We don't import then enemy, You Tube does. He's already here.
Obama and liberals sure did import the enemy.......for example the huge number of Somalis he let in.....and there already have been problems with them....

99% Muslim, 43,000 Somali refugees settled in US under Obama

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