Liberal Narcissism and the Danger of a Big Brother Government


May 23, 2014
Why are urban areas more liberal than rural areas - Quora
The liberal news media, college professariate, and Hollywood view all people, or should I say "White and Mexican people" who live in rural ares to be ignorant, racist, bigots, that can only be enlightened by coming over to their belief system. See above posted article and comments. This type of mindset is a threat to liberty and freedom. Liberals have been programmed like mindless automatons from an Orwellian nightmare. If they had their way all the stupid peasants living in small town USA would have to go to "reeducation camps" to be purged of their beliefs in natural rights and the questioning of authority (Washington D.C.). Let's look at the acts of tyranny carried out by socialist,Marxist, leftist societies:
1.) Lenin and Stalin purges in the former Soviet Union.
2.) The Holocaust carried out by the Nationalist Socialist Workers Party.
3.) Eastern European occupation during Cold War.
4.) Che Guevara and Fidel Castro in Cuba and Latin America.
5.) Pol Pot and Cambodia
(and on a more minor note Rev. Jim Jones and the mass suicide of the "Peoples Temple" is indicative of the easily manipulated liberal mind).
So how close are we getting to this when the Supreme Court tramples on the 10th Amendment? How close are we getting to this when the President uses "executive orders" to usurp the power of Congress?


Notice the "D" inside the Obama "O." Symbols are powerful.

Obama supporter 2008, Denver

German women weep in the presence of the Fuhrer.

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