liberal hypocrosy


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
a republican is accused of something, no evidence no trial, guilty as charged. a democrat is accused of the same thing suddenly you all remember it is innocent till proven guilty and of course all the accusers of the democrat are liars.
a republican is accused of something, no evidence no trial, guilty as charged. a democrat is accused of the same thing suddenly you all remember it is innocent till proven guilty and of course all the accusers of the democrat are liars.

You got that backwards . Everyone was bashing Hollywood , then came Moore . Suddenly the women became lying sluts .
a republican is accused of something, no evidence no trial, guilty as charged. a democrat is accused of the same thing suddenly you all remember it is innocent till proven guilty and of course all the accusers of the democrat are liars.

You got that backwards . Everyone was bashing Hollywood , then came Moore . Suddenly the women became lying sluts .

The you go back a bit further, to Clinton.

When Flotus called them lying sluts
It is burning everyone.

We liberals could be talking about rebuilding our unions, the middle class, stopping republicans from destroying most of our government or things that are important, but we're stuck talking about patting people on the ass. wtf?
It is burning everyone.

We liberals could be talking about rebuilding our unions, the middle class, stopping republicans from destroying most of our government or things that are important, but we're stuck talking about patting people on the ass. wtf?
and you are stuck saying we need to teach little kids about being gay and little girls pissing with mentally ill grown men in the restroom and locker rooms.
Take a number
It is burning everyone.

We liberals could be talking about rebuilding our unions, the middle class, stopping republicans from destroying most of our government or things that are important, but we're stuck talking about patting people on the ass. wtf?
and you are stuck saying we need to teach little kids about being gay and little girls pissing with mentally ill grown men in the restroom and locker rooms.
Take a number

Teach kids to accept that there's millions of such people around and some of them are going to school with them. Yes, I'll admit it, i do. It is called human rights and that is a real issue.
It is burning everyone.

We liberals could be talking about rebuilding our unions, the middle class, stopping republicans from destroying most of our government or things that are important, but we're stuck talking about patting people on the ass. wtf?
and you are stuck saying we need to teach little kids about being gay and little girls pissing with mentally ill grown men in the restroom and locker rooms.
Take a number

Teach kids to accept that there's millions of such people around and some of them are going to school with them. Yes, I'll admit it, i do. It is called human rights and that is a real issue.
So you are saying, all they should say is "they are people in this world that deny reality. They still deserve human rights" is that correct? Does that apply to schizos and other anti social delusions as well, or are you a bigot?
It is burning everyone.

We liberals could be talking about rebuilding our unions, the middle class, stopping republicans from destroying most of our government or things that are important, but we're stuck talking about patting people on the ass. wtf?
and you are stuck saying we need to teach little kids about being gay and little girls pissing with mentally ill grown men in the restroom and locker rooms.
Take a number

Teach kids to accept that there's millions of such people around and some of them are going to school with them. Yes, I'll admit it, i do. It is called human rights and that is a real issue.
“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” - Kellyanne Conway. No "Moore" need be said. The GOP has the collective morals of a ficus tree.
“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” - Kellyanne Conway. No "Moore" need be said. The GOP has the collective morals of a ficus tree.
Yes, because morals have enveloped the Democrats... :lol:
“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” - Kellyanne Conway. No "Moore" need be said. The GOP has the collective morals of a ficus tree.

They bitch about morals all day but when the shit hits the fan they never stand by any...They just use "morals" to attack LBGT people and as a sound byte. It is a joke.
“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” - Kellyanne Conway. No "Moore" need be said. The GOP has the collective morals of a ficus tree.
In all your crying and whining and accusing, you have yet to prove one thing.
“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” - Kellyanne Conway. No "Moore" need be said. The GOP has the collective morals of a ficus tree.
Yes, because morals have enveloped the Democrats... :lol:

Liberals believe in a different moral code than Conservatives.

The difference is that liberals live up to their moral code (for the most part), while conservatives are complete and total hypocrites - they DO NOT practice what they preach - and they continues to support each others hypocrisy.
a republican is accused of something, no evidence no trial, guilty as charged. a democrat is accused of the same thing suddenly you all remember it is innocent till proven guilty and of course all the accusers of the democrat are liars.

Those damnable Democrat hypocrites!

We have to get child molester Roy Moore elected so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!
“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” - Kellyanne Conway. No "Moore" need be said. The GOP has the collective morals of a ficus tree.
Yes, because morals have enveloped the Democrats... :lol:

Liberals believe in a different moral code than Conservatives.

The difference is that liberals live up to their moral code (for the most part), while conservatives are complete and total hypocrites - they DO NOT practice what they preach - and they continues to support each others hypocrisy.
Both major parties are nothing but inconsistent, immoral, selfish assholes. Trying to set up one, while defaming the other makes you look stupid.
a republican is accused of something, no evidence no trial, guilty as charged. a democrat is accused of the same thing suddenly you all remember it is innocent till proven guilty and of course all the accusers of the democrat are liars.

Those damnable Democrat hypocrites!

We have to get child molester Roy Moore elected so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!

And we can take money away from the poor and middle class to give to the rich...So the rich can offshore some more! Trump was talking about himself in the campaign as he is the snake...
a republican is accused of something, no evidence no trial, guilty as charged. a democrat is accused of the same thing suddenly you all remember it is innocent till proven guilty and of course all the accusers of the democrat are liars.

You got that backwards . Everyone was bashing Hollywood , then came Moore . Suddenly the women became lying sluts .
To quote you from another thread:
The dems are so desperate they have to bring up what happened 40 years ago
a republican is accused of something, no evidence no trial, guilty as charged. a democrat is accused of the same thing suddenly you all remember it is innocent till proven guilty and of course all the accusers of the democrat are liars.

While I wish I could agree with you, I can't. Let me explain it to you.

Thomas Paine, one of the founding fathers stated:

"He that would make his own liberty secure, must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty, he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself."

Oppression is unjust treatment or control. And that brings us to the 14th Amendment which states (in part)

"No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

I want you to note the difference between the words citizens and the word person. a citizen is entitled to privileges and immunities in addition to those things guaranteed to every person.

The Achilles Heel of the right was their treatment of people they love to call "illegal aliens." Some of those arguments against those people were that since they were not citizens, they had no Rights. And the courts disagreed with that proposition. The word person guaranteed the equal protection of the law.

Anyway, the right set the precedent that we should presume guilt absent Due Process. We call people "illegal aliens" absent ANY Due Process. I've spent decades warning people of the consequences. Now you're seeing them - and one day you may live them. People on the right are getting the very government and the very treatment they asked for. A broken clock has the potential to be right twice a day. The liberals have you on this one. You should have listened to me the first time when I quoted Paine.
“Whatever the facts end up being, the premise, of course, the principle, the incontrovertible principle, is that there is no Senate seat worth more than a child,” - Kellyanne Conway. No "Moore" need be said. The GOP has the collective morals of a ficus tree.

They bitch about morals all day but when the shit hits the fan they never stand by any...They just use "morals" to attack LBGT people and as a sound byte. It is a joke.
All religion is a joke and nearly all believers. Moore is the let the children come forward, so I can undress and touch them. So typical for Americans of his "morals".

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