LGB is one thing; T is quite another

It wasn't gay or trans people that started that shit it was the political party that uses them.

Just like they say "gun control isn't about guns, it's about control", this forced use or non-use of pronouns is also about nothing more than control. It's nothing more than a simple wrestling hold used for a much larger agenda of control over the masses.

Who is "they"?

You kind of sound like a 1950's Klansman who thought the status quo was fine until the 'outside agitators started making the colored uppity!"

The issue here is that gay people want to be treated with all the dignity and respect that we het-cis people take for granted.

LOL .. non-answer answer -- guess it requires an advanced degree since it's not longer taught in schools; regardless, do you interact with gay and transgender people every day?
No, it was just an answer you didn't like... We don't interact with skeletons... we interact with flesh and blood people.
Who is "they"?

You kind of sound like a 1950's Klansman who thought the status quo was fine until the 'outside agitators started making the colored uppity!"

The issue here is that gay people want to be treated with all the dignity and respect that we het-cis people take for granted.

No, it was just an answer you didn't like... We don't interact with skeletons... we interact with flesh and blood people.

LoL! You stupid piece of dung. Yesterday I went to a party where I was the only white guy...unless you include my BIRACIAL son! There were three black people, 6 Peruvians (not including my wife who is also Peruvian/Latina), and me and my son. There is nothing racist about me at all. What there is, is a massive push by the the media and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY to normalize the MENTAL ILLNESS of transsexualism for additional votes and a way to demonize those who don't like it and you know it. I have never mistreated any tranny or any of the many gays I have worked with, you fucking stupid MORON. My problem is with "THEM", the ones who politicize all this to get votes. I'm just sick and tired of having sexuality shoved in my face day after day after day in the media and by narcissists parading it around. If it wasn't shoved in my face so much you'd never hear a peep out of me and that goes for the vast majority of people who are equally fed up.
LoL! You stupid piece of dung. Yesterday I went to a party where I was the only white guy...unless you include my BIRACIAL son! There were three black people, 6 Peruvians (not including my wife who is also Peruvian/Latina), and me and my son. There is nothing racist about me at all.
The point went over your head about what you have in common with 1950's klansman.

Try again.

What there is, is a massive push by the the media and the DEMOCRATIC PARTY to normalize the MENTAL ILLNESS of transsexualism for additional votes and a way to demonize those who don't like it and you know it. I have never mistreated any tranny or any of the many gays I have worked with, you fucking stupid MORON. My problem is with "THEM", the ones who politicize all this to get votes. I'm just sick and tired of having sexuality shoved in my face day after day after day in the media and by narcissists parading it around. If it wasn't shoved in my face so much you'd never hear a peep out of me and that goes for the vast majority of people who are equally fed up.

Uh, yeah, how is it being shoved in your face, day after day, exactly?

Frankly, I must live a charmed life. I'm 60 and I've met exactly one trans person in my life, and she wasn't even out at the time, I found out years later.

Frankly, if anything, heterosexuality is shoved in our faces, where day after day, sexy models are used to sell products. I don't let that bother me, either.
The point went over your head about what you have in common with 1950's klansman.

Try again.

Uh, yeah, how is it being shoved in your face, day after day, exactly?

Frankly, I must live a charmed life. I'm 60 and I've met exactly one trans person in my life, and she wasn't even out at the time, I found out years later.

Frankly, if anything, heterosexuality is shoved in our faces, where day after day, sexy models are used to sell products. I don't let that bother me, either.

If it wasn't for heterosexuals you wouldn't be here, doofus. So if heterosexuality bothers you I can only conclude that you have some kind of self-hatred because that's what you owe your existence to.

Go peddle your dementia elsewhere.
If it wasn't for heterosexuals you wouldn't be here, doofus. So if heterosexuality bothers you I can only conclude that you have some kind of self-hatred because that's what you owe your existence to.

Go peddle your dementia elsewhere.

I'm perfectly fine with heterosexuality...
being heterosexual myself.

Of course, with in-vitro fertilization and surrogacy, gays are perfectly capable of having their own kids now.

Transphobia and homophobia bother me, because it's just another case of the Investor Class playing on your sexual fears to get you to vote against your own (and my) economic interests.

Except now the corporate class has realized it isn't productive and have left you flapping in the wind.

Nothing sadder than a mark who has outlived his usefulness.
I'm perfectly fine with heterosexuality...
being heterosexual myself.

Of course, with in-vitro fertilization and surrogacy, gays are perfectly capable of having their own kids now.

Transphobia and homophobia bother me, because it's just another case of the Investor Class playing on your sexual fears to get you to vote against your own (and my) economic interests.

Except now the corporate class has realized it isn't productive and have left you flapping in the wind.

Nothing sadder than a mark who has outlived his usefulness.
I find heterosexual peddling and exploitation about 1/4 as disgusting as trans, but still disgusting. I speak out against corporate whoring all the time. IMNSHO, national leaders exploiting perversity for votes is still far worse.
No, it was just an answer you didn't like... We don't interact with skeletons... we interact with flesh and blood people.
That's a ridiculous posture .. there are many things we don't interact with, yet we have differing levels of knowledge based on what's been taught, read or heard. Using your logic, if you don't interact with gay and trans gender individuals every day, then how is your opinion relevant about them?
I find heterosexual peddling and exploitation about 1/4 as disgusting as trans, but still disgusting. I speak out against corporate whoring all the time. IMNSHO, national leaders exploiting perversity for votes is still far worse.

Shouldn't you find all peddling and exploitation equally disgusting? The question is, why do you have a hangup about something that really had no effect on your life?

There are trans people out there. Um. So what.

So a corporation like mine puts out an email telling people to use people's requested pronouns. I have no problem with that. They also suggest putting our pronouns in our email block. I'm not playing along.

Of course, I can see a sensible reason for doing so if you have a name that doesn't necessarily indicate your gender. For instance, I worked with a Japanese woman for 7 years, and half the people who called asking for her thought they were looking for a man.

That's a ridiculous posture .. there are many things we don't interact with, yet we have differing levels of knowledge based on what's been taught, read or heard. Using your logic, if you don't interact with gay and trans gender individuals every day, then how is your opinion relevant about them?

Unless you are like production team member on Ru Paul's Drag Race, you aren't having as much interaction as your crazy hatred really seems to indicate.
Shouldn't you find all peddling and exploitation equally disgusting? The question is, why do you have a hangup about something that really had no effect on your life?

There are trans people out there. Um. So what.

So a corporation like mine puts out an email telling people to use people's requested pronouns. I have no problem with that. They also suggest putting our pronouns in our email block. I'm not playing along.

Of course, I can see a sensible reason for doing so if you have a name that doesn't necessarily indicate your gender. For instance, I worked with a Japanese woman for 7 years, and half the people who called asking for her thought they were looking for a man.

Unless you are like production team member on Ru Paul's Drag Race, you aren't having as much interaction as your crazy hatred really seems to indicate.

No, some is definitely worse than others and there ARE "lesser evils" in this world.

"Crazy hatred".
🤣 LMFAO! 🤣
Just demonstrating the insanity of your thought process -- not an exciting topic considering many on your brainwave can't define simple things like .. woman.
You seem to be the one with a hangup.

Here's the thing, I'm going to encounter dozens of Cisgendered women in any given week. The state of their genitals really aren't going to make a big difference to me. I'm not in a relationship with them and don't plan to be. I also have no plans to be involved with any transgendered women.

It simply has no effect on my life.

It has no real effect on your life, other than the world has stopped validating your insecurities. Just like the racists, misogynists and homophobes are finding the world a less welcoming place.
You seem to be the one with a hangup.

Here's the thing, I'm going to encounter dozens of Cisgendered women in any given week. The state of their genitals really aren't going to make a big difference to me. I'm not in a relationship with them and don't plan to be. I also have no plans to be involved with any transgendered women.

It simply has no effect on my life.

It has no real effect on your life, other than the world has stopped validating your insecurities. Just like the racists, misogynists and homophobes are finding the world a less welcoming place.
Why is it always just about you? Many other events and/or activities aren't going to effect YOUR life either .. yet .. here you are complaining about them. Such an irrational and narcissistic thought process.

Is COVID effecting your life now? How about firearms? Alcohol deaths? Fentanyl? Sex trafficking? Screw those things .. they're not impacting you.
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Nope, not really.

Do you really have any arguments against transgender people that don't consist of "God Says' It's Bad" and "I think it's Icky"?

😆 LoL!
Nowhere have I ever used religion to justify my feelings about it and nowhere have I ever simply said that I think it's icky! You are so lost in your own narrative you're practically incoherent and unaware of what other people really think to the point where you can't even have a rational conversation.
Why is it always just about you? Many other events and/or activities aren't going to effect YOUR life either .. yet .. here you are complaining about them. Such an irrational and narcissistic thought process.

The problem here is that it has no effect on your life or any other Cis-person. If your biggest qualm is "Eek, I saw a pecker in the locker room", that's just not a big deal.

Is COVID effecting your life now?
I lost my job during Covid, so yeah, Covid was big deal. Thankfully, President Biden addressed the problem forcefully.
How about firearms?
I live in a city where 700 people were murdered last year with firearms. Um, yeah, it's effecting my life. I have to walk through a security door every day because my employers want to make sure that a disgruntled worker doesn't come in with a gun. We all have to accommedate the Ammosexual Lifestyle with active shooter drills, security, militarized police, etc.

Alcohol deaths?
Last night when the girlfriend and I were driving home, the guy in front of us was obviously drunk. Driving too slow, swerving, didn't know what lane he was supposed to be in and made a dangerous swoop across

Nowhere have I ever used religion to justify my feelings about it and nowhere have I ever simply said that I think it's icky! You are so lost in your own narrative you're practically incoherent and unaware of what other people really think to the point where you can't even have a rational conversation.

I asked you to give me a reason why they were bad that didn't involve those two excuses.

Let's try again. Give me a good reason why your transphobia is okay other than "God Says It's Bad" and "I think it's Icky".

The problem here is that it has no effect on your life or any other Cis-person. If your biggest qualm is "Eek, I saw a pecker in the locker room", that's just not a big deal.

I lost my job during Covid, so yeah, Covid was big deal. Thankfully, President Biden addressed the problem forcefully.

I live in a city where 700 people were murdered last year with firearms. Um, yeah, it's effecting my life. I have to walk through a security door every day because my employers want to make sure that a disgruntled worker doesn't come in with a gun. We all have to accommedate the Ammosexual Lifestyle with active shooter drills, security, militarized police, etc.

Last night when the girlfriend and I were driving home, the guy in front of us was obviously drunk. Driving too slow, swerving, didn't know what lane he was supposed to be in and made a dangerous swoop across

I asked you to give me a reason why they were bad that didn't involve those two excuses.

Let's try again. Give me a good reason why your transphobia is okay other than "God Says It's Bad" and "I think it's Icky".


And AGAIN, I challenge you to show me where I have ever used religion to explain my feelings about transgenderism, or where I simply said it's "icky". Is self-mutilation not icky? If you don't think so, perhaps YOU are the one with the problem. You sidestepped my challenge either deliberately or because your ears can only hear the narrative echoing in your own head. You cant have a rational conversation because you're only quoting yourself when you try to quote others.
So...try again or don't. I'll put you on ignore if you try to flip it ONE MORE TIME.

Because of the constant attention the media gives to transgenderism as pushed by the left, an entire generation of people is now being lured into it as an experimental/rebellious thing at dangerously young ages. This is like setting up a weed dispensary directly across the street from a school and the wondering why 50% in the school develop a rebellious curiosity about it by the time they're 10. Because of this blatant dangling in front of kids now, its highly suspect that they're being deliberately lured toward it, and patted on the head for pursuing it in return for lifelong votes.

People have had the freedom to surgically alter themselves to look like the opposite sex since the '60s. That's over 50 years of transgenderism. Most people didn't think about it or care if self-responsible adults do it to themselves and hardly gave it more than a shrug. Now there is suddenly a massive push by the political party which promotes wokeism to campaign on it as a major point. Transgenders are now encouraged to MARCH on the world and play victim while the Democratic party plays the part of phony savior, "saving" these people from a media-created sense oppression, when they have had the freedom to mutilate themselves for over 50 years. Most kids don't realize this. They are being taught that there is an active movement against transgenderism, so they'd better get on the ball a stand up for their rights and have their surgery and start voting Democrat before all the demonic oppressive haters suddenly send them to the gas chamber. Well, guess what. That narrative is generating hate on both sides where there was only minor discomfort and disapproval just a few years ago. If you fail to see that this time and just try to put words in my mouth you WILL be put on ignore. I will not be a puppet for your narrative. It's because you wokesters really have no valid arguing points that you have to create these bullshit social-justice movements with fake victims and fake oppressors to have any political clout. It's getting old. And someone recruiting others to envision me as an imaginary oppressor affects me plenty. So quit saying it doesn't.
The problem here is that it has no effect on your life or any other Cis-person. If your biggest qualm is "Eek, I saw a pecker in the locker room", that's just not a big deal.
No .. the problem is it's premised on a false narrative that is marginalizing women, sexualizing children, sterilizing children, and for some reason .. we aren't supposed to see that as a problem with this mental illness because you or I don't have first hand exposure to this. That's a ridiculous argument.

I lost my job during Covid, so yeah, Covid was big deal. Thankfully, President Biden addressed the problem forcefully.
You didn't lose your job because of COVID .. you lost your job because of the hyper-exaggerated response from state governments that forced the economy grind to a halt.

... and Biden has done such a great job that there are still 100 - 150K deaths annually.

I live in a city where 700 people were murdered last year with firearms. Um, yeah, it's effecting my life. I have to walk through a security door every day because my employers want to make sure that a disgruntled worker doesn't come in with a gun. We all have to accommedate the Ammosexual Lifestyle with active shooter drills, security, militarized police, etc.
So you have second or third hand experiences .. got it.

Last night when the girlfriend and I were driving home, the guy in front of us was obviously drunk. Driving too slow, swerving, didn't know what lane he was supposed to be in and made a dangerous swoop across

Lol ....

On the other hand, my grandfather was killed by a drunk driver .. and alcohol kills 140K people each year. That doesn't make me a subject matter expert on alcohol or drunk driving, but it does demonstrate the hypocrisy that some deaths have more meaning than others .. even with a substantially lower rate of mortality.

I asked you to give me a reason why they were bad that didn't involve those two excuses.

Let's try again. Give me a good reason why your transphobia is okay other than "God Says It's Bad" and "I think it's Icky".

Transphobia = pro-reality, so I take that as a compliment. I've already listed my reasons why the extreme ideology of transgenderism will produce no good results .. just more slippery slopes.
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And AGAIN, I challenge you to show me where I have ever used religion to explain my feelings about transgenderism, or where I simply said it's "icky". Is self-mutilation not icky? If you don't think so, perhaps YOU are the one with the problem. You sidestepped my challenge either deliberately or because your ears can only hear the narrative echoing in your own head. You cant have a rational conversation because you're only quoting yourself when you try to quote others.

Okay, so, um, you didn't use religion, but your argument about it being "icky" is that its "self-mutiliation".

But funny, I don't see you going ape-shit over all the other self-mutilation that goes on in the world, from liposuction to boob jobs to my personal least favorite, Asian people who get blepharoplasties to make their eyes rounder and look more like white people. (Note to Asian People... we white people kind of suck, you don't want to be more like us.)

But someone gets a gender confirmation surgery, and man, you are going absolutely insane like this is the worst thing ever.

Because of the constant attention the media gives to transgenderism as pushed by the left, an entire generation of people is now being lured into it as an experimental/rebellious thing at dangerously young ages. This is like setting up a weed dispensary directly across the street from a school and the wondering why 50% in the school develop a rebellious curiosity about it by the time they're 10. Because of this blatant dangling in front of kids now, its highly suspect that they're being deliberately lured toward it, and patted on the head for pursuing it in return for lifelong votes.

So you can't describe why it's bad without coming up with an implausible scenario about something else that you think is bad.

People have had the freedom to surgically alter themselves to look like the opposite sex since the '60s. That's over 50 years of transgenderism. Most people didn't think about it or care if self-responsible adults do it to themselves and hardly gave it more than a shrug. Now there is suddenly a massive push by the political party which promotes wokeism to campaign on it as a major point. Transgenders are now encouraged to MARCH on the world and play victim while the Democratic party plays the part of phony savior, "saving" these people from a media-created sense oppression, when they have had the freedom to mutilate themselves for over 50 years. Most kids don't realize this.

Oh, noes, not marching! Whatever shall we do. Again, you kind of sound like a 1950's klansman who thought that the colored in his town were satisfied with the status quo until MLK and the rest of the outside agitators started making them uppity.

Transgender rights is about more than being able to afford expensive surgery... which most people can't.

They are being taught that there is an active movement against transgenderism, so they'd better get on the ball a stand up for their rights and have their surgery and start voting Democrat before all the demonic oppressive haters suddenly send them to the gas chamber. Well, guess what. That narrative is generating hate on both sides where there was only minor discomfort and disapproval just a few years ago. If you fail to see that this time and just try to put words in my mouth you WILL be put on ignore.

Oh, noes, not put me on ignore... oh, the horror of you not knowing when you are being called on your bigotry.

Yes, a few years ago, this didn't get much attention, until the RIGHT WING decided to make it an issue. The Trannies are coming for your children!!!

Here's the reality. 20 years ago, the Right wing got stupid people like you upset because those darned gays wanted to get married. And you even got people so riled up that they put Bush back into office after he mucked up the economy and lied us into a war! Oddly, after he got that second term, he stopped talking about gay marriage, and now gay marriage is legal in all 50 states and most people don't say boo about it.

So now they tell you to be upset about those uppity transgenders... and you salute and march. And in 20 years, you won't realize how silly you look.
No .. the problem is it's premised on a false narrative that is marginalizing women, sexualizing children, sterilizing children, and for some reason .. we aren't supposed to see that as a problem with this mental illness because you or I don't have first hand exposure to this. That's a ridiculous argument.

Except it's not a mental illness and it has no real effect on your life.

You didn't lose your job because of COVID .. you lost your job because of the hyper-exaggerated response from state governments that forced the economy grind to a halt.

... and Biden has done such a great job that there are still 100 - 150K deaths annually.

Only because you have morons who refused to get their shots... which I consider Natural Selection.

Transphobia = pro-reality, so I take that as a compliment. I've already listed my reasons why the extreme ideology of transgenderism will produce no good results .. just more slippery slopes.
Yup, and they are all about your sexual insecurities.
Except it's not a mental illness and it has no real effect on your life.

Only because you have morons who refused to get their shots... which I consider Natural Selection.

Yup, and they are all about your sexual insecurities.

I got a bad case of COVID two months after I got my 2nd shot and was in bed for a week. A lot of good it did. The near useless vaccine was a Democrat mandated get-rich-quick scheme for Big Pharma paid for by US. And you are one of the sucker sheep who still believes you saved yourselves and millions of others from getting COVID by getting vaxxed, when you were really just participating in government and big business helping each other to get rich and exert control over the masses. I got vaxxed because I have family living in another country and could not visit them unless I did. My wife also got COVID not long after being vaxxed.

Now it's coming out that alot of people are having adverse reactions to the vaccine. I have no intention of getting one again. The pandemic is fucking over. COVID now has a level making it little more than a sibling of the Flu, yet 40% or more of people are going around wearing masks again looking totally foolish. None of my coworkers wear masks anymore and none of us has had COVID for at least a year. I can't wait to see how SICK they all get when they finally decide to take them off...because THAT will be the natural selection you talk about, just not served the way you thought! 😏 That's right. The lack of regular NATURAL updating and exposure to germs while wearing the mask resulted in a lot of people getting all kinds of ailments when they finally took it off - doctors confirmed that. And THAT is coming, my friend. And it sounds like you just might be one of that "test group". Good luck. 😆
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