LGB is one thing; T is quite another

Why are you limiting it to women's sports? It's much broader than women's sports: Awards, recognition, professional careers, sponsorships and marginalizing women is not limited to 2%. The trend you continue to demonstrate is "it's statistically small, so screw the women who are marginalized by men or screw the small number of children who are sterilized and scarred for life."

Um, other than sports, a cis-woman is just as capable as a trans-woman. Or a man, for that matter. The ironic thing is you conservatives have fought against gender equality for decades, from killing the Equal Rights Amendment to voting against the Lily Ledbetter bill. But now you are all acting like a bunch of third wave feminists claiming that the rare trans-woman they encounter is a dire threat.

And oddly, your rage never seems to be towards trans-men. Why is that?

Men encountering females in changing rooms and locker rooms is a very real thing, and has recently been covered in health clubs (like YMCA) and high schools. Yet .. this is acceptable because today it doesn't happen on a mass scale. Are you ignorant enough to believe this trend won't continue to grow as the fad of being trans continues to grow?

It's acceptable because our weird fascination with nudity is a new thing. Heck, they have nudist camps. No one gets worked up. In Japan, men and women bathe together. Just not a big deal.

Gender dysphoria doesn't mean your confusion is a reality. Feeling like a woman in the wrong body doesn't make you one.

No, but it has been scientifically esablished that the brains of transgender people closely match their identified sex.

Equal pay is a myth and this has been debunked, especially when taking into consideration work hours, types of roles / careers, etc. The 80 cents on the dollar is just liberal bullshit.

Then why does your side keep fighting against laws like the Lily Ledbetter act?

Sounds like you're on the band wagon of marginalizing women .. yeah .. who cares about females today, for a trend that will only continue to fester and grow.
Naw, I just don't see it as a big deal, given less than one percent of the population is trans.
It's like 30 years ago, when Clinton instituted don't ask, don't tell, and you all fretted that gays would shower with straight soldiers. The way you carried on, you'd think that all these service members did was take showers.
The Trans gang is not looking for tolerance. They demand that everyone else accept and patronize their delusions.

While I believe that homosexual sodomy is sinful, I have no interest in preventing it from going on, or publicly condemning anyone who transparently practices it. No more than I would condemn someone for being divorced and remarried, or being a fornicator. That's their business, and whether it's right or wrong is between them and God.

But I will not affirm or patronize the delusion of someone who claims to be a different sex than the one that they manifestly are. Demanding that is an imposition on MY FREEDOM.

Wow, talk about messed up priorities.

This effects you life in no way.
Um, other than sports, a cis-woman is just as capable as a trans-woman. Or a man, for that matter. The ironic thing is you conservatives have fought against gender equality for decades, from killing the Equal Rights Amendment to voting against the Lily Ledbetter bill. But now you are all acting like a bunch of third wave feminists claiming that the rare trans-woman they encounter is a dire threat.
An easy one .. How many "trans women" give birth and produce offspring? "Trans Women" already get equal rights as a man. They can marry .. and do whatever any normal man (or woman).

And oddly, your rage never seems to be towards trans-men. Why is that?
Rage, trans-phobia and other such terms just equate to pro-reality. I'm strongly against the extreme ideology of transgenderism being forced on America .. don't care if it's man or women, yet mainstream focuses on men thinking they are women.

Besides .. men would kick a woman's ass in a multitude of events if "trans men" every decided to participate. I'd love to see a "tran man" play tackle football in a men's league ... and then laugh at the stupidity.

It's acceptable because our weird fascination with nudity is a new thing. Heck, they have nudist camps. No one gets worked up. In Japan, men and women bathe together. Just not a big deal.

No, but it has been scientifically esablished that the brains of transgender people closely match their identified sex.
There can be 10K studies that say it closely matches .. but that doesn't make an individual the opposite sex.

Then why does your side keep fighting against laws like the Lily Ledbetter act?
If you'd like to discuss Lily Ledbetter, I'd suggest you open a thread about it, since it's not closely related to this topic. Be glad to have a conversation on it.
An easy one .. How many "trans women" give birth and produce offspring? "Trans Women" already get equal rights as a man. They can marry .. and do whatever any normal man (or woman).
so do women stop being women after menapause? How about the millions of women who suffer fertility issues and require assistance? If you see making babies as the be-all and end-all of womanhood, then the 1950's called and they want their misogyny back.

Rage, trans-phobia and other such terms just equate to pro-reality. I'm strongly against the extreme ideology of transgenderism being forced on America .. don't care if it's man or women, yet mainstream focuses on men thinking they are women.

Besides .. men would kick a woman's ass in a multitude of events if "trans men" every decided to participate. I'd love to see a "tran man" play tackle football in a men's league ... and then laugh at the stupidity.

Pro-reality is that trans people exist whether you want them to or not.
so do women stop being women after menapause? How about the millions of women who suffer fertility issues and require assistance? If you see making babies as the be-all and end-all of womanhood, then the 1950's called and they want their misogyny back.
Sigh .. such a weak argument .. it's like saying those incapable of being viable because of some health issues aren't humans (or they are a fetus) because they have a dependency to treat diabetes, breathing treatments, dialysis or other health problem.

Pro-reality is that trans people exist whether you want them to or not.
Pro-reality is men can't be women or women can't be men; regardless if they feel like they are.
Sigh .. such a weak argument .. it's like saying those incapable of being viable because of some health issues aren't humans (or they are a fetus) because they have a dependency to treat diabetes, breathing treatments, dialysis or other health problem.

Yes, I am glad to see you are seeing the weakness of your argument that a woman is only defined by her ability to make babies.

Pro-reality is men can't be women or women can't be men; regardless if they feel like they are.
Have to ask, why do you care?

Frankly, Trans people have no effect on my life. What people do in their own homes is their own business.
Yes, I am glad to see you are seeing the weakness of your argument that a woman is only defined by her ability to make babies.
Touche ... and your recognition of the weakness that a unborn child is not a life, growing and / or a human.

Have to ask, why do you care?

Frankly, Trans people have no effect on my life. What people do in their own homes is their own business.
Why is it about you or me? Why that self-centered? It's for the greater good that a false reality and it's acceptance is being demanded, the sexualization of children is being "encouraged" and actual females are being marginalized. fd
Touche ... and your recognition of the weakness that a unborn child is not a life, growing and / or a human.
Um, off topic, but a fetus isn't a person because it can't live separately from the uterus it is in.

Why is it about you or me? Why that self-centered? It's for the greater good that a false reality and it's acceptance is being demanded, the sexualization of children is being "encouraged" and actual females are being marginalized. fd

Okay, the greater good. The greater good is allowing personal freedom.

If your whole existence as a female is winning a little plastic trophy in a sport that boys weren't allowed to compete in because you are smaller and weaker, then you've kind of marginalized yourself.
Um, off topic, but a fetus isn't a person because it can't live separately from the uterus it is in.
A diabetic, asthmatic or other life threatening health issue can't live separately from the uterus either .. without some dependency.

Okay, the greater good. The greater good is allowing personal freedom.

If your whole existence as a female is winning a little plastic trophy in a sport that boys weren't allowed to compete in because you are smaller and weaker, then you've kind of marginalized yourself.
Personal freedom .. absolutely .. feel like whatever you want .. and don't expect or demand that everyone else accept your fantasy as a reality.

Participation trophies are / were a weak attempt to be inclusive .. so everyone felt like a winner .. instead of recognizing those who invested the effort to succeed and differentiate themselves -- Just like females are losing out on because men are dominating them in sports.
Their suicide rate is high just as it is with seniors yet when transgendered people get transgender medical help their suicide rate reduces.

Gender-Affirming Care Linked To Less Depression, Lower ...

View attachment 780761
https://www.forbes.com › sites › 2021/12/14 › gender...

Dec 14, 2021 — A first of its kind study provides a strong rebuttal to anti-transgender activists and Republican lawmakers who have tried to ban lifesaving ...

New Study Shows Transgender People Who Receive ...

View attachment 780762
Fenway Health
https://fenwayhealth.org › new-study-shows-transgend...

Apr 28, 2021 — BOSTON, April 28, 2021—A new study published today in JAMA Surgery found that gender-affirming surgery is associated with improved mental ...

Gender-Affirming Hormone Therapy Lowers Suicide Risk

View attachment 780763
Time Magazine
https://time.com › U.S. › LGBTQ

Dec 14, 2021 — A study publish Tuesday found GAHT is significantly related to lower rates of depression and suicide attempts in trans and nonbinary youth.

Mental Health Outcomes in Transgender and Nonbinary ...

View attachment 780764
National Institutes of Health (.gov)
https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › ...

by DM Tordoff · 2022 · Cited by 88 — This study found that gender-affirming medical interventions were associated with lower odds of depression and suicidality over 12 months.
The real problem is that 70 to 80 percent of these children lose their feelings of dysphoria as they age. So, which do you treat?
A diabetic, asthmatic or other life
Off topic, not going there.

Personal freedom .. absolutely .. feel like whatever you want .. and don't expect or demand that everyone else accept your fantasy as a reality.

Um, yeah... now, you see, if you are a racist, you have to accept black coworkers.
If you are a misogynist, you have to accept female coworkers.
If you are a homophobe, you have to accept gay coworkers
If you are a transphobe...well, you know the rest.

Participation trophies are / were a weak attempt to be inclusive .. so everyone felt like a winner .. instead of recognizing those who invested the effort to succeed and differentiate themselves -- Just like females are losing out on because men are dominating them in sports.
The only reason why ANYONE cares about these little plastic trophies is we have a bit of stupidity called Title IX which requires colleges to give out scholarships for sports no one cares about. Get rid of Title IX, and you'll be amazed how fast everyone stops caring that the girl who outran you used to have a dick.
Off topic, not going there.

Um, yeah... now, you see, if you are a racist, you have to accept black coworkers.
If you are a misogynist, you have to accept female coworkers.
If you are a homophobe, you have to accept gay coworkers
If you are a transphobe...well, you know the rest.
Lol .. feelings of opposite sex orientation doesn't make it a reality.. If you're unable to follow the science .. well .. you know

The only reason why ANYONE cares about these little plastic trophies is we have a bit of stupidity called Title IX which requires colleges to give out scholarships for sports no one cares about. Get rid of Title IX, and you'll be amazed how fast everyone stops caring that the girl who outran you used to have a dick.
Why is it about sports? Are you that micro-focused? Transgender ideology is much broader than just sports, and it's faux science with the expectation that we must accept it. Sports is one small part of it, and while female sports are far less popular than male sports .. I'm sure female athletes who have been successful at it or magically got exchanged for Russian criminals would disagree with you.
Lol .. feelings of opposite sex orientation doesn't make it a reality.. If you're unable to follow the science .. well .. you know

Your bigotry is not science. There's plenty of scientific study that the brains of trans people are more like their identified sex than their biological sex.

Your bigotry is not science. There's plenty of scientific study that the brains of trans people are more like their identified sex than their biological sex.

The identified sex doesn't magically make them some other sex .. sorry .. there is no science on that. Just feelings.
When skeletal remains are uncovered and identified, how many sexes are identified? Biology states there are two sexes, and the science is an objective source.

If I had to interact with skeletons every day, that would be relevant.


I have to deal with flesh and blood people. Some are straight. Some are gay. Some are cisgender, some are transgender.

Different strokes for different folks.
It sounds like you realize you can't discriminate against gays anymore, so you are retreating to an even more marginalized minority you can hate on.

Here's the thing. I'm not sure how it hurts you to use the correct third person pronouns that someone prefers.
It wasn't gay or trans people that started that shit it was the political party that uses them.

Just like they say "gun control isn't about guns, it's about control", this forced use or non-use of pronouns is also about nothing more than control. It's nothing more than a simple wrestling hold used for a much larger agenda of control over the masses.

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