Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trump’s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trump’s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOP’s 2024 nomination, much of trump’s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.

Compared to Joe Biden Tim Scott is an articulate and clean and religious human being.
While Pedo Joe Biden would rather shower and/or sniff little girls.


Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trump’s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trump’s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOP’s 2024 nomination, much of trump’s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.

Holy racist projection Batman!!!!!


Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trump’s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trump’s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOP’s 2024 nomination, much of trump’s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.


You gonna lynch that Negro, Confederate Boy?
You gonna lynch that Negro, Confederate Boy?
Are you going to be an absolute snowflake and compare us pointing and laughing at Tim Scott for being a 30 year old virgin and then still failing to live up to his so called principles to lynching? You're going to be that guy? 😄
The Democrat Party once again outs itself for insisting Blacks do NOT have the RIGHT to FREEDOM of THOUGHT....

Exactly what Ice Cube is trying to say...

Exactly what Traitor Joe did say...
Once again White wingers show us all they do is project. They're the ones who think they can hide behind a black man without criticisms of his beliefs or policies just because he black.
Once again White wingers show us all they do is project. They're the ones who think they can hide behind a black man without criticisms of his beliefs or policies just because he black.

CRT reading comprehension = near or at ZERO

You can have this one back....

Larry Ellison funded... Larry of course backed HILLARY in 2016....

Funny thing too.

South Carolina, one of the dumbest states, has two Senators, both who claim to be "Christian" and "conservative." Neither is married....

Lindsay Graham of course is a homosexual jew lying about being a Christian.

Tim Scott, well, is a big big big BIG supporter of.... ISRAEL, and W, and the "war on terror," and Larry Ellison pushed "national ID cards" to ID "terrorists" after 911....

As Warnock is a bought and paid for shill of Zionist Fascism for the Dems, Tim Scott appears to be the GOP's version...

Tim Scott is exactly who ICE CUBE is warning black people about....
I comprehended your meaning just fine you coward but in the end you are a coward so it takes absolutely nothing to push you off it. 😄


Actual views do matter. Tim Scott is Rove's 3rd term waiting to happen. Not a supporter.

But to notice that the Democrat Party doesn't believe Blacks have the right to FREEDOM OF THOUGHT is accurate summary of OP....

And you are the COWARD who bows to the masters and parrots the Party of Slavery... and validates LBJ's comments...
Got me again.

I know little about Tim Scott, so I clicked on the link expecting to see examples of his unhinged statements. Instead, just another Trump Derangement rant with a name in the news as part of the plagiarized title so it will be clickbait.


Actual views do matter. Tim Scott is Rove's 3rd term waiting to happen. Not a supporter.
If you say so... 😄
But to notice that the Democrat Party doesn't believe Blacks have the right to FREEDOM OF THOUGHT is accurate summary of OP....
Who said Tim Scott doesn't have a right to believe whatever he wants? On the contrary it just seems like you're crying like a little bitch when we criticize those beliefs.
And you are the COWARD who bows to the masters and parrots the Party of Slavery... and validates LBJ's comments...
The fake comments you think are real because you read them on the internet? 😄

Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trump’s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trump’s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOP’s 2024 nomination, much of trump’s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.


Unhinged is the Democrats’ obsession and dependence on the racial divide in order to win Elections..Regarding Tim Scott, he’s not a privileged liberal elite Black Man reared in Hawaii with his white relatives trying to win in the South. Tim Scott has already appealed to the Southern White Christians by being a re-elected Senator in the heart of the Confederacy. Same goes for Nikki Haley. If those two got together on a ticket, Democrats’ heads would explode because they would lose their narrative. We got a taste of this last election when Tulsi Gabbard destroyed Kamala Harris in a debate and Harris had no racial or gender identity to retreat to.

Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trump’s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trump’s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOP’s 2024 nomination, much of trump’s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.

You ain’t black!

Poor kids are just as bright as white kids

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