Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President


Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trumpā€™s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trumpā€™s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOPā€™s 2024 nomination, much of trumpā€™s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.


Why do Democrats ALWAYS want to silence BLACK voices ???
Unhinged is the Democratsā€™ obsession and dependence on the racial divide in order to win Elections..Regarding Tim Scott, heā€™s not a privileged liberal elite Black Man reared in Hawaii with his white relatives trying to win in the South. Tim Scott has already appealed to the Southern White Christians by being a re-elected Senator in the heart of the Confederacy. Same goes for Nikki Haley. If those two got together on a ticket, Democratsā€™ heads would explode because they would lose their narrative. We got a taste of this last election when Tulsi Gabbard destroyed Kamala Harris in a debate and Harris had no racial or gender identity to retreat to.
The other thing is it would KILL the Democratsā€™ main campaign strategy (which they themselves know is a lie) that racism keeps black people down - and that we need to hand out reparations, give them college slots over better qualified whites, a1

Here we have Tim Scott proving itā€™s not true: born into poverty, he used smarts, self-discipline, wise choices, and hard work to rise to one of the highest elected offices in the land, and now is positioned for president. Even his slogan captures this: ā€œFrom Cotton to Congress.ā€

The Democrats will go nuts.
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Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trumpā€™s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trumpā€™s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOPā€™s 2024 nomination, much of trumpā€™s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.

The demonization of a black man has begun.

Meanwhile, keep supporting Fetterman and Biden šŸ˜‚

Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trumpā€™s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trumpā€™s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOPā€™s 2024 nomination, much of trumpā€™s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.

Please give us actual examples of DT "racially charged" speech that has triggered your bladder leakage this AM
On the off chance that Trump is willing to do debates, it sure would be interesting to watch how Scott fit between Trump and DeSantis.

He'd probably be the most calm, serious and mature, but that doesn't appear to be what the base wants.
If you mean less bombastic sure but his ideas are still laughably unhinged. He's still an evangelical and certainly a more authentic one than either DeSantis or Two Corinthians Trump.
On the off chance that Trump is willing to do debates, it sure would be interesting to watch how Scott fit between Trump and DeSantis.

He'd probably be the most calm, serious and mature, but that doesn't appear to be what the base wants.
Trump should have had a Girl Scout troop front and center at the Biden debates

Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trumpā€™s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trumpā€™s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOPā€™s 2024 nomination, much of trumpā€™s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.

What have the Democrats to offer? I am not impressed with Scott however no candidate so far is compelling, we have another election and no one worth voting for in the two major parties, how can we change this for the better?
The OP, that CRT reading comprehension problem again...
Maybe you need some reading comprehension. That statement is saying that the only sort of black person conservative south Carolinians would vote for is someone who was as religiously unhinged as they are or someone pretending to be in order to obtain political power. Neither of these two options robs Tim Scott of any agency you illiterate Bingo. šŸ˜„

Let's Revisit How Unhinged Tim Scott Is Now That He's Running for President

As an African-American running as a Republican in South Carolina, it is a political necessity for Tim Scott to be, or at least feign being, unhinged. After all he must appeal to Southern white Christian nationalist voters who are themselves unhinged.

In the Old Confederacy there are hatreds and prejudices that have been Southern traditions for over two centuries, hatreds and prejudices that trumpā€™s presidential campaign first began reinvigorating in 2015. Tim Scott must rely on the same trump hate-filled rhetoric if he expects support from the 74 million+ voters trump won in 2020. Scott must also win over the moderate Republicans and Democrats that voted for trump in 2016, but not in 2020.

For Scott, that is one giant mountain to climb, especially since trump and his cult will be looking to avenge trumpā€™s massive 2020 loss to Biden. And, as a candidate running for the GOPā€™s 2024 nomination, much of trumpā€™s racially charged hate-speech will be targeting Scott.

The title itself illustrates Yahoosnbias, "NOW that he is running for president this is important (but not beforehand)". Will they do this for any Dem candidate?
On the off chance that Trump is willing to do debates, it sure would be interesting to watch how Scott fit between Trump and DeSantis.

He'd probably be the most calm, serious and mature, but that doesn't appear to be what the base wants.
Well, itā€™s true we need someone who can withstand and fight back against the Demsā€™ deceptive practices, and that is Trump. Scott would make a GREAT Vice President, though,
The other thing is it would KILL the Democratsā€™ main campaign strategy (which they themselves know is a lie) that racism keeps black people down - and that we need to hand out reparations, give them college slots over better qualified whites, a1

Here we have Tim Scott proving itā€™s not true: born into poverty, he used smarts, self-discipline, wise choices, and hard work to rise to one of the highest elected offices in the land, and now is positioned for president. Even his slogan captures this: ā€œFrom Cotton to Congress.ā€

The Democrats will go nuts.
That's right Lisa. Struggling black families will see Tim Scott and realize all they need to do to make it is work hard and believe in themselves.... (because apparently they weren't doing so before). šŸ˜„
What have the Democrats to offer? I am not impressed with Scott however no candidate so far is compelling, we have another election and no one worth voting for in the two major parties, how can we change this for the better?

(raises hand)

I know, I know

Vote for someone not running!

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