Lets remember WHY Charlottesville rally happened to begin with

I have no problem with you showing your heritage on your private property or in a museum.

Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
Well, they certainly are not jumping on board a law against lynching....that's been out there since the early 1900s. And if one were to look at those many pictures of lynchings in the South....sure looks like a lot of SMILING, Happy faces of men, women AND children posing with the mutilated bodies of the lynched. That's celebrating.
I have no problem with you showing your heritage on your private property or in a museum.

Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
of course they are.....where are the monuments to those who gave their lives to terrorists?

They have learned how to phrase it differently. But they still block attempts of cities to honor the Confederacy in their own way.
Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
Well, they certainly are not jumping on board a law against lynching....that's been out there since the early 1900s. And if one were to look at those many pictures of lynchings in the South....sure looks like a lot of SMILING, Happy faces of men, women AND children posing with the mutilated bodies of the lynched. That's celebrating.
That is the legacy of the south we are celebrating

Take the kids out to watch a darkie get tortured, mutilated and hung
Fun for the whole family.
General Lee was widely respected and revered by both the North and the South.

For some little brainwashed leftists to come and claim some "traitor" crap after 140+ years is ridiculous.

Actually it's not, because leftist professors started skewing facts about The Civil War and putting it in textbooks around the 70s.

It'd take 50 of those lemmings to equal 1 Robert E. Lee.

Happy birthday Gen. Robert E. Lee
Lee is a symbol of the Confederate Nation

A nation built to sustain the institution of slavery forever
These monuments are to men who defended the right of their state to secede if they felt federal government was acting in an inappropriate manner. Most northerners never felt the War was a bout slavery. They could give a shit less at the time. Revisionist history has made it about slavery. Most abolitionist were viewed as radical , hot headed weirdo’s like then domestic terrorist John Brown.

They felt the federal government was acting to restrict their ability to own slaves and spread slavery to new states

They thought it was worth killing 600,000 people over
Slavery had nothing to do with it.

Sure it didn’t

Tell us more about a States right to own slaves
Not slaves at the time...”property.” North wanted to pillage the wealth of the South.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
Well, they certainly are not jumping on board a law against lynching....that's been out there since the early 1900s. And if one were to look at those many pictures of lynchings in the South....sure looks like a lot of SMILING, Happy faces of men, women AND children posing with the mutilated bodies of the lynched. That's celebrating.
That is the legacy of the south we are celebrating

Take the kids out to watch a darkie get tortured, mutilated and hung
Fun for the whole family.
How many blacks killed each other in Democratic Party controlled Chicago? Fun for whole family huh?
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...

I just don't remember ISIS destroying monuments to soldiers who died to defend a 'country' that was established to protect the rights to own slaves.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.

The first rally last year was organized by an obama supporter. That allowed them to start the "neo-national socialist" scare tactic. This year, when only 12 of the guys showed up...kinda defeated the purpose of the first one..
Slavery was better; just ask those freed slaves who went back to Africa and started Liberia, and set themselves up as slave plantation owners as soon as they set foot back in 'Da Homey Land'.
"Slavery was better"....words spoken by a person who would never have been a slave.

So tell us all about your experience as a slave. This should be funny ...
I have no experience as a slave. That's why I would never ever presume to say that "slavery was better"....as you did.

Yes, you know squat about it; we already knew that. You know squat about the lifestyles of the waves of poor immigrant labor, so you can't refute what I said, much less post honestly, any more than your hubby Biff can; you're not here for that anyway, right? You're just here to spam and parrot rubbish and fake revisionist history. Thanks for your concession.
Dear me....and now I've gone and upset you.....so sorry to have intimidated you to the point that you rambled on with that silly post that really said nothing of content.

Err, YOUR post is the one without content.

YOu know that everyone, and I mean EVERYONE can see that.
Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
Well, they certainly are not jumping on board a law against lynching....that's been out there since the early 1900s. And if one were to look at those many pictures of lynchings in the South....sure looks like a lot of SMILING, Happy faces of men, women AND children posing with the mutilated bodies of the lynched. That's celebrating.

Wow. Just wow. THe confusion and idiocy in that post, is mind blowing.

Let's take it down, point by point.

1. Anyone who talks about a law against lynching today, is just trying to smear the South, if not all of White America. As you yourself note, the heyday of lynching was over a fucking century ago. We need a law against lynching like we need a law against cattle rustling.

2. Your use of present tense when discussing events and photographs from over a CENTURY ago.

2a You are smearing good people with the actions of others from long ago. You are a terrible person.

2b, You are panic mongering, targeting minorities, trying to convince them that lynching is a ongoing issue. As part of your constant lib effort to tear this nation apart. YOu are a terrible person.

2c You are dismissing all the good work that has been done by good people on the issue of race relations in this country for over a decade. YOu are a terrible person.

2d You are panic mongering, targeting liberals. Trying to convince them that lynching is an ongoing issue, as part of your constant lib effort to tear this nation apart. YOu are a terrible person.

3. You are avoiding what the actual issues are, and what the actual people of today are actually doing, by acting as though it is a hundred years ago. THat is incredibly rude. You are a rude person.
Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
of course they are.....where are the monuments to those who gave their lives to terrorists?

They have learned how to phrase it differently. But they still block attempts of cities to honor the Confederacy in their own way.

That did not make any sense. Please try again.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
Well, they certainly are not jumping on board a law against lynching....that's been out there since the early 1900s. And if one were to look at those many pictures of lynchings in the South....sure looks like a lot of SMILING, Happy faces of men, women AND children posing with the mutilated bodies of the lynched. That's celebrating.
That is the legacy of the south we are celebrating

Take the kids out to watch a darkie get tortured, mutilated and hung
Fun for the whole family.

And you libs pretend it is US conservatives who are afraid of change.

While you guys are acting like it is 1918, instead of 2018.

Oh, and btw, you are a race baiting asshole.
Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
Well, they certainly are not jumping on board a law against lynching....that's been out there since the early 1900s. And if one were to look at those many pictures of lynchings in the South....sure looks like a lot of SMILING, Happy faces of men, women AND children posing with the mutilated bodies of the lynched. That's celebrating.
That is the legacy of the south we are celebrating

Take the kids out to watch a darkie get tortured, mutilated and hung
Fun for the whole family.
How many blacks killed each other in Democratic Party controlled Chicago? Fun for whole family huh?

RW doesn't care about that. He accepts that as normal.

Just part of the cost of doing business.
Got it. Whites are not allowed to have a culture or a heritage in public in the Multicultural Utopia you lefties are building.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
Well, they certainly are not jumping on board a law against lynching....that's been out there since the early 1900s. And if one were to look at those many pictures of lynchings in the South....sure looks like a lot of SMILING, Happy faces of men, women AND children posing with the mutilated bodies of the lynched. That's celebrating.

Nobody is jumping on board supporting your ilk's stupid empty gestures and dishonest attempts at establisjhing some kind of fake 'moral authority' for yourselves and your fake 'anti-racism' gimmicks.

You're welcome in advance for doing your corrections; I'm always available to help the emotionally handicapped gimps.
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
Well, they certainly are not jumping on board a law against lynching....that's been out there since the early 1900s. And if one were to look at those many pictures of lynchings in the South....sure looks like a lot of SMILING, Happy faces of men, women AND children posing with the mutilated bodies of the lynched. That's celebrating.
That is the legacy of the south we are celebrating

Take the kids out to watch a darkie get tortured, mutilated and hung
Fun for the whole family.

lol You're not any moral authority on anything. Show us those pics and stories where you're running around rescuing the poor hapless Negroes and other great deeds of selflessness and prove you have ever lifted a finger to help anybody. Babbling away with fake news and narratives on message boards doesn't count.You claiming you would have been doing anything in 1918 if you had been there? lol lol lol what a hoot; Party parrots like yourself are the biggest fashion victims on the planet.

The only thing you Democrats would do if you were there is go through the dead guys' pockets to see if he had a joint on him. Oh wait, those are Democrats doing the lynchings. Never mind.
America is in trouble. all of that trouble has to do with race.

black and white people dont merely have different experiences, we seem to occupy different universes with worldviews that are fatally opposed.

the merchants of racial despair peddle their wares in a marketplace riddled by white panic and fear. black despair piles up with each body that gets snuffed on vide and streamed on youtube.

we have elected the first black president and elected the scariest racial demagogue in a generation. the 2 are not unrelated. the remarkable progress we made with Obama has brought the backlash of peril of one Donald J Trump.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.
Do you protect history by chanting "Jews will not replace us!"? Do you protect history by bringing clubs and shields and guns? So you protect history by waving swastika flags? Was that a responsible protection of history?
Does protection of history involve driving down counter protestors?

Why is it terrorism when folks are driven down in Nice, New York and Columbus, but not in Charlottesville?

Are you referring to "counter protestors" that seek to tear down monuments that have been in the public square for over 100 years and riot?
No. Clearly I am referring to white supremacists who drive their Toyotas into crowds on the street in order to create mayhem at best, murder at worst.

Who were the "very fine people" among the folks chanting "Jews will not replace us!"?
The very fine people were and are historical preservationists chanting "you will not replace us." This exposes the democrat plan of population replacement. Get rid of those pesky Americans once and for all.
It was because leftist Anti Americans wanted to destroy and forget history they disagreed with and wanted done away with,much like Al Qaeda and ISIS did in areas they controlled...destroy monuments and historical documents etc. The leftists wanted to remove and destroy a statue of General Lee..the riots,deaths,violence ALL fall on their heads. They started the war and WE will finish it. This is a war have no doubt about that and we will win this war or we will die trying.
Do you protect history by chanting "Jews will not replace us!"? Do you protect history by bringing clubs and shields and guns? So you protect history by waving swastika flags? Was that a responsible protection of history?
Does protection of history involve driving down counter protestors?

Why is it terrorism when folks are driven down in Nice, New York and Columbus, but not in Charlottesville?

Are you referring to "counter protestors" that seek to tear down monuments that have been in the public square for over 100 years and riot?
No. Clearly I am referring to white supremacists who drive their Toyotas into crowds on the street in order to create mayhem at best, murder at worst.

Who were the "very fine people" among the folks chanting "Jews will not replace us!"?
The very fine people were and are historical preservationists chanting "you will not replace us." This exposes the democrat plan of population replacement. Get rid of those pesky Americans once and for all.
Is it the wise method to March by torchlight and chant "Jews will not replace us!"? Is that how history is preserved? Is history preserved by bringing guns, shields, helmets and clubs to a rally? Is history preserved by driving at high speed into a crowd? Is that what very fine people do?
Do you protect history by chanting "Jews will not replace us!"? Do you protect history by bringing clubs and shields and guns? So you protect history by waving swastika flags? Was that a responsible protection of history?
Does protection of history involve driving down counter protestors?

Why is it terrorism when folks are driven down in Nice, New York and Columbus, but not in Charlottesville?

Are you referring to "counter protestors" that seek to tear down monuments that have been in the public square for over 100 years and riot?
No. Clearly I am referring to white supremacists who drive their Toyotas into crowds on the street in order to create mayhem at best, murder at worst.

Who were the "very fine people" among the folks chanting "Jews will not replace us!"?
The very fine people were and are historical preservationists chanting "you will not replace us." This exposes the democrat plan of population replacement. Get rid of those pesky Americans once and for all.
Is it the wise method to March by torchlight and chant "Jews will not replace us!"? Is that how history is preserved? Is history preserved by bringing guns, shields, helmets and clubs to a rally? Is history preserved by driving at high speed into a crowd? Is that what very fine people do?

Of course you're responding to a sociopath who advocates shooting pot smokers in the face, so this just sailed over her hood.

Well put though. :thup:
Poor thing....can't remember their heritage (which, I guess, means a loser "nation" that lasted only 4 years and got their asses handed to them after they started the whole war) unless there are statues everywhere. Can't open a book? Can't go to a museum?

Asclepias was quite clear, he does not want southern whites to have the right to celebrate or practice their culture or heritage in public.

Your support of his racism and bigotry is noted and held against you.

Your bigoted mockery is noted. YOu are a bigot and an asshole.
Like lynching people?

That is their heritage

It is not credible that you have not noticed that the South has not been celebrating THAT aspect of their heritage, so stop being an fucking asshole.
Well, they certainly are not jumping on board a law against lynching....that's been out there since the early 1900s. And if one were to look at those many pictures of lynchings in the South....sure looks like a lot of SMILING, Happy faces of men, women AND children posing with the mutilated bodies of the lynched. That's celebrating.

Wow. Just wow. THe confusion and idiocy in that post, is mind blowing.

Let's take it down, point by point.

1. Anyone who talks about a law against lynching today, is just trying to smear the South, if not all of White America. As you yourself note, the heyday of lynching was over a fucking century ago. We need a law against lynching like we need a law against cattle rustling.

2. Your use of present tense when discussing events and photographs from over a CENTURY ago.

2a You are smearing good people with the actions of others from long ago. You are a terrible person.

2b, You are panic mongering, targeting minorities, trying to convince them that lynching is a ongoing issue. As part of your constant lib effort to tear this nation apart. YOu are a terrible person.

2c You are dismissing all the good work that has been done by good people on the issue of race relations in this country for over a decade. YOu are a terrible person.

2d You are panic mongering, targeting liberals. Trying to convince them that lynching is an ongoing issue, as part of your constant lib effort to tear this nation apart. YOu are a terrible person.

3. You are avoiding what the actual issues are, and what the actual people of today are actually doing, by acting as though it is a hundred years ago. THat is incredibly rude. You are a rude person.

Once again ---- you can freely peruse my lynching thread from three years ago for citations of lynchings in the last five to ten years as well has further back. They're just sitting there.

And you are correct that there tend to be far fewer photos of these lynchings while they're in progress. There are also far fewer postcards and body parts bought and sold as souvenirs. It's become less accepted.

But your sticking your head in the sand and going "LA LA LA I don't see anything" doesn't make them go away.

THat is incredibly ignorant. You are an ignorant person.
Does protection of history involve driving down counter protestors?

Why is it terrorism when folks are driven down in Nice, New York and Columbus, but not in Charlottesville?

Are you referring to "counter protestors" that seek to tear down monuments that have been in the public square for over 100 years and riot?
No. Clearly I am referring to white supremacists who drive their Toyotas into crowds on the street in order to create mayhem at best, murder at worst.

Who were the "very fine people" among the folks chanting "Jews will not replace us!"?
The very fine people were and are historical preservationists chanting "you will not replace us." This exposes the democrat plan of population replacement. Get rid of those pesky Americans once and for all.
Is it the wise method to March by torchlight and chant "Jews will not replace us!"? Is that how history is preserved? Is history preserved by bringing guns, shields, helmets and clubs to a rally? Is history preserved by driving at high speed into a crowd? Is that what very fine people do?

Of course you're responding to a sociopath who advocates shooting pot smokers in the face, so this just sailed over her hood.

Well put though. :thup:
You keep referencing shooting pot smokers in the face as if it is a bad thing.

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