Less than a billion years....probably a lot less....


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
The Sun is not a static input in our solar system, like all other bodies it is undergoing change moment by moment and probably faster than the other bodies in question. The immensity of our center star allows it to fuse 600 million tons of hydrogen to helium every second of every day. This is what produces the solar winds that offer light, heat and other products to the solar system. The amount of energy that we receive here on earth averages to something like 1300 watts per square meter of our planet's surface.....second by second...it's a rate of delivery. There are several things that mitigate that radiation....our magnetic field, our atmosphere and our ice cover to name a few...I'm sure there are others but those seem to be the major components. There is also another factor that continues to be marginalized. The sun is getting slightly more luminous with each passing moment. Now granted it is a infinitesimally small increase but the Sun.... even in infinitesimal increments is a total beast of an energy source. I have read numerous articles that claim it's not a factor to worry about and yet this seems to defy all that I know about increased energy inputs and on the face of it simply does not make any real physical sense. I do not hold a degree in thermodynamics....however I don't think one is necessary to see the logic here. Simply put the Sun is growing more energetic and we are not moving away from it in any real way at this point soooo the obvious conclusion is that we are recieving more Solar Energy as time goes by regardless of anything anyone wants to produce that says otherwise. Try this at home with your stove top burner and your hand...elecrtric is probabaly more accuate for comparision since radiation is the key factor here not convection or conduction.

Now eventually everyone agrees that the Sun will destroy life on this planet because of this process. A billion years is the estimate....long time from now right? But how do we really know that? It's just a best guess....

So tell me...are you really content to think that something a massive and powerful as the Sun can increase its energy ouput day by day and NOT AFFECT OUR PLANET? You will see bushels of high sounding academic mantra to indicate that this is the case. However I submit to you that even a child knows better.

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A high of 96° and a heat advisory where I live today. No appreciable rain in the forecast for the next 10 days.
Good argument for solar panels.
Botox, when those shitty solar panels get caked in dust or hammered with hail, the output diminished exponentially . But hey, this is America, where you can CHOOSE to buy the crap or not, just dont FORCE me to put shit in my yard, that i know wont get back the investment that you are so willingly want to do.


The reduction in solar panel output over time is called degradation. NREL research has shown that solar panels have a median degradation rate of about 0.5% per year but the rate could be higher in hotter climates and for rooftop systems.

STAT FAQs Part 2: Lifetime of PV Panels - NREL

Botox, when those shitty solar panels get caked in dust or hammered with hail, the output diminished exponentially . But hey, this is America, where you can CHOOSE to buy the crap or not, just dont FORCE me to put shit in my yard, that i know wont get back the investment that you are so willingly want to do.
Mikeminimis,...one can choose not to buy your crap too.
I think we can agree that at some point, no matter what we do here on earth, this planet will eventually become uninhabitable.

But that doesn't mean it has to become uninhabitable right now or sometime in the next century or two. We should be good stewards of the earth for as long as that is possible. And who knows, maybe it'll buy us time to develop technology beyond our wildest imagination and explore other worlds, if you believe that's possible.
Mikeminimis,...one can choose not to buy your crap too.
I kinda agree with both of you..... Solar panels have their drawbacks but they do have some benefit.
I work a 2 megawatt installation with the conventional power generation on our campus....not going to give any names or locations here.
When the 2 meg installation was brand new it took in about 1.75 peak. Five years on it has degraded to 1.47 peak. Let's see now..

1.47/1.75 that's 16 percent degradation in five years of usage. That's 48 percent in fifteen years if the relationship remains linear which it probably will not.
On the other hand it has provided some good low cost energy to our campus but only for the past few months....it took five years to pay the damn thing off.

But you Fascists sure are FORCING people to give up their gas stoves, grills, water heaters and other necessities to live. Do you support Fascism?

It's possible to force you to give up all kinds of convenient shit and that wouldn't necessarily make a regime fascist.

Fascism has to do with *why* you're being forced to make sacrifices, as well as who is being asked to sacrifice and for whom or for what purpose.
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The red line is global average temperature. The blue line is solar irradiance. Since they're going in opposite directions, normal people correctly conclude that solar changes are _not_ causing the current fast global warming.

The red line is global average temperature. The blue line is solar irradiance. Since they're going in opposite directions, normal people correctly conclude that solar changes are _not_ causing the current fast global warming.

Don't buy it sorry..... I know what the graph says already. Nonetheless the sun is defintely getting more energeitc moment by moment. That cannot be denied. IMO they are simply missing something. You cannot be in proximity to a growing energy source without getting more energy. BTW I am not excluding anything else here including CO2....I never said CO2 was irrelevant. I am only saying that we simply cannot dismiss growing input....and it is defintely growing.
I think we can agree that at some point, no matter what we do here on earth, this planet will eventually become uninhabitable.

But that doesn't mean it has to become uninhabitable right now or sometime in the next century or two. We should be good stewards of the earth for as long as that is possible. And who knows, maybe it'll buy us time to develop technology beyond our wildest imagination and explore other worlds, if you believe that's possible.
Im all for some other kind of power source....never been against it.....just have to ask if we are even relevant in the process that's all. I am not convinced that we are but yes we should try something.

Don't buy it sorry.....
You seem to be under the impression that your feelings define reality. I assure you that is not the case.

I know what the graph says already. Nonetheless the sun is defintely getting more energeitc moment by moment. That cannot be denied.
The direclty measured data says that's a false statement. No matter how intensely you put faith in it, it's still a false statement.

The sun does grow in output at about 1% every 100 million years, but it has plenty of up and down cycles on the short term. We're in a down cycle. Solar output has gone down, so someone saying that the sun is causing global warming is denying reality.
The Earth and sun are finite, but we don't have to be.
I will never understand people who think space exploration is a waste of time and money.
Our survival as a species in the long term, it is essential that we continue to develop and expand our capabilities off world.
Yes, the Earth will evaporate ... but we can only say the Sun will stop producing energy in a billion years ... she will collapse into a white dwarf when she runs out of hydrogen fuel ... this process makes the Sun white white white hot ... and it's estimated to take a minimum of a trillion years to cool ...

Our universe is in her infancy, still inflating ... 13.8 billion years is a very short period of time compared to how long our Sun will last ...
Don't buy it sorry..... I know what the graph says already. Nonetheless the sun is defintely getting more energeitc moment by moment. That cannot be denied.

The sun becomes about 10 percent brighter...every 1 billion years. So it's true that the sun is getting brighter and probably exposing the earth to more intense solar energy all the time, but rates matter. The amount of warmth we have now is highly unlikely to be related to radiative forcing alone.
Here is what will happen over the next billion years. We have lots of time left providing there isn't some other kind of extinction event like an asteroid hitting the earth or whatever.


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