Lesbians more likely to have mental health issues...

New data on lesbian, gay and bisexual mental health
New findings overturn previous beliefs.


February 2002, Vol 33, No. 2

Print version: page 46
The results of several breakthrough studies are offering new insights on gay men, lesbians and bisexuals. Among the key findings:

Several studies suggest that gay men, lesbians and bisexuals appear to have higher rates of some mental disorders compared with heterosexuals, although not to the level of a serious pathology. Discrimination may help fuel these higher rates.
A study found lesbians reported equally strong levels of mental health as their heterosexual sisters and higher self-esteem.
A new study of gay and lesbian youth finds that they are only slightly more likely than heterosexual youth to attempt suicide, refuting previous research that suggested much higher rates.
Researchers say these studies demonstrate the need for better, more tailored psychological treatment for lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) people.

why did you leave this part out, you know the very first words in the study?
That's not new, you idiot.

More evidence that you're a lesbian liar.
maybe it has to due with all the public scorn and family denial of who they are.

If we allow these kids as they grow up a little respect and dont force them to lie about who they are you will see a change.

Nope. They just lie

Again, while sexual-minority men and women were far more likely to report suicide attempts than heterosexual subjects, the two groups showed similar rates of true suicide attempts.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lA2yti9pc7o]YouTube - Same Sex Domestic Violence 2[/ame]
I think the mental health is adversely affected when Society has a bias against you as a person.

There is one thing I don't understand about the Lesbians who dress like and cut their hair like men.

Why are any lesbians attracted to this "male" look, if it's "females" they're after. That perplexes me.
I think the mental health is adversely affected when Society has a bias against you as a person.

There is one thing I don't understand about the Lesbians who dress like and cut their hair like men.

Why are any lesbians attracted to this "male" look, if it's "females" they're after. That perplexes me.

Thats one thing another thing I don't get is if lesbians are supposed to only be into women, why do they use strap ons and dildoes? you shouldn't need a fake cock if you are not interested in men right?
Many women whom are rejected by men become lesbians
I think the mental health is adversely affected when Society has a bias against you as a person.

There is one thing I don't understand about the Lesbians who dress like and cut their hair like men.

Why are any lesbians attracted to this "male" look, if it's "females" they're after. That perplexes me.

Thats one thing another thing I don't get is if lesbians are supposed to only be into women, why do they use strap ons and dildoes? you shouldn't need a fake cock if you are not interested in men right?

Well dude, that one's easy to answer.

You don't have to be attracted to DICK to enjoy the feeling of any pole-like object stroking your vagina walls.

Kind of like, (assuming same technique and skill level)back-rubs feel like back-rubs no matter if it's a different pair of hands.
I think the mental health is adversely affected when Society has a bias against you as a person.

There is one thing I don't understand about the Lesbians who dress like and cut their hair like men.

Why are any lesbians attracted to this "male" look, if it's "females" they're after. That perplexes me.

Thats one thing another thing I don't get is if lesbians are supposed to only be into women, why do they use strap ons and dildoes? you shouldn't need a fake cock if you are not interested in men right?

Well dude, that one's easy to answer.

You don't have to be attracted to DICK to enjoy the feeling of any pole-like object stroking your vagina walls.

Kind of like, (assuming same technique and skill level)back-rubs feel like back-rubs no matter if it's a different pair of hands.

Thats true but the objects they used are shaped like mens cocks, so that is a little wierd but whatever floats your boat I guess.
Thats one thing another thing I don't get is if lesbians are supposed to only be into women, why do they use strap ons and dildoes? you shouldn't need a fake cock if you are not interested in men right?

Well dude, that one's easy to answer.

You don't have to be attracted to DICK to enjoy the feeling of any pole-like object stroking your vagina walls.

Kind of like, (assuming same technique and skill level)back-rubs feel like back-rubs no matter if it's a different pair of hands.

Thats true but the objects they used are shaped like mens cocks, so that is a little wierd but whatever floats your boat I guess.

I think it's b/c of the shape itself feeling good, not the fact that it's a "fake man."
Well dude, that one's easy to answer.

You don't have to be attracted to DICK to enjoy the feeling of any pole-like object stroking your vagina walls.

Kind of like, (assuming same technique and skill level)back-rubs feel like back-rubs no matter if it's a different pair of hands.

Thats true but the objects they used are shaped like mens cocks, so that is a little wierd but whatever floats your boat I guess.

I think it's b/c of the shape itself feeling good, not the fact that it's a "fake man."

Got it.
Yeah, like we didn't already know that.

The mental health issues being examined are anxiety and depression issues. The article states there is a strong correlation between that anxiety/depression and DISCRIMINATION.

I'm not sure what your point is

She's mad at Bodecea and Sky so she is on a rampage against lesbians. :eusa_whistle:


is *that* what all this is about? oy.
Livin' inna city'll drive ya nuts...
Researchers Find Higher Mental Illness Among City Dwellers
June 22, 2011 - Researchers say living in a city increases the risk of developing a mental disorder, including depression and schizophrenia, compared to people who live in non-urban areas. The findings of the new study have implications for around half of the world's population who live in cities.
Previous studies have showed that city dwellers are 21 percent more likely than non-urban residents to develop an anxiety disorder and they have a 39 percent greater risk of for being diagnosed with a mood disorder. There is even an increased risk of the brain disorder schizophrenia, in which patients suffer from delusions and hallucinations. Experts say the incidence of schizophrenia among those who are born and raised in cities is about two times that of people who live in non-urban areas. Social scientists have argued that exposure to daily stress - such as traffic and toxic pollution - is responsible for the increased risk of mental illness among city dwellers, according to Jens Pruessner, director of McGill University's Centre for Studies in Aging in Montreal, Canada.

"Stress is of course defined in many different ways but one way to capture it is to say what are the daily hassles that you have to cope with? And you could imagine that if you live in the city, those might be by a large proportion as compared to someone who lives in a more rural environment," he said. Pruessner's Center developed something called the Montreal Imaging Stress Task, or MIST, which was used as the protocol for a study of healthy German volunteers. Participants were asked to do mathematical calculations while researchers took pictures of their brains using sophisticated imaging technology, and compared the brain images of volunteers who came from a city of more than 100,000 residents to those of volunteers who lived in rural areas.

Researchers found that urban living was associated with a greater stress response in a brain region called the amygdala, which is involved with emotional regulation and mood. And second brain region, called the cingulate cortex, which is associated with negative mood and stress, was found to be more activated in people who were brought up in cities, according to Pruessner. "So even if you no longer live in the city but if you lived for the fifteen years of your life in the city, then this structure remains to be sensitized to stress," he said.

Both the amygdala and cingulate are known to be affected in people with mood disorders. Pruessner says future research will focus on potential gender differences in how men and women process stress and how that might play a role in mental illness. "Women typically respond less strongly to stress. At the same time if men do get affected, then their disease progression for schizophrenia seems to be worse," he said. An article describing the association between urban stress and mental disorders is published in the journal Nature.

Of course Homos will have more mental issues when most of society shuns them and such.

Homophobia is also a mental issue.
Livin' inna city'll drive ya nuts...
Researchers Find Higher Mental Illness Among City Dwellers
June 22, 2011 - Researchers say living in a city increases the risk of developing a mental disorder, including depression and schizophrenia, compared to people who live in non-urban areas. The findings of the new study have implications for around half of the world's population who live in cities.
Previous studies have showed that city dwellers are 21 percent more likely than non-urban residents to develop an anxiety disorder and they have a 39 percent greater risk of for being diagnosed with a mood disorder. There is even an increased risk of the brain disorder schizophrenia, in which patients suffer from delusions and hallucinations. Experts say the incidence of schizophrenia among those who are born and raised in cities is about two times that of people who live in non-urban areas. Social scientists have argued that exposure to daily stress - such as traffic and toxic pollution - is responsible for the increased risk of mental illness among city dwellers, according to Jens Pruessner, director of McGill University's Centre for Studies in Aging in Montreal, Canada.

"Stress is of course defined in many different ways but one way to capture it is to say what are the daily hassles that you have to cope with? And you could imagine that if you live in the city, those might be by a large proportion as compared to someone who lives in a more rural environment," he said. Pruessner's Center developed something called the Montreal Imaging Stress Task, or MIST, which was used as the protocol for a study of healthy German volunteers. Participants were asked to do mathematical calculations while researchers took pictures of their brains using sophisticated imaging technology, and compared the brain images of volunteers who came from a city of more than 100,000 residents to those of volunteers who lived in rural areas.

Researchers found that urban living was associated with a greater stress response in a brain region called the amygdala, which is involved with emotional regulation and mood. And second brain region, called the cingulate cortex, which is associated with negative mood and stress, was found to be more activated in people who were brought up in cities, according to Pruessner. "So even if you no longer live in the city but if you lived for the fifteen years of your life in the city, then this structure remains to be sensitized to stress," he said.

Both the amygdala and cingulate are known to be affected in people with mood disorders. Pruessner says future research will focus on potential gender differences in how men and women process stress and how that might play a role in mental illness. "Women typically respond less strongly to stress. At the same time if men do get affected, then their disease progression for schizophrenia seems to be worse," he said. An article describing the association between urban stress and mental disorders is published in the journal Nature.


That seems strange to me because I spent 3 years in a small town in California outside of Vandenberg Air Force Base when I was in the service, the town was so small and had nothing to offer and I hated it, I almost lost my mind there. I prefer big cities over small towns any day, I need options.

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