Legitimate rape.


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
(what is an "illegitimate" rape?

Akins; “Legitimate” rape questions the legitimacy of a women being raped. Rape. The unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse. 2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
Pregnancy is determined by time of ovulation and not state of mind of the woman.

Rape trauma as barrier to pregnancy has no scientific basis
Rape trauma as barrier to pregnancy has no scientific basis - chicagotribune.com

Rape victims have a higher pregnancy rates than other women
It found that a single act of rape was more than twice as likely to result in pregnancy than an act of consensual sex.
Study: Rape victims have a higher pregnancy rates than other women
Because stupid fucks like Akin and Ryan try to pawn this kind of bullshit off on the voters. They sponsored a bill to make all abortions illegal, including cases of rape and incest. They have tried to start a movement to outlaw contraceptives. These people really want to go back to the nineteenth century.
Holy crap why do we need ANOTHER thread on this?!

We need 1000 threads on this.
We lose elections to Democrats because of damn fools like this.
Abortion is a non issue and NO LAW stops abortion.
Independent moderate women WIN ELECTIONS.
Right to lifers do not care if Obama wins. They would like that as long as they get their kook Republican candidates like this clown to spread his ignorance.
I OPPOSE abortion. As a conservative I OPPOSE government picking and choosing who gets one and who doesn't.
As Neal Boortz correctly stated 2 decades ago, this is THE #1 ISSUE that put Obama and Clinton in office.
Moderate women. In Muslim countries men run women's lives. The religous right wants the same thing in America.
Because stupid fucks like Akin and Ryan try to pawn this kind of bullshit off on the voters. They sponsored a bill to make all abortions illegal, including cases of rape and incest. They have tried to start a movement to outlaw contraceptives. These people really want to go back to the nineteenth century.

Not Ryan. No evidence of that.
Paul Ryan wants to outlaw abortion in the case of rape or incest.

Who arrests the rape victim, Paul?
Because stupid fucks like Akin and Ryan try to pawn this kind of bullshit off on the voters. They sponsored a bill to make all abortions illegal, including cases of rape and incest. They have tried to start a movement to outlaw contraceptives. These people really want to go back to the nineteenth century.

Not Ryan. No evidence of that.

Gadawg, he co-sponsored a bill that would deprive women of the most basic of rights with

Paul Ryan Co-Sponsored ‘Forcible Rape’ Bill Last Year with Missouri Tea Party Senate Candidate Rep. Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akin Pensito Review

Ryan Sponsored Abortion Bill That Would Make Romney's Kids Criminals | Mother Jones
(what is an "illegitimate" rape?

Akins; “Legitimate” rape questions the legitimacy of a women being raped. Rape. The unlawful compelling of a person through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse. 2. any act of sexual intercourse that is forced upon a person.
Pregnancy is determined by time of ovulation and not state of mind of the woman.

Rape trauma as barrier to pregnancy has no scientific basis
Rape trauma as barrier to pregnancy has no scientific basis - chicagotribune.com

Rape victims have a higher pregnancy rates than other women
It found that a single act of rape was more than twice as likely to result in pregnancy than an act of consensual sex.
Study: Rape victims have a higher pregnancy rates than other women

Seems to me the reaction on BOTH sides of this issue have spoken to this and have determined the mans statements were RIDICULOUS on their face.....some of you really need to get over yourselves!
Because stupid fucks like Akin and Ryan try to pawn this kind of bullshit off on the voters. They sponsored a bill to make all abortions illegal, including cases of rape and incest. They have tried to start a movement to outlaw contraceptives. These people really want to go back to the nineteenth century.

Not Ryan. No evidence of that.

Gadawg, he co-sponsored a bill that would deprive women of the most basic of rights with

Paul Ryan Co-Sponsored ‘Forcible Rape’ Bill Last Year with Missouri Tea Party Senate Candidate Rep. Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akin*Pensito Review

Ryan Sponsored Abortion Bill That Would Make Romney's Kids Criminals | Mother Jones

Your link LIES...it claims there is no legal definition of "forcible rape"....OOPS, there is!

Justia :: Criminal Law Forcible Rape

Forcible Rape—Rape by Force

Definition: The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will.

Carnal knowledge is defined by Black's Law Dictionary, 6th ed. as "the act of a man having sexual bodily connections with a woman; sexual intercourse." There is carnal knowledge if there is the slightest penetration of the sexual organ of the female (vagina) by the sexual organ of the male (penis).

"Against her will" includes instances in which the victim is incapable of giving consent because of her temporary or permanent mental or physical incapacity (or because of her youth). The ability of the victim to give consent must be a professional determination by the law enforcement agency. The age of the victim, of course, plays a critical role in this determination. Individuals do not mature mentally at the same rate. For example, no 4-year-old is capable of consenting, whereas victims aged 10 or 12 may need to be assessed within the specific circumstances regarding the giving of their consent.

THIS is the problem with you liberals...you always react so hysterically you can't even see reality.....
Paul Ryan wants to outlaw abortion in the case of rape or incest.

Who arrests the rape victim, Paul?

Yes, and you are the dickhead who called a medical procedure forced rape.

I'm sorry, but the taxpayers who funded your education were really screwed on that deal.
Because stupid fucks like Akin and Ryan try to pawn this kind of bullshit off on the voters. They sponsored a bill to make all abortions illegal, including cases of rape and incest. They have tried to start a movement to outlaw contraceptives. These people really want to go back to the nineteenth century.

Not Ryan. No evidence of that.

Gadawg, he co-sponsored a bill that would deprive women of the most basic of rights with

Paul Ryan Co-Sponsored ‘Forcible Rape’ Bill Last Year with Missouri Tea Party Senate Candidate Rep. Todd ‘Legitimate Rape’ Akin*Pensito Review

Ryan Sponsored Abortion Bill That Would Make Romney's Kids Criminals | Mother Jones

Not what Akin was talking about.
Ryan's bill distinguishes between statuatory CONSENSUAL rape which is by statute and is not the same as forced rape.
I have worked many a case where a 17 year old impregnates a 14 year old or any child under 16 and he is charged with misdemeanor child molestation and/or rape.
This is what this bill is and is totally different than what Akin was speaking about.
And I disagree with many of Ryan's abortion stances.
And I would argue that you disagree with many of Biden's stances.
Legitimate rape was also described by Whoopie Goldberg as rape-rape. Same meaning except that Goldberg was justifying the rape of a drugged 13 year old girl.

The difference is, and it is a big difference, when Aiken talked about legitimate rape the whole nation came down on his head. When Goldberg talked about rape rape, the democrats screamed and pounded their chests to ignore the charges and conviction of Roman Polanski and give him a few more awards.

Not what Akin was talking about.
Ryan's bill distinguishes between statuatory CONSENSUAL rape which is by statute and is not the same as forced rape.
I have worked many a case where a 17 year old impregnates a 14 year old or any child under 16 and he is charged with misdemeanor child molestation and/or rape.
This is what this bill is and is totally different than what Akin was speaking about.
And I disagree with many of Ryan's abortion stances.
And I would argue that you disagree with many of Biden's stances.

No, Ryan's bill did no such thing.

The bill was to include: "if the pregnancy occurred because the pregnant female was the subject of an act of forcible rape or, if a minor, an act of incest."

There was no definition of "forcible" rape.

Lesson: Make sure you impregnate her boys, then you can't be convicted of rape.
Legitimate rape was also described by Whoopie Goldberg as rape-rape. Same meaning except that Goldberg was justifying the rape of a drugged 13 year old girl.

The difference is, and it is a big difference, when Aiken talked about legitimate rape the whole nation came down on his head. When Goldberg talked about rape rape, the democrats screamed and pounded their chests to ignore the charges and conviction of Roman Polanski and give him a few more awards.

Whoopie is an entertainer and does not hold public office.
Roman Polanski, who gives a fuck? He was prosecuted here and fled.
Whoopie was good in The Color Purple!

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