Leftist Blue States Looking for Taxpayer Bailout on Pensions


Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
One of the biggest scams in the history of the country has been ongoing for decades...the undeniable COLLUSION between Public Employees Unions, run by Democrats, who conspired with Mayors and Governors of Northern Rotting Cities and Blue Leftist States, also run by Democrats.

In exchange for Votes, the corrupt Democratic politicians---in places like Chicago---granted massive pensions to the Public Employee Unions, knowing they would be long retired or dead, when the Ponzi Scheme finally became unmanageable.

Now they are going broke, and naturally heading to Washington to try to hang the rest of the country with Bill for their Fraud and Corruption.


Fuck the broke Pension funds in Chicago, the really busted ones in California, and in every other rotting Democratic run City and State in America. FUCK EM

It Begins: Pension Bailout Bill To Be Introduced This Week

"And now that the machinery for pension bailouts is finally in motion, we look forward to the next, and possibly final, tear in the American social fabric, that between workers who can't wait to retire to the generous pension promises...."
One of the biggest scams in the history of the country has been ongoing for decades...the undeniable COLLUSION between Public Employees Unions, run by Democrats, who conspired with Mayors and Governors of Northern Rotting Cities and Blue Leftist States, also run by Democrats.

In exchange for Votes, the corrupt Democratic politicians---in places like Chicago---granted massive pensions to the Public Employee Unions, knowing they would be long retired or dead, when the Ponzi Scheme finally became unmanageable.

Now they are going broke, and naturally heading to Washington to try to hang the rest of the country with Bill for their Fraud and Corruption.


Fuck the broke Pension funds in Chicago, the really busted ones in California, and in every other rotting Democratic run City and State in America. FUCK EM

It Begins: Pension Bailout Bill To Be Introduced This Week

"And now that the machinery for pension bailouts is finally in motion, we look forward to the next, and possibly final, tear in the American social fabric, that between workers who can't wait to retire to the generous pension promises...."

But you don't have a problem when 80% of Texas doesn't have flood protection, but you're happy to bail them out, right?
One of the biggest scams in the history of the country has been ongoing for decades...the undeniable COLLUSION between Public Employees Unions, run by Democrats, who conspired with Mayors and Governors of Northern Rotting Cities and Blue Leftist States, also run by Democrats.

In exchange for Votes, the corrupt Democratic politicians---in places like Chicago---granted massive pensions to the Public Employee Unions, knowing they would be long retired or dead, when the Ponzi Scheme finally became unmanageable.

Now they are going broke, and naturally heading to Washington to try to hang the rest of the country with Bill for their Fraud and Corruption.


Fuck the broke Pension funds in Chicago, the really busted ones in California, and in every other rotting Democratic run City and State in America. FUCK EM

It Begins: Pension Bailout Bill To Be Introduced This Week

"And now that the machinery for pension bailouts is finally in motion, we look forward to the next, and possibly final, tear in the American social fabric, that between workers who can't wait to retire to the generous pension promises...."

Why the hatred for the workers who were just doing a job?
One of the biggest scams in the history of the country has been ongoing for decades...the undeniable COLLUSION between Public Employees Unions, run by Democrats, who conspired with Mayors and Governors of Northern Rotting Cities and Blue Leftist States, also run by Democrats.

In exchange for Votes, the corrupt Democratic politicians---in places like Chicago---granted massive pensions to the Public Employee Unions, knowing they would be long retired or dead, when the Ponzi Scheme finally became unmanageable.

Now they are going broke, and naturally heading to Washington to try to hang the rest of the country with Bill for their Fraud and Corruption.


Fuck the broke Pension funds in Chicago, the really busted ones in California, and in every other rotting Democratic run City and State in America. FUCK EM

It Begins: Pension Bailout Bill To Be Introduced This Week

"And now that the machinery for pension bailouts is finally in motion, we look forward to the next, and possibly final, tear in the American social fabric, that between workers who can't wait to retire to the generous pension promises...."

Why the hatred for the workers who were just doing a job?


Not Hate.


Public Employees turned their corrupt Democratic Union Bosses loose to bribe corrupt Democratic Politicians for Fat Pensions Plans that were way more than they deserved; and were way more than the corruptly run Democratic Cities or States could ever pay.

They all knew what they were doing; they just all figured "they could get theirs" before the Ponzi Scheme collapsed; and now that it is collapsing---they want a Federal Bailout---FUCK THEM!
One of the biggest scams in the history of the country has been ongoing for decades...the undeniable COLLUSION between Public Employees Unions, run by Democrats, who conspired with Mayors and Governors of Northern Rotting Cities and Blue Leftist States, also run by Democrats.

In exchange for Votes, the corrupt Democratic politicians---in places like Chicago---granted massive pensions to the Public Employee Unions, knowing they would be long retired or dead, when the Ponzi Scheme finally became unmanageable.

Now they are going broke, and naturally heading to Washington to try to hang the rest of the country with Bill for their Fraud and Corruption.


Fuck the broke Pension funds in Chicago, the really busted ones in California, and in every other rotting Democratic run City and State in America. FUCK EM

It Begins: Pension Bailout Bill To Be Introduced This Week

"And now that the machinery for pension bailouts is finally in motion, we look forward to the next, and possibly final, tear in the American social fabric, that between workers who can't wait to retire to the generous pension promises...."

Why the hatred for the workers who were just doing a job?
Because they did nothing to prevent the situation. They didn't care....why should we
I would like to add that Unions had a value, back when The Robber Barons of the North were raping their workers, particularly in the coal mines, but also the steel mills etc---because of the one great flaw of Capitalism, which must be always be guarded against---GREED.

That is why Unions came to exist; and they did good service for their people, until they got greedy and corrupt---then all the jobs went to other countries or to more rational parts of the USA.

But the employers of Public Employees are the Tax Payers and you cannot impute GREED to US---Public Employee Unions exists solely to shake down the Tax Payer and they do it through a corrupt fraudulent co-conspiracy with the Democratic Party.

They should be disbanded, outlawed---and if the city and state--like Chicago, Illinois, California---which allowed them to prey upon the Tax Payers can't pay; they must be allowed to go broke...and stew in the brew of their own intentional and calculated machinations.

The Federal Government is not going to be allowed to reward GROSS MISMANAGEMENT and OUTRIGHT FRAUD.
This is going to be a big deal over the next decade. Most pensions don't have enough assets to fund the obligations, and the politicians have not funded the plans like they promised they would. There will be restructurings.
One of the biggest scams in the history of the country has been ongoing for decades...the undeniable COLLUSION between Public Employees Unions, run by Democrats, who conspired with Mayors and Governors of Northern Rotting Cities and Blue Leftist States, also run by Democrats.

In exchange for Votes, the corrupt Democratic politicians---in places like Chicago---granted massive pensions to the Public Employee Unions, knowing they would be long retired or dead, when the Ponzi Scheme finally became unmanageable.

Now they are going broke, and naturally heading to Washington to try to hang the rest of the country with Bill for their Fraud and Corruption.


Fuck the broke Pension funds in Chicago, the really busted ones in California, and in every other rotting Democratic run City and State in America. FUCK EM

It Begins: Pension Bailout Bill To Be Introduced This Week

"And now that the machinery for pension bailouts is finally in motion, we look forward to the next, and possibly final, tear in the American social fabric, that between workers who can't wait to retire to the generous pension promises...."

But you don't have a problem when 80% of Texas doesn't have flood protection, but you're happy to bail them out, right?

So you're going to compare a natural disaster to a scam perpetuated by leftwing politicians?
Red states also have problems as well. REPUBLICAN Chris Christie participated in sleigh of hand accounting gimmicks in New Jersey. It is just not blue states. It is a growing problem everywhere.
One of the biggest scams in the history of the country has been ongoing for decades...the undeniable COLLUSION between Public Employees Unions, run by Democrats, who conspired with Mayors and Governors of Northern Rotting Cities and Blue Leftist States, also run by Democrats.

In exchange for Votes, the corrupt Democratic politicians---in places like Chicago---granted massive pensions to the Public Employee Unions, knowing they would be long retired or dead, when the Ponzi Scheme finally became unmanageable.

Now they are going broke, and naturally heading to Washington to try to hang the rest of the country with Bill for their Fraud and Corruption.


Fuck the broke Pension funds in Chicago, the really busted ones in California, and in every other rotting Democratic run City and State in America. FUCK EM

It Begins: Pension Bailout Bill To Be Introduced This Week

"And now that the machinery for pension bailouts is finally in motion, we look forward to the next, and possibly final, tear in the American social fabric, that between workers who can't wait to retire to the generous pension promises...."
Your pension’s gone. Republican response, “FUCK YOU.”

But the browns keep coming into the country so the old folks keep voting R.

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