Left wing religion....government as God, abortion as a sacrament...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is a fairly good piece on the left wing religion......

ERICKSON: Secular Ecclesiology

Meanwhile, on the political left, a secular ecclesiology is cementing. In an age where members of the Democratic Party could boo the inclusion of God in their platform and Barack Obama could proclaim the state is the only thing to which we all belong, government is replacing God, abortion is becoming the chief sacrament and tax paying is tithing. The left is sorting out how government will stand in for the church and, like the Spanish Inquisition, the leftwing Torquemadas will burn at the stake any who dissent. Conservatives are the new heretics.


As secularism takes on the form of religion in this country, one religious tenet is that the more people dependent on government, the better life is.

Mick Mulvaney, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, is challenging that religious tenet. He thinks the appropriate measure for a government program is how many people the government can elevate out of poverty and off government dependence.

Jesus said, "The poor you shall always have with you." Mick Mulvaney and conservatives believe that means we will always have a class of poor people who must be helped.

Secular progressives believe it means we will always have the exact same people poor who will never be elevated out of government dependence.

The idea of getting people off welfare and decreasing dependence on government is anathema to people who have come to believe dependence on government is akin to dependence on God.

As a result, there is a newfound hysteria among secular progressives. They are convinced Republicans are going to kill people by consolidating, eliminating and streamlining government programs. If one is convinced greater government means more salvation, a reduction in government means more damnation. This is akin to Christian concerns about saving and losing souls.

Likewise, as abortion becomes the chief sacrament of the left, letting government cut Planned Parenthood is akin to denying a church of its funding. Conservative areas of the country give more to charity because they have maintained a distinction between charitable aid and government program. Liberal areas of the country are the least charitable because secular ecclesiology has eliminated that distinction and any reduction in funding to any program is an attack on the liberal church.

This leaves us, as a nation, unable to proceed with civility. If one really believes Republicans want to starve old people and throw grandma off the cliff, hysteria and violence are the logical outcome. So too is bankruptcy.

The president's budget is a compassionate budget because it seeks to elevate the poor into the middle class, not keep them dependent. But to the left, that is heresy.
And you think we don't need any government for anything.

You're a anarchist that wishes everything to go back to the cave man days.

Get serious man...

My religion is freedom and common sense.

And where did I say that? I am a Conservative.....in America...that means I actually respect the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.......and believe in limited government.......you talk about freedom...and then want the government to have complete control over every aspect of your life.......
Government is something we elect to defend us, provide public services and to maintain this country. What is god? Oh'yesss, that thing we made up.

As the author points out....

As secularism takes on the form of religion in this country, one religious tenet is that the more people dependent on government, the better life is.
Paganism is always demanding human sacrifices, the bigger the number of dead the better they feel about their degeneracy and lack of basic human principles. They are admirers of bestial brutalism and mindless self-indulgence, and anything that smacks of sensible restraint and moderation is viscerally hated and despised by them. Give the gimps a state to play with, and watch them exterminate 10's of millions of their own people; see Hitler, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot for your typical pagan run governments.
Meanwhile, on the political left, a secular ecclesiology is cementing. In an age where members of the Democratic Party could boo the inclusion of God in their platform and Barack Obama could proclaim the state is the only thing to which we all belong, government is replacing God, abortion is becoming the chief sacrament and tax paying is tithing.

No, you see, you are a little confused their, 2TinyGuy...

A tithe is payment to an imaginary Sky Man for which you get nothing but a good feeling and the promise of an afterlife that probably doesn't happen.

A tax is a payment for goods and services provided that most of us use or benefit from.

The very fact that the Right has gone from having discussions about the best way to provide those services to being offended that the services are being offered at all is where you guys lost your way.

Mick Mulvaney, the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, is challenging that religious tenet. He thinks the appropriate measure for a government program is how many people the government can elevate out of poverty and off government dependence.

Jesus said, "The poor you shall always have with you." Mick Mulvaney and conservatives believe that means we will always have a class of poor people who must be helped.

Secular progressives believe it means we will always have the exact same people poor who will never be elevated out of government dependence.

Except that premise is flawed on its face. Most people on "assistance" are only on it for a few years. In fact, the average time a recipiant spends on TANF is

Of the one-in-five Americans who participated in a program like Medicaid or food stamps from 2009 through 2012, the Census Bureau reported this week, 56 percent stopped participating within 36 months, while 43 percent lingered between three and four years. Nearly one-third quit receiving benefits within one year.

Now, if the GOP Offered job training and job programs to get people off the dole, you might have a point about "Christian Charity". Cutting these people off to give tax breaks to billionaires... I'm pretty sure that Jesus never said that.

Likewise, as abortion becomes the chief sacrament of the left, letting government cut Planned Parenthood is akin to denying a church of its funding. Conservative areas of the country give more to charity because they have maintained a distinction between charitable aid and government program. Liberal areas of the country are the least charitable because secular ecclesiology has eliminated that distinction and any reduction in funding to any program is an attack on the liberal church.

I personally think that PP should learn to live without government funding, because frankly, it has too many strings attached. But here's the thing, if charities were providing good health care to women in the poorer parts of the country, this wouldn't be an issue. If there was an organization that did this sort of thing without performing abortions, I'd be all for funding it.

The problem is... there isn't.

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