Lee Harvey Oswald...innocent

This was another really good thread that Martin made before his banning.Like I talked about before,many researchers over the years said they believed that last man in that photo was E Howard Hunt who of course like I mentioned before,was a CIA operative for Dick Nixon when Nixon was vice president under Eisenhower.Dick Nixon and Hunt were the only two people were alive that day that could not remember where they were that day.Nixon lied about not being in dallas that day.

For years,Hunt denied it that he was one of those tramps,that last and third tramp you see in those photos.But like I mentioned earlier,on his death bed confession a couple weeks before he died,his son tape recorded him where he confessed that WAS him in those pictures of the three tramps and that he was on the grassy knoll that day. I also mentioned how during the house select committee on assassinations was winding down its investigation in the 1970's that two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it but the commission ignored it and did not pursue the lead cause anything that pointed towards government involvement,they had no interest in which is why Gaston Fonzi a senator on that commission got so disgusted with it,that he resigned from the commission.

thats overwhelimg evidence and facts that troll candycorn boy cant get around that the CIA pulled it off.the CIA did it as I just proved.period.end of discussion.

This was another really good thread that Martin made before his banning.Like I talked about before,many researchers over the years said they believed that last man in that photo was E Howard Hunt who of course like I mentioned before,was a CIA operative for Dick Nixon when Nixon was vice president under Eisenhower.Dick Nixon and Hunt were the only two people were alive that day that could not remember where they were that day.Nixon lied about not being in dallas that day.

For years,Hunt denied it that he was one of those tramps,that last and third tramp you see in those photos.But like I mentioned earlier,on his death bed confession a couple weeks before he died,his son tape recorded him where he confessed that WAS him in those pictures of the three tramps and that he was on the grassy knoll that day. I also mentioned how during the house select committee on assassinations was winding down its investigation in the 1970's that two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it but the commission ignored it and did not pursue the lead cause anything that pointed towards government involvement,they had no interest in which is why Gaston Fonzi a senator on that commission got so disgusted with it,that he resigned from the commission.

thats overwhelimg evidence and facts that troll candycorn boy cant get around that the CIA pulled it off.the CIA did it as I just proved.period.end of discussion.

still proving what a dipshit you are
This was another really good thread that Martin made before his banning.Like I talked about before,many researchers over the years said they believed that last man in that photo was E Howard Hunt who of course like I mentioned before,was a CIA operative for Dick Nixon when Nixon was vice president under Eisenhower.Dick Nixon and Hunt were the only two people were alive that day that could not remember where they were that day.Nixon lied about not being in dallas that day.

For years,Hunt denied it that he was one of those tramps,that last and third tramp you see in those photos.But like I mentioned earlier,on his death bed confession a couple weeks before he died,his son tape recorded him where he confessed that WAS him in those pictures of the three tramps and that he was on the grassy knoll that day. I also mentioned how during the house select committee on assassinations was winding down its investigation in the 1970's that two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it but the commission ignored it and did not pursue the lead cause anything that pointed towards government involvement,they had no interest in which is why Gaston Fonzi a senator on that commission got so disgusted with it,that he resigned from the commission.

thats overwhelimg evidence and facts that troll candycorn boy cant get around that the CIA pulled it off.the CIA did it as I just proved.period.end of discussion.


So Hunt was in the "sniper's nest" with the Kings? Boy you sure know how to fuck over your own argument.
This was another really good thread that Martin made before his banning.Like I talked about before,many researchers over the years said they believed that last man in that photo was E Howard Hunt who of course like I mentioned before,was a CIA operative for Dick Nixon when Nixon was vice president under Eisenhower.Dick Nixon and Hunt were the only two people were alive that day that could not remember where they were that day.Nixon lied about not being in dallas that day.

For years,Hunt denied it that he was one of those tramps,that last and third tramp you see in those photos.But like I mentioned earlier,on his death bed confession a couple weeks before he died,his son tape recorded him where he confessed that WAS him in those pictures of the three tramps and that he was on the grassy knoll that day. I also mentioned how during the house select committee on assassinations was winding down its investigation in the 1970's that two CIA men came forward and confessed they did it but the commission ignored it and did not pursue the lead cause anything that pointed towards government involvement,they had no interest in which is why Gaston Fonzi a senator on that commission got so disgusted with it,that he resigned from the commission.

thats overwhelimg evidence and facts that troll candycorn boy cant get around that the CIA pulled it off.the CIA did it as I just proved.period.end of discussion.


Zowie, two other nutjobs on this thread disagre with you. Ya'll should debate each other; I haven't seen any midget wrestling for a while.
Here is the REAL question I want you to answer is:
Give me ONE reason the government would tell the people of America, our allies and our enemies ANYTHING different than what is in the memo? Regardless of whether it is or isn't true, there is nothing to gain from portraying America as incompetent or worse, as some banana republic where it's leader was murdered by assassins STILL at large.
One reason the government wouldn't tell the rest of the world and the public that there is someone running around free who killed Kennedy? Pretty easy; only bullets found were tied

to the gun
that had Oswald's prints
that was found
In the building where Oswald worked.

Were they supposed to make something up to throw red meat to people for no reason? Stunningly brain-dead position you're digging for yourself. But if you need more shovels, I'll hand them over to you.

How IRONIC that the Warren Commission came up with the EXACT SAME conclusion as the memo...

I think something is suspect too; I mean when I was in college all of the people who passed tests--get this--had the same answers that everyone else who passed the test did. Those who failed; didn't have the same answers I did. Real conspiracy man.

So you think all 14 (I think it was 14) are lying? Yes or no.

Again, I GAVE you Oswald as one of the assassins,
No, the overwhelming evidence that he did it GAVE it to me.

BUT, for Oswald to be the LONE assassin, the single bullet theory MUST work. It doesn't work. From a ballistic standpoint; the initial entry wound in the President's BACK is lower than the exit wound in the president throat. And it doesn't work neurologically. The only way Governor Connolly's reaction to his grave, massive, invasive and sudden wounds could be delayed, as the Warren Report claims is if Connolly was a quadriplegic or so heavily sedated that it would put him in a semi-comatose state. Ballistically, IF you can convince me that when one bullet passes through two individuals, the location of the initial entry wound is UNimportant, then please enlighten me to that 'logic'.

Well, if there was a 2nd assassin, now you're implicating someone destroyed evidence of a 2nd rifle being used??? Find the bullets from the 2nd weapon and you may have something.

As for the entry wounds and exit wounds and all of that; I think they may have either just straight up botched the autopsy or screwed it up due to meddling and political considerations (wanting an open casket). After all, he was dead already and they had the gunman in custody.

Again, strange how one disappears without a trace and Oswald basically runs the eliminator course from American Gladiators when he leaves his sniper's perch. The only thing that seemed to be missing was Nitro and ICE throwing balls at him as he ran over the balance beams.

You can't tool along on your 'mission' ignoring credible evidence I've provided and also be oblivious to simple reasoning parameters like who, what, where, when, why.

WHEN...The 'memo' was written BEFORE much of the evidence was assembled and deciphered.

WHAT...The 'memo' in the context of NOT having all the evidence assembled and deciphered, indicates INTENT by high levels of government to create a unified narrative irregardless of any forthcoming evidence.

WHY...The credibility, integrity and security of that same government and those same government agencies would be drawn into question and chastised. Also, any questions, discrepancies or doubt would have set in motion a rash of Congressional inquiries and hearings that would bring that same government to a grinding halt. Anything Lyndon Johnson hoped to accomplish as president would be have been obstructed or halted.

IF you had listened to the taped White House conversation I provided you between LBJ and J Edgar Hoover on 11/29/63, you'd be aware that even one week after the assassination Hoover wasn't aware one of the bullets missed the limousine, struck a curb and injured a bystander. Hoover told Johnson 3 shots were fired, two hitting the President and one hitting the Governor.

WHO...If you had any knowledge of the personalities of Lyndon Johnson and J Edgar Hoover you'd be aware that their vision of the way forward on the Kennedy assassination had nothing to do with truth and everything to do with turf.

The Commission was NOT unified in support of the commission's findings and in particular, NOT in support of the single bullet theory. Sen. Richard B. Russell, Sen. John Sherman Cooper, and Rep. Hale Boggs rejected the so-called single bullet theory. Russell was so incensed,he called President Johnson Sept. 18, 1964 to tell him about what had happened earlier that day at the final official meeting of what Russell called "that dang Warren Commission," of which he was a reluctant member. The recording confirms a well-established fact: Sen. Russell vehemently disagreed with the so-called single bullet theory, a key aspect of the Warren Commission's 1964 Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The recording also discloses an amazing fact previously unknown: LBJ agreed with Russell that the single bullet theory was unworthy of belief.

You went right over the cliff of logic with your analysis of the President's wounds. You continue to ignore the laws of physics, forensics, ballistics and crime investigation. You can't MOVE wounds to support a theory and you can't make shit up, i.e. (wanting an open casket).

WHY...You continue to be totally oblivious of just how critical the single bullet theory IS to Oswald being the lone assassin. Burt Griffin, a member of the Warren Commission staff, bluntly phrased it: "To say that [JFK and Connally] were hit by separate bullets is synonymous with saying that there were two assassins."

Logic, critical thinking and problem solving are not your strong suit...your alphabet would start with Z...
something else that the troll ignores and never will accept is that it was proven impossible to do the shooting that oswald allegedly did and the 90 seconds he did and make it to the breakroom below unseen in the 90 second time frame the warren commission said he did. Garrisons invesitagters tried it and none of them could come close to doing it and like again sheila pointed out,he would have had to have gone down the stairs past those two women co workers unbeknowest.great fairy tale to tell but not a factual event that happened.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

of course all this guy is interested in is telling fairy tales around here so he will toot the horn of the warren commission.
something else that the troll ignores and never will accept is that it was proven impossible to do the shooting that oswald allegedly did and the 90 seconds he did and make it to the breakroom below unseen in the 90 second time frame the warren commission said he did. Garrisons invesitagters tried it and none of them could come close to doing it and like again sheila pointed out,he would have had to have gone down the stairs past those two women co workers unbeknowest.great fairy tale to tell but not a factual event that happened.hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

of course all this guy is interested in is telling fairy tales around here so he will toot the horn of the warren commission.
you lie once again
it was proven POSSIBLE, not impossible
Here is the REAL question I want you to answer is:
Give me ONE reason the government would tell the people of America, our allies and our enemies ANYTHING different than what is in the memo? Regardless of whether it is or isn't true, there is nothing to gain from portraying America as incompetent or worse, as some banana republic where it's leader was murdered by assassins STILL at large.
One reason the government wouldn't tell the rest of the world and the public that there is someone running around free who killed Kennedy? Pretty easy; only bullets found were tied

to the gun
that had Oswald's prints
that was found
In the building where Oswald worked.

Were they supposed to make something up to throw red meat to people for no reason? Stunningly brain-dead position you're digging for yourself. But if you need more shovels, I'll hand them over to you.

I think something is suspect too; I mean when I was in college all of the people who passed tests--get this--had the same answers that everyone else who passed the test did. Those who failed; didn't have the same answers I did. Real conspiracy man.

So you think all 14 (I think it was 14) are lying? Yes or no.

No, the overwhelming evidence that he did it GAVE it to me.

BUT, for Oswald to be the LONE assassin, the single bullet theory MUST work. It doesn't work. From a ballistic standpoint; the initial entry wound in the President's BACK is lower than the exit wound in the president throat. And it doesn't work neurologically. The only way Governor Connolly's reaction to his grave, massive, invasive and sudden wounds could be delayed, as the Warren Report claims is if Connolly was a quadriplegic or so heavily sedated that it would put him in a semi-comatose state. Ballistically, IF you can convince me that when one bullet passes through two individuals, the location of the initial entry wound is UNimportant, then please enlighten me to that 'logic'.

Well, if there was a 2nd assassin, now you're implicating someone destroyed evidence of a 2nd rifle being used??? Find the bullets from the 2nd weapon and you may have something.

As for the entry wounds and exit wounds and all of that; I think they may have either just straight up botched the autopsy or screwed it up due to meddling and political considerations (wanting an open casket). After all, he was dead already and they had the gunman in custody.

Again, strange how one disappears without a trace and Oswald basically runs the eliminator course from American Gladiators when he leaves his sniper's perch. The only thing that seemed to be missing was Nitro and ICE throwing balls at him as he ran over the balance beams.

You can't tool along on your 'mission' ignoring credible evidence I've provided and also be oblivious to simple reasoning parameters like who, what, where, when, why.

WHEN...The 'memo' was written BEFORE much of the evidence was assembled and deciphered.

WHAT...The 'memo' in the context of NOT having all the evidence assembled and deciphered, indicates INTENT by high levels of government to create a unified narrative irregardless of any forthcoming evidence.

WHY...The credibility, integrity and security of that same government and those same government agencies would be drawn into question and chastised. Also, any questions, discrepancies or doubt would have set in motion a rash of Congressional inquiries and hearings that would bring that same government to a grinding halt. Anything Lyndon Johnson hoped to accomplish as president would be have been obstructed or halted.

IF you had listened to the taped White House conversation I provided you between LBJ and J Edgar Hoover on 11/29/63, you'd be aware that even one week after the assassination Hoover wasn't aware one of the bullets missed the limousine, struck a curb and injured a bystander. Hoover told Johnson 3 shots were fired, two hitting the President and one hitting the Governor.

WHO...If you had any knowledge of the personalities of Lyndon Johnson and J Edgar Hoover you'd be aware that their vision of the way forward on the Kennedy assassination had nothing to do with truth and everything to do with turf.

The Commission was NOT unified in support of the commission's findings and in particular, NOT in support of the single bullet theory. Sen. Richard B. Russell, Sen. John Sherman Cooper, and Rep. Hale Boggs rejected the so-called single bullet theory. Russell was so incensed,he called President Johnson Sept. 18, 1964 to tell him about what had happened earlier that day at the final official meeting of what Russell called "that dang Warren Commission," of which he was a reluctant member. The recording confirms a well-established fact: Sen. Russell vehemently disagreed with the so-called single bullet theory, a key aspect of the Warren Commission's 1964 Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The recording also discloses an amazing fact previously unknown: LBJ agreed with Russell that the single bullet theory was unworthy of belief.

You went right over the cliff of logic with your analysis of the President's wounds. You continue to ignore the laws of physics, forensics, ballistics and crime investigation. You can't MOVE wounds to support a theory and you can't make shit up, i.e. (wanting an open casket).

WHY...You continue to be totally oblivious of just how critical the single bullet theory IS to Oswald being the lone assassin. Burt Griffin, a member of the Warren Commission staff, bluntly phrased it: "To say that [JFK and Connally] were hit by separate bullets is synonymous with saying that there were two assassins."

Logic, critical thinking and problem solving are not your strong suit...your alphabet would start with Z...

Okay, anything to get you to shut up. You're right. I lose. You win.

Maybe on one day, somehow two gunmen fired bullets into the car carrying the President and Governor of Texas. Maybe one day one of the gunman disappeared into thin air and never committed another crime, none of his fellow conspirators ever committed another crime and offered to give him or her up as a way of saving their ass. Maybe one day the other gunman--Oswald (who by the way 3 people here say he didn't do it but you NEVER take them to task--we all wonder why LOL) or maybe not Oswald, had no escape plan but took what 3 cabs and a bus, went home, got his revolver, killed a cop and ended up at a theater. Maybe one day every person who did their job excellently and brilliantly at Parkland Hospital, on the FBI, for the Dallas PD, on the Secret Service, Dallas County Coroner's office every other day were all of the sudden taken over by sinister intent. Maybe in the time after, people wrote memos detailing ohow they cover up crime. Maybe they botched the autopsy. Maybe they botched the Commission Report. Maybe the CIA FBI or whoever, hated Kennedy for not going into Cuba, went through all of this trouble to kill him and then never thought about invading Cuba again (it's still there by the way).

What was I thinking.
All I had was the murder weapon with the murderer's prints all over it, a picture of him holding the weapon, and a receipt from when he purchased the weapon. Sorry to have wasted your time.

You got me, there were probably 3 or 4 dozen shooters that day.

There; happy?
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"We don't have any proof that Oswald fired the rifle. No one has been able to put him in that building with a gun in his hand."
—Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry, quoted by United Press International, November 5, 1969
Here is the REAL question I want you to answer is:
Give me ONE reason the government would tell the people of America, our allies and our enemies ANYTHING different than what is in the memo? Regardless of whether it is or isn't true, there is nothing to gain from portraying America as incompetent or worse, as some banana republic where it's leader was murdered by assassins STILL at large.
One reason the government wouldn't tell the rest of the world and the public that there is someone running around free who killed Kennedy? Pretty easy; only bullets found were tied

to the gun
that had Oswald's prints
that was found
In the building where Oswald worked.

Were they supposed to make something up to throw red meat to people for no reason? Stunningly brain-dead position you're digging for yourself. But if you need more shovels, I'll hand them over to you.

I think something is suspect too; I mean when I was in college all of the people who passed tests--get this--had the same answers that everyone else who passed the test did. Those who failed; didn't have the same answers I did. Real conspiracy man.

So you think all 14 (I think it was 14) are lying? Yes or no.

No, the overwhelming evidence that he did it GAVE it to me.

BUT, for Oswald to be the LONE assassin, the single bullet theory MUST work. It doesn't work. From a ballistic standpoint; the initial entry wound in the President's BACK is lower than the exit wound in the president throat. And it doesn't work neurologically. The only way Governor Connolly's reaction to his grave, massive, invasive and sudden wounds could be delayed, as the Warren Report claims is if Connolly was a quadriplegic or so heavily sedated that it would put him in a semi-comatose state. Ballistically, IF you can convince me that when one bullet passes through two individuals, the location of the initial entry wound is UNimportant, then please enlighten me to that 'logic'.

Well, if there was a 2nd assassin, now you're implicating someone destroyed evidence of a 2nd rifle being used??? Find the bullets from the 2nd weapon and you may have something.

As for the entry wounds and exit wounds and all of that; I think they may have either just straight up botched the autopsy or screwed it up due to meddling and political considerations (wanting an open casket). After all, he was dead already and they had the gunman in custody.

Again, strange how one disappears without a trace and Oswald basically runs the eliminator course from American Gladiators when he leaves his sniper's perch. The only thing that seemed to be missing was Nitro and ICE throwing balls at him as he ran over the balance beams.

You can't tool along on your 'mission' ignoring credible evidence I've provided and also be oblivious to simple reasoning parameters like who, what, where, when, why.

WHEN...The 'memo' was written BEFORE much of the evidence was assembled and deciphered.

WHAT...The 'memo' in the context of NOT having all the evidence assembled and deciphered, indicates INTENT by high levels of government to create a unified narrative irregardless of any forthcoming evidence.

WHY...The credibility, integrity and security of that same government and those same government agencies would be drawn into question and chastised. Also, any questions, discrepancies or doubt would have set in motion a rash of Congressional inquiries and hearings that would bring that same government to a grinding halt. Anything Lyndon Johnson hoped to accomplish as president would be have been obstructed or halted.

IF you had listened to the taped White House conversation I provided you between LBJ and J Edgar Hoover on 11/29/63, you'd be aware that even one week after the assassination Hoover wasn't aware one of the bullets missed the limousine, struck a curb and injured a bystander. Hoover told Johnson 3 shots were fired, two hitting the President and one hitting the Governor.

WHO...If you had any knowledge of the personalities of Lyndon Johnson and J Edgar Hoover you'd be aware that their vision of the way forward on the Kennedy assassination had nothing to do with truth and everything to do with turf.

The Commission was NOT unified in support of the commission's findings and in particular, NOT in support of the single bullet theory. Sen. Richard B. Russell, Sen. John Sherman Cooper, and Rep. Hale Boggs rejected the so-called single bullet theory. Russell was so incensed,he called President Johnson Sept. 18, 1964 to tell him about what had happened earlier that day at the final official meeting of what Russell called "that dang Warren Commission," of which he was a reluctant member. The recording confirms a well-established fact: Sen. Russell vehemently disagreed with the so-called single bullet theory, a key aspect of the Warren Commission's 1964 Report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The recording also discloses an amazing fact previously unknown: LBJ agreed with Russell that the single bullet theory was unworthy of belief.

You went right over the cliff of logic with your analysis of the President's wounds. You continue to ignore the laws of physics, forensics, ballistics and crime investigation. You can't MOVE wounds to support a theory and you can't make shit up, i.e. (wanting an open casket).

WHY...You continue to be totally oblivious of just how critical the single bullet theory IS to Oswald being the lone assassin. Burt Griffin, a member of the Warren Commission staff, bluntly phrased it: "To say that [JFK and Connally] were hit by separate bullets is synonymous with saying that there were two assassins."

Logic, critical thinking and problem solving are not your strong suit...your alphabet would start with Z...

thats the logic of candy corn troll boy,anything that doesnt go along with his version of events which is oswald did it and oswald did it alone,no matter if it the ballistics and forensic evidence proves its impossible that it happened that way not to mention like you said,the laws of physics were violated that day-thats how he debates in 9/11 discussions as well,or that witnesses reported seeing a gunman firing a rifle behind a picket fence and the warren commission ignored their testimonys,he will make up the most incredible shit cause it doesnt go along with HIS version of events that oswald did it.

biggest troll you will ever find at any message board.Him and slackwell both.
Lee Harvey Oswald - 1939 - 1963
The accused but never convicted assassin of John F. Kennedy.

It will remain that way for eternity...

Posters are welcome to voice their opinions, but it will not change Oswald's status...

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Lots of murderers get killed in a shoot out with police. Doesn't make them innocent of the initial crime. If you are speaking about within a court of law that is one thing, but try suing for defamation when the case is provable without the court case convicting the perp because the perp is dead.

In a civil suit, Oswald is the murderer.
This was a good thread of yours you created sometime back,but since the thread title of this thread is much better than that one,thought I would just post this link here where other people that are open minded can come on and look at the posts of yours,mine,again shelia and Ryans where we showed it was IMPOSSIBLE on that thread as we did on this thread,that oswald had anything to do with it.


Like I said,I Like the title of THIS thread much better than that one since its the truth so rather than keeping that one alive by posting in it,I'll just post the link to it.would rather keep this thread alive instead of that one on the topic.
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This was a good thread of yours you created sometime back,but since the thread title of this thread is much better than that one,thought I would just post this link here where other people that are open minded can come on and look at the posts of yours,mine,again shelia and Ryans where we showed it was IMPOSSIBLE on that thread as we did on this thread,that oswald had anything to do with it.


Like I said,I Like the title of THIS thread much better than that one since its the truth so rather than keeping that one alive by posting in it,I'll just post the link to it.would rather keep this thread alive instead of that one on the topic.

Oswald shot a cop after he shot JFK
Lee Harvey Oswald - 1939 - 1963
The accused but never convicted assassin of John F. Kennedy.

It will remain that way for eternity...

Posters are welcome to voice their opinions, but it will not change Oswald's status...

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Lots of murderers get killed in a shoot out with police. Doesn't make them innocent of the initial crime. If you are speaking about within a court of law that is one thing, but try suing for defamation when the case is provable without the court case convicting the perp because the perp is dead.

In a civil suit, Oswald is the murderer.

except its NOT provable that oswald did it though.:lol: the case would be thrown out as anyone with logic and common sense knows.lol.
Lee Harvey Oswald - 1939 - 1963
The accused but never convicted assassin of John F. Kennedy.

It will remain that way for eternity...

Posters are welcome to voice their opinions, but it will not change Oswald's status...

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Lots of murderers get killed in a shoot out with police. Doesn't make them innocent of the initial crime. If you are speaking about within a court of law that is one thing, but try suing for defamation when the case is provable without the court case convicting the perp because the perp is dead.

In a civil suit, Oswald is the murderer.

except its NOT provable that oswald did it though.:lol: the case would be thrown out as anyone with logic and common sense knows.lol.
you lack logic and common sense so how would YOU know what someone WITH it would do or say????
Lee Harvey Oswald - 1939 - 1963
The accused but never convicted assassin of John F. Kennedy.

It will remain that way for eternity...

Posters are welcome to voice their opinions, but it will not change Oswald's status...

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Lots of murderers get killed in a shoot out with police. Doesn't make them innocent of the initial crime. If you are speaking about within a court of law that is one thing, but try suing for defamation when the case is provable without the court case convicting the perp because the perp is dead.

In a civil suit, Oswald is the murderer.

except its NOT provable that oswald did it though.:lol: the case would be thrown out as anyone with logic and common sense knows.lol.

You'd have to ignore the following:

Oswald's print on the murder weapon.
Oswald's ownership of the murder weapon.
Oswald's picture featuring the murder weapon.
Oswald's opportunity to fire the murder weapon at the President.

You'd have enough to convict before the posecution uttered a word.

Much less
His killing of a police office after he left the crime scene.
His leaving the crime scene.
His actions after he left the crime scene.

Sometimes I like to think that you're just being argumentative to get someone to talk to you since its obvious you're not very bright, interesting, and probably were a ward of the State at one point or another; hence you bring this topic up after a week of dormancy. I, in fact, am hopeful that somehow all of your posturing on LHO and 9/11 is some sort of sick and twisted cry for help because absolutely nobody with any sense believes you for a moment.

If you actually do buy 5% of the nonsense you spout on a daily basis; you're one sad puppy.
Lee Harvey Oswald - 1939 - 1963
The accused but never convicted assassin of John F. Kennedy.

It will remain that way for eternity...

Posters are welcome to voice their opinions, but it will not change Oswald's status...

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Lots of murderers get killed in a shoot out with police. Doesn't make them innocent of the initial crime. If you are speaking about within a court of law that is one thing, but try suing for defamation when the case is provable without the court case convicting the perp because the perp is dead.

In a civil suit, Oswald is the murderer.

except its NOT provable that oswald did it though.:lol: the case would be thrown out as anyone with logic and common sense knows.lol.

If Oswald went to court then or now, he'd be convicted.

Why? Conspiracy theories are not evidence.

your use of semantics is sophomoric and boring.
Lots of murderers get killed in a shoot out with police. Doesn't make them innocent of the initial crime. If you are speaking about within a court of law that is one thing, but try suing for defamation when the case is provable without the court case convicting the perp because the perp is dead.

In a civil suit, Oswald is the murderer.

except its NOT provable that oswald did it though.:lol: the case would be thrown out as anyone with logic and common sense knows.lol.

If Oswald went to court then or now, he'd be convicted.

Why? Conspiracy theories are not evidence.

your use of semantics is sophomoric and boring.

your clearly in denial, afraid of the truth about government conspiracys and only believe in what you want to believe cause only a person on drugs would believe that crap garbage your sprouting off. guess what? its just a THEORY that he did it with not a shread of evidence to prove it.AGAIN you need to look through the posts of this thread of mine,the thread starters and Again Sheilas as we have proved that as well as looking through ours on that link I just posted in my last post as well along with ryans on that thread.

But as we both know,you wont,your in denial and not interested in the truth.you one of those people that have been taken in by these disinformation agent trolls that have penetrated these boards like candy corn troll boy and like ditzcon,only see what you WANT to see so you only listen to to what they say since it supports your delusions you have.
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If you think for even one second I would go to a spam link you post, you're crazier than they say.

I know what you're doing and it would be funny if you gave it up at some point. but you can't you're trapped.

You're a lonely loser looking for something like a life.

It is impossible you have friends to talk to, because the kind of shit you talk about would make any sane person commit murder....of you.

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