Lebanese Army defeats Al-Nusra and ISIS at Tal Hamra


Nov 14, 2012
The war in Lebanon continues...

"The Lebanese Army has successfully repelled the infiltration attempt by the militants from the Al-Qaeda linked “Al-Nusra Front” (Jabhat Al-Nusra) and the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) at Tal Hamra (Red Hill) in Jaroud ‘Arsaal.

According to a military source, at least 15 militants from Al-Nusra and ISIS were killed during this attack, including a number of Syrian nationals.

The Lebanese Army is pressing the militants in the ‘Arsaal District of the Ba’albak Governorate after numerous militants from ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front entered Lebanon via the Syrian border."

Breaking Lebanese Army defeats Al-Nusra and ISIS at Tal Hamra
"On Friday morning, the Lebanese Army carried out a vicious assault on the militants from the Al-Qaeda linked “Al-Nusra Front” and the Islamic State of Iraq and Al-Sham (ISIS) in the area of Jaroud ‘Arsaal, capturing the imperative Khaled Hill (Tal Khaled) after almost 4 hours of non-stop violence between these opposing forces.

However, despite the Lebanese Army’s success at Tal Khaled, contingents from ISIS and the Al-Nusra Front ambushed the Lebanese Army at the Raas Ba’albak Mountains, killing 2 soldiers before the Lebanese Army’s Central Command lost contact with the remaining men. According to a Lebanese Army source, the Central Command has yet to receive word on the fate of the soldiers in Raas Ba’albak."
Lebanese Army captures strategic hill on the Syrian border

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