LEAKED: 35 Kinds of TORTURE approved by the Trump admin.

LEAKED: 35 Kinds of TORTURE approved by the Trump admin.
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT accompanied by graphic photos. VIEWER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED. Many of the images are explicit and gruesome, depicting nudity, degradation, simulated sex acts and guards posing with decaying corpses.

LEAKED: 35 Kinds of torture approved by the Trump administration

By Christopher R Rice

CIA director Mike Pompeo was “blindsided” by an executive order that opens the door for American intelligence agencies to resume waterboarding and other “enhanced interrogation techniques” at newly reopened CIA “black site” prisons overseas, according to a source familiar with conversations he has had about the document.

Trump told ABC News anchor David Muir: “We’re not playing on an even field. When they’re chopping off the heads of our people, and other people — when they’re chopping off the heads of people because they happen to be a Christian in the Middle East — when ISIS is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since medieval times, would I feel strongly about waterboarding? As far as I’m concerned, we have to fight fire with fire.”

READ MORE- LEAKED: 35 Kinds of TORTURE approved by the Trump admin.
LEAKED: 35 Kinds of TORTURE approved by the Trump admin.
WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT accompanied by graphic photos. VIEWER DISCRETION IS STRONGLY ADVISED. Many of the images are explicit and gruesome, depicting nudity, degradation, simulated sex acts and guards posing with decaying corpses.

LEAKED: 35 Kinds of torture approved by the Trump administration

By Christopher R Rice

CIA director Mike Pompeo was “blindsided” by an executive order that opens the door for American intelligence agencies to resume waterboarding and other “enhanced interrogation techniques” at newly reopened CIA “black site” prisons overseas, according to a source familiar with conversations he has had about the document.

Trump told ABC News anchor David Muir: “We’re not playing on an even field. When they’re chopping off the heads of our people, and other people — when they’re chopping off the heads of people because they happen to be a Christian in the Middle East — when ISIS is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since medieval times, would I feel strongly about waterboarding? As far as I’m concerned, we have to fight fire with fire.”

READ MORE- LEAKED: 35 Kinds of TORTURE approved by the Trump admin.
Yeah. Probably fake news.
However, if you do chop off the heads of your enemy, that doesn't fall into the category of torture. There's not much information you can get out of a body without a head, or the head without the body. If actually fighting the Islamists, one should be able to dip the ammo in pigs blood and once the enemy is dead from that, then chop off the head and make sure their followers can't put them together in a grave. In other words, use their superstitions against them.
As for torture....hypothetical scenario......Multiple jihadists enter the country with a dirty bomb or nuke that could kill thousands or millions. You capture one, but the remaining jihadists are in the country, but nowhere to be found. The captured jihadists is initially refusing to talk. The far-left libtard interrogator has done his/her level best to get the jihadist to confess by......asking him where they are, depriving the terrorist of some sleep, making him stand up for long periods and playing offensive music at him. The interrogator turns to you and says....."hey man, I gave it my best."
You decide...what?
Personally, I'm in favor of causing any amount of pain up to and including chopping off pieces of the jihadist in an effort to save possibly millions of lives.
Listen up real close cracker I've provider these links for dumb fucks just like yourself that live on these political boards and still don't have a fucking clue what's going on under their own stupid noses. Did you stop to think that maybe I've researched this for the last ten plus years and wrote about this and might actually know what the fuck I'm talking about unlike someone like you that salivates at the Super Bowl and plays Angry Birds all day and has wasted their entire life living a meaningless trifling existence? So which sources would you be comfortable with because I've got thousands from four star generals to the RedCross to WikiLeaks to Wikipedia, what's your preference?

2.) the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency committed a series of human rights violations against detainees in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.[1] These violations included physical and sexual abuse, torture, rape, sodomy, and murder.[2][3][4][5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Ghraib_torture_and_prisoner_abuse

3.) FBI Records
(released by the Government 5/19/2005, released by the ACLU 5/25/05 | More Torture Documents Released Under FOIA)

4.) The General’s Report How Antonio Taguba, who investigated the Abu Ghraib scandal, became one of its casualties.By Seymour M. Hersh

5.) A Guide to the Memos on Torture

6.) Children tortured before parents, raped, all covered up by Bush/Cheney and our media

7.) The Most Gruesome Moments in the CIA ‘Torture Report’

8.) White House Asks Court to Block Torture Photos’ Release The Obama administration has formally requested the censorship of hundreds of photos of torture committed at U.S. prisons overseas.

Next time think before you start insulting someone that you don't even know, asshole. Not only has all this already took place and you knew nothing of it but your boy the Donald has just re authorized all this and much more. And I told you what will happen next over ten years ago, not my fault if you missed it, is it? Oh and by the way, what do I get for doing the SE work for you? A cookie? No? Nothing, hum that's what I thought, you suck.


Jeez, what's wrong Ray from Cleveland, Americans have no honor either? Can't admit when you are dead wrong? Christians are hypocrites. Jesus did NOT teach you to torture your enemies you stupid piece of shit.

Search engine it, I'm not your slave. Here's the news I guess you missed so now you want to challenge me instead of just looking it up yourself but now you look stoopid....

CIA head was ‘blindsided’ by waterboarding memoBy Michael Isikoff

CIA director Mike Pompeo was “blindsided” by a draft executive order that could open the door for American intelligence agencies to resume waterboarding and other “enhanced interrogation techniques” at newly reopened CIA “black site” prisons overseas, according to a source familiar with conversations he has had about the document.

Trump, in an interview with ABC News anchor David Muir released Wednesday night, indicated he is in fact considering reinstating waterboarding because he believes it “absolutely” works. While saying he will rely on Pompeo and Mattis’ advice, Trump told Muir: “We’re not playing on an even field. When they’re chopping off the heads of our people, and other people — when they’re chopping off the heads of people because they happen to be a Christian in the Middle East — when ISIS is doing things that nobody has ever heard of since medieval times, would I feel strongly about waterboarding? As far as I’m concerned, we have to fight fire with fire.”

Pompeo, who was confirmed as CIA director late Monday, was never consulted about the draft executive order and was unaware of its existence before it was publicly disclosed by the New York Times Wednesday morning, the source said. Neither was Defense Secretary James Mattis, who has openly disputed the effectiveness of such techniques.

The publication of the draft order prompted intense, and bipartisan, criticism from members of Congress who said the executive order, as drafted, would violate federal law and lead to a resumption of discredited interrogation practices that were barred by President Barack Obama during his first full day in office.

But White House press secretary Sean Spicer sought to cast doubt on whether the order represented settled administration policy. “It is not a White House document. I have no idea where it came from,” Spicer told reporters at a press briefing Wednesday. He declined to answer further questions about it, or shed any light on who might have drafted and circulated the document.

The draft order would revoke two Obama directives — one limiting interrogation practices to those codified in the Army Field Manual and banning CIA overseas prisons, and another directing that the U.S. military detention center in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, be closed. (Obama promised to close Guantanamo but was never able to achieve it.) The Army Field Manual in its current form bans torture, but the new order calls for high level policy reviews to determine if there are grounds for “modifications” and “additions” to the document to allow for “safe, lawful and effective interrogation of enemy combatants captured in the fight against radical Islamism.”

The language in the draft order could create particular problems for Pompeo, who appeared to rule out any such steps in response to direct questions by California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein in his Jan. 12 confirmation hearing.

“If you were ordered by the president to restart the CIA’s use of enhanced interrogation techniques that fall outside the Army Field Manual, would you comply?” Feinstein asked him.

“Senator, absolutely not. Moreover, I can’t imagine I would be asked that” by President Trump, Pompeo replied. He noted that he had voted for a law passed by Congress — a defense authorization bill — that limited interrogations to those in the Army Field Manual, and added that he is “deeply aware that any changes to that will come through Congress and the president.”

But in written responses after that hearing, Pompeo appeared to open the door to proposing changes in the Army Field Manual if it was necessary to “protect the country” — a step that would allow the Trump administration to resume techniques that congressional leaders, notably Sen. John McCain, an outspoken critic of torture, intended to ban.

Asked in a written question whether there should be “uniform rules” for military and intelligence interrogations, Pompeo responded in writing: “If confirmed, I will consult with experts at the Agency and at other organizations in the U.S. government on whether such uniform rules are an impediment to gathering vital intelligence to protect the country.” If he determined that differences between military and CIA interrogation techniques were necessary, it would be based “on a clear, justified need,” he said, and he promised to consult with the congressional intelligence committees about any such adjustments, “including any required changes to law.”

You can keep repeating the same shit over and over again, but waterboarding is much different than electrocution, getting buried alive, and sexual abuse. Our courts wouldn't even allow it and neither would the Geneva convention.

This is your typical left-wing lie comparable to getting rid of affirmative action is equal to the reenactment of slavery.

Once again, show us this EO that says Trump wants these types of torture to take place. You can't because it never happened except in the minds of left-wing clowns that make claims like this.

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