Why Are the Democrats Working so Feverishly to Deny Trump the 2024 GOP Nomination, When They Should Be Praying He Wins It?


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Why Are the Democrats Working so Feverishly to Deny Trump the 2024 GOP Nomination,

When They Should Be Praying He Wins It?

17 Dec 2022 ~~ By Mike Miller

I ask the question in my headline in earnest.
Here’s a relative axiom, attributed in various forms to various historical figures: Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself. So, yeah — what are the Democrats thinking? They should count their lucky stars if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Republican Party presidential nomination.
With multiple polls showing Republican support for a 2024 Trump run collapsing, the former president beleaguered by key midterm losses by candidates he strongly backed, courtroom setbacks, and mindblowing unforced errors — blameable only on Trump — the Democrat Party would be wise to shut the hell up about Trump, sit back, keep their powder dry, and watch Trump’s self-immolation take its course.
And I didn’t even include Trump’s ridiculous release on Thursday of Trump Digital Trading Cards, which Trump loyalists are now gleefully declaring a success — because the NFTs sold out in 24 hours — completely missing the point of Trump’s latest P.T. Barnum-like fleece job.
So again, there’s no explanation for the Democrats’ near-frantic desire to take down Trump once and for all, other than permanent Trump Derangement Syndrome.
When the GOP has a guy like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis — who I believe would destroy any 2024 Democrat nominee — as a prime alternative to Trump and the baggage he carries (self-inflicted and otherwise), it’s hard to understand why all Republicans wouldn’t knock off the internecine warfare crap, rally around DeSantis, and take it to Democrats hard — on policy issues, and the hardships continually piled on tens of millions of Americans throughout Joe Biden’s intentionally disastrous presidency.
Notice, I said “hard” to understand, not impossible to understand.
In my not-so-humble opinion, there are millions of Trump loyalists who simply can’t wrap their heads around the notion of the Republican Party — and politics in America — existing without Donald Trump.

The hate of Democrat Maoists runs deep in them.
Their attempts to destroy him by impeachment and limitless lawsuits seems to have up to now failed. What's next, assassination like JFK? Who better than the CIA and FBI to carry out the whims of the Maoist Democrat Commies.
Miller is right: attack Trump and you’ve actually revived him in the public eye. So you’ve revived his voters and not weakened him anywhere.
The Maoist rhetoric is becoming boring. Trump will clean house...let’s start by getting rid of The Turtle.

Why Are the Democrats Working so Feverishly to Deny Trump the 2024 GOP Nomination,

When They Should Be Praying He Wins It?

17 Dec 2022 ~~ By Mike Miller

I ask the question in my headline in earnest.
Here’s a relative axiom, attributed in various forms to various historical figures: Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself. So, yeah — what are the Democrats thinking? They should count their lucky stars if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Republican Party presidential nomination.
With multiple polls showing Republican support for a 2024 Trump run collapsing, the former president beleaguered by key midterm losses by candidates he strongly backed, courtroom setbacks, and mindblowing unforced errors — blameable only on Trump — the Democrat Party would be wise to shut the hell up about Trump, sit back, keep their powder dry, and watch Trump’s self-immolation take its course.
And I didn’t even include Trump’s ridiculous release on Thursday of Trump Digital Trading Cards, which Trump loyalists are now gleefully declaring a success — because the NFTs sold out in 24 hours — completely missing the point of Trump’s latest P.T. Barnum-like fleece job.
So again, there’s no explanation for the Democrats’ near-frantic desire to take down Trump once and for all, other than permanent Trump Derangement Syndrome.
When the GOP has a guy like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis — who I believe would destroy any 2024 Democrat nominee — as a prime alternative to Trump and the baggage he carries (self-inflicted and otherwise), it’s hard to understand why all Republicans wouldn’t knock off the internecine warfare crap, rally around DeSantis, and take it to Democrats hard — on policy issues, and the hardships continually piled on tens of millions of Americans throughout Joe Biden’s intentionally disastrous presidency.
Notice, I said “hard” to understand, not impossible to understand.
In my not-so-humble opinion, there are millions of Trump loyalists who simply can’t wrap their heads around the notion of the Republican Party — and politics in America — existing without Donald Trump.

The hate of Democrat Maoists runs deep in them.
Their attempts to destroy him by impeachment and limitless lawsuits seems to have up to now failed. What's next, assassination like JFK? Who better than the CIA and FBI to carry out the whims of the Maoist Democrat Commies.
Miller is right: attack Trump and you’ve actually revived him in the public eye. So you’ve revived his voters and not weakened him anywhere.
The Maoist rhetoric is becoming boring. Trump will clean house...let’s start by getting rid of The Turtle.

So you're asking people to not believe their lying eyes?

You don't fit in very well to 2022....

You fucking monster.
Why should someone who tried to overthrow the Government be allowed to run it?

Only a complete moron would believe a bunch of yahoos dressed up like fake wrestlers could overthrow (or try to overthrow) the government with the strongest military in the world. Trump held a rally like so many other Communists have. That's all he's guilty of and it's protected by the most hated document of the left--The US Constitution.
Because DemonRats are working under Soros....and...

we all know what Soros is up to


Why Are the Democrats Working so Feverishly to Deny Trump the 2024 GOP Nomination,

When They Should Be Praying He Wins It?

17 Dec 2022 ~~ By Mike Miller

I ask the question in my headline in earnest.
Here’s a relative axiom, attributed in various forms to various historical figures: Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself. So, yeah — what are the Democrats thinking? They should count their lucky stars if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Republican Party presidential nomination.
With multiple polls showing Republican support for a 2024 Trump run collapsing, the former president beleaguered by key midterm losses by candidates he strongly backed, courtroom setbacks, and mindblowing unforced errors — blameable only on Trump — the Democrat Party would be wise to shut the hell up about Trump, sit back, keep their powder dry, and watch Trump’s self-immolation take its course.
And I didn’t even include Trump’s ridiculous release on Thursday of Trump Digital Trading Cards, which Trump loyalists are now gleefully declaring a success — because the NFTs sold out in 24 hours — completely missing the point of Trump’s latest P.T. Barnum-like fleece job.
So again, there’s no explanation for the Democrats’ near-frantic desire to take down Trump once and for all, other than permanent Trump Derangement Syndrome.
When the GOP has a guy like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis — who I believe would destroy any 2024 Democrat nominee — as a prime alternative to Trump and the baggage he carries (self-inflicted and otherwise), it’s hard to understand why all Republicans wouldn’t knock off the internecine warfare crap, rally around DeSantis, and take it to Democrats hard — on policy issues, and the hardships continually piled on tens of millions of Americans throughout Joe Biden’s intentionally disastrous presidency.
Notice, I said “hard” to understand, not impossible to understand.
In my not-so-humble opinion, there are millions of Trump loyalists who simply can’t wrap their heads around the notion of the Republican Party — and politics in America — existing without Donald Trump.

The hate of Democrat Maoists runs deep in them.
Their attempts to destroy him by impeachment and limitless lawsuits seems to have up to now failed. What's next, assassination like JFK? Who better than the CIA and FBI to carry out the whims of the Maoist Democrat Commies.
Miller is right: attack Trump and you’ve actually revived him in the public eye. So you’ve revived his voters and not weakened him anywhere.
The Maoist rhetoric is becoming boring. Trump will clean house...let’s start by getting rid of The Turtle.

I think people are not seeing how TRUMP could be setting DeSantis up to pick aside. When DeSantis is forced to side with the uniparty elites and RINOS he'll start to loss support and become another Cruz.

Why Are the Democrats Working so Feverishly to Deny Trump the 2024 GOP Nomination,

When They Should Be Praying He Wins It?

17 Dec 2022 ~~ By Mike Miller

I ask the question in my headline in earnest.
Here’s a relative axiom, attributed in various forms to various historical figures: Never interfere with an enemy while he’s in the process of destroying himself. So, yeah — what are the Democrats thinking? They should count their lucky stars if Donald Trump wins the 2024 Republican Party presidential nomination.
With multiple polls showing Republican support for a 2024 Trump run collapsing, the former president beleaguered by key midterm losses by candidates he strongly backed, courtroom setbacks, and mindblowing unforced errors — blameable only on Trump — the Democrat Party would be wise to shut the hell up about Trump, sit back, keep their powder dry, and watch Trump’s self-immolation take its course.
And I didn’t even include Trump’s ridiculous release on Thursday of Trump Digital Trading Cards, which Trump loyalists are now gleefully declaring a success — because the NFTs sold out in 24 hours — completely missing the point of Trump’s latest P.T. Barnum-like fleece job.
So again, there’s no explanation for the Democrats’ near-frantic desire to take down Trump once and for all, other than permanent Trump Derangement Syndrome.
When the GOP has a guy like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis — who I believe would destroy any 2024 Democrat nominee — as a prime alternative to Trump and the baggage he carries (self-inflicted and otherwise), it’s hard to understand why all Republicans wouldn’t knock off the internecine warfare crap, rally around DeSantis, and take it to Democrats hard — on policy issues, and the hardships continually piled on tens of millions of Americans throughout Joe Biden’s intentionally disastrous presidency.
Notice, I said “hard” to understand, not impossible to understand.
In my not-so-humble opinion, there are millions of Trump loyalists who simply can’t wrap their heads around the notion of the Republican Party — and politics in America — existing without Donald Trump.

The hate of Democrat Maoists runs deep in them.
Their attempts to destroy him by impeachment and limitless lawsuits seems to have up to now failed. What's next, assassination like JFK? Who better than the CIA and FBI to carry out the whims of the Maoist Democrat Commies.
Miller is right: attack Trump and you’ve actually revived him in the public eye. So you’ve revived his voters and not weakened him anywhere.
The Maoist rhetoric is becoming boring. Trump will clean house...let’s start by getting rid of The Turtle.

Donald Trump is the most feared person by the left. They know he'd right every wrong this bozo in the White House is doing now. He's not part of the club. He didn't work his way from the bottom doing favors and paying people off to get to power. He busted through the front door and took the highest position in government with nobody's premission. He doesn't owe anybody anything and that just kills the establishment and so-called career politicians.
Only a complete moron would believe a bunch of yahoos dressed up like fake wrestlers could overthrow (or try to overthrow) the government with the strongest military in the world. Trump held a rally like so many other Communists have. That's all he's guilty of and it's protected by the most hated document of the left--The US Constitution.
Trump sent them

Why else were they there except to stop Congress from finalizing the election?

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