Leaderboard entries for January @ 10:28pm the 31st?

US Boards new name with 16 forums category ?? No Sports or no Religion forum ?? Or all two gone in 9 forums category ?! Somebody will only nine categorys to this forum how be US Boards. I will 16 or 9 but nine don't know which categorys anyone how knows better ?
Which categorys on nine forums ??

This is 1 of 2 I want's.

- Suspend & Bans
- Member introducing
- Politics
- Election
- Immigration
- Media
- Europe
- World Affair
- History
- Tennis
- Game Day
- Hockey
- Soccer
- Foreign Policy
- Religion
- Economy
- Politics
- Election
- Immigration
- Media
- World Affair
- Sports
- Economy
- ??
- ??

Maybe this how exactly knows which two last.

This nine forums category have lucky moment.

Maybe much better than 16 alternativ forums.

Party time on the ways.

Come on Mods. Tell what happens in january ending ?!

The folks in this thread are discussing who is gonna be the "BIGGEST POSTER" for January. It's a very important competition that wins for you a reputation of being lonely and bored. The person with the most posts for January is probably also the person who owns the most cats and has a bathroom in the basement of their parents house.

Hope that helps. Please don't try to compete in that sport.. There is no glory there.. :texflag:

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