Zone1 LBG no T

So you have your own hate group!

But you are!

I will make an exception for you and simply assume YOU ARE YOUR HATRED. It defines you.
What a mess. Just remember that queers and lesbos are PEOPLE, and that lgbtq and lgbq are hate groups. They are NOT one in the same. Gays and trannies can be your co workers, friends, or family, but the lgbtq and lgbq hate groups are not. Without lgbtq hate groups, there is no lgbtq supremacy, just people.
I've heard of this movement. People in the "lesbian, Gay, Bisexual" camps don't agree with the "Transexual" movement, as in, teaching children to question their biological sex.

I'm sure they've seen the data, as we all should. Suicide rates are nearly 40% amongst trans people, and after transition it appears there's not much of a difference, meaning simply cheering them on isn't working. Meanwhile, in mainstream media trans people are depicted often as exhalted, the most bravest of us all. Yet, they still remain troubled and vulnerable.

This is a mental disorder, much like depression, which many of us, including myself, have dealt with. I would oppose any movement that would encourage me to accept my depression and claim I'm merely a victim of "anti-depression hatred", or whatever it would be called. Depression is bad for humans, just as we can see from statistics believing you're the opposite sex of what you biological are is.

I've always said that if you're an adult, do what you want. But teaching children about trans ideology, that men can mythically become women and vice verca, is religious in its rationale. I'm a Catholic, but I accept that I believe based on faith. Trans folk try to enforce their "faith" of their metaphysics onto others, and it would be the same as me trying to impress my Catholic faith onto mainstream school children, and if they refuse they're some sort of bigot.

It's the Trans movement that's the bigots, and the LBG movement seems to more and more be on board. The two are actually at odd with each other.
Reminds me of the four fingers vs the five fingers in 1984. How many fingers, Winston? What gender is this person, Winston?
Haven't you heard of the Get The L Out movement? The trans want the lesbians out. Lesbians are called bigots who refuse to have sex with transwomen that have elected to retain their penis and have sex through intercourse. It's quite the fight. Lesbians call men who have sex with women straight men who may like to dress up like womens.
Democrats are such a mess. 😆
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I know why a black kid might want to be white. Because white people have made life for black Americans less than spectacular for the last several hundred years.

Not quite the same thing as gender dysphoria.
Not true. Negroes were wearing loin clothes, living in mud huts and chasing their food with a stick when White people found them in Dark Africa. Now they get paid millions of dollars for tossing balls and speaking bad English over synthesized drums. 👹
I don't know if you realize this but gender reassignments were a thing even waaaaaaay back before we were tots.
John Money, a "sexologist," first used the term “gender” as a human characteristic. Money introduced the terms gender identity, gender role and sexual orientation.

Money established the first clinic in the United States to perform sexual reassignment surgeries on both infants and adults.

David Reimer was Money's most famous case and it was fundamentally flawed. In 1966, a botched circumcision left eight-month-old Reimer without a penis. Money persuaded the baby's parents that sex reassignment surgery would be in Reimer's best interest. At the age of 22 months, Reimer's testicles were surgically removed. He was reassigned to be raised as female and his name changed from Bruce to Brenda. Money further recommended hormone treatment. Money published a number of papers reporting the reassignment as successful.

According to David Reimer's biography, starting when Reimer and his twin Brian were six years old, Money showed the brothers pornography and forced the two to rehearse sexual acts, with David playing the bottom role as Brian "[pressed] his crotch against" David's buttocks. Money also forced the two children to strip for "genital inspections" and would even photograph the twins doing these acts.

For several years, Money reported on Reimer's progress as the "John/Joan case", describing apparently "successful" female gender development and using this case to support the feasibility of sex reassignment and surgical reconstruction. His claim was not true. Money continued to misrepresent the results as a success for decades. By the time this was discovered, the idea of a purely socially constructed gender identity and infant Intersex medical interventions had become accepted theory in some circles.

At 14 years old and in extreme psychological agony, Reimer was finally told the truth by his parents. He chose to begin calling himself David, and he underwent surgical procedures to revert the female bodily modifications to normal. When living as Brenda, Reimer did not identify as a girl. He was ostracised and bullied by peers (who dubbed him "cavewoman"), and neither frilly dresses nor female hormones made him feel female.

On July 1, 2002, Brian was found dead from an overdose of antidepressants. On May 4, 2004, after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and marital troubles, David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun at the age of 38. Reimer's parents have stated that Money's methodology was responsible for the deaths of both of their sons.

Money's unreported failure led to the surgical reassignment of thousands of infants as a matter of policy.
John Money, a "sexologist," first used the term “gender” as a human characteristic. Money introduced the terms gender identity, gender role and sexual orientation.

Money established the first clinic in the United States to perform sexual reassignment surgeries on both infants and adults.

David Reimer was Money's most famous case and it was fundamentally flawed. In 1966, a botched circumcision left eight-month-old Reimer without a penis. Money persuaded the baby's parents that sex reassignment surgery would be in Reimer's best interest. At the age of 22 months, Reimer's testicles were surgically removed. He was reassigned to be raised as female and his name changed from Bruce to Brenda. Money further recommended hormone treatment. Money published a number of papers reporting the reassignment as successful.

According to David Reimer's biography, starting when Reimer and his twin Brian were six years old, Money showed the brothers pornography and forced the two to rehearse sexual acts, with David playing the bottom role as Brian "[pressed] his crotch against" David's buttocks. Money also forced the two children to strip for "genital inspections" and would even photograph the twins doing these acts.

For several years, Money reported on Reimer's progress as the "John/Joan case", describing apparently "successful" female gender development and using this case to support the feasibility of sex reassignment and surgical reconstruction. His claim was not true. Money continued to misrepresent the results as a success for decades. By the time this was discovered, the idea of a purely socially constructed gender identity and infant Intersex medical interventions had become accepted theory in some circles.

At 14 years old and in extreme psychological agony, Reimer was finally told the truth by his parents. He chose to begin calling himself David, and he underwent surgical procedures to revert the female bodily modifications to normal. When living as Brenda, Reimer did not identify as a girl. He was ostracised and bullied by peers (who dubbed him "cavewoman"), and neither frilly dresses nor female hormones made him feel female.

On July 1, 2002, Brian was found dead from an overdose of antidepressants. On May 4, 2004, after suffering years of severe depression, financial instability, and marital troubles, David committed suicide by shooting himself in the head with a sawed-off shotgun at the age of 38. Reimer's parents have stated that Money's methodology was responsible for the deaths of both of their sons.

Money's unreported failure led to the surgical reassignment of thousands of infants as a matter of policy.
Be careful. Seems you just violated copyright law.
Depends how drunk I was and what she looked like... (JK)

But seriously, uh, there's more to life than sex.

Funny thing, 99% of the Cis-gender females I encounter I wouldn't want to have sex with.

The whole damn trans thing is ABOUT sex, or at least trying to be the other sex, and having others believe you are that other sex.

Again, all you can give the person is the illusion of being what they want to be, and in the end the vast majority of other people won't interact with them sexually the way they want to be interacted with.

Just look at the whole thing with lesbians not wanting to have sex with trans "lesbians" that still have their twigs and berries.
The whole damn trans thing is ABOUT sex...
It's the most ridiculous farce. A Democratic Party farce. That one of the two major political parties designates people that choose unnatural sex acts rather than biologically normal procreative behavior as a privileged citizen group entitled to rights enshrined by government—rights the vast majority of citizens do not have—is an insult to this nation and society. The government, under the auspices of the Democratic Party, then promotes them, even using the force of government power to influence all of society to join in this charade. When viewed without the play-pretend politically coded language, the entire scenario is truly bizarre.

... or at least trying to be the other sex, and having others believe you are that other sex.
It's all play-pretend. The queers, the Democrats that engage in calling men women and vice-versa and the government who promotes and enforces this deception, all know its fraudulent. Everyone knows they are their naturally-born sex masquerading as the opposite sex. Those that dare point out the truth of it are condemned, ostracised, lose their position and are even prosecuted by the government for it ("hate" crimes or "civil rights violations.")

Democrats have lost their goddamn minds.

*(Though an independent voter, I've been predominantly voting for these freaks throughout my life — before they slipped over the edge).
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Do you commonly steal other peoples work without attribution?
XXXX Mod Edit - Not Z1 compliant I selected a particular story from a far longer encyclopedia piece, a section that is pertinent to a point I'm making, then edited that story way down to about half of its size for readability so that the important part of the information can be shared in a comment in this online discussion forum. Copyright laws mean nothing in this context. I'm sharing my viewpoint of free, public, reader-edited material, edited for my purpose and to be easy-to-read for others, focusing on its essential facts. I'm not stealing, nor claiming I wrote the material it's gleaned from—I'm not even using my name here, you idiot—nor am I using anything for gain, profit, claiming it's proprietary or that I created the story as an original work.

Why don't you report me to the freely-accessible online user-edited encyclopedia or the 44 sources they used in the full article, why don't you? 😄

XXXX Mod Edit - Not Z1 compliant Riff Raff
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The suicide rate among trans people is so high because of bigots like you.
You can't even begin to prove that.
Okay, let's look at this ham-fisted comparison. No one would tell you to treat your depression by "Cheering up" or "don't be such a Debbie Downer". If your condition was severe enough, you would get counselling and maybe medication to treat it. You could even legitimately claim it as a disability and get special considerations at the workplace. Not to mention all these nitwits who call their dogs "Emotional support animals" and bring the filthy beasts into restaurants where I am trying to eat.

So let's grant that gender dysphoria is a mental condition. We wouldn't treat it by telling people to "man up". We would find treatments, and the treatment that we have found works is to let the person live as the gender of their choice.
The problem there is not being certain if the "solution" is helping. It's quite likely that the strain between a person's biological and mental livelihood is what's causing such turmoil, and encouraging them continue down the rabbit's hole only makes things worse. The trans suicide rate stays where it is after surgery, it's not like this solves the problem.

It's like giving a tragically emotionally junk-food-dependent morbidly obese person a free Big Mac whenever they want it. Yes, you're giving them what they want, but is what they want what they need?
Now, there IS a legitimate debate to be had on what roles teachers should play.

Is LGBTQ being over diagnosed, like ADHD is (IMHO). Or is it a condition like left-handedness, where one you accept it, it becomes more mainstream.

You see, around the turn of the last century, if little Timmy or Sally came to school and used their left hand, the teachers would force them to use their right hand. But around the 1950's, they realized that was probably a bad idea, the percent of southpaws increased to 12%, and that's where it's stayed ever since.
Handedness is astronomically different portion and function in the brain.
Okay, first and foremost, your Church spent centuries burning heretics, gays, witches, infidels, sexually abusing children, starting religious wars, and topping it all off with collaborating with the NAZIS.
Don't stop there, keep going... is Elvis Alive? Did we not land on the moon? Was Kennedy killed by a UFO?.. keep the misinformation going.

What do you think the Catholic School system is about if it isn't imposing Catholicism on unsuspecting children?
Provided it's from a private school, you can go to any religious school of any religion no problem. The parents have the right to raise their children as they see fit.

The problem is when public schools teach their trans-theology onto kids, and even encourage kids to keep their decisions secret from their parents, which seems to keep being exposed.

I've said that if trans people want to teach kids their theology, they should start their own schools, just as the rest of us who beleive in mythical beliefs did.

I should also point out that this country has a LONG history of anti-Catholic bigotry. The kind Catholics have rightly complained about and have gotten laws to protect their rights. Or do you think it's a coincidence we've only had two Catholic Presidents in our entire history?
1. Yes, you know your history
2. Did Catholics ever demand to redefine something basic and then label you has hateful if you don't agree?
No, they really aren't. I mean, you probably have some self-hating gays who are... but not much more than that.
They are definitely at odds with each other.

1. A man likes men, he's gay. So he seeks other men.
2. He meets a woman who declares she's a man.
3. He ignores her because she's not what he's attracted to, men.
4. The Trans community views this as hateful and misgendering, akin to violence.
But in any gender re-assignment procedure don't the recipients have to undergo a LOT of therapy prior to the surgeries? To ensure that they are entering into this decision with a clearer understanding of who they are at their core.
It's been exposed that there are ways that kids can begin hormone therapy drugs that can cause irrepairable harm to their procreation systems very easily, after a single visit with a "specialist", who also usually happens to be an activist.
I believe that most of the people claiming to be Trans in this day and age are not Trans, in other words not suffering from gender dysphoria. They are actually suffering from a variety of issues and "gender dysphoria" for them has become the fad--social contagion they are latching onto. The attention they gain from their Trans-Friend Group may make them feel special in the short term, but it does not correct the under lying issues. This is not a good reason for most to have their body parts mutilated.
It's definitely a trendy fad nowadays, and anyone who commits gets lauded and celebrated. I'm sure the lonely, depressed, and even handicapped can easily be convinced by such positive reinforcement.

Gender Dysphoria exists, but what is telling is how much it's grown in the population by generation. Society's glorification of being trans affects everyone, yet for some reason there are so few in Gen X but yet in today's generation it has risen by probably hundreds to thousands of percent. It's heavily tied to politics and status, and sadly the vulnerable can get pulled in and be exposed to possible harmful effects.

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