Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

last i heard the movement is in panic mode cause they dont see how they will find 540,000 votes,therefore they will have to fake about 100,000 signatures.

Last you heard.....where did you "hear" it from?


Hi, you have received -418 reputation points from Pale Rider.
Reputation was given for this post.

Tsk, tsk... your liberal hypocrisy and intolerance is show.

Pale Rider

Don't you LOVE it that Pole Rider is SO AFRAID of the Truth that he negs people for asking simple, legitimate questions?

He's the Perfect Fascist, isn't he? :lol::lol::lol:
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So you really think the people in Wisconsin are going to go back to the way it was before? Before Walker they were looking at deficits as far as the eye could see, diminishing revenues and businesses leaving the State.

Now they have a balanced budget and businesses are coming to Wisconsin. Yeah, I can see how that would make Walker WILDLY unpopular. (eye-roll)

It shouldn't make him unpopular.

But that's how powerful the union message and machine is here.

Or maybe, just maybe, people don't see him as such a successful Governor as you seem to do.
But we won't be going back to how it was before. I'm not throwing in the towel. I hope Walker makes it and will do all I can to help. But even if he is ousted, we won't be going back to how it was. In Wisconsin it's the cool thing to do to say you support unions but I just don't see municipalities handing their budgets back to public unions without a fight. Walker showed that property owners don't have to have their taxes raised every year to keep schools running. I don't think property owners will be happy about handing their bank accounts back to public unions.

Hopefully they'll think about that before the recall election. But if they don't, I am sure the reality will hit them afterwards and they'll take a stand to keep what Walker gave 'em.

Unions = teachers, nurses, police, firefighters, etc. Evil people all out to get you, I'm sure.

When Walker took over Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar deficit and the left was calling for tax increases to cover the difference.

Since then Walker has managed to balance the budget, not cut teachers, fire fighters or police and not raise taxes. I don't know but that seems to fit the definition of "successful".
last i heard the movement is in panic mode cause they dont see how they will find 540,000 votes,therefore they will have to fake about 100,000 signatures.

Last you heard.....where did you "hear" it from?


Hi, you have received -418 reputation points from Pale Rider.
Reputation was given for this post.

Tsk, tsk... your liberal hypocrisy and intolerance is show.

Pale Rider

Don't you LOVE it that Pole Rider is SO AFRAID of the Truth that he negs people for asking simple, legitimate questions?

He's the Perfect Facist, isn't he? :lol::lol::lol:
I negged you because you negged me because you're an intolerant little liberal twit. See how that works?

Now go cry to your mommy XXXX lapper.
It shouldn't make him unpopular.

But that's how powerful the union message and machine is here.

Or maybe, just maybe, people don't see him as such a successful Governor as you seem to do.
But we won't be going back to how it was before. I'm not throwing in the towel. I hope Walker makes it and will do all I can to help. But even if he is ousted, we won't be going back to how it was. In Wisconsin it's the cool thing to do to say you support unions but I just don't see municipalities handing their budgets back to public unions without a fight. Walker showed that property owners don't have to have their taxes raised every year to keep schools running. I don't think property owners will be happy about handing their bank accounts back to public unions.

Hopefully they'll think about that before the recall election. But if they don't, I am sure the reality will hit them afterwards and they'll take a stand to keep what Walker gave 'em.

Unions = teachers, nurses, police, firefighters, etc. Evil people all out to get you, I'm sure.

When Walker took over Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar deficit and the left was calling for tax increases to cover the difference.

Since then Walker has managed to balance the budget, not cut teachers, fire fighters or police and not raise taxes. I don't know but that seems to fit the definition of "successful".

If that is being done over you and your family's bodies....I doubt you would think so.
Last you heard.....where did you "hear" it from?


Hi, you have received -418 reputation points from Pale Rider.
Reputation was given for this post.

Tsk, tsk... your liberal hypocrisy and intolerance is show.

Pale Rider

Don't you LOVE it that Pole Rider is SO AFRAID of the Truth that he negs people for asking simple, legitimate questions?

He's the Perfect Facist, isn't he? :lol::lol::lol:
I negged you because you negged me because you're an intolerant little liberal twit. See how that works?

Now go cry to your mommy XXXX lapper.

REally ? I negged you today? Quote it.

Don't you LOVE it that Pole Rider is SO AFRAID of the Truth that he negs people for asking simple, legitimate questions?

He's the Perfect Facist, isn't he? :lol::lol::lol:
I negged you because you negged me because you're an intolerant little liberal twit. See how that works?

Now go cry to your mommy XXXX lapper.

REally ? I negged you today? Quote it.

No, it wasn't "today." It was two days ago you negged me. It just took me a little while to see it since there wasn't any notification.

I give what I get, remember that, moron.

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Well then, I guess the cowards won't sacrifice a window for their Beliefs. I don't blame them, really - I mean, who does take this shit seriously, and actually puts their neck on the line? So taboo.


Or maybe, just maybe, people don't see him as such a successful Governor as you seem to do.

Unions = teachers, nurses, police, firefighters, etc. Evil people all out to get you, I'm sure.

Governor Walker's changes don't affect Police or Firefighters (first responders). Their power to collective bargaining hasn't changed since he came in to office.

They have Unions....aren't Unions evil?

And that is how the message will work against Walker in spite of the reality. Thank you for such a pithy illustration.

No, Walker has never said that unions are evil. First responders need their union advocacy in ways not shared by those who don't put their lives on the line for the public.

Also, this subject is completely distinct from private sector unions. Or should be.

But the Democrat spin machine, epitomized by your snark here, may win the day regardless of the realities.

So, yes, Walker may lose. But what he put his neck on the line for will win.
Teachers aren't evil. Unions aren't evil per se.

But the union culture in Wisconsin has empowered public sector unions to engage in illegal activity, such as sickouts, without fear of any meaningful reprisal. And in legal activities which are abused so much that their legality needs to be reexamined. I don't know which side sick leave stacking falls on this. Is that legal or not? But trying to stop cities from hiring extra help and hurting the citizens just because you want even more overtime than you're already getting ... that's preposterous. That's a grotesque sense of entitlement and lack of civic responsibility.

For the last time today: if you aren't here you have no idea how profoundly our budgets were impacted to the negative by public union pressures with no checks and balances. Walker provided the check for a situation which was so out of control previously that unions demanded more than even Jim Doyle's liberal administration was willing to give them a year ago.

You just have no idea. You can spout snark and ideals all you want. But I'm here. And I know what is happening.

Maybe all those little old ladies will pull out their guns and sit on their porches to protect their property from vandals like one person advocated in this thread. WTF?

We'll think of something.

We're dealing with it. This is our problem. I haven't given up. Some people have vented and expressed fears but we'll buck up. Walker was the right man - probably the only man - for the job, and I won't roll over easily as people try to mischaracterize what he has done for our state.
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Well, lookie here...finally we have a news story about a rock...but it isn't the one the OP was railing about.

"Recall Walker" rock thrown through Madison cafe window"

MADISON, WI (WTAQ) - Madison Police say they’re investigating a vandalism incident connected with the recall effort against Scott Walker. Officials said a rock was thrown through a window with a “Recall Walker” sign. And the rock had a note with a reference to JoAnne Kloppenburg.
Or maybe, just maybe, people don't see him as such a successful Governor as you seem to do.

Unions = teachers, nurses, police, firefighters, etc. Evil people all out to get you, I'm sure.

When Walker took over Wisconsin was looking at a 3 billion dollar deficit and the left was calling for tax increases to cover the difference.

Since then Walker has managed to balance the budget, not cut teachers, fire fighters or police and not raise taxes. I don't know but that seems to fit the definition of "successful".

If that is being done over you and your family's bodies....I doubt you would think so.

"Bodies"? From what I can see the only thing that died was Wisconsin's 3 billion dollar deficit. God, you must REALLY hate Walker. The guy had the audacity to FIX something that was broken despite all the attempts made by the progressive left to keep that from happening.
A better question would be this...

Why do progressives try to shut down the system every time they don't get their way?

They tried to "shut down the system"? Isn't the "system" what Conservatives are supposed to be complaining about? Or is that all a hoax and you serve "the Man" eagerly?

What do you call it when the far left took over the Wisconsin State House and prevented elected officials from having votes? As Barack Obama so famously put it..."elections have consequences". But when liberals lose elections...both in Wisconsin's Governor's race and in the 2010 mid-term elections...then the whole elections have consequences theory is thrown out the window and they organize and shut down the system, demanding that things change.

This is democracy. No one is telling you or your buds not to participate, but the WI legislature was doing something against the peoples' will, and the recall is part of democracy. Don't like it? Then fight it as hard as you can. But stop the whining!
Well, lookie here...finally we have a news story about a rock...but it isn't the one the OP was railing about.

"Recall Walker" rock thrown through Madison cafe window"

MADISON, WI (WTAQ) - Madison Police say they’re investigating a vandalism incident connected with the recall effort against Scott Walker. Officials said a rock was thrown through a window with a “Recall Walker” sign. And the rock had a note with a reference to JoAnne Kloppenburg.

"Recall Walker" rock thrown through Madison cafe window - 1330 WHBL Sheboygan's News Radio

Vandalism from anyone should be prosecuted, right or left or anyone else. OK?
As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.

:lol: The reason there is a lack of signs is because they don't support him.
As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.

"An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker."

No she didn't, more lies.

I'm glad to see Walker taking his lumps. I guess that's what happens when you put your personal agenda ahead against the majority of voters'.

It’s about time. The Plutocrats overstepped and now they’re paying for it.
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As I type I'm listening to people calling in on a local conservative talk show. One caller noted the lack of Walker support signs. The host said people need to get off their butt and put the signs out. Then his phones and email inbox exploded with the reasons people aren't putting Walker signs in their yard or on their car.

Law abiding Wisconsinites are afraid to show support for Walker.

They're afraid for their safety. They're afraid their windows will be broken if they have a pro-Walker sticker. And they're especially afraid for the safety of their children.

An elderly caller said her tires were slashed and a hateful message left behind because she had a Walker bumper sticker.

THAT's what we're dealing with in Wisconsin. Some of these anti-Walker-ites are scary. Anti-Walker people feel free to talk as loud and as radically as they want, wherever they want. They make threatening phone calls to people who are doing business with Walker supporters. Anti-Walker teachers feel free to assign children to make drawings telling what is wrong with Walker. But parents are afraid to tell their children that they support Walker in case the child mentions it in school and is harmed in some way for it.

We've been living through months of this now. We don't want to let intimidation win. But some of these people have abandoned decency. You can't trust they know where the boundaries are anymore.

:lol: The reason there is a lack of signs is because they don't support him.

i don't think so. the reason must be that leftists stole the signs to build shacks.
I trust the people of Wisconsin to do what they believe is best for them.

But if Walker gets recalled and loses, I'm gonna laugh and laugh and laugh and laugh and then laugh some more. :thup:

But whatcha gonna do? :dunno:
I negged you because you negged me because you're an intolerant little liberal twit. See how that works?

Now go cry to your mommy XXXX lapper.

REally ? I negged you today? Quote it.

No, it wasn't "today." It was two days ago you negged me. It just took me a little while to see it since there wasn't any notification.

I give what I get, remember that, moron.


Well that is BS right negged me right away yesterday...and probably worked your little rep fingers to the bone between times so you could neg me again.

It's pretty funny how easily you lie.

From yesterday:
Hi, you have received -415 reputation points from Pale Rider.
Reputation was given for this post.

Tsk, tsk... you liberal hypocrisy and intolerance is showing.

Pale Rider

Note: This is an automated message.

Do you ever tell the truth? Do you know what the truth is? I doubt it.

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