Law abiding Wisconsinites afraid for their safety

Wisconsin is going to be the progressive's worst nightmare. A conservative has been elected by the people to fix a fiscal disaster created by progressives and (oh, the horror!!!) he's come in and balanced the budget without raising taxes or laying off teachers, fire and police. Not only that but instead of losing jobs they're now created 40,000 new jobs. Good luck convincing the Wisconsin voters that Walker needs to go and that what Wisconsin NEEDS is a return of the same people that screwed everything up in the first place.
Well now, I guess the recall election is going to establish who is correct.

If the recall is successful and Wisconsin goes back to running a 3 billion dollar deficit then does that make the progressives "correct"? What this recall election will establish is whether massive amounts of union money and bodies brought in from out of state can influence an election that would normally be a laugher. If the Democrats do win...then the people of Wisconsin ultimately lose.

I don't think the progressives can pull it off though...simply because Walker's done what he said he would do and it's worked.
So if people become intimidated because people are slashing their tires, throwing things through windows and threatening their family they are cowards because the yare afraid??

No, people are cowards when they are intimidated when those things AREN'T happening, and there's no credible reason to anticipate them happening. Either that, or they're just partisans whiners trying to score points. Or maybe a little bit of both.
Well now, I guess the recall election is going to establish who is correct.

If the recall is successful and Wisconsin goes back to running a 3 billion dollar deficit then does that make the progressives "correct"? What this recall election will establish is whether massive amounts of union money and bodies brought in from out of state can influence an election that would normally be a laugher. If the Democrats do win...then the people of Wisconsin ultimately lose.

I don't think the progressives can pull it off though...simply because Walker's done what he said he would do and it's worked.

divesting municipal union members of their collective bargaining rights had nothing to do with saving money. the unions had already agreed to the state's monetary demands.

it was about union busting... and that wasn't what the repubs were elected to do. it's really that simple.

but i do like the o/p's usual hack troll thread about "law-abiding" wisconsinites. :thup:
Why are the far right here such cowards? Why won't they stand up instead of whine and whimper and cower?

A better question would be this...

Why do progressives try to shut down the system every time they don't get their way?

They tried to "shut down the system"? Isn't the "system" what Conservatives are supposed to be complaining about? Or is that all a hoax and you serve "the Man" eagerly?
So if people become intimidated because people are slashing their tires, throwing things through windows and threatening their family they are cowards because the yare afraid??

No, people are cowards when they are intimidated when those things AREN'T happening, and there's no credible reason to anticipate them happening. Either that, or they're just partisans whiners trying to score points. Or maybe a little bit of both.

So..tell us. When this happened to you..what did you do about it? Whom did you complain to? Whom did you file that complaint to?

It did not happen to me. I told you - I heard about it from people who were there. It got minor publicity after the fact. I do not know if a formal complaint was ever pursued.

Ooooooh. So you weren't there either. So tell me, what did those people who were there do about it? Whom did they file a civil rights grievance with? Which agency in what town against what police dept.?

Conservatives live their lives and do their jobs. They don't have the same organization which unions do for suing anybody and everybody.

I guess that might be an argument for conservatives to have unions. So they would know who to sue at a time like this and have the machinery ready to go.

But that benefit wouldn't be worth the complete personality change we would have to accept to acquire that sue happy mentality.
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I hope that many will get over their fear and take a stand well before election day because perception matters. A lot of people will not know the issues but will see all the Walker signs while driving across the state and will say to themselves, "hmmm, the majority are against Walker" .... Knowing (or thinking you know) how the majority is thinking has a powerful effect on people. Most people are joiners by instinct.

Saving it until election day won't help if the majority of the undecided have been convinced by subliminal signals that "everyone" is voting out Walker.

Even conservatives could see the disproportionate amount of anti-Walker signs and be convinced that they are alone and so their vote won't really do anything.

And we all need to be cognizant of how the legislators themselves have put themselves on the line.

I still have my W sticker on my truck. I didn't get one for McCain. I guess I'll have to go get one for Walker. Hmmm ... I hope my insurance rates don't go up. :tongue:
Strange, I haven't seen any news of this violent behavior toward those who support Governor Walker. I think that the GOP in Wisconsin just ran out of steam and voters. They are hoping that by resorting to lies they can put a little life into Governor, soon to the Ex., Walker's campaign against recall.

So you really think the people in Wisconsin are going to go back to the way it was before? Before Walker they were looking at deficits as far as the eye could see, diminishing revenues and businesses leaving the State.

Now they have a balanced budget and businesses are coming to Wisconsin. Yeah, I can see how that would make Walker WILDLY unpopular. (eye-roll)

It shouldn't make him unpopular.

But that's how powerful the union message and machine is here.

But we won't be going back to how it was before. I'm not throwing in the towel. I hope Walker makes it and will do all I can to help. But even if he is ousted, we won't be going back to how it was. In Wisconsin it's the cool thing to do to say you support unions but I just don't see municipalities handing their budgets back to public unions without a fight. Walker showed that property owners don't have to have their taxes raised every year to keep schools running. I don't think property owners will be happy about handing their bank accounts back to public unions.

Hopefully they'll think about that before the recall election. But if they don't, I am sure the reality will hit them afterwards and they'll take a stand to keep what Walker gave 'em.
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It did not happen to me. I told you - I heard about it from people who were there. It got minor publicity after the fact. I do not know if a formal complaint was ever pursued.

Ooooooh. So you weren't there either. So tell me, what did those people who were there do about it? Whom did they file a civil rights grievance with? Which agency in what town against what police dept.?

Conservatives live their lives and do their jobs.

Liberals live their lives and do their jobs too. Or don't you believe that?

They don't have the same organization which unions do for suing anybody and everybody.

Last I checked, ALL Americans had recourse to our civil courts. Is that not true?

I guess that might be an argument for conservatives to have unions. So they would know who to sue at a time like this and have the machinery ready to go.

Are you saying that there are no Conservatives in unions?

But that benefit wouldn't be worth the complete personality change we would have to accept to acquire that sue happy mentality.

Oh, you are saying that Conservatives don't sue. Is that the excuse for doing nothing when you claim your rights are being trampled?
Why are the far right here such cowards? Why won't they stand up instead of whine and whimper and cower?

A better question would be this...

Why do progressives try to shut down the system every time they don't get their way?

They tried to "shut down the system"? Isn't the "system" what Conservatives are supposed to be complaining about? Or is that all a hoax and you serve "the Man" eagerly?

What do you call it when the far left took over the Wisconsin State House and prevented elected officials from having votes? As Barack Obama so famously put it..."elections have consequences". But when liberals lose elections...both in Wisconsin's Governor's race and in the 2010 mid-term elections...then the whole elections have consequences theory is thrown out the window and they organize and shut down the system, demanding that things change.
Listen, Amelia, I don't know how else to say this except to be blunt about it.


I'm not saying that to be a douche nozzle. Let's say we take your theory as true, that there really are people out there who do plan or intend to do these horrible things, even though they haven't yet and we don't have any credible information to suggest it will happen. But let's say they really are there and it really is going to happen at some point in all of this...


Don't give these fuckers the power by being afraid of them. If it's true, then they're nothing but miserable terrorists. Are you going to negotiate with a terrorist? Are you going to give in to a terrorist? If you want to put a sign in your front yard, put it up! Put three, just to make sure the fuckers don't accidentally fail to notice the first two. Then, go and get yourself a .45 and wait out on your front lawn, and if those fuckers so much as spit on your sign stick that barrel straight down Sancho's throat and ask them kindly "Please sir, I'd appreciate you not do that to my sign. I like it alot and wouldn't want it to get ruined." And make sure you end it with a "have a nice day and God bless."

What the Hell is going on in this country? We've become a country of rape victims. Yes, that's right, I said VICTIMS! We take it from every which way, any hole the fuckers want, and we don't even bother trying to resist. Our streets are full of drug peddlers and we're "afraid" to push them out. Our politicians screw us over daily with a 12 inch cactus and we just keep re-electing them. We bitch and complain about it all, then put them back in office all the same. That's the reason I support the Occupy movement. Not because I'm in line with the ideology that some of their wing-nuts want to serve up. But at least they're doing something. It's alot more than what most people in this country are willing to do.

I don't want you to take this personally Amelia, because I really don't mean it that way. But if these people have you so scared that even when they aren't doing anything at all you're still pandering to their absent "threats" then they've already won years and years ago. We used to have Freedom Riders in this country who endured brutal beatings all for the right to sit where they want to on a bus. Nowadays we have radio bitch sessions, after which we go back to doing the same things we were doing before. What has happened to us?
Strange, I haven't seen any news of this violent behavior toward those who support Governor Walker. I think that the GOP in Wisconsin just ran out of steam and voters. They are hoping that by resorting to lies they can put a little life into Governor, soon to the Ex., Walker's campaign against recall.

So you really think the people in Wisconsin are going to go back to the way it was before? Before Walker they were looking at deficits as far as the eye could see, diminishing revenues and businesses leaving the State.

Now they have a balanced budget and businesses are coming to Wisconsin. Yeah, I can see how that would make Walker WILDLY unpopular. (eye-roll)

It shouldn't make him unpopular.

But that's how powerful the union message and machine is here.

Or maybe, just maybe, people don't see him as such a successful Governor as you seem to do.
But we won't be going back to how it was before. I'm not throwing in the towel. I hope Walker makes it and will do all I can to help. But even if he is ousted, we won't be going back to how it was. In Wisconsin it's the cool thing to do to say you support unions but I just don't see municipalities handing their budgets back to public unions without a fight. Walker showed that property owners don't have to have their taxes raised every year to keep schools running. I don't think property owners will be happy about handing their bank accounts back to public unions.

Hopefully they'll think about that before the recall election. But if they don't, I am sure the reality will hit them afterwards and they'll take a stand to keep what Walker gave 'em.

Unions = teachers, nurses, police, firefighters, etc. Evil people all out to get you, I'm sure.
Well then, I guess the cowards won't sacrifice a window for their Beliefs. I don't blame them, really - I mean, who does take this shit seriously, and actually puts their neck on the line? So taboo.


So you really think the people in Wisconsin are going to go back to the way it was before? Before Walker they were looking at deficits as far as the eye could see, diminishing revenues and businesses leaving the State.

Now they have a balanced budget and businesses are coming to Wisconsin. Yeah, I can see how that would make Walker WILDLY unpopular. (eye-roll)

It shouldn't make him unpopular.

But that's how powerful the union message and machine is here.

Or maybe, just maybe, people don't see him as such a successful Governor as you seem to do.
But we won't be going back to how it was before. I'm not throwing in the towel. I hope Walker makes it and will do all I can to help. But even if he is ousted, we won't be going back to how it was. In Wisconsin it's the cool thing to do to say you support unions but I just don't see municipalities handing their budgets back to public unions without a fight. Walker showed that property owners don't have to have their taxes raised every year to keep schools running. I don't think property owners will be happy about handing their bank accounts back to public unions.

Hopefully they'll think about that before the recall election. But if they don't, I am sure the reality will hit them afterwards and they'll take a stand to keep what Walker gave 'em.

Unions = teachers, nurses, police, firefighters, etc. Evil people all out to get you, I'm sure.

Governor Walker's changes don't affect Police or Firefighters (first responders). Their power to collective bargaining hasn't changed since he came in to office.
Well then, I guess the cowards won't sacrifice a window for their Beliefs. I don't blame them, really - I mean, who does take this shit seriously, and actually puts their neck on the line? So taboo.


Or maybe, just maybe, people don't see him as such a successful Governor as you seem to do.
But we won't be going back to how it was before. I'm not throwing in the towel. I hope Walker makes it and will do all I can to help. But even if he is ousted, we won't be going back to how it was. In Wisconsin it's the cool thing to do to say you support unions but I just don't see municipalities handing their budgets back to public unions without a fight. Walker showed that property owners don't have to have their taxes raised every year to keep schools running. I don't think property owners will be happy about handing their bank accounts back to public unions.

Hopefully they'll think about that before the recall election. But if they don't, I am sure the reality will hit them afterwards and they'll take a stand to keep what Walker gave 'em.

Unions = teachers, nurses, police, firefighters, etc. Evil people all out to get you, I'm sure.

Governor Walker's changes don't affect Police or Firefighters (first responders). Their power to collective bargaining hasn't changed since he came in to office.

They have Unions....aren't Unions evil?
last i heard the movement is in panic mode cause they dont see how they will find 540,000 votes,therefore they will have to fake about 100,000 signatures.

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