LaVar Ball downplays Donald Trump's role in UCLA freshmen's release. "Who?"


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
LOS ANGELES -- LaVar Ball downplayed his son's shoplifting incident in China as well as U.S. president Donald Trump's involvement in getting his son and two other UCLA players back to the United States earlier this week.

"Who?" Ball told ESPN when asked about Trump's involvement in the matter. "What was he over there for? Don't tell me nothing. Everybody wants to make it seem like he helped me out."

UCLA freshmen LiAngelo Ball, Cody Riley and Jalen Hill, who had been detained in China for the past week on suspicion of shoplifting, landed in Los Angeles on Tuesday evening and addressed the media on Wednesday before being indefinitely suspended by the team.

Trump, who returned late Tuesday from a trip through Asia, said he raised their case with President Xi Jinping of China during a visit to Beijing last week.

LaVar on Trump's role in UCLA incident: 'Who?'

Ain't that just like one of THOSE PEOPLE? First they get caught stealing (like a fish to water.) Then the father downplays the fact that Trump helped release his criminal (typical) from CHINA. Where stealing (even glasses) is a CAPITAL OFFENSE.

Complete unappreciative pathetic left wing pieces of shit. All of them. No exceptions. All of them are unreal losers.

Shoulda let his ass do 10 years in Chinese prison. What a fucktard. Yes Trump got them boys home.

Now the only place they're balling is the neighborhood playground.

NCAA don't play, they are NOT the NFL.
You'd think that racist pile of trash would at least say thank you.

but no, he knows the America hating left will back him and his degenerate kid so he makes a public ass of himself and proves he's a fucking racist.

hope the lakers don't get a sniff of the playoffs
Btw, anyone see how pathetic his other son is doing for the Lakers? LOL!!!

Dumbasses caused an international incident over the sunglasses game.

Tanked their future in the process.


If the NBA has a team that picks them up, they'll be boycotted like the NFL is.

NCAA is where it's at these days.

Maybe them old timers back in the day knew something I didn't.

Wait..of course they did! :eek:
Dumbasses caused an international incident over the sunglasses game.

Tanked their future in the process.


If the NBA has a team that picks them up, they'll be boycotted like the NFL is.

NCAA is where it's at these days.

Maybe them old timers back in the day knew something I didn't.

Wait..of course they did! :eek:
this is actually a very serious thing they did.

they humiliated the team, the university, the ncaa and basketball.

all b/c they couldn't control themselves in another country.

If these guys get to stay in school, let alone get a chance to play, I'd be a little surprised.
Dumbasses caused an international incident over the sunglasses game.

Tanked their future in the process.


If the NBA has a team that picks them up, they'll be boycotted like the NFL is.

NCAA is where it's at these days.

Maybe them old timers back in the day knew something I didn't.

Wait..of course they did! :eek:
this is actually a very serious thing they did.

they humiliated the team, the university, the ncaa and basketball.

all b/c they couldn't control themselves in another country.

If these guys get to stay in school, let alone get a chance to play, I'd be a little surprised.

We'll see what the Dean says. As for ball? They're done.

They need to practice up on: "Would you like fries with that?"

They might can make some bucks hustling at the neighborhood playground, that's about it.
Dumbasses caused an international incident over the sunglasses game.

Tanked their future in the process.


If the NBA has a team that picks them up, they'll be boycotted like the NFL is.

NCAA is where it's at these days.

Maybe them old timers back in the day knew something I didn't.

Wait..of course they did! :eek:
this is actually a very serious thing they did.

they humiliated the team, the university, the ncaa and basketball.

all b/c they couldn't control themselves in another country.

If these guys get to stay in school, let alone get a chance to play, I'd be a little surprised.

We'll see what the Dean says. As for ball? They're done.

They need to practice up on: "Would you like fries with that?"

They might can make some bucks hustling at the neighborhood playground, that's about it.
yea, this could end very poorly them.


the stewpud will be punished.
Dumbasses caused an international incident over the sunglasses game.

Tanked their future in the process.


If the NBA has a team that picks them up, they'll be boycotted like the NFL is.

NCAA is where it's at these days.

Maybe them old timers back in the day knew something I didn't.

Wait..of course they did! :eek:
this is actually a very serious thing they did.

they humiliated the team, the university, the ncaa and basketball.

all b/c they couldn't control themselves in another country.

If these guys get to stay in school, let alone get a chance to play, I'd be a little surprised.

We'll see what the Dean says. As for ball? They're done.

They need to practice up on: "Would you like fries with that?"

They might can make some bucks hustling at the neighborhood playground, that's about it.
yea, this could end very poorly them.


the stewpud will be punished.

As well they should be.
Dumbasses caused an international incident over the sunglasses game.

Tanked their future in the process.


If the NBA has a team that picks them up, they'll be boycotted like the NFL is.

NCAA is where it's at these days.

Maybe them old timers back in the day knew something I didn't.

Wait..of course they did! :eek:
this is actually a very serious thing they did.

they humiliated the team, the university, the ncaa and basketball. THE COUNTRY AND THEIR RACE.

all b/c they couldn't control themselves in another country.

If these guys get to stay in school, let alone get a chance to play, I'd be a little surprised.

Added a few things there for you....

Yes, more importantly they humiliated this country and their race. The funny thing about the left is they think WHITE AMERICANS don't like blacks. They have no clue how much Asians (specifically the Chinese) hate blacks.

Oh, they will of course think a person like me is full of shit....OR more to the point they don't give a shit. Much like how they cannot possibly care less about black on black murders, they sure as shit won't give a shit if yellows hate blacks.

Incidents like this only affirms what the Chinese already think about blacks in general. Especially black Americans. Trust me. They all get a lot of stuff from their Chinese relatives that live here.

That is what ought to concern blacks. Instead they are more concerned about giving Trump credit for getting the China government to release those 3 black criminals. Instead, they refuse to do it. They somehow loop it back to Trump being a racist.

They just cannot stop being slaves to their democrat massas. Which, I find funny actually.
They made their bed and will have to lay in it. It's the only place to sleep.

In retrospect, Trump did the right thing by bringing them home. I woulda left their asses there. Like when I got in trouble? My parents were like: "You're on your own"

But this is why he's president and I'm not.
Once a lowlife--always a lowlife. Hey, if that's the way he feels, he's welcome to send the little hoodlum back to China and tell them to treat his son as if Trump never got involved. Judging by his comment, the kid probably learned how to steal from his dad, but on a brighter note, at least he knows who his dad is.

Imagine if DumBama did something like that for some upper-class white kids and a father made a statement like that.

If it's not bad enough these kids reinforced the stereotype of blacks, his father reinforced the stereotype of black parents.
They made their bed and will have to lay in it. It's the only place to sleep.
Which is why I actually wish Trump would not have done a thing.

One, no way was the left going to give him credit for shit. If anything, they would downplay what he actually did, and that is precisely what they are doing. So predictable.

Two, it only makes those three black criminals (how typical) they can get away with anything.

Personally, I would have laughed my ass off if they were sentenced to 10 years of hard labor. That would have been funny as hell to me.

Instead Trump negotiates a deal, and the left go right back to their racist narrative.
They made their bed and will have to lay in it. It's the only place to sleep.
Which is why I actually wish Trump would not have done a thing.

One, no way was the left going to give him credit for shit. If anything, they would downplay what he actually did, and that is precisely what they are doing. So predictable.

Two, it only makes those three black criminals (how typical) they can get away with anything.

Personally, I would have laughed my ass off if they were sentenced to 10 years of hard labor. That would have been funny as hell to me.

Instead Trump negotiates a deal, and the left go right back to their racist narrative.

Whatcha gonna do, yannow? :dunno:
One, no way was the left going to give him credit for shit. If anything, they would downplay what he actually did, and that is precisely what they are doing. So predictable.

I created a topic on the subject of what Trump did a few days ago:

American prisoners in other countries: Obama vs Trump

Here are some of the liberal comments:

I initially gave Trump kudos for doing this, but then I got to thinking, why is it the president's job to get criminals out of serving their time in other countries? These men went to China and shoplifted not from just one store, but from 3. Had they not been UCLA basketball players, would have have bothered to "save" them?

All the other Americans jailed in China remain there. I guess Trump didn't think they would get him enough publicity.

Of course he got the black basketball players out of jail. Now posters can claim he’s not a racist. Huge win for Trump.

I think he has moved past letting his racist tendencies show. He learned his lesson when he got slapped down for refusing to rent to black people
One, no way was the left going to give him credit for shit. If anything, they would downplay what he actually did, and that is precisely what they are doing. So predictable.

I created a topic on the subject of what Trump did a few days ago:

American prisoners in other countries: Obama vs Trump

Here are some of the liberal comments:

I initially gave Trump kudos for doing this, but then I got to thinking, why is it the president's job to get criminals out of serving their time in other countries? These men went to China and shoplifted not from just one store, but from 3. Had they not been UCLA basketball players, would have have bothered to "save" them?

All the other Americans jailed in China remain there. I guess Trump didn't think they would get him enough publicity.

Of course he got the black basketball players out of jail. Now posters can claim he’s not a racist. Huge win for Trump.

I think he has moved past letting his racist tendencies show. He learned his lesson when he got slapped down for refusing to rent to black people
Yeap, that is why I have most of them on ignore. My digestive system thanks me for it. They are not worth one second of my time.
One, no way was the left going to give him credit for shit. If anything, they would downplay what he actually did, and that is precisely what they are doing. So predictable.

I created a topic on the subject of what Trump did a few days ago:

American prisoners in other countries: Obama vs Trump

Here are some of the liberal comments:

I initially gave Trump kudos for doing this, but then I got to thinking, why is it the president's job to get criminals out of serving their time in other countries? These men went to China and shoplifted not from just one store, but from 3. Had they not been UCLA basketball players, would have have bothered to "save" them?

All the other Americans jailed in China remain there. I guess Trump didn't think they would get him enough publicity.

Of course he got the black basketball players out of jail. Now posters can claim he’s not a racist. Huge win for Trump.

I think he has moved past letting his racist tendencies show. He learned his lesson when he got slapped down for refusing to rent to black people
Yeap, that is why I have most of them on ignore. My digestive system thanks me for it. They are not worth one second of my time.

It only went less than two pages and this is what liberals had to say about it. Not one positive or complimentary comment. Then they wonder why Republicans can't work with them. It's like Rush Limbaugh said so many times, they view us as their enemy, not partners in making this a better country.
One, no way was the left going to give him credit for shit. If anything, they would downplay what he actually did, and that is precisely what they are doing. So predictable.

I created a topic on the subject of what Trump did a few days ago:

American prisoners in other countries: Obama vs Trump

Here are some of the liberal comments:

I initially gave Trump kudos for doing this, but then I got to thinking, why is it the president's job to get criminals out of serving their time in other countries? These men went to China and shoplifted not from just one store, but from 3. Had they not been UCLA basketball players, would have have bothered to "save" them?

All the other Americans jailed in China remain there. I guess Trump didn't think they would get him enough publicity.

Of course he got the black basketball players out of jail. Now posters can claim he’s not a racist. Huge win for Trump.

I think he has moved past letting his racist tendencies show. He learned his lesson when he got slapped down for refusing to rent to black people

I really wish you brain dead partisan morons would stop calling me a liberal. This shit is just crazy.
Is this a surprise? This guy is a clown, reminds me of the Williams sisters and their overbearing father. Once they shed him and his vitriol, they succeeded.

Imagine if Trump hadn't done anything, or worse, told the Chinese "hey let's really milk this. If you don't mind hold these meatheads for a month, I will make a magical phone call (and have it leaked to the media) and you release them to much celebration".

He is ungrateful. Hopefully his son remembers this in the future if he gets into legal trouble and even the best lawyer can't help him. Maybe their old man will go to the courts and let them know who he is and all will go away...

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