Latinos and the Future of American Politics


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
The clock is ticking down

Trump wish to freeze America’s demography will not work: Even if some of their parents are deported, by 2030, nearly a million U.S.-born Latino youth will be turning 18 every year. In the long run, continuing to invest in naturalization, working to improve the registration and participation of the Latino electorate, and mobilizing a millennial generation that is eager to do battle with the forces of reaction are also key elements of building progressive power.

Latinos and the Future of American Politics
Reminds me of a joke.

Back in 2002 Bush was visited by the Kind of Saudi Arabia.

At least Bush didn't bow to him.

Anyway Bush and the Saud discussed Star Trek, and the Saudi monarch expressed his enjoyment of the show but he asked Bush why there were no muslims in it.

Bush smiled and said "That's because it takes place in the future".

Hopefully Trump renders "latino" influence on US politics null and void.

If you have loyalty to your "latino" identity that undermines your loyalty to the US and the Constitution, then get the fuck out.

This is why "Identity Politics" is so vile.

The writer PRESUMES that 15 years from now, the group he identifies as "Latino" (which is total nonsense) will still be totally dependent on government handouts and still voting lock-step Democrat. Think about that.

One might note that the Cuban immigrant community (are they "Latinos"?) is largely assimilated, mainly middle-class, and solidly Republican. At least for now.

It is with some despair that one might also note that the political forces most "friendly" to the "Latino" community today is doing its utmost to keep that community largely dependent on government handouts. A sure recipe for failure in life.

You suck.
A question for liberals: if whites become a minority in this country, can U.S. democracy survive? You may look around the world for clues.
The clock is ticking down

Trump wish to freeze America’s demography will not work: Even if some of their parents are deported, by 2030, nearly a million U.S.-born Latino youth will be turning 18 every year. In the long run, continuing to invest in naturalization, working to improve the registration and participation of the Latino electorate, and mobilizing a millennial generation that is eager to do battle with the forces of reaction are also key elements of building progressive power.

Latinos and the Future of American Politics

Thank you for admitting that the lefts immigration and open boarders policy is to import the poor and dependent in order to maintain power via a solid undereducated and poor voting base at the expense of the American taxpayer. Indeed this is why Obama finally found a refugee he did not like when he ceased the wet foot dry foot policy. Cuban migrants fleeing communism overwhelmingly vote republican and risk maintaining Florida in the Republican electoral camp. Indeed, the left looks as immigration in terms of votes. Remember that the next time they call you a racist for demanding that we enforce our immigration policy. They're trying to distract their real agenda. The continuation of anchor babies by illegals grant democrats a distinct electoral advantage at the expense of the American voter.

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