Labeling people "Nazis" or even as a "Hitler" is a sure indicator of grossly lazy thinking.

So you equate the word "rubes" with the words Hitler, Nazi, and Fascist. They're all pretty much the same, in your mind.
I do when the words you use are used for the same goal that the nazis had

you want to demonize, marginalize and eventually silence the other side

calling them cultists and rubes make you no better than anyone else
Trump played the Jews too only a different tune. He kissed their ass hoping to win the Jewish vote. Different tactics for different ethnicities.
In Their Sick Imagination, the Best Become Beasts

So your imaginary Trump must have forced his daughter to marry a Jew and convert to Judaism, all for some political advantage. Democrats need demons to fortify their emotional dive into delusions of moral superiority.
Nazi were racist.

Nazis believed Aryans were genetically superior to other human beings. Other human beings could be murdered or used as slaves.

Nazis were very nationalistic. They believed that Germany deserved the best. Hitler's plan was to colonize Russia, turning the Russians into slaves or killing them if there were to many.

Nazis were militaristic. They wore uniforms. They idolized the military.

Nazis had grudges. One grudge was against the reparations Germany had to pay after WWI. The other grudge was against Jews.

So, if you believe your race is genetically superior.

If you're very nationalistic, "America is number one!"

If you go around wearing camo or mimicking the military in other ways.

If you have grudges against the left, blacks, Jews, or Democrats.

You could be a Nazi.
The German Nazi Party was the, "National SOCIALIST German Worker's Party." The "actual" members of the Nazi Party were not the usual "rank and file" soldiers in the arm. The exception to that were "some" of the 38 divisions of the SS Waffen units, primarily the "Death's Head" units.
Your average German was never a member of that party.
As for being Nationalistic, Gandhi was nationalistic, so too is the current president, Shri Kovind, Mao Zedong was nationalistic, Stalin was nationalistic, Castro was nationalistic, Ho Chi Minh was nationalistic, Nouhak Phoumsavan of Laos is nationalistic, Kim Il Sung, the founder of North Korea, was nationalistic. Gandhi aside, they were all Marxists. Most nations leaders and their citizens are nationalistic when it comes to loving their nation and heritage. That's part of why they have their sovereign nations, they formed societies that have similar beliefs, a sort of, "this is our club" society and if you want to join, adopt our ways.
The vast, vast majority of people (regardless of race, creed or religious belief in the US), aren't against blacks, Jews, or......your run of the mill Democrats, however, the Democrats of the Kennedy era, aren't the pro-Marxist Democrats of today.
What we have today, is a growing youth movement/puppets that are falling in line with the George Soros, New World Order, Free Movement of Peoples, cult. They are influenced by a combination of pro-Marxist teachers/professors and the pro-Marxist George Soros movement.
Ultimately, George Soros' goal is to create a "One-World-Government" of a Marxist style, with no borders. When asked by a reporter once, why he was doing all of this, his reply" "I love f*cking with people." He was mostly responsible for the creation of the European Union and wanted to divide and conquer the United States as well. This he is doing by funding anti-US elements, as well as soft on crime prosecutors.
Don’t try to boss other people’s health
Won’t be called Hitler
It’s not the reaction, it’s the action
In Their Sick Imagination, the Best Become Beasts

So your imaginary Trump must have forced his daughter to marry a Jew and convert to Judaism, all for some political advantage. Democrats need demons to fortify their emotional dive into delusions of moral superiority.
I wouldn't put it past that family if we found out Ivanka's marriage was arranged. And if Donald didn't get a piece before her wedding night.

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