Kyle will be judged, as not guilty, thoughts.

The skateboard guy is a tough one. Kyle had just killed an unarmed man and was running down the street with a riffle. Hard to judge whether the skateboard guy was simply trying to disarm him and protect others.
Anthony Huber, "the skateboard guy", had no way of knowing that any unarmed man had earned his Darwin award before Huber attacked Kyle in the first place.
He will likely be found Not Guilty in our court system. At some point in the future he will have to answer to a Higher Judgement. I’m not so sure he will find the Judge to be as accepting.
Most of the people rioting then could be put under the same thumb of judgement.
1) Kyle will walk. I probably AGREE (Now on 11/11). In My Opinion from watching the Trial.

2) Not enough evidence, and I truly NOW (11/11) believe Kyle was stupid to go to Kenosha, but he did, he found himself in that 3am spot (not really 3am) and reacted, and reactions have consequences.

3) The young man put himself in a position he could have easily avoided. (by not going)
But he didn't, and that has consequences.

4) I truly believe he was scared, but, he put himself in that position.

5) He killed a man, FACT, at the gas station. FACT. Self defense, Sure (Maybe) . But, he DID kill a man.

6) True or Not? On # 5. (not on Self Defense, but on the FACT that a man was Killed by Kyle.)

7) Then, he got chased for killing that man.
Why was there a chase down the street, because he previously killed a man, Self Defense or not.
Because he killed a man at the gas station.

My Conclusion: I think Kyle will be Acquitted, or some type of Mistrial.
I Don't think this (upcoming acquittal) will be incorrect, I truly NOW believe that he went there for ONE PURPOSE, and it ENDED DIFFERENTLY.

Putting all Politics aside, can you discuss ANY of the 7 talking points.
I tend to agree, but think he will still be, and should be, culpable for being illegally armed. The real villains are the police who allowed this.
the entire night is chaos, the trial has been over since the dude said he pointed his gun at kyle

seems everyone there was stupid to be there...and yes he was just 17 ...but guess what people that age go to jail daily..and yes he found himself in a 3 am spot (have not heard that term in a long time) have a young man or immature chaos armed with a rifle..he could have simply walked away when he realized he was in over his head.. 17 is a stupid age...another saying..young dumb and full of cum...

where are the consequences for his mother? she transported him there? somehow i just cant image that...i am a mother...i would never take my son to a riot (hell he is still upset he had to go with me to see bill clinton speak, i did not ask him to but he felt like there could be trouble) When my son was other saying....he does not start trouble but is there to give it a hand once it starts...

his post interviews show a hubris ...he may have been scared that night but since then has been enabled by his supporters who have made this political as has his detractors but none of that matters...only his actions that night...the outcome is simple...and will unfortunately i am afraid cause riots no matter who wins or loses.

self defense? he could have simply walked away...the videos show people in the fore ground simply walking around...removing himself from the chaos would have removed him and preventing the needless killing of another person.

kyle lied about this...about the shouting "get him" and the chasing...he was chased once it was realized he has killed did he really tell the police he shot a man and they told him to go home?
He really didnt have to lie or for that matter take the stand? do you think it was a mistake to put him on the stand? were his tears real or total bs?

i fear he will become a martyr if convicted and a hero if not. It is like....let the riots matter the verdict. I hope I am wrong. I do not see a real conviction with the chaos of that night. Will he become a social outcast or a hero to other young men...only time will tell..
I think his tears were real. I don’t think he had any idea of the reality what he was getting and he will have to live with killing two people. Plus he is going to get his head messed with as one side calls him a murderer and the other a hero when he is neither. He is a naive, well meaning but stupid kid who’s actions led to the deaths of two people. His mother is piece of work,
I am talking about the other arsonists and looters. Who was arrested and charged in the Kenosha riots?
I know that Joshua Ziminski and his wife Cindy Ziminski were arrested.

Joshua Ziminski is the guy who fired the first gunshot at the Car Source lot while his criminal accomplice, Joseph Rosenbaum, was chasing Kyle through the lot after they had committed arson.

The police had arrested and charged Ziminski because he was on video committing arson and also on video firing the first shot at Car Source.

However the corrupt ADA dropped the charge against Ziminski for firing that first shot because it would hurt his case against Kyle.
I think his tears were real. I don’t think he had any idea of the reality what he was getting and he will have to live with killing two people. Plus he is going to get his head messed with as one side calls him a murderer and the other a hero when he is neither. He is a naive, well meaning but stupid kid who’s actions led to the deaths of two people. His mother is piece of work,

No, the RIOTERS ACTIONS led to THEIR deaths.

If the rioters weren't there, committing violence, they would still be alive.
If there is a God, he, or she will find Kyles actions reasonable. There is no scripture I know of that says to let others murder you
I do not follow the Abrahamic Traditions. I know their falseness. I believe in a very different ideal… one where it is the duty of one to fend for themselves, and leave others alone. Under which Mr Kyle should have been at home MINDING HIS OWN DAMN BUSINESS
I do not follow the Abrahamic Traditions. I know their falseness. I believe in a very different ideal… one where it is the duty of one to fend for themselves, and leave others alone. Under which Mr Kyle should have been at home MINDING HIS OWN DAMN BUSINESS

He was helping the town that he works in. By YOUR definition, he WAS fending for himself.

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