Kurt Schlichter explains to left wingers that what happened in the Montana race is their fault


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Kurt Schlichter explains to left wingers how they have created the rules in this new political world......and we don't like those rules.......we want to be able to state our peace, go to the polls and vote.......but the left, they don't want that dynamic...they want to hire goon squads run by thugs like bob craemer and scot foval to incite violence at Republican political rallies. The left wants their minions to stuff locks in socks and to use them to beat supporters of Conservative speakers.......the left wants their minions to attack Trump supporters, to beat Trump supporters and to cause destruction in order to silence conservatives.....

And guess what.....we aren't going to put up with it anymore......

Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back

I know it’s theoretically wrong for a Republican candidate to smack around an annoying liberal journalist, but that still doesn’t mean that I care. Our ability to care is a finite resource, and, in the vast scheme of things, millions of us have chosen to devote exactly none of it toward caring enough to engage in fussy self-flagellation because of what happened to Slappy La Brokenshades.

Sorry, not sorry.

And that’s not a good thing, not by any measure, but it is a real thing. Liberals have chosen to coarsen our culture. Their validation and encouragement of raw hate, their flouting of laws (Hi leakers! Hi Hillary!) and their utter refusal to accept democratic outcomes they disapprove of have consequences. What is itself so surprising is how liberals and their media rentboyz are so surprised to find that we normals are beginning to feel about them the way they feel about us – and that we’re starting to act on it. If you hate us, guess what?

We’re going to start hating you right back.

Cue the boring moralizing and sanctimonious whimpering of the femmy, bow-tied, submissive branch of conservatism whose obsolete members were shocked to find themselves left behind by the masses to whom these geeks’ sinecures were not the most important objective of the movement. This is where they sniff, “We’re better than that,” and one has to ask ,“Who’s we?” Because, by nature, people are not better than that. They are not designed to sit back and take it while they are abused, condescended to, and told by a classless ruling class that there are now two sets of rules and – guess what? –the old rules are only going to be enforced against them.

We don’t like the new rules – I’d sure prefer a society where no one was getting attacked, having walked through the ruins of a country that took that path – but we normals didn’t choose the new rules.

The left did.

It gave us Ferguson, Middlebury College, Berkeley, and “Punch a Nazi” – which, conveniently for the left, translates as “punch normals.” And many of us have had personal experiences with this New Hate – jobs lost, hassles, and worse. Some scumbags at an anti-Trump rally attacked my friend and horribly injured his dog. His freaking dog.

So when we start to adopt their rules, they’re shocked? Have they ever met human beings before? It’s not a surprise. It’s inevitable.

Team Fredocon, when they aren’t, “Oh well, I never!-ing” about Trump and his uncouth supporters, moan about the threat of “Whataboutism,” the tendency for people to explain their sub-optimal behavior by asking, “What about so-and-so? He did the same thing and you didn’t care.” But while “whataboutism” may be a logical fallacy, it’s still a devastatingly compelling argument.

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.

Or take the Trump-Russia black hole of idiocy – please. Remember how Obama whispered to the Russkies, “I'll have more flexibility after election” and that was cool? But – according to an anonymous source reading a bar tab over the phone to some credulous WaPo hack – one of Trump’s relatives ordered a vodka once and it’s TREASON TREASON TREASON!!!!!!

It certainly applies to, “What about when they hit conservatives with a lock in a sock and the liberal media didn’t care?” Yeah, what about that? Where was the sackcloth and ashes act from Schumer, Pelosi, and Felonia von Pantsuit when our side was being bloodied and beaten?

There wasn’t one, because the left supports us getting bloodied and beaten.

It likes the zesty zing of violence. It makes them feel big and tough and edgy, except that it starts being a heck of a lot less fun when we right-wingers start adopting the same rules and punching back.

The wingers on both fringes are very unhealthy, and that includes those on the far right. But that Montana dude? He's just got anger management issues, which isn't normally a good thing for elected officials. But if you think part of our choice of representative needs to be how capable they are of body slamming an opponent, okay.
A spectacular article that points out something the Left doesn't understand..... so far those of us on the Right have, to date, kept our safetues in place and not reacted to the Leftist provocations as we may have wanted to.

Well, the ROE (look it up) are changing. No longer are we going to allow ourselves to ve verbally or physically abused. We're going to start fighting back, and Lefties aren't going to like that. In a lot of cases they're going to find themselves in unpleasant positions because of it.

This is not what thise of us on the Right WANT to see happenjng, but it's our only reasonable response to tbe tactics of the Left.

But if you think part of our choice of representative needs to be how capable they are of body slamming an opponent, okay.

So you admit bias in the press and they are the opponent also? Or just a slip on your part?
GREAT article. Spot on!

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.

GREAT article. Spot on!

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.

There's a difference between harassing coworkers/using your power to try to coerce sexual relations and being a hound dog who is having a mutually agreed upon affair with one.
People keep saying O'Reilly and Trump's attitudes toward women are no more disgusting than Clinton's affairs. Well, when a man and woman agree to fool around, it is quite different from the attitude O'Reilly and Trump exhibit. O'Reilly and Trump seem to think they are "deserving" by dint of their enormous egos and can take sexual favors regardless if the woman is willing. Clinton just used his oily southern charm to schmooze the ladies and they had mutual enjoyment until Hillary found out.
There is a DIFFERENCE.
GREAT article. Spot on!

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.

There's a difference between harassing coworkers/using your power to try to coerce sexual relations and being a hound dog who is having a mutually agreed upon affair with one.
People keep saying O'Reilly and Trump's attitudes toward women are no more disgusting than Clinton's affairs. Well, when a man and woman agree to fool around, it is quite different from the attitude O'Reilly and Trump exhibit. O'Reilly and Trump seem to think they are "deserving" by dint of their enormous egos and can take sexual favors regardless if the woman is willing. Clinton just used his oily southern charm to schmooze the ladies and they had mutual enjoyment until Hillary found out.
There is a DIFFERENCE.

Clinton is accused of 3 rapes and over a dozen sexual assaults.......those weren't affairs.......and he didn't use charm to attack those women.....
GREAT article. Spot on!

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.

There's a difference between harassing coworkers/using your power to try to coerce sexual relations and being a hound dog who is having a mutually agreed upon affair with one.
People keep saying O'Reilly and Trump's attitudes toward women are no more disgusting than Clinton's affairs. Well, when a man and woman agree to fool around, it is quite different from the attitude O'Reilly and Trump exhibit. O'Reilly and Trump seem to think they are "deserving" by dint of their enormous egos and can take sexual favors regardless if the woman is willing. Clinton just used his oily southern charm to schmooze the ladies and they had mutual enjoyment until Hillary found out.
There is a DIFFERENCE.

And before you say that the 3 accusations of rape and a dozen sexual assaults leveled against clinton are he said she said.......you have to believe that all the women are lying, and all the people they told at the time of the attacks are lying......including the command staff of Air Force One........

All of these women and their friends are lying....and only bill clinton is telling the truth......
GREAT article. Spot on!

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.

There's a difference between harassing coworkers/using your power to try to coerce sexual relations and being a hound dog who is having a mutually agreed upon affair with one.
People keep saying O'Reilly and Trump's attitudes toward women are no more disgusting than Clinton's affairs. Well, when a man and woman agree to fool around, it is quite different from the attitude O'Reilly and Trump exhibit. O'Reilly and Trump seem to think they are "deserving" by dint of their enormous egos and can take sexual favors regardless if the woman is willing. Clinton just used his oily southern charm to schmooze the ladies and they had mutual enjoyment until Hillary found out.
There is a DIFFERENCE.
lol What planet have you been living on? Clinton was accused by several women, many who worked for him or wanted to, of harassing them and even of trying to force himself upon them. The womens' groups, screaming now about allegations against Republicans were completely silent about the women who complained about Clinton and allowed Hillary to destroy their reputations and careers.

Loudmothed Clinton supporter, Joy Behar, publicly called Clinton's victims tramps.

Bill Clinton sexual misconduct allegations - Wikipedia

According to the womens' groups, when some one's boss makes sexual overtures to her, it is sexual harassment and may even be rape even if the woman consents because there is an implied threat of retribution because of their unequal positions, but in practice they apply this standard only to Republicans and never to Democrats. In the case of Bill Clinton's sexual misbehavior the womens' groups pretty much agreed with Joy Behar that any woman who complained about Bill's behavior was a tramp. If Trump and O'Reilly were Democrats, the same people claiming to be outraged by their behavior now would be calling the women who complained about them lying tramps, just as they did when Bill Clinton was accused of the same behavior and much worse.
Kurt Schlichter explains to left wingers how they have created the rules in this new political world......and we don't like those rules.......we want to be able to state our peace, go to the polls and vote.......but the left, they don't want that dynamic...they want to hire goon squads run by thugs like bob craemer and scot foval to incite violence at Republican political rallies. The left wants their minions to stuff locks in socks and to use them to beat supporters of Conservative speakers.......the left wants their minions to attack Trump supporters, to beat Trump supporters and to cause destruction in order to silence conservatives.....

And guess what.....we aren't going to put up with it anymore......

Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back

I know it’s theoretically wrong for a Republican candidate to smack around an annoying liberal journalist, but that still doesn’t mean that I care. Our ability to care is a finite resource, and, in the vast scheme of things, millions of us have chosen to devote exactly none of it toward caring enough to engage in fussy self-flagellation because of what happened to Slappy La Brokenshades.

Sorry, not sorry.

And that’s not a good thing, not by any measure, but it is a real thing. Liberals have chosen to coarsen our culture. Their validation and encouragement of raw hate, their flouting of laws (Hi leakers! Hi Hillary!) and their utter refusal to accept democratic outcomes they disapprove of have consequences. What is itself so surprising is how liberals and their media rentboyz are so surprised to find that we normals are beginning to feel about them the way they feel about us – and that we’re starting to act on it. If you hate us, guess what?

We’re going to start hating you right back.

Cue the boring moralizing and sanctimonious whimpering of the femmy, bow-tied, submissive branch of conservatism whose obsolete members were shocked to find themselves left behind by the masses to whom these geeks’ sinecures were not the most important objective of the movement. This is where they sniff, “We’re better than that,” and one has to ask ,“Who’s we?” Because, by nature, people are not better than that. They are not designed to sit back and take it while they are abused, condescended to, and told by a classless ruling class that there are now two sets of rules and – guess what? –the old rules are only going to be enforced against them.

We don’t like the new rules – I’d sure prefer a society where no one was getting attacked, having walked through the ruins of a country that took that path – but we normals didn’t choose the new rules.

The left did.

It gave us Ferguson, Middlebury College, Berkeley, and “Punch a Nazi” – which, conveniently for the left, translates as “punch normals.” And many of us have had personal experiences with this New Hate – jobs lost, hassles, and worse. Some scumbags at an anti-Trump rally attacked my friend and horribly injured his dog. His freaking dog.

So when we start to adopt their rules, they’re shocked? Have they ever met human beings before? It’s not a surprise. It’s inevitable.

Team Fredocon, when they aren’t, “Oh well, I never!-ing” about Trump and his uncouth supporters, moan about the threat of “Whataboutism,” the tendency for people to explain their sub-optimal behavior by asking, “What about so-and-so? He did the same thing and you didn’t care.” But while “whataboutism” may be a logical fallacy, it’s still a devastatingly compelling argument.

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.

Or take the Trump-Russia black hole of idiocy – please. Remember how Obama whispered to the Russkies, “I'll have more flexibility after election” and that was cool? But – according to an anonymous source reading a bar tab over the phone to some credulous WaPo hack – one of Trump’s relatives ordered a vodka once and it’s TREASON TREASON TREASON!!!!!!

It certainly applies to, “What about when they hit conservatives with a lock in a sock and the liberal media didn’t care?” Yeah, what about that? Where was the sackcloth and ashes act from Schumer, Pelosi, and Felonia von Pantsuit when our side was being bloodied and beaten?

There wasn’t one, because the left supports us getting bloodied and beaten.

It likes the zesty zing of violence. It makes them feel big and tough and edgy, except that it starts being a heck of a lot less fun when we right-wingers start adopting the same rules and punching back.

Again, this is another post where you could've just said "Republicans aren't responsible for their actions" and saved all the copy and pasting.
Kurt Schlichter explains to left wingers how they have created the rules in this new political world......and we don't like those rules.......we want to be able to state our peace, go to the polls and vote.......but the left, they don't want that dynamic...they want to hire goon squads run by thugs like bob craemer and scot foval to incite violence at Republican political rallies. The left wants their minions to stuff locks in socks and to use them to beat supporters of Conservative speakers.......the left wants their minions to attack Trump supporters, to beat Trump supporters and to cause destruction in order to silence conservatives.....

And guess what.....we aren't going to put up with it anymore......

Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back

I know it’s theoretically wrong for a Republican candidate to smack around an annoying liberal journalist, but that still doesn’t mean that I care. Our ability to care is a finite resource, and, in the vast scheme of things, millions of us have chosen to devote exactly none of it toward caring enough to engage in fussy self-flagellation because of what happened to Slappy La Brokenshades.

Sorry, not sorry.

And that’s not a good thing, not by any measure, but it is a real thing. Liberals have chosen to coarsen our culture. Their validation and encouragement of raw hate, their flouting of laws (Hi leakers! Hi Hillary!) and their utter refusal to accept democratic outcomes they disapprove of have consequences. What is itself so surprising is how liberals and their media rentboyz are so surprised to find that we normals are beginning to feel about them the way they feel about us – and that we’re starting to act on it. If you hate us, guess what?

We’re going to start hating you right back.

Cue the boring moralizing and sanctimonious whimpering of the femmy, bow-tied, submissive branch of conservatism whose obsolete members were shocked to find themselves left behind by the masses to whom these geeks’ sinecures were not the most important objective of the movement. This is where they sniff, “We’re better than that,” and one has to ask ,“Who’s we?” Because, by nature, people are not better than that. They are not designed to sit back and take it while they are abused, condescended to, and told by a classless ruling class that there are now two sets of rules and – guess what? –the old rules are only going to be enforced against them.

We don’t like the new rules – I’d sure prefer a society where no one was getting attacked, having walked through the ruins of a country that took that path – but we normals didn’t choose the new rules.

The left did.

It gave us Ferguson, Middlebury College, Berkeley, and “Punch a Nazi” – which, conveniently for the left, translates as “punch normals.” And many of us have had personal experiences with this New Hate – jobs lost, hassles, and worse. Some scumbags at an anti-Trump rally attacked my friend and horribly injured his dog. His freaking dog.

So when we start to adopt their rules, they’re shocked? Have they ever met human beings before? It’s not a surprise. It’s inevitable.

Team Fredocon, when they aren’t, “Oh well, I never!-ing” about Trump and his uncouth supporters, moan about the threat of “Whataboutism,” the tendency for people to explain their sub-optimal behavior by asking, “What about so-and-so? He did the same thing and you didn’t care.” But while “whataboutism” may be a logical fallacy, it’s still a devastatingly compelling argument.

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.

Or take the Trump-Russia black hole of idiocy – please. Remember how Obama whispered to the Russkies, “I'll have more flexibility after election” and that was cool? But – according to an anonymous source reading a bar tab over the phone to some credulous WaPo hack – one of Trump’s relatives ordered a vodka once and it’s TREASON TREASON TREASON!!!!!!

It certainly applies to, “What about when they hit conservatives with a lock in a sock and the liberal media didn’t care?” Yeah, what about that? Where was the sackcloth and ashes act from Schumer, Pelosi, and Felonia von Pantsuit when our side was being bloodied and beaten?

There wasn’t one, because the left supports us getting bloodied and beaten.

It likes the zesty zing of violence. It makes them feel big and tough and edgy, except that it starts being a heck of a lot less fun when we right-wingers start adopting the same rules and punching back.

Again, this is another post where you could've just said "Republicans aren't responsible for their actions" and saved all the copy and pasting.

No...dipshit.....read the article.......it is explained in detail...true...you are too stupid to understand the points being made, but maybe if you have a young family member, like a 3rd grader, they could explain it to you slowly.........you still won't understand it, but at least the effort will have been made...
GREAT article. Spot on!

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.


Great article that says general things and proclaims they are right.

The left does THINGS and they love it. The right does THINGS and liberals hate it.

Good discussion.
Kurt Schlichter explains to left wingers how they have created the rules in this new political world......and we don't like those rules.......we want to be able to state our peace, go to the polls and vote.......but the left, they don't want that dynamic...they want to hire goon squads run by thugs like bob craemer and scot foval to incite violence at Republican political rallies. The left wants their minions to stuff locks in socks and to use them to beat supporters of Conservative speakers.......the left wants their minions to attack Trump supporters, to beat Trump supporters and to cause destruction in order to silence conservatives.....

And guess what.....we aren't going to put up with it anymore......

Liberals Are Shocked To Find We’re Starting To Hate Them Right Back

I know it’s theoretically wrong for a Republican candidate to smack around an annoying liberal journalist, but that still doesn’t mean that I care. Our ability to care is a finite resource, and, in the vast scheme of things, millions of us have chosen to devote exactly none of it toward caring enough to engage in fussy self-flagellation because of what happened to Slappy La Brokenshades.

Sorry, not sorry.

And that’s not a good thing, not by any measure, but it is a real thing. Liberals have chosen to coarsen our culture. Their validation and encouragement of raw hate, their flouting of laws (Hi leakers! Hi Hillary!) and their utter refusal to accept democratic outcomes they disapprove of have consequences. What is itself so surprising is how liberals and their media rentboyz are so surprised to find that we normals are beginning to feel about them the way they feel about us – and that we’re starting to act on it. If you hate us, guess what?

We’re going to start hating you right back.

Cue the boring moralizing and sanctimonious whimpering of the femmy, bow-tied, submissive branch of conservatism whose obsolete members were shocked to find themselves left behind by the masses to whom these geeks’ sinecures were not the most important objective of the movement. This is where they sniff, “We’re better than that,” and one has to ask ,“Who’s we?” Because, by nature, people are not better than that. They are not designed to sit back and take it while they are abused, condescended to, and told by a classless ruling class that there are now two sets of rules and – guess what? –the old rules are only going to be enforced against them.

We don’t like the new rules – I’d sure prefer a society where no one was getting attacked, having walked through the ruins of a country that took that path – but we normals didn’t choose the new rules.

The left did.

It gave us Ferguson, Middlebury College, Berkeley, and “Punch a Nazi” – which, conveniently for the left, translates as “punch normals.” And many of us have had personal experiences with this New Hate – jobs lost, hassles, and worse. Some scumbags at an anti-Trump rally attacked my friend and horribly injured his dog. His freaking dog.

So when we start to adopt their rules, they’re shocked? Have they ever met human beings before? It’s not a surprise. It’s inevitable.

Team Fredocon, when they aren’t, “Oh well, I never!-ing” about Trump and his uncouth supporters, moan about the threat of “Whataboutism,” the tendency for people to explain their sub-optimal behavior by asking, “What about so-and-so? He did the same thing and you didn’t care.” But while “whataboutism” may be a logical fallacy, it’s still a devastatingly compelling argument.

Humans – especially normal Americans – won’t tolerate a double standard. But double standards apply all the time to liberals – they do it and it’s fine, but we do it and it’s Armageddon. The same jerks screaming for O‘Reilly’s scalp worship Bill Clinton and his drunken, perv-enabling pseudo-wife.

Or take the Trump-Russia black hole of idiocy – please. Remember how Obama whispered to the Russkies, “I'll have more flexibility after election” and that was cool? But – according to an anonymous source reading a bar tab over the phone to some credulous WaPo hack – one of Trump’s relatives ordered a vodka once and it’s TREASON TREASON TREASON!!!!!!

It certainly applies to, “What about when they hit conservatives with a lock in a sock and the liberal media didn’t care?” Yeah, what about that? Where was the sackcloth and ashes act from Schumer, Pelosi, and Felonia von Pantsuit when our side was being bloodied and beaten?

There wasn’t one, because the left supports us getting bloodied and beaten.

It likes the zesty zing of violence. It makes them feel big and tough and edgy, except that it starts being a heck of a lot less fun when we right-wingers start adopting the same rules and punching back.

Again, this is another post where you could've just said "Republicans aren't responsible for their actions" and saved all the copy and pasting.

No...dipshit.....read the article.......it is explained in detail...true...you are too stupid to understand the points being made, but maybe if you have a young family member, like a 3rd grader, they could explain it to you slowly.........you still won't understand it, but at least the effort will have been made...

Explaining why you're never responsible for your actions? My goodness, let me go and reread the excuses. Then I'll go to the local jail and ask the inmates why it's someone else's fault that they are in prison. As long as they can explain it then its valid.

Again, this is another post where you could've just said "Republicans aren't responsible for their actions" and saved all the copy and pasting.

Everyone is responsible for their actions. What we're saying is that Conservatives will no longer continue to play the game by a higher moral standard than our Enemies. If the Left wants to fight dirty, we'll fight dirtier.
Again, this is another post where you could've just said "Republicans aren't responsible for their actions" and saved all the copy and pasting.

Everyone is responsible for their actions. What we're saying is ghat Conssrvatives will no longer continue to play the game by a higher moral standard than our Enemies. If the Left wants to fight dirty, we'll fight dirtier.

The article states we will not be punching bags........
Again, this is another post where you could've just said "Republicans aren't responsible for their actions" and saved all the copy and pasting.

Everyone is responsible for their actions. What we're saying is that Conservatives will no longer continue to play the game by a higher moral standard than our Enemies. If the Left wants to fight dirty, we'll fight dirtier.

Yes, the right are responsible for their actions unless the right can blame others for their actions then they are only reacting to others...aka...not their fault.
I think Gianforte ruffing up the reporter helped him for the simple fact that most people can relate. If someone is harassing you and won't stop you will get physical after awhile.

"Smart" liberals aren't that smart since they think that freedom of the press means access. It simply means that the government can't punish you for reporting on the government.

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