Kurt Schlichter, buy your kids toy guns for Christmas, teach them the truth…


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Kurt Schlichter is one of the columnists a freedom loving American should read, I only wish he had a regular podcast…..

Chairman Mao, whom these people no doubt admire in every other context, observed that power comes from the barrel of a gun. The communist mass murderer at least had that right. Power used to be the sole domain of the biggest and the strongest men.

The guy who could swing that broadsword ruled over both the weaker men, and the women, who could not – no appeal, no negotiation. Put away these dumb modern cliches of 110-pound waifs taking on human ogres weighing in at three times their mass. Size matters. Or, rather, it matters when guns are not in the equation.

The modern gun – an effective, reliable, and affordable tool that one can operate capably with some basic training – changed that reality.

Suddenly, that 300-pound berserker was no longer necessarily the undisputed boss because a 120-pound lady with a Glock could put him down.

And a bunch of citizens with weapons could deter or defeat the forces of the local warlord. Just ask Great Britain.
The invention and dissemination of modern firearms was a revolution in human liberty.

The fact is that a gun is freedom. It is freedom from the tyranny of size and mass. You want equity? Buy a .45.
When you let your kid play with toy guns, you teach your kid about what an adult’s responsibilities are. Fighting bad people is one of them. And your kids are going to be covering for a lot of social freeloaders when they do. Her kids Kaden nor Ashliegh will ever carry their weight by carrying an AR15 – they are on the pre-school fast track to some Ivy League conformity factory. But your kid will, because your kid is going to be awesome. You will teach your kids starting young that they must be citizen-warriors. Then you will teach them to shoot real guns, and they will want to learn, because shooting guns is what free adults do.

Kurt Schlichter is one of the columnists a freedom loving American should read, I only wish he had a regular podcast…..

Awesome, and when they end up like Tamir Rice, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

The boy’s death follows a long line of incidents in which police have shot and killed people carrying toy weapons. According to The Washington Post’s police shooting database, at least 245 people have been killed by police while in possession of a toy gun since 2015.

The victims of shootings involving look-alike guns include 12-year-old Tamir Rice, 17-year-old Hannah Williams, and 13-year-old Andy Lopez.

So far this year there have been at least 26 such deaths.
So far this year there have been at least 26 such deaths.
Out of a population of ~340 MILLION people. Yup, best not give those kids toys that help them prepare for reality in America. Perhaps had those 26 had parents to teach them not to hold one when cops arrived?...
Awesome, and when they end up like Tamir Rice, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

The boy’s death follows a long line of incidents in which police have shot and killed people carrying toy weapons. According to The Washington Post’s police shooting database, at least 245 people have been killed by police while in possession of a toy gun since 2015.

The victims of shootings involving look-alike guns include 12-year-old Tamir Rice, 17-year-old Hannah Williams, and 13-year-old Andy Lopez.

So far this year there have been at least 26 such deaths.

Kids taught to square off against the police because their parents are low lifes who have been wrecked by the democrat party.
Good post 2aguy. I still associate the smell of leather with Christmas because of the holster and belt which accompanied the cap pistols I got for Christmas.
Yes, we should give them toys that refect a crazy gun culture instead of trying to fix the crazy gun culture.
There are many places in this country, where there are no issues with guns, where parents get the kids a real gun. They are taught safety, when to shoot, how to hunt, and grow up to be productive, law abiding citizens who don't do stupid shit with guns.
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Awesome, and when they end up like Tamir Rice, you'll have no one to blame but yourself.

The boy’s death follows a long line of incidents in which police have shot and killed people carrying toy weapons. According to The Washington Post’s police shooting database, at least 245 people have been killed by police while in possession of a toy gun since 2015.

The victims of shootings involving look-alike guns include 12-year-old Tamir Rice, 17-year-old Hannah Williams, and 13-year-old Andy Lopez.

So far this year there have been at least 26 such deaths.

As long as one stays away from places run by people like you, that won't happen.
Tamir Rice had the toy under his coat when he was shot.

He had an air soft pistol without the orange tip on it, and he didn't show his hands when he was ordered to by the police.....in fact, they believed he was drawing a weapon when they fired.....

A tragic mistake brought on by assholes like you who teach young children to hate the police ...
He had an air soft pistol without the orange tip on it, and he didn't show his hands when he was ordered to by the police.....in fact, they believed he was drawing a weapon when they fired.....

A tragic mistake brought on by assholes like you who teach young children to hate the police ...

The police shot him less than one second after getting out of the car, how was he supposed to comply with a command in that time?

Young Children learn to hate the police in that neighborhood because of incidents like this.

Here's the thing. The officer who did the shooting had been fired from his previous job for "emotional immaturity", including an incident where he had to be disarmed on a live-fire range due to an emotional breakdown.

A judge had ruled there was sufficient evidence to go to trial, but the DA intervened, convened a grand jury, and then guided them to a non-charge without a vote.

The city paid out a 5 million dollar settlement with the family because a civil lawyer would have taken them apart. The Corrupt DA was kicked out of office next election.
The police shot him less than one second after getting out of the car, how was he supposed to comply with a command in that time?

Young Children learn to hate the police in that neighborhood because of incidents like this.

Here's the thing. The officer who did the shooting had been fired from his previous job for "emotional immaturity", including an incident where he had to be disarmed on a live-fire range due to an emotional breakdown.

A judge had ruled there was sufficient evidence to go to trial, but the DA intervened, convened a grand jury, and then guided them to a non-charge without a vote.

The city paid out a 5 million dollar settlement with the family because a civil lawyer would have taken them apart. The Corrupt DA was kicked out of office next election.

They hate the police because they live in fatherless homes where poverty and crime become a way of life and their role models are criminals……all thanks to the policies of the democrat party…
They hate the police because they live in fatherless homes where poverty and crime become a way of life and their role models are criminals……all thanks to the policies of the democrat party…

AH, this again.

Unmarried doesn't mean absent.

Here's the truth, buddy. Big city policing is as racist as shit. It's not that their father is absent, it's because he's often late for dinner because he's been pulled over for his fifth "DWB" (Driving While Black) this month.
AH, this again.

Unmarried doesn't mean absent.

Here's the truth, buddy. Big city policing is as racist as shit. It's not that their father is absent, it's because he's often late for dinner because he's been pulled over for his fifth "DWB" (Driving While Black) this month.

You are a moron......

Fatherless homes fill our prisons and create the girls who create the next generation of criminals.....
AH, this again.

Unmarried doesn't mean absent.

Here's the truth, buddy. Big city policing is as racist as shit. It's not that their father is absent, it's because he's often late for dinner because he's been pulled over for his fifth "DWB" (Driving While Black) this month.

You are a moron.....

1. The Root of Crime

Today, nearly 25 million children have an absentee father.1) According to the professional literature, the absence of the father is the single most important cause of poverty.2) The same is true for crime. Of all adolescents, those in intact married families are the least likely to commit delinquent acts.3) Children of single-parent homes are more likely to be abused, have emotional problems, engage in questionable behavior, struggle academically, and become delinquent.4) Problems with children from fatherless families can continue into adulthood. These children are three times more likely to end up in jail by the time they reach age 30 than are children raised in intact families, and5) have the highest rates of incarceration in the United States.6) According to Kevin and Karen Wright:

You are a moron......

Fatherless homes fill our prisons and create the girls who create the next generation of criminals.....

Nope what fills our prisons is a prison industrial complex constantly being fed new victims.

So what you're saying is that the police shot a kid who was not pointing a gun at them and that's the kid's fault?

Not what I'm saying at all. Go back and read what I said, and then have someone help you with the big words.

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