Komen Charity Ends Grants To Planned Parenthood

Dont need to be perfect to understand that killing your children is wrong.

Why do you want to dictate that these children should have their lives taken from them when they are innocent?
cus a embryo is NOT a child

The fact that you pro-abortionists have to try so hard to convince yourselves of that should really tell you something about the inherent immorality of your position.

The Constitution is on our side.

Did several of our members just get a shipment of something or what? I'm starting to get a little freaked...
Some say there is a link between breast cancer and abortion. The liberal pro-abortion media would rather see women get breast cancer than address the issue and risk an anti-abortion backlash.
cus a embryo is NOT a child

The fact that you pro-abortionists have to try so hard to convince yourselves of that should really tell you something about the inherent immorality of your position.

The Constitution is on our side.

The Constitution doesn't address the issue specifically, so what is on your side is one key decision and the passage of time, but the tide is trending against you.
The fact that you pro-abortionists have to try so hard to convince yourselves of that should really tell you something about the inherent immorality of your position.

The Constitution is on our side.

Actually, no, there is no right to abortion.

There is a right to life, though. It comes before liberty.

There is no Constitutional protection of unborn humans, period. It is not even implied in the Constitution.
My religious beliefs are none of your business and not necessary to this discussion, THAT'S WHY I HAVEN'T BROUGHT THEM UP, you illogical fool. If you can't wrap your pea-brain around the idea of opposing the taking of innocent life outside a specific religious tradition then you are too blinded by your own bigotry to discuss anything rationally. I just bet that you'd get all upset if a religious person were to assert that an unreligious person is incapable of morality or a sense of right and wrong or whatever terms some lefty professor once told you to use, right?

Your religious beliefs are CENTRAL to the discussion.

You have not provided one single valid reason why a collection of cells that might one day form a self aware human being should be considered a human being. Not one.

What's sad to watch is how militant yet at the same time conflicted many of you lefties are over the basic moral problem involved in the action you would defend. You're quick to scream slogans but twist yourselves into knots to avoid the fact that we are talking about taking innocent human life. You seek shelter in appeals to 'science,' but science tells us that the fertilized egg, barring some disruption of the process, will develop into what even you cannot avoid recognizing as a human being (even if that means waiting until a person is 30 years old or some other arbitrary stage in natural human development).

If the only consideration for something to be considered a human being is that it has the potential to someday be one, then a woman commits murder every single month of her life.

And YOU are the one being "militant", you asshole.

YOU are the one calling people "murderers" when no crime has been committed.

Do you think that people who disagree with you should just complacently sit back while you falsely accuse them of MURDER???

Are you kidding me?

You want (need?) to believe that there is some point along the natural developmental process at which humanity is magically conferred so that you can justify killing the living organism at any time prior to that, but science does not, cannot, and will not provide you the comfort of any definitive identification of that 'magic time.' Hell, you lefties can't even agree among yourselves when the 'magic time' is supposed to be other than to claim it for whatever point is convenient for excuse making and avoiding the central point of the issue at any given time.

Yes, science does in fact tell us when a fetus becomes sentient. You just don't want to hear it.

You want to call it "Magic Time" and wrap it in a cloudy layer of mystery so you can prove your point and feel good about calling other people "murderers".

Here, this is from just a cursory search:

When is the Capacity for Sentience Acquired During Human Fetal Development?, Journal of Maternal-Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, Informa Healthcare


It is concluded that the basic neuronal substrate required to transmit somatosensory information develops by mid-gestation (18 to 25 weeks), however, the functional capacity of the neural circuitry is limited by the immaturity of the system. Thus, 18 to 25 weeks is considered the earliest stage at which the lower boundary of sentience could be placed.

Which means that any first trimester abortion is specifically not murder, because "murder" requires human consciousness to first exist and then be extinguished.

But don't let those inconvenient facts in get in the way of your beliefs.

There is no need to bring religion into the discussion to recognize all of the above, and those who would make 'science' their religion will find no applicable gospel to comfort them in attempting to defend the indefensible.

And there is obviously a need to bring religion into the discussion, since science so specifically disputes your claims of murder.

Unless you've developed your own little bizarro reality, the most likely place you would have gotten the tripe that you are spouting is from religion.

And since you keep avoiding the question of your religiosity, it becomes painfully obvious that my assessment is correct, and that you are simply avoiding answering in an attempt to bolster your credibility.
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That's pathetic. It goes towards other things, freeing up more PP money for abortions. That's the way the funding ball bounces.
AND....Another victory in the Republican's war on American freedom.

And if by "entitlement" you mean something I worked for, earned and paid into my whole working life then I could not agree more. I'm fucking ENTITLED.

No, really, you're not.

You're entitled to live in a country that uses those funds to protect you.

Not to pay you back, with interest, when you're too lazy or stupid to earn a check.

I laugh when people say "I've been paying for foodstamps all my life! I deserve them!"

Yeah, for the 2 months you worked, you probably paid about 1.3 cents into the foodstamp program, and nothing towards the federal goverment. Here's your ebt card and 1.3 cents. Knock yourself out, loser.

who ever said this? Link?
If there is no link, it didn't happen, did it?

And of course, everything on the interwebnetz is so troofie!
personally? I hope everyone who has contributed to the komen foundation wakes up to the social engineering that is being done by the right and quit donating to them, and just donate directly to pp..

so, you think that funding the killing of innocent human beings is more important than funding research toward finding a cure for breast cancer. What a fucking hero. You extreme leftists and your war on women are truly inhumane.

the money didnt go towards abortions you stupid fuck

PP doesn't do mammograms either.. you dumb fuck.
private foundations can donate their money to whomever they wish. tough luck for PP..
so, you think that funding the killing of innocent human beings is more important than funding research toward finding a cure for breast cancer. What a fucking hero. You extreme leftists and your war on women are truly inhumane.

the money didnt go towards abortions you stupid fuck

PP doesn't do mammograms either.. you dumb fuck.
and any funds they get for extra services just allows more money to go to abortions as they don't have to fund the extra services thereby being a donation for abortions. Funny how that works. Sort of like humanitarian aid to totalitarian states. "What? You'll feed my people? Well I had this much money slated to do that so they wouldn't riot... but look! Now Hassan! We can buy more guns! "
No, really, you're not.

You're entitled to live in a country that uses those funds to protect you.

Not to pay you back, with interest, when you're too lazy or stupid to earn a check.

I laugh when people say "I've been paying for foodstamps all my life! I deserve them!"

Yeah, for the 2 months you worked, you probably paid about 1.3 cents into the foodstamp program, and nothing towards the federal goverment. Here's your ebt card and 1.3 cents. Knock yourself out, loser.

who ever said this? Link?
If there is no link, it didn't happen, did it?

And of course, everything on the interwebnetz is so troofie!

He said it, the dope. Except he used the term "entitlement program" and apparently didn't know that foodstamps are an entitlement program.

What a tard. He gives JS a run for his money.
so, you think that funding the killing of innocent human beings is more important than funding research toward finding a cure for breast cancer. What a fucking hero. You extreme leftists and your war on women are truly inhumane.

the money didnt go towards abortions you stupid fuck

PP doesn't do mammograms either.. you dumb fuck.

Plasmanoballs says they do...

He hasn't proved it yet...

The PP website doesn't mention them performing mammograms at all...

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