Know why Obama didn't use our hostages against Iran during negotiations?

No doubt hannitys producers are scrambling to get exclusives with the captives' families to exploit their grief for political hooey....

If he hasnt already
Did you guys know, Iran has a official "DEATH to Israel " day? Just a few days ago, during Ramadan even. Iranians always chant the "death to America". I am not liking Iran, they didn't actually hurt any during the 78' hostage crisis, but they fund HEZBOLLAH and give them rockets to kill innocent Israelis. Food for thought. Now they get nukes to do do god knows what.
Yes......they do like to call people names

When was the last time they invaded someone?
Continue ignoring the fact that they arm our enemies & fund terrorism. That is just as bad but you won't admit it
Please. Get a grip.
So if that's not the deal then you're admitting he completely abandoned them?
Wow. You manufacture some really stupid shit in your head, and then when someone doesn't want to play along, you double down with a false dichotomy? Really?
Just playing the liberals game by their rules.

Ah. Two Wrongs Make A Right Winger.
Concession accepted
Did you guys know, Iran has a official "DEATH to Israel " day? Just a few days ago, during Ramadan even. Iranians always chant the "death to America". I am not liking Iran, they didn't actually hurt any during the 78' hostage crisis, but they fund HEZBOLLAH and give them rockets to kill innocent Israelis. Food for thought. Now they get nukes to do do god knows what.
Yes......they do like to call people names

When was the last time they invaded someone?
Iran (Persia) dominated the area until Greece dominated them. Please. Besides history, what the heck does Iran NEED nukes for? They don't, they HAVE all that petrol, they are clearly leveraging this to their advantage. And what about the anti west sentiment this regime represents? Death to Israel day in the middle of the high holy Muslim month of Ramadan?
Negotiations are in the works

Watch republicans attacking Obama after their release
I know Obama will probably give them our nuclear secrets.
Obama is trying to stop Iran from developing nuclear bombs. Clinton's Agreement with North Korea was working until Bush destroyed it allowing them to build a nuclear bomb on his watch.
Negotiations are in the works

Watch republicans attacking Obama after their release
I know Obama will probably give them our nuclear secrets.
Obama is trying to stop Iran from developing nuclear bombs. Clinton's Agreement with North Korea was working until Bush destroyed it allowing them to build a nuclear bomb on his watch.

just like Clinton stopped Saddam. and stopped terrorist from bombing the First world trade center bombing. stopped Oklahoma city bombing, didn't kill 90 people at Waco, etc. and prevented 9/11 from happening
you bet
Did you guys know, Iran has a official "DEATH to Israel " day? Just a few days ago, during Ramadan even. Iranians always chant the "death to America". I am not liking Iran, they didn't actually hurt any during the 78' hostage crisis, but they fund HEZBOLLAH and give them rockets to kill innocent Israelis. Food for thought. Now they get nukes to do do god knows what.
Yes......they do like to call people names

When was the last time they invaded someone?
Continue ignoring the fact that they arm our enemies & fund terrorism. That is just as bad but you won't admit it
I know......sounds like a new boogeyman for Republicans to invade
Obama needs a heart to heart with Jimmie Carter. Iran took innocent hostages back in 78, and these Persians have NEVER gotten over the shaw , in fact, I doubt they even remember why they have all this animus...They need an enemy, like NAZI Germany did, so they blame the Capitalists Jews...They are just as whacked in their logic, to.

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