Know any rich people in real life?

Two of my brothers are millionaires. It's a non-issue in the family.
Childhood poverty has bred humility in us. Monetary wealth bestows nothing of true worth.
We're just tired of death and dying. Parents, brother, grandparents, aunts/uncles/cousins/friends.
One of my brothers once mentioned his will and I told him I don't care and that I hope he outlives me.

My brother in law, a stock broker and attorney who came from money (but whose family always worked for it, though....farming and in the stock market) has always said "never let people know you're worth more dead than alive" lol. Also never tell them what's in your will, except as you absolutely must. For example, my mom has told me I'm in her will in order to facilitate accessing whatever it is that will need to be accessed upon her death....but I won't let her keep me updated as to amounts and such. Likewise, my kids are in my will...but I don't tell them how much. Just because they don't need to plan on that money. Crap, anything could happen to it between now and when I die....
Rich is a relative term.

To me, being rich means you don't have to work if you don't want.

But for someone living in the street, being rich might mean having a roof over your head and regular meals.
Rich people eat better food, drive better cars, fly around in private jets, live in bigger houses and have several of them, have prettier and younger wives (and have several of them, too), and golf at all the finest country clubs.

What's not to like?

They meet on Tuesdays to discuss what the President and Congress and the European leaders should do and say for the upcoming week, how much money to print or burn, which poor people to screw over, and to trade insider stock market tips.

The reason most rich people never quit working is because there is always someone who has more money than you and that really burns one's self-esteem no matter how rich you are.

There are some who quit the rat race and play the clarinet in a jazz band at the local dinner club for kicks. But they are far and few between.

Tuesdays? That's when the rich people meet to discuss which poor people to screw? Gosh, you learn something new on this board everyday! (eye roll)

From your post,'s pretty obvious that your exposure to rich people has been rather limited. Here's a hint...the Steven Jobs, Warren Buffetts and Bill Gates of the world didn't work a 40 hour week with an hour off for lunch each day. The reason that they BECAME rich was that they worked 100 hour weeks while building their companies and the reason that they seldom quit is that they have a burning passion for what it is that they do.

I know that isn't something you'd grasp when your closest contact with success comes from blocking a sidewalk with an Occupy Wall Street sign so a guy who is successful and is headed to work has to go around you.
Hmm...for me making more money would be for reasons of security and helping my family. I really don't see the people I know with money thinking much differently.
Are they happy? What do they do for a living?

The only rich guy I know is in my gym. Pot belly, old, trades $25,000 for fun in the stock market. Reads the WSJ. Retired from Goldman Sachs. His life seems kind of sad and he seems a bit lonely. Asked him what he does with his money and he says he just lives like regular people. The only difference he goes on a luxury one month cruise to various places around the world. Last cruise was to Alaska.

That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest.
Henry David Thoreau
I have found that fishing is tremendously satisfying in a way that my horses haven't that my poles are easy to cart around, I can throw a line wherever I happen to be (there's a lot of water around here) for a few minutes whenever I feel like it, without having to vaccinate, load, unload, saddle up, helmet the kids, fuel the truck, maintain the shoes and the worming schedule, feed, water, etc etc.

Horses are a lot more expensive hobby...and a lot of fun if you have the money to do it. I never do, so I spend all my extra time flinging it at the animals but very seldom getting anything out of it, except comfort in the knowledge that I have a horse somewhere eating well....
I've seen how the poor live, and how the rich live.

Rich is better.
Interesting responses guys. Thanks so much for sharing!

I think we can all agree that being rich CAN help to a certain degree with happiness but there's no direct causational link.

I like that Henry David Thoreau quote too. Time to find some cheap pleasures.
I had the pleasure and good fortune of being the first analyst hired by a clever real estate operate who is now firmly in the Forbes 400.

He started the business with a borrowed $50,000.

He had an absolutely unshakable faith in his ability to succeed. While we were talking one day I made the comment, "well, you can't have everything" and he challenged me, "why not?" They should teach that in schools.

Not only is he one of the happiest people I know, but he has influenced and directly created at least several thousand rich people, the vast majority of whom are very happy.

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