Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

Brilliant piece on the continuing blood bath caused by the NRA.

Let us state for the record that there is critical mass of Americans in this country whose very existence is based upon ignorance, paranoia, racism, seething hatred, bitterness, and bigotry. They can’t get up in the morning unless they have someone to hate or look down upon, because that is what lifts them up and makes their world seem not so shitty.

And occasionally this animating animus bubbles up to the surface and racist all-cap rants on Facebook won’t make the pain go away — and there is the NRA is standing by with, as they say at the hardware stores: “the right tool for the right job.”

Because Wayne LaPierre’s terrorist-enabling organization does their damndest to make sure weapons are unregulated, cheap, and plentiful, practically any U.S. citizen can settle any trifling argument with as little as three pounds of pressure on a trigger.

  • The mother of Adam Lanza — who had severe emotional problems — kept her home stocked with multiple weapons and thought it would be a good idea to bring her son out of his shell by teaching him how to shoot. How did that work out? 26 people dead at Sandy Hook — 20 of whom we’re children 7-years-old or younger. Also: Nancy Lanza. Adam Lanza brought a shotgun, an AR15 assault weapon, and two handguns with him to the elementary school.
  • Elliot Rodgers of Santa Barbara couldn’t get laid and hated women. His solution: he killed 6 people and wounded fourteen others. His weapons of choice: 3 handguns, all purchased legally under the benevolent gaze of Wayne LaPierre.
  • Craig Stephen Hicks had a parking dispute with some Muslim students near the campus of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He executed all three of them with a shot to the head. He liked to carry his .38 on his hip, because he was an open-carry enthusiast.
  • Another open-carry enthusiast –Alex Kozak — sexually harassed a woman at the mall where he worked. After losing his job, he returned to the mall with his 9mm and shot 20-year-old Andrea Farrington 3-times. In the back.
  • And now Dylann Storm Roof sat in a predominately black church in Charleston, South Carolina, before opening fire and killing nine African-Americans, explaining, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go.” Dylann had a history of brushes with the law, was arrested in February on drug charges in addition to being kicked out of a mall for acting “weird,” and was described by his uncle as a “loner” who stayed cooped up in his room. He was given a .45 handgun in April for his birthday. By his father.
The NRA is not solely to blame here, although they certainly believe they are 100 percent in the clear because, hey, who can possibly know what people are going to do with a fine piece of machinery designed to kill? You also have idiot parents who think weapons can be therapeutic or might make swell gifts for their oddball kids.

But the NRA, under LaPierre, has its blood-soaked hands smudging-up every attempt at passing laws that might slow down our national genocide, including recently stopping a law that would have kept guns out of the hands of domestic abusers in Louisiana.

I’ll say it again, and I’ll never stop saying it: It’s Wayne LaPierre’s world — and we’re just dying in it.

Put this on t-shirts and sell them at gun shows.

Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

Brilliant piece on the continuing blood bath caused by the NRA.

Let us state for the record that there is critical mass of Americans in this country whose very existence is based upon ignorance, paranoia, racism, seething hatred, bitterness, and bigotry. They can’t get up in the morning unless they have someone to hate or look down upon, because that is what lifts them up and makes their world seem not so shitty.

And occasionally this animating animus bubbles up to the surface and racist all-cap rants on Facebook won’t make the pain go away — and there is the NRA is standing by with, as they say at the hardware stores: “the right tool for the right job.”

Because Wayne LaPierre’s terrorist-enabling organization does their damndest to make sure weapons are unregulated, cheap, and plentiful, practically any U.S. citizen can settle any trifling argument with as little as three pounds of pressure on a trigger.

  • The mother of Adam Lanza — who had severe emotional problems — kept her home stocked with multiple weapons and thought it would be a good idea to bring her son out of his shell by teaching him how to shoot. How did that work out? 26 people dead at Sandy Hook — 20 of whom we’re children 7-years-old or younger. Also: Nancy Lanza. Adam Lanza brought a shotgun, an AR15 assault weapon, and two handguns with him to the elementary school.
  • Elliot Rodgers of Santa Barbara couldn’t get laid and hated women. His solution: he killed 6 people and wounded fourteen others. His weapons of choice: 3 handguns, all purchased legally under the benevolent gaze of Wayne LaPierre.
  • Craig Stephen Hicks had a parking dispute with some Muslim students near the campus of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He executed all three of them with a shot to the head. He liked to carry his .38 on his hip, because he was an open-carry enthusiast.
  • Another open-carry enthusiast –Alex Kozak — sexually harassed a woman at the mall where he worked. After losing his job, he returned to the mall with his 9mm and shot 20-year-old Andrea Farrington 3-times. In the back.
  • And now Dylann Storm Roof sat in a predominately black church in Charleston, South Carolina, before opening fire and killing nine African-Americans, explaining, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go.” Dylann had a history of brushes with the law, was arrested in February on drug charges in addition to being kicked out of a mall for acting “weird,” and was described by his uncle as a “loner” who stayed cooped up in his room. He was given a .45 handgun in April for his birthday. By his father.
The NRA is not solely to blame here, although they certainly believe they are 100 percent in the clear because, hey, who can possibly know what people are going to do with a fine piece of machinery designed to kill? You also have idiot parents who think weapons can be therapeutic or might make swell gifts for their oddball kids.

But the NRA, under LaPierre, has its blood-soaked hands smudging-up every attempt at passing laws that might slow down our national genocide, including recently stopping a law that would have kept guns out of the hands of domestic abusers in Louisiana.

I’ll say it again, and I’ll never stop saying it: It’s Wayne LaPierre’s world — and we’re just dying in it.

Put this on t-shirts and sell them at gun shows.

The NRA is very good at injecting propaganda at shooting sprees like Sandy Hook when they projected the narrative that Sandy Hook was a government plot to enable gun control legislation. I saw yesterday that Dylan Roof's actions were the result of Suboxone, a drug prescribed to people who are addicted to painkillers. I can't say the NRA was behind that however, it's more likely to be a racist group attempting to take the focus off the truth behind Roof's madness. Right wing organizations are particularly good at injecting propaganda to haze the focus from the truth to false narratives.

Are you really that stupid?
Apparently, he/she is. I think I may not wait for lines to form in ignoring this one.
You all can ban guns but you'll never get mine. And there about another 100 million who feel the same way.

You all NRA haters can be unarmed but not me.
There are a few liberals who want to ban semi automatic weapons, but the majority believe in the 2nd amendment, and that includes President Obama. The NRA to this day warns its members that the government wants to take all guns away, its just another NRA lie.

They also want to make it impossible for law abiding citizens to get said weapons. Look at what it takes to get a gun in NYC with a clean record for an example of what progressives want for country wide gun laws.
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

His father gave him his gun for his birthday. Do you have any links to show that he was able to purchase weapons on his own?

Oh and mental institutions wouldn't have helped this whack job. He was doing prescription drugs, cocaine, LSD and freaking meth.

How the gun was given to him is going to be a key part of this case.
If it was transferred illegally, go after the dad for accessory for all I care.
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

His father gave him his gun for his birthday. Do you have any links to show that he was able to purchase weapons on his own?

Oh and mental institutions wouldn't have helped this whack job. He was doing prescription drugs, cocaine, LSD and freaking meth.

How the gun was given to him is going to be a key part of this case.
If it was transferred illegally, go after the dad for accessory for all I care.

Transferred illegally?

Don't think there is a requirement in SC for a transfer between father and son to be registered.
I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

His father gave him his gun for his birthday. Do you have any links to show that he was able to purchase weapons on his own?

Oh and mental institutions wouldn't have helped this whack job. He was doing prescription drugs, cocaine, LSD and freaking meth.

How the gun was given to him is going to be a key part of this case.
If it was transferred illegally, go after the dad for accessory for all I care.

Transferred illegally?

Don't think there is a requirement in SC for a transfer between father and son to be registered.

If there isn't then it wouldn't be illegal. My concern is that he was arrested prior to all this, and if the father bought the gun to get around that...

All speculative at this point, we need to know how he got the weapon.
How the gun was given to him is going to be a key part of this case.
If it was transferred illegally, go after the dad for accessory for all I care.

You're really stupid, you know that?

How do you illegally transfer a gun to a resident relative? Unless that relative is already forbidden by law to be in possession of a gun.

You fucks lost the gun control debate. It's over. Completely and irrevocably over.

You scumbags can't even let the corpses cool down before jumping on a political message

I hate dimocraps.
How the gun was given to him is going to be a key part of this case.
If it was transferred illegally, go after the dad for accessory for all I care.

You're really stupid, you know that?

How do you illegally transfer a gun to a resident relative? Unless that relative is already forbidden by law to be in possession of a gun.

You fucks lost the gun control debate. It's over. Completely and irrevocably over.

You scumbags can't even let the corpses cool down before jumping on a political message

I hate dimocraps.

First of all, read my posts and you would be aware I fully support gun rights.

Second, I said we have to see if the transfer was legal. We don't know everything about the case yet. We have no mental history for this guy, for all we know he may have been banned from owning a gun, which would make the transfer illegal. If the transfer was illegal the person doing it should be prosecuted.

Third, before you make assumptions, see who is posting.

Fourth, go fuck yourself with a rusty tire iron.
Bad guy has firearm ... How amazing is that?
The next thing you know ... Outlaws will be shooting people and each other in the streets.

At least it gives us a good opportunity to open a honest discussion on race ... Black lives matter when they are shot by white people.
If it is just a bunch of outlaws in Chicago ... Nobody gives a shit.

How the gun was given to him is going to be a key part of this case.
If it was transferred illegally, go after the dad for accessory for all I care.

You're really stupid, you know that?

How do you illegally transfer a gun to a resident relative? Unless that relative is already forbidden by law to be in possession of a gun.

You fucks lost the gun control debate. It's over. Completely and irrevocably over.

You scumbags can't even let the corpses cool down before jumping on a political message

I hate dimocraps.

First of all, read my posts and you would be aware I fully support gun rights.

Second, I said we have to see if the transfer was legal. We don't know everything about the case yet. We have no mental history for this guy, for all we know he may have been banned from owning a gun, which would make the transfer illegal. If the transfer was illegal the person doing it should be prosecuted.

Third, before you make assumptions, see who is posting.

Fourth, go fuck yourself with a rusty tire iron.

Such sweet sentiments... hahahaha.
You bed wetters disgust me. Everytime this happens you assholes dance in the blood of innocent victims celebrating another chance to pass laws that every rational adult knows wouldn't have made a difference, and won't make a difference next time some psycopath wants to kill people.

You parasites are beneath cockroaches on the list of vermin that reduce the quality of life for humanity.


This post is one more perfect example of one of those noted in the OP:

Let us state for the record that there is critical mass of Americans in this country whose very existence is based upon ignorance, paranoia, racism, seething hatred, bitterness, and bigotry. They can’t get up in the morning unless they have someone to hate or look down upon, because that is what lifts them up and makes their world seem not so shitty.

Kinda fit's Pete like a "T"
Knee-deep in blood: We are all being held hostage by Wayne LaPierre’s children

Brilliant piece on the continuing blood bath caused by the NRA.

Let us state for the record that there is critical mass of Americans in this country whose very existence is based upon ignorance, paranoia, racism, seething hatred, bitterness, and bigotry. They can’t get up in the morning unless they have someone to hate or look down upon, because that is what lifts them up and makes their world seem not so shitty.

And occasionally this animating animus bubbles up to the surface and racist all-cap rants on Facebook won’t make the pain go away — and there is the NRA is standing by with, as they say at the hardware stores: “the right tool for the right job.”

Because Wayne LaPierre’s terrorist-enabling organization does their damndest to make sure weapons are unregulated, cheap, and plentiful, practically any U.S. citizen can settle any trifling argument with as little as three pounds of pressure on a trigger.

  • The mother of Adam Lanza — who had severe emotional problems — kept her home stocked with multiple weapons and thought it would be a good idea to bring her son out of his shell by teaching him how to shoot. How did that work out? 26 people dead at Sandy Hook — 20 of whom we’re children 7-years-old or younger. Also: Nancy Lanza. Adam Lanza brought a shotgun, an AR15 assault weapon, and two handguns with him to the elementary school.
  • Elliot Rodgers of Santa Barbara couldn’t get laid and hated women. His solution: he killed 6 people and wounded fourteen others. His weapons of choice: 3 handguns, all purchased legally under the benevolent gaze of Wayne LaPierre.
  • Craig Stephen Hicks had a parking dispute with some Muslim students near the campus of University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. He executed all three of them with a shot to the head. He liked to carry his .38 on his hip, because he was an open-carry enthusiast.
  • Another open-carry enthusiast –Alex Kozak — sexually harassed a woman at the mall where he worked. After losing his job, he returned to the mall with his 9mm and shot 20-year-old Andrea Farrington 3-times. In the back.
  • And now Dylann Storm Roof sat in a predominately black church in Charleston, South Carolina, before opening fire and killing nine African-Americans, explaining, “You rape our women and you’re taking over our country — and you have to go.” Dylann had a history of brushes with the law, was arrested in February on drug charges in addition to being kicked out of a mall for acting “weird,” and was described by his uncle as a “loner” who stayed cooped up in his room. He was given a .45 handgun in April for his birthday. By his father.
The NRA is not solely to blame here, although they certainly believe they are 100 percent in the clear because, hey, who can possibly know what people are going to do with a fine piece of machinery designed to kill? You also have idiot parents who think weapons can be therapeutic or might make swell gifts for their oddball kids.

But the NRA, under LaPierre, has its blood-soaked hands smudging-up every attempt at passing laws that might slow down our national genocide, including recently stopping a law that would have kept guns out of the hands of domestic abusers in Louisiana.

I’ll say it again, and I’ll never stop saying it: It’s Wayne LaPierre’s world — and we’re just dying in it.

Put this on t-shirts and sell them at gun shows.

Watch NRA memberships soar. I'm a life member and appreciate Obamas support

I'll admit that closing down the mental hospitals was a really stupid move. What did we expect? We allow our truly fucked in the head to run around without any help.

that isn't the problem. it's not keeping guns away from crazies, loons, and criminals.

it's harder to get a drivers license in some places than a gun license.

but we can pretend it's about mental institutions.

Not true. Felons can get Driver's licenses. The mentally adjudicated can get a driver's licence. Neither can get a gun permit or buy a gun, depending on the local requirements.

the NRA doesn't believe in registering guns or in having to be screened or any safety requirements.

True! The NRA deflects all judgment onto the shooter, and blames society for not suspending the rights and liberty of all who suffer some form of a mental illness.
You all can ban guns but you'll never get mine. And there about another 100 million who feel the same way.

You all NRA haters can be unarmed but not me.
There are a few liberals who want to ban semi automatic weapons, but the majority believe in the 2nd amendment, and that includes President Obama. The NRA to this day warns its members that the government wants to take all guns away, its just another NRA lie.

They also want to make it impossible for law abiding citizens to get said weapons. Look at what it takes to get a gun in NYC with a clean record for an example of what progressives want for country wide gun laws.

How many mass murderers, or murderers in general, have a "clean record"? If it were "impossible" for all law abiding citizens to buy a gun, the black market in gun sales would soar. Making all "law abiding citizens" who illegally bought a gun, criminals.

Your reasoning(?) is crazy, the black market in guns is one of the problems seeking solutions. Every effort to implement solutions to this problems, and gun violence in general, is fought by the NRA and its followers.

It's all about your rights, typical, "I got my rights, fuck the rest of society!"
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You bed wetters disgust me. Everytime this happens you assholes dance in the blood of innocent victims celebrating another chance to pass laws that every rational adult knows wouldn't have made a difference, and won't make a difference next time some psycopath wants to kill people.

You parasites are beneath cockroaches on the list of vermin that reduce the quality of life for humanity.


This post is one more perfect example of one of those noted in the OP:

Let us state for the record that there is critical mass of Americans in this country whose very existence is based upon ignorance, paranoia, racism, seething hatred, bitterness, and bigotry. They can’t get up in the morning unless they have someone to hate or look down upon, because that is what lifts them up and makes their world seem not so shitty.

Kinda fit's Pete like a "T"
Actually describes just about every single main stream media type who shills for the progressives.....
It's easy for ignorant left wing hypocrites to blame the organization that promotes legal possession and safe handling of guns because it requires no thought, only emotionally charged hatred. Liberals closed down mental hospitals because they cried when they watched movies like "one flew over the coo-coo's nest". The worst school shooting in history happened at Va. Tech because liberals thought that the privacy of mental patients trumped the safety of citizens and court ordered psychiatric counseling didn't show up on the instant name check. Liberals disarmed Soldiers including M.P.'s so that they had to call the local police when a jihad influenced Army major went on a shooting spree. Decades of hatred directed at Christians resulted in the action that liberals wanted to see and now they blame the NRA instead of the maniac who did the shooting.
First of all, read my posts and you would be aware I fully support gun rights.

Second, I said we have to see if the transfer was legal. We don't know everything about the case yet. We have no mental history for this guy, for all we know he may have been banned from owning a gun, which would make the transfer illegal. If the transfer was illegal the person doing it should be prosecuted.

Third, before you make assumptions, see who is posting.

Fourth, go fuck yourself with a rusty tire iron.

Nah, I'd rather keep fucking you. It's so much easier.
Let us state for the record that there is critical mass of Americans in this country whose very existence is based upon ignorance, paranoia, racism, seething hatred, bitterness, and bigotry. They can’t get up in the morning unless they have someone to hate or look down upon, because that is what lifts them up and makes their world seem not so shitty.

Agreed ... And it is a shame folks don't know when they are looking in the mirror.
The ignorance, seething hatred, paranoia, bitterness and bigotry has a good way of blinding everyone from noticing it in themselves.

You all can ban guns but you'll never get mine. And there about another 100 million who feel the same way.

You all NRA haters can be unarmed but not me.
There are a few liberals who want to ban semi automatic weapons, but the majority believe in the 2nd amendment, and that includes President Obama. The NRA to this day warns its members that the government wants to take all guns away, its just another NRA lie.

They also want to make it impossible for law abiding citizens to get said weapons. Look at what it takes to get a gun in NYC with a clean record for an example of what progressives want for country wide gun laws.

How many mass murderers, or murderers in general, have a "clean record"? If it were "impossible"

Murderers in general tend to own guns they are not supposed to own, most of them being felons already.
It's easy for ignorant left wing hypocrites to blame the organization that promotes legal possession and safe handling of guns because it requires no thought, only emotionally charged hatred. Liberals closed down mental hospitals because they cried when they watched movies like "one flew over the coo-coo's nest". The worst school shooting in history happened at Va. Tech because liberals thought that the privacy of mental patients trumped the safety of citizens and court ordered psychiatric counseling didn't show up on the instant name check. Liberals disarmed Soldiers including M.P.'s so that they had to call the local police when a jihad influenced Army major went on a shooting spree. Decades of hatred directed at Christians resulted in the action that liberals wanted to see and now they blame the NRA instead of the maniac who did the shooting.

Absolute proof that dimocrap FILTH don't care one bit about the actual tragedy.

The very first thing they do is attack one of their most hated political institutions, the NRA, who had NOTHING to do with the tragedy.

Maybe we should attack GM and Ford for making cars that kill thousands and thousands of people every year.

dimocraps are scum

First of all, read my posts and you would be aware I fully support gun rights.

Second, I said we have to see if the transfer was legal. We don't know everything about the case yet. We have no mental history for this guy, for all we know he may have been banned from owning a gun, which would make the transfer illegal. If the transfer was illegal the person doing it should be prosecuted.

Third, before you make assumptions, see who is posting.

Fourth, go fuck yourself with a rusty tire iron.

Nah, I'd rather keep fucking you. It's so much easier.

Considering your post is based on a complete mis-read of my post, It seems you just can't admit you were wrong.

Man up, dickwad.

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