Kingdom in death teachers?


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
How do you justifying twisting life for death by claiming your kingdom is in
death and not in life?
Surely if this creators creation is life then you are in opposition to the creator by selling death as a better alternative.
Surely you are the Satanist.
If you weren't then why are your pastors, preachers, churches in no rush to go to your paradise in death and leave us in life alone?
*case closed* You are the deceived, even the elect who use you with the notion of a better place in death, so you'll fight or be subverted for the authorities who sell you this baloney.

You know why people wear pants to church?
Because they don't want you to see their bowels open and closing when they talk, for surely you'd notice which end they are really speaking out of and what hot air comes out of it from what they say.

It's why Proselytizing faiths force people to conversion through the sword.
They need to feel validated in their choice by forcing others to join along their mistakes and delusions, when they can't they use force=human pride/group affiliaiton pride.

It does not help that they are taught death as a form of reward and a life in death (twisted logic) is what makes some cultures lean towards death worship and behavior caused by those beliefs. This is why those beliefs need overturning and will be overturned by 'the rightful one' (Hebrew word =Shiloh) .
For there to be a rightful one means someone stole that right, came first as an imposter and pretended to be him, Jesus came first and fit that bill as the fallen false prophet as a Thief even admit he was the thief of the evening star by calling himself the fallen morning star in Rev 22;16, and saying he was the thief of the Night. Therefore the 1/3 fish deceived by Lucifer even the elect were deceived by are =Christians and thier deception influenced even the radical islamist which learned their propaganda from Berlin who learned their hate and propaganda from the church synods. Even atheists are fooled by Christianities mistakes by using their precepts and defininitions that were wrong or corrupted thus making them missperceive the necessary things they could have learned, if not for Christianity keeping them from the knowledge the ancient Hebrews were trying to instill and protect us with.
So chose life as your purpose and motivation, not death.
Deuteronomy\Devarim: 30:19 I call heaven
and earth to witness against you this
day,That I have set before you life and
death, the blessing and the curse;Therefore
choose life, that you may live, you and your
How do you justifying twisting life for death by claiming your kingdom is in
death and not in life?
Surely if this creators creation is life then you are in opposition to the creator by selling death as a better alternative.
Surely you are the Satanist.
If you weren't then why are your pastors, preachers, churches in no rush to go to your paradise in death and leave us in life alone?
*case closed* You are the deceived, even the elect who use you with the notion of a better place in death, so you'll fight or be subverted for the authorities who sell you this baloney.

Because, we live in a flawed world, and, of our existence, the portion spent on planet Earth in this state is SMALL compared to eternity. A flash in time.

We are here, living, for God's purpose. Not ours.
There is a reason and purpose for living, but, when these imperfect bodies stop functioning, we still live. There really is not "true" death of self, only these bodies we happen to be in.

We need to live and be here to be salt and light to an unsaved world.
Selfishly, it would be better for us (not God) to be in Glory with Him.
quote:"Because, we live in a flawed world"

This is why it states it's by your deeds and works where you will be rewarded.
The Judaic teaching of resurection is because death to us is seen as flawed, despised, vile, despicable, unecessary and can be over come.
Resurection back INTO LIFE at a future time (world to come perfected/advanced age)
so you can see how your work and deeds helped develope and create/shape that perfected state of being.
By teaching distaste for life while teaching appreciation for death is an opposite twist and keeps us from creating that paradise meant to be in life for some concept of waiting upon an already existing fantasy plopping into it in death like it's your right.
And worse this is rewarded through stroking the ego of an idol instead of work done in achieving it.
That concept would be liken to rewarding everyone of the poorest employees in your company who stroked the boss' ego instead of those who helped make the company successful. In other words it's a flawed logic that prevents paradise or keeps it further into the future out of our reach and enjoyment.
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By teaching distaste for life while teaching appreciation for death

I am or have not been taught that..
You should love to be here doing a good work for the Lord.
Enjoyment of selfish Earthly pleasures that are evil in God's sight, which are not glorifying Him, is not what he had in mind for us.....
Surely if this creators creation is life then you are in opposition to the creator by selling death as a better alternative.
correctly phrased, is to free ones Spirit before their physiology perishes otherwise death then is the Creators intent.

Ezekiel makes it clear the soul flying life is
false teaching it's Beliel worship.
Spirit in context (definition) in the Judaic teaching is an Essence not a ghost which is a form in it's other side dimension.
You can leave your spirit or nature about you through reaching & teaching others to be reflective of that nature/Essence. Those who emulate you and that essence can manifest that essence, this all can be done by writing books that help reach teach and manifest that nature hence the Bible.
Spirit is not energy that has any rememberance of anything as it has no eyes to see, ears to hear, brain to process the energy to any memory bank or logical form.
Without your processor (brain) and vessel (body) you have no processor for that energy,
therefore resurrection back into a vessel and processor is the only form of extending and RETURNING to the gift of life.
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It's best to discuss God and scripture and the message of salvation in a way that is understandable to the most ignorant of people.

High talk is not impressive to God or anyone else...
Without your processor (brain) and vessel (body) you have no processor for that energy,
therefore resurrection back into a vessel and processor is the only form of extending and RETURNING to the gift of life.



do not say you were not warned by the danger of being consumed in script .... that is if you are not so foolish as to exclude Flora as a creation of the Almighty.

- just as a minor comment, your Spirit may reform physically but your physiology (brain) has no such ability.


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