King james was gay!

You queers are some desperate fuckers.

That you make this kind of shit up is further proof that you're not ready for prime time.

Very insightful post!
My, you must make all the Klansmen proud!

Actually, the tactic of altering historical figures to justify the positions of a movement is exactly the sort of shit the Klan did. I'll bet they had all sorts of claims that Peter and Paul hated blacks.

Desperate and small minds find refuge in this sort of idiocy.

Amazing that homophobic bible thumpers defend a book commissioned by a homosexual

King James Homosexual:

The Bible, most popularly known by it's King James Translation was ordered into the English language during the early 1600s. The interesting part is King James was 100% certified homosexual.

King James Homosexual, nicknamed affectionately: "Queen James", by his closest subjects including in a official capacity by "Sir Walter Raleigh".

In fact most of the verses that Christians attribute in the bible to be anti-homosexual didn't appear until 1946, when someone came along and revised the King James Version of the bible into modern English.

King James Homosexual, buried between two-male lovers in Westminister Abbey

If we make our solemn way thence to the Great Nave of Westminster Abbey, we will come upon the effigy of one of the gayest of monarchs, King James I (1566-1625).

On His Majesty's left is the magnificent tomb of his lover George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham (1592-1628); and on his right is the tomb (with huge bronze figures representing Hope, Truth, Charity and Faith) of his other boyfriend, Ludovic Stuart, Duke of Richmond and Lennox (1574-1624).

For King James Homosexual, he desired a male lover on each side within arms-length, his wife of political expediency nowhere to be found.

Oh, to be so happily flanked for eternity it was written!

King James Homosexual Defends his Homosexuality and Accuses Christ!

In 1617, King James Homosexual gave a daring address to the Privy Council, affirming his right to love men once and for all:

"I, James, am neither a god nor an angel, but a man, like any other.

Therefore I act like a man and confess to loving those dear to me more than other men.

You may be sure that I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else, and more than you who are here assembled.

I wish to speak in my own behalf and not to have it thought to be a defect,

for Jesus Christ did the same, and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had John, and I have George."

If one were to translate this address into modern English, it would roughly sound like, "This is who I am, this is who I love. Get over it."


Bergeron, David M., King James & Letters of Homoerotic Desire. (p. 32-143).

Bingham, Carolyn., The Making of a King: The Early Years of James VI and I. (p. 129).

Harris, William., An Historical & Critical Account of the Life and Writings of James the First. (p. 73).

McElwee, WIlliam., The Wisest Fool in Christendom: The Reign of James I and VI. (p. 178).
King James was Gay
How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

James's sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying "King Elizabeth" had been succeeded by "Queen James."
- Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne

History and Theology: King James was Gay
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There aren't any original manuscripts available.
Period. End of story.

Oh sheesh. They are copies, and according to manuscript theory, even in the non-Christian world, they are reliable representations of the originals. Get an education before you make statements like that.
An educated person wouldn't call them "original manuscripts". We have no idea if they reliably represent the originals as none of them are extant.
I hope you know Hebrew and Greek better than you do English.

Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says
Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Forgeries in the Bible's New Testament? : Discovery News :eek:
Oh sheesh. They are copies, and according to manuscript theory, even in the non-Christian world, they are reliable representations of the originals. Get an education before you make statements like that.
An educated person wouldn't call them "original manuscripts". We have no idea if they reliably represent the originals as none of them are extant.
I hope you know Hebrew and Greek better than you do English.

Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says
Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Forgeries in the Bible's New Testament? : Discovery News :eek:

Craig, a research professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, Calif., pointed out there is a distinction between "scholarly Bart" and "popular Bart" or what he termed “Good Bart” and "Bad Bart.”

"Scholarly Bart knows that the text of the New Testament has been established in 99 percent accuracy," said Craig during the Jan. 11 lecture at Azusa Pacific University.

"Popular Bart misrepresents this to unsuspecting laymen through innuendo and implication to make them think that the text of the New Testament is highly uncertain."

Apologist Responds to Bart Ehrman's Critique of Historical Jesus
King James was Gay
How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

James's sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying "King Elizabeth" had been succeeded by "Queen James."
- Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne

History and Theology: King James was Gay

Who cares?
Amazing that homophobic bible thumpers defend a book commissioned by a homosexual

I understand the REASON for historical revision, I just noted that these things are done by the small minded, to convince others equally small of mind.

King James Homosexual:

The Bible, most popularly known by it's King James Translation was ordered into the English language during the early 1600s. The interesting part is King James was 100% certified homosexual.

King James Homosexual, nicknamed affectionately: "Queen James", by his closest subjects including in a official capacity by "Sir Walter Raleigh".

In fact most of the verses that Christians attribute in the bible to be anti-homosexual didn't appear until 1946, when someone came along and revised the King James Version of the bible into modern English.

King James Homosexual, buried between two-male lovers in Westminister Abbey

If we make our solemn way thence to the Great Nave of Westminster Abbey, we will come upon the effigy of one of the gayest of monarchs, King James I (1566-1625).

On His Majesty's left is the magnificent tomb of his lover George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham (1592-1628); and on his right is the tomb (with huge bronze figures representing Hope, Truth, Charity and Faith) of his other boyfriend, Ludovic Stuart, Duke of Richmond and Lennox (1574-1624).

For King James Homosexual, he desired a male lover on each side within arms-length, his wife of political expediency nowhere to be found.

Oh, to be so happily flanked for eternity it was written!

King James Homosexual Defends his Homosexuality and Accuses Christ!

In 1617, King James Homosexual gave a daring address to the Privy Council, affirming his right to love men once and for all:

"I, James, am neither a god nor an angel, but a man, like any other.

Therefore I act like a man and confess to loving those dear to me more than other men.

You may be sure that I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else, and more than you who are here assembled.

I wish to speak in my own behalf and not to have it thought to be a defect,

for Jesus Christ did the same, and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had John, and I have George."

If one were to translate this address into modern English, it would roughly sound like, "This is who I am, this is who I love. Get over it."


Bergeron, David M., King James & Letters of Homoerotic Desire. (p. 32-143).

Bingham, Carolyn., The Making of a King: The Early Years of James VI and I. (p. 129).

Harris, William., An Historical & Critical Account of the Life and Writings of James the First. (p. 73).

McElwee, WIlliam., The Wisest Fool in Christendom: The Reign of James I and VI. (p. 178).

I'm aware of the homosexual movements desire to coopt historical figures in an attempt to lend legitimacy to current political goals, but poor scholarship and contrived, circumstantial evidence is only convincing to those with an agenda.
How can so many historians be wrong!

How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

Later, James fell in love with a poor young Scotsman named Robert Carr. "The king leans on his [Carr's] arm, pinches his cheeks, smooths his ruffled garment, and when he looks upon Carr, directs his speech to others." (Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, in a letter, 1611)


A physical weakling, as an adolescent James had shown himself to be a coward, who liked only to hunt, to read (which he did, prodigiously) and to talk. To protect himself he wore thick quilted doublets, so padded that they provided a kind of armor against any assassin who might attack him with a knife. When he revealed a sexual preference for men, falling in love with his cousin Esmé Stewart and elevating him to a position of authority on the royal council, some of his nobles kidnapped James and held him captive, banishing Stewart and controlling James's every move. After nearly a year James escaped, but continued to resent his jailers; after he began to rule on his own behalf, at seventeen, he made it a priority to bring the turbulent Scots nobles under control.

As he aged James indulged his preference for handsome men, living apart from his wife. His doting fondness was part paternal, part erotic; he called his favorite George Villiers "sweet child and wife" and referred to himself as "your dear dad and husband." But to his courtiers, the sight of the aging, paunchy, balding monarch, who according to one court observer had a tendency to drool, leaning on his paramours was utterly repellant.

Another little known fact: After King Jame's death, the Bible named after him was changed to specifically include homosexuality as a sin, although earlier bibles, dating back to ancient times, didn't.

Just shows how hypocrtical you fags are, just like gay faggot priests.

how is something complete pulled out of his ass show how anyone else is a hypocrtical fag?
Amazing that homophobic bible thumpers defend a book commissioned by a homosexual

I understand the REASON for historical revision, I just noted that these things are done by the small minded, to convince others equally small of mind.

King James Homosexual:

The Bible, most popularly known by it's King James Translation was ordered into the English language during the early 1600s. The interesting part is King James was 100% certified homosexual.

King James Homosexual, nicknamed affectionately: "Queen James", by his closest subjects including in a official capacity by "Sir Walter Raleigh".

In fact most of the verses that Christians attribute in the bible to be anti-homosexual didn't appear until 1946, when someone came along and revised the King James Version of the bible into modern English.

King James Homosexual, buried between two-male lovers in Westminister Abbey

If we make our solemn way thence to the Great Nave of Westminster Abbey, we will come upon the effigy of one of the gayest of monarchs, King James I (1566-1625).

On His Majesty's left is the magnificent tomb of his lover George Villiers, 1st Duke of Buckingham (1592-1628); and on his right is the tomb (with huge bronze figures representing Hope, Truth, Charity and Faith) of his other boyfriend, Ludovic Stuart, Duke of Richmond and Lennox (1574-1624).

For King James Homosexual, he desired a male lover on each side within arms-length, his wife of political expediency nowhere to be found.

Oh, to be so happily flanked for eternity it was written!

King James Homosexual Defends his Homosexuality and Accuses Christ!

In 1617, King James Homosexual gave a daring address to the Privy Council, affirming his right to love men once and for all:

"I, James, am neither a god nor an angel, but a man, like any other.

Therefore I act like a man and confess to loving those dear to me more than other men.

You may be sure that I love the Earl of Buckingham more than anyone else, and more than you who are here assembled.

I wish to speak in my own behalf and not to have it thought to be a defect,

for Jesus Christ did the same, and therefore I cannot be blamed. Christ had John, and I have George."

If one were to translate this address into modern English, it would roughly sound like, "This is who I am, this is who I love. Get over it."


Bergeron, David M., King James & Letters of Homoerotic Desire. (p. 32-143).

Bingham, Carolyn., The Making of a King: The Early Years of James VI and I. (p. 129).

Harris, William., An Historical & Critical Account of the Life and Writings of James the First. (p. 73).

McElwee, WIlliam., The Wisest Fool in Christendom: The Reign of James I and VI. (p. 178).

I'm aware of the homosexual movements desire to coopt historical figures in an attempt to lend legitimacy to current political goals, but poor scholarship and contrived, circumstantial evidence is only convincing to those with an agenda.

Not poor scholarship at all, even some fundamentalist churches have moved away from the Kjv because of his homosexuality issue

the King James Version (KJV) is the ... Because there are over 14,000 manuscript copies of the New Testament we ..... revealed to you that King James was a practicing homosexual all of his life
Last edited:
King James was Gay
How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

James's sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying "King Elizabeth" had been succeeded by "Queen James."
- Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne

History and Theology: King James was Gay

Who cares?

Apparently the Original poster and some blind followers.

They still haven't given a good reason why we should care about the sex life of a king who died nearly 500 years ago.
How can so many historians be wrong!

How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

Later, James fell in love with a poor young Scotsman named Robert Carr. "The king leans on his [Carr's] arm, pinches his cheeks, smooths his ruffled garment, and when he looks upon Carr, directs his speech to others." (Thomas Howard, Earl of Suffolk, in a letter, 1611)


A physical weakling, as an adolescent James had shown himself to be a coward, who liked only to hunt, to read (which he did, prodigiously) and to talk. To protect himself he wore thick quilted doublets, so padded that they provided a kind of armor against any assassin who might attack him with a knife. When he revealed a sexual preference for men, falling in love with his cousin Esmé Stewart and elevating him to a position of authority on the royal council, some of his nobles kidnapped James and held him captive, banishing Stewart and controlling James's every move. After nearly a year James escaped, but continued to resent his jailers; after he began to rule on his own behalf, at seventeen, he made it a priority to bring the turbulent Scots nobles under control.

As he aged James indulged his preference for handsome men, living apart from his wife. His doting fondness was part paternal, part erotic; he called his favorite George Villiers "sweet child and wife" and referred to himself as "your dear dad and husband." But to his courtiers, the sight of the aging, paunchy, balding monarch, who according to one court observer had a tendency to drool, leaning on his paramours was utterly repellant.

Another little known fact: After King Jame's death, the Bible named after him was changed to specifically include homosexuality as a sin, although earlier bibles, dating back to ancient times, didn't.

That's because the word "homosexuality" wasn't invented yet. The practice of homosexuality was addressed in all ancient Biblical texts “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it [is] abomination", “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination"

That's because the word "homosexuality" wasn't invented yet.

Okay, now THAT is genuinely funny.

We should have awards for the most inventive and ignorant dodge of facts.

Congrats cuz you win with this one!

King James was Gay
How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

James's sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying "King Elizabeth" had been succeeded by "Queen James."
- Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne

History and Theology: King James was Gay

Who cares?

Apparently the Original poster and some blind followers.

They still haven't given a good reason why we should care about the sex life of a king who died nearly 500 years ago.

Normal People shouldn't , but because the bible bangers have made a big issue about homosexuality its always good to show them their hypocrisy about where their "holy" book version that they cling to comes from
Who cares?

Apparently the Original poster and some blind followers.

They still haven't given a good reason why we should care about the sex life of a king who died nearly 500 years ago.

Normal People shouldn't , but because the bible bangers have made a big issue about homosexuality its always good to show them their hypocrisy about where their "holy" book version that they cling to comes from

And where is the hypocrisy? Do you even know what the word means?

BTW you seem as normal as anyone. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.
You made a positive assertion.

A positive assertion that you have no valid evidence?

Well, I suppose I did.

You said the evidence had been revised.
Show that, please.

I say that the conclusions presented are not based on any evidence at all, but rather the typical alteration of history from agenda driven zealots.

The quotes from his contemporaries have been cited in this thread.
What would you deem to be evidence?
King James was Gay
How many folks know that King James (who commissioned the King James Bible and to whom it was dedicated) loved men and had sex with them? At the age of thirteen James fell madly in love with his male cousin Esme Stuart whom he made Duke of Lennox. James deferred to Esme to the consternation of his ministers. In 1582 James was kidnapped and forced to issue a proclamation against his lover and send him back to France.

James's sexual orientation was so widely known that Sir Walter Raleigh joked about it in public saying "King Elizabeth" had been succeeded by "Queen James."
- Catherine D. Bowen, The Lion and the Throne

History and Theology: King James was Gay

Who cares?

Apparently the Original poster and some blind followers.

They still haven't given a good reason why we should care about the sex life of a king who died nearly 500 years ago.
At least you aren't trying to deny the historical evidence that has been presented like the ridiculous Uncensored2008 is doing.
Baby steps.
An educated person wouldn't call them "original manuscripts". We have no idea if they reliably represent the originals as none of them are extant.
I hope you know Hebrew and Greek better than you do English.

Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says
Half of New Testament forged, Bible scholar says ? CNN Belief Blog - Blogs

Forgeries in the Bible's New Testament? : Discovery News :eek:

Craig, a research professor of philosophy at Talbot School of Theology in La Mirada, Calif., pointed out there is a distinction between "scholarly Bart" and "popular Bart" or what he termed “Good Bart” and "Bad Bart.”

"Scholarly Bart knows that the text of the New Testament has been established in 99 percent accuracy," said Craig during the Jan. 11 lecture at Azusa Pacific University.

"Popular Bart misrepresents this to unsuspecting laymen through innuendo and implication to make them think that the text of the New Testament is highly uncertain."

Apologist Responds to Bart Ehrman's Critique of Historical Jesus

Strange how Christianity needs an entire movement to come up with illogical excuses to defend which should be obvious to all if it were true, it is a field of Christian theology which aims to present a rational basis for the Christian faith (good luck with that!)
Not poor scholarship at all, even some fundamentalist churches have moved away from the Kjv because of his homosexuality issue

the King James Version (KJV) is the ... Because there are over 14,000 manuscript copies of the New Testament we ..... revealed to you that King James was a practicing homosexual all of his life

King James Homosexual, From Earliest Teens to His Death & Burial Tomb!

Not poor scholarship? I submit that ad hominem isn't scholarship at all. The homosexual movement is at war against Christians. You engage in fanciful flights in your efforts to smear your enemy. In this case, you employ a complete lack of standards to portray a figure long dead as homosexual, purely for the purpose of an emotional appeal.

I find it laughable, and evidence of the fact that the homosexual movement ain't ready for prime time.

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