King James Bible vs other Translations

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is an excellent teaching on the difference between the King James Bible and the other translations which have changed the Word of God, deleted verses, added verses and twisted the meaning of Scripture. This is a very serious matter that few Christians appear to be aware of. In this teaching Dr. Kent Hovind tells us about the history of the Scriptures and the early church! Very interesting lesson! Enjoy!

Unless God speaks using Elizabethian English (thee, thou, etc.) claiming the KJV is especially accurate reveals profound ignorance.

If it isn't in original languages, the 'word of God' will have been changed. Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic don't translate perfectly into English. And if the 'Bible codes' thing has any merit, you're loosing any coded messages the moment you translate it into anything else.
One of the differences off the top of my head where little differences change the overall menaing include Genesis where God says 'let us create Man in our image.' Which in Bibles often appears " image..." or "...God created Man in His image..."

King James Bible
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

That's not what it says though in an actual Torah. As explained here,

What is the meaning of God said: "Let us make man in our image . . .? - Jews For Judaism

Who was G‑d addressing when He said - The Judaism Site

So who changed the word of God? The original authors or the latter ones?
The KJV is considered "pretty" as well as a historical item in its own right.

I prefer the J. N. Darby translations, myself.
You know............on occasion (usually when it comes on), I like to watch Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel (a Jewish scholar), or Dr. Rik Wadge (another Jewish scholar), because they go through the OT chapter by chapter and tell you where the English version is wrong in it's translation from Hebrew to Greek to Roman to English (yeah, a game of telephone like that, and you're DEFINITELY bound to get things wrong).

Matter of fact, the very first verse isn't "in THE beginning", it's actually "in A beginning", hinting that there may have been other beginnings.

The story of Abraham leaves out one important detail. Abraham wasn't directed by God to sacrifice his son, God asked him "please" when He asked Abraham to sacrifice his son.

The commandment against killing isn't "thou shalt not KILL", it's actually "thou shalt not MURDER".

Lots of things in the KJV that are wrong, never mind the fact that it's heavily edited and missing parts of the story (lots is missing about Daniel and the lions den), but they are also missing many texts that were important to the early church.

Then...............there are the many ways that various denominations interpret the Bible, some of them believing the exact same verse means the opposite of what another group thinks it means.

Sorry.................but the KJV has managed to cause more confusion than it's worth.
You know............on occasion (usually when it comes on), I like to watch Hidden in the Hebrew with Uri Harel (a Jewish scholar), or Dr. Rik Wadge (another Jewish scholar), because they go through the OT chapter by chapter and tell you where the English version is wrong in it's translation from Hebrew to Greek to Roman to English (yeah, a game of telephone like that, and you're DEFINITELY bound to get things wrong).

Matter of fact, the very first verse isn't "in THE beginning", it's actually "in A beginning", hinting that there may have been other beginnings.

The story of Abraham leaves out one important detail. Abraham wasn't directed by God to sacrifice his son, God asked him "please" when He asked Abraham to sacrifice his son.

The commandment against killing isn't "thou shalt not KILL", it's actually "thou shalt not MURDER".

Lots of things in the KJV that are wrong, never mind the fact that it's heavily edited and missing parts of the story (lots is missing about Daniel and the lions den), but they are also missing many texts that were important to the early church.

Then...............there are the many ways that various denominations interpret the Bible, some of them believing the exact same verse means the opposite of what another group thinks it means.

Sorry.................but the KJV has managed to cause more confusion than it's worth.

Period English doesn't help.
Unless God speaks using Elizabethian English (thee, thou, etc.) claiming the KJV is especially accurate reveals profound ignorance.

If it isn't in original languages, the 'word of God' will have been changed. Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic don't translate perfectly into English. And if the 'Bible codes' thing has any merit, you're loosing any coded messages the moment you translate it into anything else.

You need to listen to the video and you'll find out the other translations are corrupted. Dr. Kent Hovind did his research and so did Gail Riplinger.
True. Period English really doesn't help. It just confuses things more.

Biker, did you listen to Dr. Hovind's entire video presentation? What is the point in reading a modern translation if it has been corrupted? You wouldn't be reading the bible! That is the importance of staying with the KJV Bible. Understand?
It depends if the KJ is a translation or interpretation of the original Hebrew or comes from the original mangled Greek.
The KJ is piss poor.
It depends if the KJ is a translation or interpretation of the original Hebrew or comes from the original mangled Greek.
The KJ is piss poor.
Why do you say that? Did you listen to the video by Dr. Kent Hovind, Indepeendent? What did you think about what he has to say? I'd be interested to get your thoughts on that!
It depends if the KJ is a translation or interpretation of the original Hebrew or comes from the original mangled Greek.
The KJ is piss poor.
Why do you say that? Did you listen to the video by Dr. Kent Hovind, Indepeendent? What did you think about what he has to say? I'd be interested to get your thoughts on that!
Hovid or DR deno who just got out of prison for fraud has a doctorate from his freinds mail order "college" he has no educational credentials
It depends if the KJ is a translation or interpretation of the original Hebrew or comes from the original mangled Greek.
The KJ is piss poor.
Why do you say that? Did you listen to the video by Dr. Kent Hovind, Indepeendent? What did you think about what he has to say? I'd be interested to get your thoughts on that!
I don't have to watch a video.
I speak Biblical Hebrew pretty fluently and I've read TNT KJ 5 times; it's a horrible translation.
Others ARE worse, but why compare a migraine to cancer?
"God" has noting to do with the jewish deity Yahweh that the jewish authors wrote about combining a variety of native and oriental mythology. The best translation is by William Harwood who exposes that ridiculous idiocy of anyone thinking the jewish mythology is any more relevant than Greek mythology.

Second, the Greek text which stands behind the King James Bible is demonstrably inferior in certain places. The man who edited the text was a Roman Catholic priest and humanist named Erasmus.1 He was under pressure to get it to the press as soon as possible since (a) no edition of the Greek New Testament had yet been published, and (b) he had heard that Cardinal Ximenes and his associates were just about to publish an edition of the Greek New Testament and he was in a race to beat them. Consequently, his edition has been called the most poorly edited volume in all of literature! It is filled with hundreds of typographical errors which even Erasmus would acknowledge. Two places deserve special mention. In the last six verses of Revelation, Erasmus had no Greek manuscript (=MS) (he only used half a dozen, very late MSS for the whole New Testament any way). He was therefore forced to ‘back-translate’ the Latin into Greek and by so doing he created seventeen variants which have never been found in any other Greek MS of Revelation! He merely guessed at what the Greek might have been. Secondly, for 1 John 5:7-8, Erasmus followed the majority of MSS in reading “there are three witnesses in heaven, the Spirit and the water and the blood.” However, there was an uproar in some Roman Catholic circles because his text did not read “there are three witnesses in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit.” Erasmus said that he did not put that in the text because he found no Greek MSS which had that reading. This implicit challenge—viz., that if he found such a reading in any Greek MS, he would put it in his text—did not go unnoticed. In 1520, a scribe at Oxford named Roy made such a Greek MS (codex 61, now in Dublin). Erasmus’ third edition had the second reading because such a Greek MS was ‘made to order’ to fill the challenge! To date, only a handful of Greek MSS have been discovered which have the Trinitarian formula in 1 John 5:7-8, though none of them is demonstrably earlier than the sixteenth century.
It depends if the KJ is a translation or interpretation of the original Hebrew or comes from the original mangled Greek.
The KJ is piss poor.
Why do you say that? Did you listen to the video by Dr. Kent Hovind, Indepeendent? What did you think about what he has to say? I'd be interested to get your thoughts on that!
I don't have to watch a video.
I speak Biblical Hebrew pretty fluently and I've read TNT KJ 5 times; it's a horrible translation.
Others ARE worse, but why compare a migraine to cancer?

Did you know that the King James Version Bible scripture is confirmed as accurate with a very minimal and insignificant difference when compared to the Isaiah Scrolls? Yes. It is true. You should view Gayle Riplinger's video on the KJV bible and the Isaiah Scrolls. The most accurate intact book of antiquity in the world today is the KJV bible. Scholars around the world agree on this. The second most intact book is the Iliad. Look up F.F. Bruce comments about the subject of just how accurate the KJV bible is. I think you'll be surprised. I forgot you were Jewish, Indeependent. Jesus Christ is your Jewish Messiah. The four hundred years of silence between Malachi and John the Baptist were due to the rebellion and disobedience of the Hebrew people. (See Malachi) John the Baptist was the one promised to prepare the way of the Lord. Jesus Christ is Lord. Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. All of creation shall bow their knee and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.
So, basically, Jeremiah prefers the teaching of a guy with mail order degrees over a guy with a doctorate from the Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

itching ears, indeed.
"God" has noting to do with the jewish deity Yahweh that the jewish authors wrote about combining a variety of native and oriental mythology. The best translation is by William Harwood who exposes that ridiculous idiocy of anyone thinking the jewish mythology is any more relevant than Greek mythology.
Wrong. All other translations for these other versions of the Bible are new age / occultists. See Gayle Riplinger's teaching on the other translations. They should not be used by anyone. The translators corrupted the Scriptures. They are going to answer to God for it too.
"God" has noting to do with the jewish deity Yahweh that the jewish authors wrote about combining a variety of native and oriental mythology. The best translation is by William Harwood who exposes that ridiculous idiocy of anyone thinking the jewish mythology is any more relevant than Greek mythology.
Wrong. All other translations for these other versions of the Bible are new age / occultists. See Gayle Riplinger's teaching on the other translations. They should not be used by anyone. The translators corrupted the Scriptures. They are going to answer to God for it too.

This is called bearing false witness. You do it often.

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