Kim Potter Found Guilty

Fox News is having a duck hissy that the shooting was "unintentional." How the hell does anybody know that? There is zero simularity between a taser and a firearm; the shooting could easily have been intentional.
She wasn’t even accused of having done it intentionally. As she was about to fire, she even yelled “taser! Taser!” The proof is on body camera video, including the audio track. Together with the horror of realizing what she had just done (also with proof on body camera video and the audio track), of course the only reasonable evidence-based conclusion was that it was a mistake.
she could spend years in jail for terrible horrible MISTAKE. It's not like the guy didn't try to kill the officers either. YET the jury never gets to hear those details.
I can see how you could get confused when your adrenaline is pumping like hers probably was.
Still, cops should be held accountable just like us. And we DAMN SURE would be held accountable for it.
I agree with this.
Any person that carries multiples on their belt know what side their lethal and non-lethals are positioned.
No excuses.
I feel bad in that this wasn't the kind of malice you saw in other cases, like Chauven, but this is clearly a case where she should have known better.

She got manslaughter instead of murder, she has no record... She's probably going to serve a short sentence.

As opposed to Daunte Wright, who isn't going to get over being dead anytime soon.
The Right had fun with character assassinating him anyways.
This is a heartbreaking verdict for the racist trump Nazis. Seeing one of their own convicted when white privilege should have resulted in acquittal.
racist bedin nazi can not be see their blm would burn the city if it didnt go that way.
She should be given a medal!!!!

No way she should have been found guilty. Politics has infiltrated our justice system and that is simply unacceptable.
blm fear is why
They are designed specifically to be very different from each other to avoid this very thing
they still feel same . muscle memory. try
talking to cop i did,
they still feel same . muscle memory. try
talking to cop i did,

Why do you lie? They do not feel the same, they are designed to be and feel very different from each other.

This case will be a lesson for cops nationwide to avoid ugly situations with young black guys, America's Official Sacred Cows.

I don't give a shit what Daunte was up to, future police officers will realize they won't go to prison if they stay on their stool in a donut restaurant instead of hassling blacks.
Notice that this poster makes it about race and NOTHING about a cop being professional enough to tell the difference between a gun and a taser.

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