Killeen Texas. Anyone familiar with it?


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2013
I have to move. This place I am in is horrible. They keep accusing me of smoking in my apartment while conveniently forgetting the woman that lived in it BEFORE I ever moved in, switched to another apt due to the odor of nicotine. Yes, I smoke. So when they told me while showing the apt to dennis and I, that the previous tenant (who moved to another unit here) complained of the cigarette smoke. Since I smoke and can't smell it anyway, I said no biggie although at time I do smell the odor of cherrywood tobacco pipe smoke from time to time. But now, they (management) says they get complaints of the small of cigarettes so it MUST be me. I am on the top floor (6th). Smoke rises. If someone is in their apartment smoking a cig over their stove vent fan, they THINK it goes straight up the pipes and out of the building. No...the smoke travels all through the building from floor to floor and eventually exits the building but before it wafts throughout the place. So...they called me in the office and said I was being written up for smoking in my unit. I said I have NEVER smoked in my home. Ever. Not when I was renting so many years ago, NOR when I managed apts. I always smoked outside. Well, smoking outside here is a no no too, so I always go downstairs to the smoking area when not wearing a nicoderm patch or sucking on a nicorette.

Anyway, I have been going thru these accusations for almost 3 years (sept 17th will be the 3rd year I have lived in this dump). I am fed up. They even bitch if I burn incense..although many here with incontinence issues also burn incense, or because they just like it like I do. They even came up banging on my door asking if I am smoking when dennis was on his oxygen tanks. I said "oh yeah, sure. Hubby is struggling to breath and I am puffing away?" to which they had no response. But Dennis is gone now, so they STILL think I am smoking in here. As I said, I have had enough of the bullshit. I pay my rent on time, staff has been in my apartment on numerous occasions for checking smoke alarms, changing ac filters, etc. They ALL have said what a nice apt I have. Non smokers have been in here many times too, for visiting, or me giving them something I don't want any more, giving or getting a plate because we made too much, etc. ALL have complimented me on my decor style and the GREAT SCENT of lavendar or Nag Champa or Rose incense I burn usually every day once a day.

But today was enough. I have HAD ENOUGH. So I want to move out of here by the end of December and I told them so. When I did, they said they didn't want me to move...they just request me to not smoke in my which I AGAIN said as I have said for the past 3 years, I AM NOT SMOKING IN MY APARTMENT!!!!

So this is where Killeen Texas comes in. I have a friend that has her own house along with her husband and she wants me to move in with her and him. My own room, my own private bath, 600 per month all utilities paid. Its a bit more than what I am paying here in this HUD property but at least they have a yard and don't care if I smoke out there. But..Texas is quite a distance from where I am, I will be 71 years old Oct 11th, and I will have to probably move myself which means a long assed drive. With a cat. Oy.

And do I WANT to live in Killeen Texas? I know its hot. I know its humid. I know Ft Hood is nearby her house. Do I want to live there in that city?

I did digress, did I not? But I need some opinions here. I don't have Dennis to consult. So now I ask you guys. Anyone here familiar with Killeen? What are the pros and cons? Not that I have much choice, regardless. I need OUT of here and I have about 3 months to figure it all out. Can you help me decide what would be best for me? Live in my van again and store my stuff in a storage place? Or go to Killeen?
Went there once to hook up with a girl I met online, back on the 90's. Killeen is a military town, so it's going to be a little rough. Stay out of the bars and don't stay out late at night, and you should be ok.
I live in Austin which is 45 minutes south of Killeen....Killeen is a military town; there are 3 suburbs to Killeen, Harker Heights, Copperas Cove and Belton. Home prices are great and these suburbs are growing.....

You being 71, I think a place like Killeen is an ideal place to live.......and it is just 2 hrs away from places like Dallas and San Antonio.....3 hrs away from Houston...
I used to work for the Army and used to spend weeks testing equipment at Ft Hood

Not one of my favorite destinations.
The weather is typical of Texas. Hot and dry in the summer, wet and muddy in the winter.
One of my most memorable trips they had an invasion of Grasshoppers. Like a Biblical plague.
Otherwise, it doesn’t offer much.
There is a mall, lot of strip malls, pawn shops, Titty bars, franchise restaurants. Typical Army town
It is about an hour from Austin where there is a lot to do.
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I have to move. This place I am in is horrible. They keep accusing me of smoking in my apartment while conveniently forgetting the woman that lived in it BEFORE I ever moved in, switched to another apt due to the odor of nicotine. Yes, I smoke. So when they told me while showing the apt to dennis and I, that the previous tenant (who moved to another unit here) complained of the cigarette smoke. Since I smoke and can't smell it anyway, I said no biggie although at time I do smell the odor of cherrywood tobacco pipe smoke from time to time. But now, they (management) says they get complaints of the small of cigarettes so it MUST be me. I am on the top floor (6th). Smoke rises. If someone is in their apartment smoking a cig over their stove vent fan, they THINK it goes straight up the pipes and out of the building. No...the smoke travels all through the building from floor to floor and eventually exits the building but before it wafts throughout the place. So...they called me in the office and said I was being written up for smoking in my unit. I said I have NEVER smoked in my home. Ever. Not when I was renting so many years ago, NOR when I managed apts. I always smoked outside. Well, smoking outside here is a no no too, so I always go downstairs to the smoking area when not wearing a nicoderm patch or sucking on a nicorette.

Anyway, I have been going thru these accusations for almost 3 years (sept 17th will be the 3rd year I have lived in this dump). I am fed up. They even bitch if I burn incense..although many here with incontinence issues also burn incense, or because they just like it like I do. They even came up banging on my door asking if I am smoking when dennis was on his oxygen tanks. I said "oh yeah, sure. Hubby is struggling to breath and I am puffing away?" to which they had no response. But Dennis is gone now, so they STILL think I am smoking in here. As I said, I have had enough of the bullshit. I pay my rent on time, staff has been in my apartment on numerous occasions for checking smoke alarms, changing ac filters, etc. They ALL have said what a nice apt I have. Non smokers have been in here many times too, for visiting, or me giving them something I don't want any more, giving or getting a plate because we made too much, etc. ALL have complimented me on my decor style and the GREAT SCENT of lavendar or Nag Champa or Rose incense I burn usually every day once a day.

But today was enough. I have HAD ENOUGH. So I want to move out of here by the end of December and I told them so. When I did, they said they didn't want me to move...they just request me to not smoke in my which I AGAIN said as I have said for the past 3 years, I AM NOT SMOKING IN MY APARTMENT!!!!

So this is where Killeen Texas comes in. I have a friend that has her own house along with her husband and she wants me to move in with her and him. My own room, my own private bath, 600 per month all utilities paid. Its a bit more than what I am paying here in this HUD property but at least they have a yard and don't care if I smoke out there. But..Texas is quite a distance from where I am, I will be 71 years old Oct 11th, and I will have to probably move myself which means a long assed drive. With a cat. Oy.

And do I WANT to live in Killeen Texas? I know its hot. I know its humid. I know Ft Hood is nearby her house. Do I want to live there in that city?

I did digress, did I not? But I need some opinions here. I don't have Dennis to consult. So now I ask you guys. Anyone here familiar with Killeen? What are the pros and cons? Not that I have much choice, regardless. I need OUT of here and I have about 3 months to figure it all out. Can you help me decide what would be best for me? Live in my van again and store my stuff in a storage place? Or go to Killeen?
This might help you.

A daily Killeen newspaper.
It's been a rough day. Almost 24 hours since I have slept. 3am is when it all started of me being wackadoodle. I actually scared myself. Horrid thoughts. Wanting to escape and the only way to do that know. So instead, I went outside and sat in my car, away from temptation to harm myself. At 6am after non stop tears and trying get ahold of myself, I have Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, etc..and now I am so overwhelmed with should I this, should I that...Im not sure WHAT to do.

Go to texas. With a cat. Movers either taking my van with them and me flying out WITH the cat from Sacramento airport...or movers haul it all there and I drive myself. an el cheapo mobile home in this vicinity that I am in. Found a couple of them. One in Lakeport area, one in Shasta Lake and one in Red Bluff. Not far to move and I can do it myself I hope.

Have appt to have xray done on my back, then an MRI because it HURTS to walk. Sitting is fine but as soon as I stand..left leg goes numb and the pain in my lower back is horrendous. So driving 4 days to get to Killeen will not hurt me much. Except having to deal with a yeowling cat. But, buying a mobile home will put a HUGE dent in what I have been hoarding. Mobiles (3) i am looking at are 15k, 20k, 27k but all within a few hours driving distance. Space rent is horrible but I think I can do it if I am real careful in spending.

But then again....maybe Texas would be better. I'd have to start all over docs, new drivers license for that state, getting on social services to help with medical needs, finding a new pain management doc that won't balk at giving me what I need to deal with this nasty ache.

Got off track with my woes. Sorry. But y'all are all I have left to talk to about what to do. Dammit Dennis. He didn't want to go, but go he did. And all I've done all damn day is give stuff away so I don't have to pay too much for movers...or move it myself if I buy a mobile home. Its just too much and I am verging on a mental breakdown and I CAN'T have that happen. Can't. Won't. usual, I turn to you guys just to have someone to talk to about it all and get opinions. So again, sorry..and thank you for listening.
It's been a rough day. Almost 24 hours since I have slept. 3am is when it all started of me being wackadoodle. I actually scared myself. Horrid thoughts. Wanting to escape and the only way to do that know. So instead, I went outside and sat in my car, away from temptation to harm myself. At 6am after non stop tears and trying get ahold of myself, I have Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, etc..and now I am so overwhelmed with should I this, should I that...Im not sure WHAT to do.

Go to texas. With a cat. Movers either taking my van with them and me flying out WITH the cat from Sacramento airport...or movers haul it all there and I drive myself. an el cheapo mobile home in this vicinity that I am in. Found a couple of them. One in Lakeport area, one in Shasta Lake and one in Red Bluff. Not far to move and I can do it myself I hope.

Have appt to have xray done on my back, then an MRI because it HURTS to walk. Sitting is fine but as soon as I stand..left leg goes numb and the pain in my lower back is horrendous. So driving 4 days to get to Killeen will not hurt me much. Except having to deal with a yeowling cat. But, buying a mobile home will put a HUGE dent in what I have been hoarding. Mobiles (3) i am looking at are 15k, 20k, 27k but all within a few hours driving distance. Space rent is horrible but I think I can do it if I am real careful in spending.

But then again....maybe Texas would be better. I'd have to start all over docs, new drivers license for that state, getting on social services to help with medical needs, finding a new pain management doc that won't balk at giving me what I need to deal with this nasty ache.

Got off track with my woes. Sorry. But y'all are all I have left to talk to about what to do. Dammit Dennis. He didn't want to go, but go he did. And all I've done all damn day is give stuff away so I don't have to pay too much for movers...or move it myself if I buy a mobile home. Its just too much and I am verging on a mental breakdown and I CAN'T have that happen. Can't. Won't. usual, I turn to you guys just to have someone to talk to about it all and get opinions. So again, sorry..and thank you for listening.
I liked living in Texas...I was outside of Austin but traveled and spent a lot of time in other cities, Killeen being one of them. No state income tax, if you enjoy driving around and seeing other interesting places and eating great food, Texas is your place. I know you are getting up there in age but its wide open spaces like the song says and a fun state to see.
Well...I decided against texas. Too far for this old broad to drive. So now I am considering Benson Az. Peach lives there, but I haven't seen her post in a long time. Inlaws are I would stay with them until I find my own place. Or, a bigger rental for all of us. 2 day drive. 14 hours. I could drive 7 hours on the 1st day, get a motel. Up early next day and be there within another 7 hours.
Not sure yet if I want the hassle of changing my license plate on my car and starting all over again, either. And finding new doctors, etc. Overall, I dread it all, but staying where I am is getting more difficult. This place is falling apart quickly and HUD won't do a thing about it. Slumlords, and managers that have nothing better to do than to pick on old people that won't fight back. I will, and am fighting back but it gets tiresome. So I still plan to hang here as long as I can, but if they keep screwing around with me, once I have had enough I at least have a back up plan. The decision will be whether to put my stuff in storage here, or take it all with me. I'm leaning on storing it all and toughing it out with el cheapo stuff until I know whether it will be a permanent residence or not. Beats having to haul it all back to Cali if the ones I want to call me with an available unit...and no telling how long that will be. Could be a few years, could be more than a few. By then, will I even be able to move AGAIN? Hell for all I know, I could die waiting And it all becomes a moot point.

I wish Dennis was still with me. Another opinion to assist my wishy washy. Alas..he isn't. Dammit. :eusa_think:
I have to move. This place I am in is horrible. They keep accusing me of smoking in my apartment while conveniently forgetting the woman that lived in it BEFORE I ever moved in, switched to another apt due to the odor of nicotine. Yes, I smoke. So when they told me while showing the apt to dennis and I, that the previous tenant (who moved to another unit here) complained of the cigarette smoke. Since I smoke and can't smell it anyway, I said no biggie although at time I do smell the odor of cherrywood tobacco pipe smoke from time to time. But now, they (management) says they get complaints of the small of cigarettes so it MUST be me. I am on the top floor (6th). Smoke rises. If someone is in their apartment smoking a cig over their stove vent fan, they THINK it goes straight up the pipes and out of the building. No...the smoke travels all through the building from floor to floor and eventually exits the building but before it wafts throughout the place. So...they called me in the office and said I was being written up for smoking in my unit. I said I have NEVER smoked in my home. Ever. Not when I was renting so many years ago, NOR when I managed apts. I always smoked outside. Well, smoking outside here is a no no too, so I always go downstairs to the smoking area when not wearing a nicoderm patch or sucking on a nicorette.

Anyway, I have been going thru these accusations for almost 3 years (sept 17th will be the 3rd year I have lived in this dump). I am fed up. They even bitch if I burn incense..although many here with incontinence issues also burn incense, or because they just like it like I do. They even came up banging on my door asking if I am smoking when dennis was on his oxygen tanks. I said "oh yeah, sure. Hubby is struggling to breath and I am puffing away?" to which they had no response. But Dennis is gone now, so they STILL think I am smoking in here. As I said, I have had enough of the bullshit. I pay my rent on time, staff has been in my apartment on numerous occasions for checking smoke alarms, changing ac filters, etc. They ALL have said what a nice apt I have. Non smokers have been in here many times too, for visiting, or me giving them something I don't want any more, giving or getting a plate because we made too much, etc. ALL have complimented me on my decor style and the GREAT SCENT of lavendar or Nag Champa or Rose incense I burn usually every day once a day.

But today was enough. I have HAD ENOUGH. So I want to move out of here by the end of December and I told them so. When I did, they said they didn't want me to move...they just request me to not smoke in my which I AGAIN said as I have said for the past 3 years, I AM NOT SMOKING IN MY APARTMENT!!!!

So this is where Killeen Texas comes in. I have a friend that has her own house along with her husband and she wants me to move in with her and him. My own room, my own private bath, 600 per month all utilities paid. Its a bit more than what I am paying here in this HUD property but at least they have a yard and don't care if I smoke out there. But..Texas is quite a distance from where I am, I will be 71 years old Oct 11th, and I will have to probably move myself which means a long assed drive. With a cat. Oy.

And do I WANT to live in Killeen Texas? I know its hot. I know its humid. I know Ft Hood is nearby her house. Do I want to live there in that city?

I did digress, did I not? But I need some opinions here. I don't have Dennis to consult. So now I ask you guys. Anyone here familiar with Killeen? What are the pros and cons? Not that I have much choice, regardless. I need OUT of here and I have about 3 months to figure it all out. Can you help me decide what would be best for me? Live in my van again and store my stuff in a storage place? Or go to Killeen?
It's Texas, sounds a lot like a town an aunt of mine lived in.

On main street, there was a closed down general store with..I shit you not..

jugs and corncobs and washboards in the front display. They didn't have AC, but an attic fan and it was a cracker style house. Thing was over 100 years old in the 1990s. They did their thing there.

It's actually not too far from where my aunt lived. Don't expect a metropolis is all I have to say. :tomato:

You better hope you got AC. If not, get it and pay the electric for it.
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Benson is better than Killeen.

Sierra Vista AZ is nice, for a troop town (Ft Huachuca).

Good luck to you and your kitty.
Benson is better than Killeen.

Sierra Vista AZ is nice, for a troop town (Ft Huachuca).

Good luck to you and your kitty.

Benson is nice, near Tombstone and Bisbee which are nice areas. Beautiful scenery and cooler than Tucson and Phoenix
Sierra Vista is OK and provides many services

Liked it better than Killeen

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