Kiev Fears US Pressure to Strike Deal With Russia.

Dems accused Putin of helping to elect Trump... it wasn't true as we know now and they knew it wasn't true.... The Pelosi House penalized Russia every chance they had.... I watched it happen and sadly watched as Putin reached out to Xi and the CCP... what a wasted opportunity....
It wasn't dems accusing that, it was US intelligence agencies accusing.
Pelosi wasn't in a position to do anything to Russia, no executive power.
It wasn't dems accusing that, it was US intelligence agencies accusing.
Pelosi wasn't in a position to do anything to Russia, no executive power.
The dems own the DOJ and every entity in the DOJ... we have proven that a dozen times over the last 6 years....
51 intelligence agents signed a dishonest letter when they knew it was dishonest... Clapper is already trying to walk it back....
Every day more of the ugly truth in exposed....
The dems own the DOJ and every entity in the DOJ... we have proven that a dozen times over the last 6 years....
51 intelligence agents signed a dishonest letter when they knew it was dishonest... Clapper is already trying to walk it back....
Every day more of the ugly truth in exposed....
The DOJ was run by Bill Barr. It was doing Trump's bidding.

The 51 former agents signing a letter about the hunter laptop could be russian disinformation. It certainly could have been at the time, due to russia's desire to have Trump in office rather than Biden, the russian influence in our 2020 election it could be a part of. And this whole thing would only be relevant if Hunter had a position in government.
The DOJ was run by Bill Barr. It was doing Trump's bidding.

The 51 former agents signing a letter about the hunter laptop could be russian disinformation. It certainly could have been at the time, due to russia's desire to have Trump in office rather than Biden, the russian influence in our 2020 election it could be a part of. And this whole thing would only be relevant if Hunter had a position in government.
The truth is staring you right in the face and you still make absurd excuses for illegal unconstitutional behavior by our non elected criminals inside our government....
That's dangerous my friend....

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