Kiev Fears US Pressure to Strike Deal With Russia.

You are the one advocating a “deal”
Let’s hear your terms that both sides can agree to

That is what deal means
Dude I nor you or anyone else outside of the leaders of both sides knows why or how this whole thing began... when we hear that I will be listening.... talking at this point is essential... people are dying...
Or maybe your hatred for Putin is such that this is just another Hanoi to you... look inside your heart RW and put politics and your dislike for orange man aside....
Russia is crumbling before our eyes
Biden is correct, they cannot win

The Russian economy cannot support an endless war
The Western economies can

The Russian military is a shell with malcontent troops, poor leadership, a broken supply chain and no way to maintain their equipment

Hardly a formula for victory
Crumbling???? I don't think so....

The way Biden is pushing this war makes me wonder if it is not the Soros globalists pushing it. Russia will NEVER willingly become part of a one world government. They will have to be forced. Biden is Soros' puppet and he has a strong hand in the distribution of our tax $$$. Write your republican congressman and oppose ANYMORE funding for this endless war.
This war would not exist without the Ukrainians will to fight it. Quit diminishing their valor by suggesting Biden is somehow forcing them to fight. An unwilling Ukraine military would have folded up in days. Instead their determination is proof of the righteousness of their fight.
Dude I nor you or anyone else outside of the leaders of both sides knows why or how this whole thing began... when we hear that I will be listening.... talking at this point is essential... people are dying...
Or maybe your hatred for Putin is such that this is just another Hanoi to you... look inside your heart RW and put politics and your dislike for orange man aside....

You are the one advocating a deal
What deal is out there that does not start with Ukraine surrendering its territory to Russia?

Is that your idea of a lasting peace?
How many die if they don't?.... Both Putin and Zelensky are refusing to talk because they can as long as Biden keeps funding the war....
Its pretty disgusting when you think about the Biden American position....
This modern generation never knew what it was like to take an "L"... And it will be it's downfall...
This war would not exist without the Ukrainians will to fight it. Quit diminishing their valor by suggesting Biden is somehow forcing them to fight. An unwilling Ukraine military would have folded up in days. Instead their determination is proof of the righteousness of their fight.

It is the Russian military that does not have a Will to fight
A fighting force that’s only motivation to fight is that their commanders will have them killed is not an effective fighting force
You are the one advocating a deal
What deal is out there that does not start with Ukraine surrendering its territory to Russia?

Is that your idea of a lasting peace?
I'm not the authority here... are you saying no deal is possible?... sounds like you are saying just that...
That's why you sound like the people that got us entangled in Vietnam....
Crumbling???? I don't think so....

That is the best you have? A web cam?
Does your webcam show the will of the Russian people?
Does it show how many families have lost loved ones fighting Putin’s war?
Does it show the support of Putin among not only the people but the Generals and the oligarchs?
I'm not the authority here... are you saying no deal is possible?... sounds like you are saying just that...
That's why you sound like the people that got us entangled in Vietnam....

Again, I offered you a chance to offer a workable deal
I don’t see one
Again, I offered you a chance to offer a workable deal
I don’t see one
You are asking the wrong guy since I already have stated that I nor you know how this war even started..... you seem to have already adopted an ending that appeals to you... so you tell me... what appeals to you RW?.... what's the end game you desire?.... and what does that look like?...
The way Biden is pushing this war makes me wonder if it is not the Soros globalists pushing it. Russia will NEVER willingly become part of a one world government. They will have to be forced. Biden is Soros' puppet and he has a strong hand in the distribution of our tax $$$. Write your republican congressman and oppose ANYMORE funding for this endless war.
its a bargain now.
Because if Russia gains territory, they'll soon have more resources, the later harder to keep them from taking over even more territory.

And its more NATO pushing this than Biden. The USA needs to chip in a fair share into the fight in order for europe to supply the tanks.

For information only, unless somebody would like to read the link?

This seems to make sense on the eve of Russia going all in to end the war in their favour. And Biden saying the opposite raises more suspicions. Just how agreeable will Russia be at this point in the war?


Biden, Schumer, McConnell and McCarthy will continue to fund the Bank of Ukraine
Because if Russia gains territory, they'll soon have more resources, the later harder to keep them from taking over even more territory.
I guess that wasn't important when Obama/Biden did not oppose Putin annexing Crimea in 2014. They stood by while Russia just walked in and took arguably the most strategic water front in Ukraine. What changed? Biden made deals with Zelensky and he has dirt on Biden.
And its more NATO pushing this than Biden.
NATO has no treaty with Ukraine. Neither does the US. If NATO wants to push it--let those deadbeats pay for it. The US is the majority funding source for this war. IT IS NOT OUR WAR. It is money laundering and redistribution of American taxpayer $$$ that cannot be regulated. Hopefully the republican led congress will refuse to fund it further.
The real question with any sort of deal is: How many Ukrainians get murdered when Russia takes over parts of Ukraine. This is already an atrocity thick war. Wanting to die on their feet rather than their knees is why they fight so hard and at such great cost.
Shit, the Ukes were killing each other off in wholesale lots well before Russia invaded.

It's just that Russia is harder on the furniture. ;)
I guess that wasn't important when Obama/Biden did not oppose Putin annexing Crimea in 2014. They stood by while Russia just walked in and took arguably the most strategic water front in Ukraine. What changed? Biden made deals with Zelensky and he has dirt on Biden.

NATO has no treaty with Ukraine. Neither does the US. If NATO wants to push it--let those deadbeats pay for it. The US is the majority funding source for this war. IT IS NOT OUR WAR. It is money laundering and redistribution of American taxpayer $$$ that cannot be regulated. Hopefully the republican led congress will refuse to fund it further.

its explained there 9 years ago, how NATO didnt take action on crimea. Ukraine had to take action, and then NATO supports, just like what is happening now.
NATO is responsible for the security of Europe, and that is threatened when Russia invades a neighbor.
You are asking the wrong guy since I already have stated that I nor you know how this war even started..... you seem to have already adopted an ending that appeals to you... so you tell me... what appeals to you RW?.... what's the end game you desire?.... and what does that look like?...
Good point
What is the end game in this conflict?

I look at Russia as a heavyweight fighter that is punching himself out.

I look at Ukraine as a fighter who is no longer afraid of this once great heavyweight

Russia will eventually punch itself out and go limping home

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