Kiev Fears US Pressure to Strike Deal With Russia.

Donald H

Platinum Member
Nov 26, 2020

For information only, unless somebody would like to read the link?

This seems to make sense on the eve of Russia going all in to end the war in their favour. And Biden saying the opposite raises more suspicions. Just how agreeable will Russia be at this point in the war?

For information only, unless somebody would like to read the link?

This seems to make sense on the eve of Russia going all in to end the war in their favour. And Biden saying the opposite raises more suspicions. Just how agreeable will Russia be at this point in the war?
C'mon duck, what did you think RT would say. SMFH.
Russia does not want any deal the world would accept and cannot be trusted to keep their end of one.
Why do you push RT? At least possess some shred of intergrity and character. I don't know how some of your ilk sleep at night.

For information only, unless somebody would like to read the link?

This seems to make sense on the eve of Russia going all in to end the war in their favour. And Biden saying the opposite raises more suspicions. Just how agreeable will Russia be at this point in the war?

As our President has said…..Russia can’t win

It is all just a case of the conditions that they lose by.
There needs to be a deal and there will be a deal that ends this war... a total defeat and surrender of Russia just isn't reality and will not happen... so why not sit down now before more people die....
Answer:... because the deep state is getting rich in Ukraine right now...
Warfare has become the worlds money laundering scheme....
No matter how many lives and limbs are lost....
There needs to be a deal and there will be a deal that ends this war... a total defeat and surrender of Russia just isn't reality and will not happen... so why not sit down now before more people die....
Answer:... because the deep state is getting rich in Ukraine right now...
Warfare has become the worlds money laundering scheme....
No matter how many lives and limbs are lost....
The real question with any sort of deal is: How many Ukrainians get murdered when Russia takes over parts of Ukraine. This is already an atrocity thick war. Wanting to die on their feet rather than their knees is why they fight so hard and at such great cost.
There needs to be a deal and there will be a deal that ends this war... a total defeat and surrender of Russia just isn't reality and will not happen... so why not sit down now before more people die....
Answer:... because the deep state is getting rich in Ukraine right now...
Warfare has become the worlds money laundering scheme....
No matter how many lives and limbs are lost....
Yes, there needs to be a deal
Russia withdraws and pays damages to Ukraine.

No”deal” that allows Russia to keep captured territory is a deal.
Ukraine gives everything in that deal, Russia gives nothing
There needs to be a deal and there will be a deal that ends this war... a total defeat and surrender of Russia just isn't reality and will not happen... so why not sit down now before more people die....
Answer:... because the deep state is getting rich in Ukraine right now...
Warfare has become the worlds money laundering scheme....
No matter how many lives and limbs are lost....
Doesn't anyone remember 2014 when Obama/Biden allowed Putin to unilaterally annex Ukrainian Crimea? Where was all this indignation then? We didn't care then, why do we care now. I would like to once again register my opposition to this war that the US has no responsibility nor obligation to support. It is a endless money laundering scheme to separate Americans from their tax $$$.
The real question with any sort of deal is: How many Ukrainians get murdered when Russia takes over parts of Ukraine. This is already an atrocity thick war. Wanting to die on their feet rather than their knees is why they fight so hard and at such great cost.
How many die if they don't?.... Both Putin and Zelensky are refusing to talk because they can as long as Biden keeps funding the war....
Its pretty disgusting when you think about the Biden American position....
Doesn't anyone remember 2014 when Obama/Biden allowed Putin to unilaterally annex Ukrainian Crimea? Where was all this indignation then? We didn't care then, why do we care now. I would like to once again register my opposition to this war that the US has no responsibility nor obligation to support. It is a endless money laundering scheme to separate Americans from their tax $$$.

Ukraine was not in a position to defend themselves in 2014.
Today they are.

The invasion of Crimea shows what happens when you allow Russia to capture territory. They just want more.
Yes, there needs to be a deal
Russia withdraws and pays damages to Ukraine.

No”deal” that allows Russia to keep captured territory is a deal.
Ukraine gives everything in that deal, Russia gives nothing
You sound just like the pro US into Vietnam propagandists....
The real question with any sort of deal is: How many Ukrainians get murdered when Russia takes over parts of Ukraine. This is already an atrocity thick war. Wanting to die on their feet rather than their knees is why they fight so hard and at such great cost.
I know this. Any deal must come from the Ukranian people. It is their land, their people and their freedom at risk. Of course there is a valid reason for the West to want to weaken Russia and send a message. This requires a balance though, lives need to be more than just a statistic.
How many die if they don't?.... Both Putin and Zelensky are refusing to talk because they can as long as Biden keeps funding the war....
Its pretty disgusting when you think about the Biden American position....
The decision to surrender to Russia must be one made by Ukrainians and not because America abandoned them. You republican surrender monkeys are really getting irritating. We finally have an unambiguous good vs evil conflict and the right wants to let evil win.
The decision to surrender to Russia must be one made by Ukrainians and not because America abandoned them. You republican surrender monkeys are really getting irritating. We finally have an unambiguous good vs evil conflict and the right wants to let evil win.
Why do you jump from talks to surrender?....
Why do you jump from talks to surrender?....
Surrendering a large part of Ukraine is the least Putin would agree to. He will murder as many Ukrainians as it takes to get control. Thousands will have to flee creating a sizable refugee crisis. Then he will prepare for the next invasion. Appeasing dictators is a short term solution at best.
Why do you jump from talks to surrender?....
The way Biden is pushing this war makes me wonder if it is not the Soros globalists pushing it. Russia will NEVER willingly become part of a one world government. They will have to be forced. Biden is Soros' puppet and he has a strong hand in the distribution of our tax $$$. Write your republican congressman and oppose ANYMORE funding for this endless war.
The way Biden is pushing this war makes me wonder if it is not the Soros globalists pushing it. Russia will NEVER willingly become part of a one world government. They will have to be forced. Biden is Soros' puppet and he has a strong hand in the distribution of our tax $$$. Write your republican congressman and oppose ANYMORE funding for this endless war.
Russia is crumbling before our eyes
Biden is correct, they cannot win

The Russian economy cannot support an endless war
The Western economies can

The Russian military is a shell with malcontent troops, poor leadership, a broken supply chain and no way to maintain their equipment

Hardly a formula for victory

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